The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 13, 1889, Image 4

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B ■ The Drun Trade Forty Years Ago. Comparing the condition then and now, says a correspondent ol the Wes tern Druggist, one can scarcely realize the wonderful changes that have been wrought. Probably the most marvel ous of all is that caused by the discov eries of German chemists, like the aniline dyes. I well remember when a farmer’s wife would come into the drug store early in the morning to buy dyes. How we would take down a reference card and calculate bow much of potass bichrom, logwood, sulphate of copper, how much of this and how much of that it would require to dye so many pounds af yarn. How much lot red, how much for green, and how much for maroon, etc. Many a time an entire morning would be required in waiting on such a customer, and the receipts three or fourdollars. Although the dollars were great in those days, and the profits creator, it required hard and tedious work to take in what now can be done in a few minutes. Con trast the situation at present. A call for dyes, and one steps up to a nicely- polished case, and having ascertained the kind desired, a neat little envelope is picked out with full directions for use. It is not alone in the drug trade that such wonderful changes have been wrought in a life lime, but the same advance has been made in every other class of trade.—Scientific American. What a Girl Should Learn- A girl should learn these things to- wit: To sew. To cook. To mend. To be gentle. To value time. To dress neatly. To keep a secret. To be self reliant. To avoid idleness. To mind the baby. To darn stockings. To respect old age. To make good bread. To keep n house tidy. To control her temper. To be above gossiping. To make a home happy. To take care ot the sick. To humor a cross old man. To marry a man for his worth. To be a helpmate W her husband. To take plenty of active cxcercise. To read some hooks beside novels. To sec a mouse without screaming. To wear a shoe that won t cramp the feet. Mottoes for Cities. New York—Deutsche isl bier gres- prachen. Boston- -Nota bene. Portland—You never miss die water till the stream runs dry. Philadelphia—Put me in my little bed. Chicago—Root hog or die. Pittsburg—Where there is smoke there is fire. Lyqn—At last. Guthrie—Boom! San Francisco—Rats! Hon. J. C. Chew of. Burke, lias introduced a hill in the Legislature to establish a uniform system ol bal lots at all elections in the State. The bill provides that there shall be only one form and style of ballot to he voted or counted; that only legal ballots to be a piece of plain white paper, <5 inches long and 3 inches wide, upon which there shall be written and partly print ed in black ink the names and offices, and there shall he no distinguishing mark or device of any character upon the paper. Any manager that shall knowingly receive and count a ballot not in conformity with the require ments of this act, shall he guilty of a misdemeanor and punished as pro vided in section 4310 of the code. I M 1* O 11 T A N T PEAR GROWERS & SHIPPERS, Coiisoliilalc )uiirSliipmeiils to Houses who lone Slamling and Ability. ‘•WHAT’ JIEBICINES ARE MOST CAEI.EI) FOR 7” •oporter of an olil driicaist. preporntinnH,".Jm- replied. asked tin ‘■They are 'sold iimler'a' po'sllivo c'linr. an tec Unit they will, in every case, (five satisfaction. or the money is promptly re funded. IliR ' Favorite Prescription,* for all those ehronie weaknesses, nervous nnd other derangements peculiar to women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bear- ing-down sensations, lm-guliiriticfl and weak nesses common to the sex, and Doing the roost perfect, of tonic medicines builds up and strengthens the entire svstein. Tho de mand for it is constant, and I am conversant with scores of eases cured by it.” Returning after a few moments absence, the venerable wieldrr of the pestle remarked, “the number of sarsaparillas and other, so- called, ‘blood medicines’ is legion; but Dr. Pierce’s (Jolden Medical Discovery outsells them all and it i« flu* only blood-purifier out of the raanv which I am obliged to keep upon my shelves'that is cuarnntccd to benefit or cure in all eas«-s for which it is recommended, or money paid for it is refunded.” “ In the line of Pills, remarked the old gen tlemen, “the little Sugar-coated ‘Pellets’ put up by I)r. Pierce lead all others, both in amount of sales and the genernl satisfaction they give my customers.” Copyright, 1SSS, by World’s Dis. Med. ASS’n. .w ic, r mi incurable case of Ca- i .«#' tarrli in the Head l»y the proprietors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. \\y its mild, soothing ami healing properties, it cures the worst, eases, no matter of how long standing. By druggists, 50 cents. Florida Central —AND— Peniiisula Railroad. I' oniici h I lie F. It. A; IV, <’»• Staniiaku Time Used—June 2,1889 3 j 7 i~solrukny division'! h I _* *w» p 1905 ioLv - feruanili nft An 3 0/P K3]»» 7 00 1.1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 1 -Op G loa ti 30 p 1127 a Lv Callahan Ar 1 55 p 8 30 p 1*2 1‘2 p Lv Baldwin ArP212p 'J 25 pi 1 -7 p Ar L»wtey Ar 1158a y 55 j) 142 p Ar Htarko Ar ill 28 a 0 00 10 30 p "'2 27 p Ar Waldo Ar,10 52a 2-0 11 20 a 302 p Ar Hawthorne Ar; 10 23a ~ JJ 1 10 a 4 20 p Ar Ocala Ar' J0i p 1-011 3 50 a 542 p Ar Wildwood Ar » 0a 5 10 a G10 p Ar Leesburg Ar 7 3-a CM iv IHOpAr Tavares I,v 7 10 n 7 Ok | y 42 a 822 P Ar Orlando Lv- 5 1- a 31 1 V DIVISI" I 3 7 20 a 8 25 a’ y 30 n 10 25 ai 12 05 p W | f Lv Jacksonvillo Ai f Lv Wildwood Ar ; Ar l’auasoffkoo Ar Ar Suintervillo Ar ’j ArSt. C'atherlno Ar “Ar 13 CEDAH 1 k D1V. 10 45 T . 3 00 p 1 i 21-1 1- 1 10 . r Ml l-i 1 » | 2 1 50 n Cl 3 40 p 700 p 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar If*® l r» 00 a 4 10 p'Lv Waldo Ar[10.L» l , -* r. ti» n 4 53 p Ar Gainesville Ar 9 fb a; - JO l» f, 42 p Ar Archer Lv 8 2- a l-1-1 Cl’Jp Ar Bronson Arl 7 48 1 r Cedar Key Lt STK15N DIVISION | vself with the folio " \'iw V.'.rk’, Ite.lli.-l.l Son. riiiladcl- ik-lllK'l I, Kami* (’o.jlnston. ,,b„u- l,MURL'S will nif in concert anil -n.v -I'ii'pi Green and Dried Fruits, Melons VEGETABLES, rk during (he for from each les-Knter- sliipinenl.s i Washington St., JOSlilil PIKE'S SUN, Commission Merchant, — \ii,| Healer In— *’ Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Florida & Georgia Fruits & Vegetables A SPECIALTY. s IM UK I'l.AEE, NEW YORK. Melons and LeConte Pears Solicited. m may Imve, to us itle in the above a shipments to as g< se on the market, from nil parties h "- tn ship. Sl'MMEISS, MOKI1ISOX C , «.iiiini.«si*»n Mereli; 171 Smith Wutei Chics: anvthing i-rv large , place yo • as .my I respondei •tides, and Refer. Member Metropolitan Nut. Rank. *1 a WALTER S. HILL, Matt Commission Merchant, —KOI! T1IH SALE OF— 1 Southern Fruits 3 VEGETABLES, LeConteTm* and Melons a Specially. *200 IlI'ANE NT,. NEW YORK. Kcterence.'l Irving National Lank, N. I ., Fruit Gruwers’ National Hunk, Smyrna, Ik-1. Represented in Tli<>*na.-vilk- by A. C. Iliown. li'T" ii Thomasvillc by A. C. i W. Mitchell WANTED, 500 Cars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of Early Fruits, ,1-Vlii, h I "ill pay highest limrki't price dish, or sell on commission, unit I will v a reward of $2f> to tlic person shipping t|„. c.-u- ol (In- largest melons this season, lis reward is over uml above the market ice uf said car when received. A. 1*. TUCKETS Wholesale Fruit ami IToilnec Dealer, Uliuttiinoogu, Tonn. Ill Icrcin 1: I’copies Hunk unit ollu-r bunks uk-,, II. C. Dun k Co., uml the wholesale crclmiits of this city generally. rj.OrEfiSIONATi GAUDS. W. C. SNOllOIt.lSS, eXODGUAS: b. F. HAWKINS HAWKINS, ficorgn Olnit, Ambrose Olivit, J. P. Cowpcr. Olivit Brothers, Commission Merchants, Melons and Pears Specialties.” ‘ 335 Washington St., NEW YORK. North Hirer Dark • 7 oo p so- p 10 40 p 1 1 58 p 1 01 a 4 10 a li 10 a 8 00 a y 20 a iUJOji 10 27 U| , U2Ha A r Madison 12-2p Ar Montlcdl 2 02 p! Ar Talh'Umss 3 03 pi A V Quincy 4 00 pjAl’Ulvor Jun illeAr Baldwin Ail 23-p 14«i Lake City Ar 10s p 1122. Oik A iv 12 23 1» 9 5-l 7 0*'. 1 2 7, 8, 0, 10.13, 11 Daily. 02, and 03 Daily. 3 i, 23, 24. Dally, except Sunday. 30 Dally except Sunday. 31 Dally Holiday, William Halley & Co,, 3 > 1 {< )1)U(,1K COMMISSION - MERCHANTS. Melons a Specialty, 197 WEST STREET, NMV YORK. i,la. Mobile . Hull c I o | jacksonvii/lk jm.txcii I r. | «l TuSlTTiiJr Lv Jacku nvliicj "ArS'30a-0 W lour. 11-uouo. Ar l-'ernamlliiH I.v71.,a-1.,0 y uml C dully, cxcri.l Kumlay. Wtnb't W Sundays only. ... 7 15 a. in., New Oilcans Express. Sh'ii’P's an«i quickest lino to all Middle — • Florida points, l’oi OrlouuH. 7 :15 a. in.uu-* • »• nect flirough to Thomasvillo, • Nashville, St. Loulri. Cincinnati. Chicago, ni all points North and West. Arrive at - :l > ,,l il U :45 p/lmMaH and Express for nil poll: South, Gainesville, Ocala, Loesburg, oven Apopka, Orluudo, l’anasolTkeo ^t. catkai i Bade City, riant City. Arrives at 1 :-0 p. m 7 :00 p. m. Local, connects throv»;-Mi i"t < points South, Ocala, Gainesville, Lci-mmi. Tavares, Orlando, Tarp'n Springs, hotiui' land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives i:10 a. in, Ex pi • City , Macon, .. Cincinnati Suuday trul 11-45 a. m. Cumberland 1 nocts at Fernatidlna wit Brunswick, dally, for Bran lnuta, Chattanooga, Loni Ht. Louis and Chicago. Altiyes l .-o p ; ni 4 •'to ii m. Fornaiuliua NIAll and Lxpi dailv, ^connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nicholas lor Savannah and way 1 lugs. Thursday with Mallory HU New York. Arrives 8 :-0 leaves Jacksonville 8:4- nlll , 4 . tl(l This new service gives perfect cnmciio at Baldwin for all points North and \ Callahan to all points st • CUv Via Fcrnnudtna, connecting with Mi- CUy Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and all ijolnts North and Weal. _ & D. E. MAXWELL, A. O. MACDON LLL, Gen. Manager, Cr. l. « i. a. J. W ItEID. Agent at TUomasville. Ga. FKiNII MEATH. We will oiien, Momkiy, April 1st, ut the place lately oceupiecl by Mr. F. II. Lone n fine stock of fresb uicnt.i. lk-el, MiiUou ftrnl I’ork. Our meats are from our own la juicy ami sweet. At e will be pbel l Auur patronage and will serve you with the est meats at the lowest possible | F. I*, lloas k llito Gladstone lias solved the domestic problem. "Whenever my wife in sists I submit; whenever I insist slie submits.” The sentiment of the great Commoner, after fifty years of wedded life—Mr. and Mrs. Gladstone cele brated their golden wedding the other day—does credit to the head and heart ot the man. Willi this, as it rule, there would be fewer divorce cases in the courts. The pajiers are discussing, in a very learned way, the question of cloud bursts. There are opinions and opin ions. The solution of the question is easy enough: cloud-bursts are—cloud bursts. P.l V/iiUWR! CvV^ciSmdPnMrvM «>• Ti / \ \\J/ . ii4Cwti(ntUtjC!R> - ELDER HOUSE, Indian Spring, Ga. W, A. ELDER- Proprietor. SEASON OF 1889. For rales, analysis of water ami inf mutton, address 0 16 tf K. A. Eldel' Manger. Salim- ■I&W2U Attoriieys-fit-Law. lee . 1',,1-mi-ily weuplea by Enterprtsu ol IJI M. McJ fSIOTSI-I, Fliysiciitii <t& Surgeon Thomasvillo, GoorRia. rff-OFFRE over Stark's, corner llroail an Fletcher Streets. THE PEST Direct Route I •QK. .fOlilLi B. COY LK- - DENTIST THOMASVILLB, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Broad'St., Mvcrll’i'-kett’s. S. <i. McIjENDON, Attorncy-at-Tdiw, ' olliee -Over Watt': Broad and J. II. COYLE, I). I). S., Resident Dentist, ThomaBVllle, aons of Thom- 1 p. in., and Office—On Jackson struct. W. 1). MITtlim.l.. k- ,; - M lt < -111'.I.I. MITCHELL .t MITCHEU., M 1 Attorncys-iit-1 ThomasvlllP, w. W. It BUCK,, M. I). Office, up-stairs. iiuor of Broad and l-'lctchcr streets, [nug FROM ALL FK1KCIPAL POINTS IN T1II> SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through oxprons trains dally, with Bull man Palace BuffotHlocplng Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin cinnati! nnd Chicago, Indlanapo- ■ 11a and Chicago, and also bo; tween Loulsvillo and Chicago, where closo con nections aro made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kaunas ‘City, Han Francisco amt points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving LoulHvlUe, Dallyexeept Sunday, at 7-llOa. ill. Cincinnati!, Dally, except Sunday at 7 :I3. Arriving at Chicago at 0:55. Tho moot rapid service ever attempted bo* tween the Great Commercial Cltloa on the Ohio lliver and Chicago. gl,rough Coupon Tickets, llaggngo check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided tor, are among the points that have made tho IHONON ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OJIN B.CARSON, Ylco-pros't and Gon'l Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gon’l Traffic Manager, E O. McGOHMICK, Gen,l Passenger Agent* 11 W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvillo Ga. Wlxiddoix House (Opposlto rluoy Wood, Hotel.) TUOMASVILLE, - GA E. Ii. Wlviddon, Prop. This bouse, located In the most ilesir- aCIo amt central pai l of the- city, is new and complete in every particular. l*ut- nishcil in tlio most elegant maimer and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, and the service rendered by trained aniltpo- Hto servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to iicemmnoda- tions furnished. _ Carriages lrom the house, meet all trains. decfO-ly Fife & Beverly MEKJS, (iEUU(«IA. — DKALKHS IN Ucnernl Mcrcliandi^d AND A LI. KINDS Ol' Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. THE PUBLIC Should Know That I. have open ed, at my office on Broad st., an ex change where land lords may find ten ants, and tenants may find landlords. I will undertake to rent any class of real estate, from a negro cabin to the Mitchell House, from an acre patch to a five thousand acre plantation, and to collect the rents. Parties who have vacant rooms or furnished rooms to et, should call and see me. All wishing any :hing in that line can find what they want at my office. ELI ffl. MALLETTE. Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work. Tlin ninst i-k’b'Uatv ilcidgln) will bn faithful lv mill rulTerlly i-xncutvd. Wn npi'rato tin, l„-,t Odulnivd India, and carry llio largoat atm-k of an icncl lumber In Smithcrn Ocur ala. l’artl j, wanting lumhnrwlllsavo mnnoy by consulting ua before placing tin'll 1 orders. FIFE Ji UEVEHLY Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST., N. Y„ Cominihsioi) Dtalcrs Southern Fruit and Produce* l’artirului* nttcution paid to the ale of p- aclio.s fiears and melons. Saks reported daily and returns promptly made. Jacob T. lieu util. JoscphjW. Thorn. BENNETT & THORN, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. (;-ll-2m liSiAin.isiiiai ■ »:*«. E. IS. WOODWARD, GENEliAL Commission Merchant, Melons ami Pears Specialties 47-1 CllAM.liKJ.ta ST., m;\v ironic. 0-2G dfcw 2m lioimet I & Trial 1, tti.miiiHii— iiiaiuiANib, Fruits andProduce. Melons and Pears Sl’KCl A1.T1HS. No. 1G1 WEST STREET, NK W VO UK. T. S. DKKLK, M. 1)., Rcsldeuct nolla Htreot. ToloiWiouo Office in Hayes Huiltling. Joruur Col logo avenue uml Mag immunisation, N< night N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and MULDER Thomasvillo, Georgia. tho I will bo glad to nmko eoutr - - -- coustructlou of all classes <»f huibllngs, r«b- Hc uud prlvato, In cither brick or wood. I will guarantee In every instanco to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. MY Motto—Good, honest work at fair nrlccs. If you want any building d<*no call on mo. 1 will submit estimates whether contract la awnrded mo or not. I refer to the many j»ubllc buildings erected by mo In Thomasvillo and clsowhoro, and all parties for whom I have workod 1 15V FAB TflBF ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK ffl BOSTON SAVANNAH —AND TIIK— OCEAN:-: STEAMSHIP:-: LINE O* TIIK Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on Hale nf reduced rates, flood l return until lb-tuber lllst, 1HHP. Magnificent ,Steamer., uml elegant vice. Free from tin* heat .ml duft incident to nil-rail routes. If Juu are sick the trip wilt invigorate and build you up. tin cast by sea and you’ll never regret it, ' Passengers, before purchasing tickets vi other routes, would do well to.inquire first of tbe merits of tile Kotite via Savannah. Further information may la’ had by apply ing to the Agent at vour station, or to M.S.UELKXAI’, W. F, HHE1.LMAN, General Manager. Tronic Manage K. T. CIIAULTON, GI.VDH I1UHTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. True. Pass, Agt., Savannah Ga. firieu & Leviclf, Contractors & Builders TUOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will bo glad t<» nmko contracts for, siititrlntt-nd. all classes ot buildings, public or private, in either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and spoclflcailons If required. If you waul any building done call on us, and wo will submit eHtlmatcft whether contract is Awarded us or not. Wo will guarantee Satls- SSSS in all our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us In Thomasvillo, and to all partlos for whom wo have worked Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvillo, Ga.,-April 3,1889. B. D. FUDGE, TUOMASVILLE, GA., DEALElt IN HARDW ARE Stoves, Iron, Buggy and Wagon Material Tin and Hollow Ware, Gris ail Siortii Goods of all kiiuU, ami [agent lot* King’s Powder Co. p 112-dGui Five room cottage on Love street, at $12.50 per month. Six room house on Lower Broad street, where Mr. H. Wolff now lives, from Sept. 1, at $20.00 a month. Four room tenement, on Cal houn street, near Broad street, at $5 per month, Large new house on J offer- son street, at $25 per month. Furnished rooms mi Jack- son st., near business blocks. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Unfurnished rooms in Bry ant house, on Jackson st, be yond railroad. Furnished house in East End, 5 I’oonis besides dining room and kitchen," at $50 per month. * The Elmwood, Marietta, Ga. This new anil beautiful lintel, .-leg.ii furnished, ELECTRIC DELLS, GAS, First class in nil of its appointments, lias been leased by M. G. Whitlock, former own er and proprietor of tbe late “WHITLOCK HOUSE,” ■ I [is table and service will satisfy the most fastidious. His beds arc delightful. Terms reasonable. Address, M. G.JWllITf.OCK, Marietta, Os. REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasvillo. <» ooi , ”’ia