The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 14, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. WEDNESDAY, Al fifST 1 I, inSf. The Daii.y Timks-Estfiu’Iiisk i' published every morning (Monday excepted.) The WekKi.y Timfs-Kstkiihusk is published every Saturday morning. ScnscsirnoN Kates. Daii.y TiMKS-Exn:nriiisE $5 00 W r.M.Y “ 1 00 Daily Advertisiko Kates. ^Transient Bates.--$l.<m per square for the first insertion, and hO eei ts for ea- h subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • $ 0 00 One Square, trvo months - - - - H 00 One Square, three month- - - 1- 00 One Square, six months, - - - - - () 00 One Square, twelve mouths, - - - 00 00 Subjeet to change by special arrangement. N. II. Ill'llR, Jltialnrw. Mtinnier. Ili nlMthS SOTII B. Parties leaving Thurnasville for the sum mer ean linre the Times-Kstkiumiisk sent to any address lor SO cents per month. Ad dresses can he changed as otten as is desired. Were the pistols loaded ? Senator Brown is in Marietta, and is improving. As usual, but little or no business was transacted in the legislature on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland are spend ing the heated term in a little town called Marion, in Massachusetts. That murder in Macon, in a gam bling den, ought to put a stop to that nefarious practice in Macon. What is Seay going to say about it ? and what is Gordon going to do about it? Sunset Cox admits that he docs not know who will be nominated for the presidency by the democrats in 1892. Scarcely any tfto members of the legislature agree as to'thc lease and bet terment questions. This shows a great variety of talent. • ~ — - Woman suffrage was defeated in Montana yesterday by a lie vote. But won’t the women make it hot for the fellow who cast the tie vote.* ■ i. ■ • Bruffcy, of the Constitution, was the only man to dye Alabama soil with his red, red gore, on the occasion of the late duel between Calhoun and Wil liams. The Quitman Herald and hrec Press have consolidated. This is sen sible. Messrs. Hanlon and Groover ■ will make the “Quitman Press" one of the best papers in the State. There is no question about that flask having been loaded, which was brought into requisition when the duel ended between Calhoun and Williamson. It was loaded to the muzzle. And it was, besides, a muz zle loader.i THE BURGLARS IN WAYCR0SS Tanner and the G. A. R -The Legislature Still Struggling with the Lease Ques tion—A Hotel Burned in Kentucky— The Mcmoryof David - The Brown-Sequard Elixir in Mobile, Ala—The NcwYork Cotton Exchange Stands by Cotton Bagging Atlanta Duelists. Wa yritnss, GA , Aug. 12. Burg laries are, numerous in this city just now. Last night the residences n| ,J, W. Mallon and J. II. Stokes were burglarized. Mr. Mallon lost S-'f and a watch, but a water haul was made at Mr. Stokes. Washington', Aug. 12.—Corporal Tanner lias taken the administration hint anil announces that even if unan imously elected he would not accept the office of commandor-in chief of the G. A. R. He thinks “merely as a cold guess” that Gov. Alger ol Michi gan will be elected. Ati.anta, Oa., Aug. 12.—The House to-day resumed consideration of the bill to lease the state road, and a number of speeches were made on Mr. Rankin’s amendment. Mr. Rankin had the floor when the committee rose. He will probably close the debate on the third section and amendments. Cincinnati, O., Aug. 12.—A special to the Times-Star from Lex ington, Ivy., says: “The Arlington hotel at Blue Lick Springs was burn ed this morning. One hundred guests were at the hotel, all of •whom escaped. The loss is 8'>7,000; the insurance 817,000. Senator Black burn and ex-Cliicf .Justice Ilargie and family were among the guests.” Knoxville, Ti:nn., Aug. 12.—- Extensivc preparations arc being Hide to celebrate the 101>d anniversa ry of Davy Crockett’s birthday on the farm where he was horn, near Limestone. Among the guests will he B. P. Crockett of Cranberry, Tex tile only living son of the fron tiersman, and the only living grand son of Col. Tv II. Crockett of Now Gascony, Ark. Moisii.e, At,a., Aug. 12.—The Brown-Sequard elixir was tried here this afternoon, the patients being Dr. Peter Culssorq lor many years a vie tim of rheumatic gout, and Thomas Bratton of Coflcevillo, Ala., afflicted with a liver trouble. Dr. Colsson prepared the elixir and a brother phy sician injected it in his arm. 1 wo hours later, when questioned about the results, he said : “1 am certain \ feel better; my joints arc more stipple and my blood is circulating through my legs, and you can see 1 am able to stand up without crtitches.” ’I hen "moving his toes up and down lie said that this was the first time he had been able to do so for twelve mouths. Mr. Bratton reported no change in his condition. New York, Aug. 12 —A conference Captain Harry Jackson appeared to be anxious to shoot somebody during the duel. He threatened to shoot - Col. Seay, of Rome, and Mr. King, was held in the cotton exchange to-day he second ol Mr. Williamson. Col. between the commissioners of the 3eay and Mr. King are spared to their southern states and a special commit- tee of the New York Cotton Exchange The result was the appointment of Henry Ilcntz, C. D. Miller, James Meissmer, Theo. H. Price, M. IE Lehman, R. Wollenden and R. H. Rountree as a committee to dralt res olutions to be submitted to the Liver pool Colton Exchange favoring the use of cotton bagging in which to wrap cotton, instead of jute. The southern comtnisson was composed of J. T. Henderson, of Georgia, John T. Cheney, of Alabamr, 1). M. Hood, of Tennessee, and A. P. Butler, of South Carolina. Ati.anta, Ga., Aug. 12.—Messrs. Calhoun and Jacksou have relumed to the city aud were about their usual business to-day. Owing to conflicting reports as to what occurred on the field, a statement will probably be given to the press, in regard to the event as soon as it is submitted to both sides. Gov. Seay lias telegraph ed Gov. Gordon that lie expects him to assist in bringing the violators of Alabama law to justice, and while no requisition has been received direct, it is expected. noitnoN wii.i, honor it. Gov. Gordon will honor the requi sition when it comes, and the members of the dueling parly are ready to go to Alabama, if wanted, without a re quisition. There is just uncertainly enough families. This is as it should be. Another old man—the oldest in the United States—turns up in Missouri. Of course he remembers seeing Wash ington. These'old men all do. There is a painful impression, and it is broadening and deepening with the lapse of years, that some of these old men are lying. Talk about trusts? There are live trusts announced to have a combined, capital of S179,000,000 distributed among them as follows: The lead trust has 880,000,000 capital; the sugar trust 8-70,000,000; the cotton seed oil trust, 815,000,000; the dealers and cattle feeders trust; 811,000,000: —total 8179,000,000. It was reported on Monday, in At lanta, that the negroes would, in re taliation for the burning in effigy of Messrs. Lewis and Buck, burn Mr. Lyons and his daughter, in efligy that night. Thousands of whites assembled, armed, and determined to resist the proposed action. Miss Lyons, it will be remembered, was the youn^white lady who resigned her place in the post office, rather than he thrown in contact with the negro, Penny, who was placed in her department. The negroes, seeing the determination of the whites to resist this insult to a young lady, wisely gave up the job. about the scene of the duel to raise a troublesome question ol jurisdiction. It is not certain that the spot could be identified, as the parties got oil the dark to light the duel and hastily left the grounds. Jasper, Ft,a., A tig. 12—The con struction train of the Georgia Boutli- ern and Florida railroad is insight of this place. Work on the road is progressing rapidly, and -trains will lie running through to Lake City in a few weeks. Ati.anta, Aug. 12.—There have been no new developments ill Post master Lewis' ease since Friday. The newspapers have about dropped the matter, hut the people never will. It will b arn those people of Atlanta who are .-u prone to run after van- kees a good lesson. General Lewis and his family were treated well by the people of Atlanta nothing coil'd he done of a public or social nature that ho was not consul ted. lie was tin- toast of the city, so to speak, and yet the first chance he had, lie heaped a flagrant insult upon the very people who treated him so well. But il is a good lesson to some peo ple and hereafter carpet baggers will lie more carefully scrutinized before they are “picked up” and given such great prominence as Lewis has had.— Savannah Times. Burke Identified by the Carisons. Chicago, [i.t,., Aug. 12.—Martin Burke, tin- Cronin suspect, was to-day idenlifn d by Mr. and Mrs. Carison, the owners ol the cottage in which Dr. C mu in was murdered, as the man who rented it from them, giving the name of “Frank Williams.” Laying Down the Law. The following extract is taken from Judge Terrili’s charge to the grand jury at Purvis, Miss., touching the re cent prize fight in that State: Gentlemen—But little need be said of the prize fight which took place at Richburg on July S, last. The princi pals in the said fight, and all the ac cessories before and after the act, are gtiiltv of a high misdemeanor. - A fight by consent, without anger or ill will between the two parties, without any stake, reward, or prize whatever, would be a serious crime under our law, made by legislative enactment. You are bound by your conscience, to act upon the law as dec'arcd to you from thin stand. Anger or ill will is not necessary to constitute the crime of assault and battery, nor does the consent of the parlies take away the guilt of tlie offense. A battery is un lawful, physical force inflicting injury or hurt upon another, whether done in malice or wantonness: it need not be in anger. Down With Jute. I to nut fail to order that cotton bag ging. \’ou can get it at West Point, Georgia, or New Orleans Order your supply at once, and let every bale show up in anti-trust cotton cloth next fall. Down with jute.—The Southern Alliance Farmer. Governors Lowry and Seay are having a mighty hard time trying to keep outsiders 'out invading their states for tl.e purpose of fighting. Tite Governors, however, are likely to get in their last lick. The report that Henry Grady was one of the late dueling party docs that smart man injustice. Henry Grady would rather go to Congress than to accompany a dueling party to a neighboring state to violate the law. “Henri” is wise in his day and gener ation. Tn-cott, the Chicago murderer, was captured again the other day. His last capture took place it; Texas. He hits been captured in nineteen States. That 870,000 reward keeps up the capturing business. Ti e Savannah Daily Times con Unites to arrive with distressing regularity on I :-'ll 1\ M. train, in stead of on the morning train, at 7 o’clock. Our sprightly contemporary' should eorrect this. The English Judge has sentenced Mrs. Mnybrick to he hung on the 20th iust. A strong effort is being made to secure her a pardon. Over one huudered thousand signatures appear on the petition for her pardon. Laura Wolford, who was known as the colored giantess,died in Lafayette, Ind., the other day. She weighed 1I04A pounds, according To reports. The fraction was probably given to show that the statements of her weight was absolutely correct. Bright Bits- From the Times-Union, Jacksonville. A Georgia duel: Pop —pop, pop, pop, pop, pop! Shake! * Even New Orleans people are say ing it is cool enough to remain at home summers. Strange how the size of a man s pocket book affects the temperature. Women may not lie at the bottom of all great, but her slipper has often been in that neighborhood of the embryo man who afterwards inaugurated them. Some ducliils shake before going on to I lie Held, shake while there, and then shake after it’s done with. Wo can’t say of it. that it’s “no great, shakes.” loner at Ctapar Bates. At a recent Hireling of the stockholders if our Company, it whs decided to make nans on city or country property in Thomas oiinty at reduced rates, on short or Ion*; time, at the option ol the borrower. For full particulars apply to Alex. R. Jones, At torney at law, Thomasville, Ga. Mr. Jones will examine your titles and give fill ncecs- sarv information. TI1K GA. LOAN it TRUST CO. The above company is a Georgia institu tion, operating under a State charter, and will do anything it can to accommodate our people. It now oilers reduced rates on short loans. Interest parable annually. Gall and scenic. ’ ALKX. R. JONES, atif'IT-w.'hn Attorney at Law. PIMPLES TO SCROFULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. I*Morin«i* * Ynirtt. Head. Ann* mid Hrnifit 11 Solid Ncnli, Knell coyihiI with Wort**. Doctors and Medi cine* fail. 4turc«l by C’uliciiiii Itcmc- dic*at a coil of $3.7*5. I have used the Cutfcura Remedies with the host results. I have used two bottles of the Cuticura Resolvent, three bottles of Cuticura and one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured of a terrible scalp and skin disease known as pso riasis. I had li for eight years. 1 would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my. head would be a sol’d seal), anti was at tlie time I be gan the use of the Cuticura Kemodies, My arms vverectvetcd with scabs from my elbows to mv shoulders, my breast was almost one sol id scab, ami my back covered with sores vary ing in size from a penny to a dollar. 1 had doc. toied with all the first doctors with no relief, anti used many different medicines without elToot. My case was hereditary, and I began to think, incurable, but it began to heal from the first application ol Cuticura. AUCUKR RCSSKL, Dcsliler, Ohio. Skin IMnciiac U Years Ihir nl, I am thankful to say that I have used the Cu ticura Keme<lies for about eight months with great success, and consider •mvself entirely cured ofsaltsheum, hum which i have suffered for six years. I tried a number of medicines and two of the best doctors in the count ry, but found nothing that would effect a cure until i used your remedies. ....... MRS. A. McCLAFLIN, Morcltc, Mo. Tint Worst (Tim: of Mrrofuinr Cured. We have been selling your Cuticura Remedies for years, and have the * first complaint yet to receive from a purchasin’. One of the worst rases of Sorofular I ever saw cured bv the use of five bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. TAYLOR A TAYF.On, Druggist. Frankfort, Kan. Ciiticuro ’.Itcincilic**. oCnro every rpecies of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, ami pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and biond, with loss of hair, from pimples toscrofular, r xeept possibly ich thyosis. Mold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, or.; Soap, 05,; Resolvent, $!• Prepared by the Rotter Drug anil Chemical Co., Roston, Mass JpjT'Scml for “How to Cure $kin Diseases," <;l pages, 50 illustrations, and KM) testimonials. DIM PDFS, black heads, red, rough, chapped I I III and oilv skin prevented by CutiunraSoap. Weak, painful, backs, f/vlIpV Weaknesses, 1.. /i^D the Cuticura Anti-Rain Hast first and only pain killing plaster. Acw, instan taneous, infallible. 25 cents. Summer Mon Rates -FROM- THOMASVILLE. Passenger S. F. k \\\ l!v„ Thomasville, Ga., Is.June, 1 Alexander, X, C * All Healing Spring.-’. \. G Asheville, X. G Anniston, Ala Rlack Mountain, X.G Big Tunnel, Ya Blue Ridge, Va Cumberland Kalis, Ky Flat Rock, X. G French Lick Springs, Ind.. via Mont gomery .... Gainesville, Ga..., Hendersonville, X. G Hickory, X.G Hot Springs, Ya Lola, G« * Luray Caverns Marietta, Ga Marion, X.G Mount Airy, Ga Newport News, Ya Niagara Falls, X. Y. via Cincinnati Norfolk, Ya Old Point Comfort, Ya. via A. L.. Powder Springs, Ga Roanoke, Ya Spartanburg, S. G Tate Springs (Morristown ) Tallulah Falls, Ga Toccoa, Ga Tryon, X. C Walhttlla, S. C. Warm Springs, Ga West Baden Springs, Ind., via Mont gomery .‘JO 7 White Sulphur Springs, Ga 15 2 White Sulphur Springs, West Ya 3-1 50 Tickets on sale June 1st to September 30th, 1880. Good to return not later than Octo ber .list, 1830. The above named points arc only a few of the Summer resorts to which tick ns are issued. Should parties deVito information in re gard to places not untied in the above list, will cheerfully give it to them. F. M. Yan DYKK, Passenger k Ticket Agent, Thomnsville, Ga. W. P. HARDKE, (Jen. Pn«sen«jer AgcpL vannali, Ga. 2.1 50 10 50 Li JJ0 LI 15 :to oo 20 70 18 80 12 70 Headquarters tor Drags! EBED & OUlEBPraUVS 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every atyle. Pianos ami Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. ■< HEAR IN" MIN D > . THAT JULY HAVE T1IK Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I2ST GEORGIA. Where you ean find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or nighf, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb'** preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. SSEII& A ^ULPEPPJER, ISO-123 Kroiul Hi. Sullivan Ss Eilrain. As Sullivan knocked out Kilrain in seventy-live rounds, T j. SteyeiTTian & Bro. Propose to knock out high prices in Clothing in the next twelve mouths. We offer clothing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name of Steyerman and Pro. Owing to the large trade bestowed on us this spring, our Mr. Simon Steyerman will leave for New York Monday to take advantagc'of the market there. He will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks. His instructions to us while he is away are to Sell Clothing at Cost and Below, To make room for his fall purchases. Call and take advan tage of this opportunity. L. Steyerman & Bro. THOMASVILLE Thomasville Variety L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. HeudijuaiTcrtf for pure uarbonated bevep- ngCi?, *11 who'' il<* and retail. Rest soda witter vvilh pure fruit juio- flavors. loo Bream -Parlors Specially fitted up lor I he accommodation of the Ladies. On draught also, the new Mexican “FETJI MISS.” Non-alcoholic, delirious, cooling, vitalizing. A NFRYi: TOXIC. This delightful bever age is not only the most palatable drink ever dispensed from the soda fountain, but * is as well a perfect tonic and system vUtilizer. 1 It improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains the normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared frotnj the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, comhiifrd with the ex tract from it small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, ot which the medicinal prop erties arc invaluable, ami its favor delicious. It Cannot Be Used to Excess. Not a foaming gas drink, causing belching of wind and unpleasant effects after drink ing. No etheral extracts or lupiors, but a solid tlurst-ipicnehing, delicious drink; an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often persons are enthusias tic with praise. Everybody Likes It, Everybody Wants It, Everybody Drinks It. “l'Ul'l MIE,''the finest beverage in the world.. IU.SPKXSKD;I!V L. SCJIHI »T, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Ituclilcn’n Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Soros, Fleers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblain* Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. J. Cassels, Drug Store. Worth Knowing:, Mr. W. II. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe Gold, attended with a distressing Cough and running into Consumption in its first stages, l|e tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grow worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty In breathing and was unable to sleep. Finally tried Dr. Kings New Dis covery for Consumption and found immediate relief* and after using about half a do7,op bottles found himself well and b;\s fto teltirn of the disease. No ot*;pr edy can show sue!* a grand vccort} of mrcs, ns Dr. King*# Discovery fpr Consumption. Guaranteed to do just what is claimed fur it.• -Trial bottle free at S. J. Ca«3el3’ Drug Store. WORKS. Rcyuobls, Hargrave & Davis, Frop'rs. Manufacturers andiDealers ROUGH Ac, 1 >KI<;SS1.;1) ITU MISER. BATHES, TICKETS, KIIINtil.ES, .MUHLDINCS, It HACK KTS, SCItt>1.1. WORK, It A Nil'EES, ISA Id',STICKS* STAIIi-UAILS No wo l Hosts, OFFICE, CHURCH A- UT011E, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash* Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND inside IIAUDWOOD finish A SI’EC'l AETV. aerCORKESl’ON D KNOB-HULK ’ITE l> ” B.B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) It yon try this remedy you will <.\y ninny others have said, that it ii hlood purifier mill touir. Write BloW Co„ Atlanta, (ja,, tor Imok of evia’ ' testimony. l J. T. Davis, Atlanta via, i ( W' ... v. writes, “I consider that B-B. Id. h| j a iiently cured me ofrheiinnitisju » ,„i A.,.;, R. It. Sanlter, Athens, tln„ iivs .' jj q cured me ut nil nicer that to* i V.kiatkl other treatment. ' E. (!. Tinsley ('ulii.uhia- im , Ala., writ My mother and s.stt-r l.r ,j uk . cra ’ teil s thro it and scrolnim B. I c „ m l tlmi Jncoh h'Spoucter, Xo wnan, tin., writ, B. B. IS. entirely curd inn of rheumatism my shoulders, tusedaiv Bottles •Chas. Reinhardt, X „. y, r Baltimore, Aid., : “I suffered w deeding JOB'S two yours and am glad tos that one bo Uet,t It. it. J.J. Hardy, Igeeoa, (hi., writes :‘ B. II. u a quick euro lot e.vnrrh. Three holt cum im*. had been troubled sevci uirs. A. Sjiink, Atlanta, (hi., says : One hot, Ot It. It... completely cured my child eczema. w. A. Pepper, Eredonia, Ala., write B. B. B. emed my'mother of ulcerated so throat. TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low r,tcn will I sold to all summer resorts tlimiighont li country by the East Tennessee, Virginian. Georgia Railway, commencing June lb good to return on or before October 31st. rast train service with Pullman cars, lb W. WREXN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ag CATARRH GURKO, health and swe< breath secured, by Shilol’s Catarrh Reined; Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Mother, to cure chafing, rclicvh g l>af>jr, w Horacinc Toilet and Nursery Powder. It coal no more, is superior au«l highly perftimed.