The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 16, 1889, Image 1

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J VOL 1 -NO 81. P m P m w CD (I) 1-4 CD s»F Q crq <<l M A Warning Voice from Dr. Felton. The following extracts from a letter recently written by Dr. Felton, is spicy reading: Nkai: Cautkiwvii.u:, Ga., August 10.—To Cnssvillo Farmers' Alliance, Sir. Scott Dodd, President, Sir. Lon Gilbert, Secretary: Gentlemen—I have received a copy of your resolu tions instructing me, as one of the representatives in the State legislature from this county, to vote against all appropriations of public money for higher education; and to vote all such appropriations to common schools. Permit me, gentlemen, to say that, as a representative of the entire peo ple of the county, and having the prosperity and happiness of Georgians in view, especially the white farming class, of whom I am one, I cannot and will not obey your instructions. It is believed that these instructions were managed and instigated by per sons who had ulterior objects in view, and who arc using the Fanners’ Alli ance all over the .State to make these objects a success for their own person al benefit. It is understood that there is a cen tral authority which Jias sent out its agents to carry out its purposes, and to instill such prejudice^ into the minds of the farmers of the State as will per manently injure the Farmers’Alliance and defeat the noble ends for which it was originated. ■ After eplaining what bis hill pro poses to do for the common schools, the Doctor goes on to say: Out of the remainder of the rental of the Western and Atlantic railroad, I only ask that a few thousand dollars he set apart to provide high schools or district colleges or county academies for the white girls and boys, that they might at least he able to compete with the colored pupils, who are trained, hoarded and taught everything that is to be learned in first class institutions of the country. My hill, therefore, simply provides for the white children THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, FRIDAY MORNING, AUGUST 1G, titions sent to the members of the leg islaturc from the Farmers’ Alliance, coming from the different counties of the State, against higher education, in favor of the Olive bill (which is a bill, in my judgment, destructive of the rights of property, communistic in its tendency, and dangerous to the mate rial prosperity of Georgia), and pe titions touching other matters and questions before the legislature. They all betray the marks of a central con trol—hatched and concocted in preju dice, and for the benefit of designing demagogues, so that I fear your Far mers’ Alliance is rapidly becoming a secret political organization, under the control of 'a central bead, and helpless to disobey orders from the center, and which, if it is not better regulated and modified, will cause it to share the fate of the know-nothing party. Even now, the two prominent can didates of your order are fighting each other to the death for the governor ship of this State. The whole State is being vigorously canvassed for that purpose, and no sort of a gathering can occur, unless some political agent is present to sow seeds of discord and enmity. Nearly every speech is clothed in maudlin sympathy for the farmer, while the cloven foot of self- interest and pecuniary benefit shows underneath. All those who have axes to grind are well paid, I understand, and you arc “whooped up” that you may be more effectually fleeced of your hard earnings. As certain as we live, the farmers of Bartow county and of the State, will he forced to throw overboard some of these designing men to pre serve their self-respect and protect their pockets. It is to he regretted that an organization composed of fanners, and devoted to farming and nothing else, should thus array itself against education, progress and ele vation of the farmers’ children above the common herd, and show itself turned into a political machine, to clc vate spoilsmen into the public oflices. of Georgia similar educational privi- U '® a f ca rf ul outlook when paid u cdotv.d agents arc sent over the laud to array ty northern philanthropy. If you desire to'suppress the white race and give supremacy to an inferior race, your resolutions express your wishes, hut I trust you were ignorant of their elleef. These colored colleges :md educational advantages for col ored people arc being augmented by millions every year from northern generosity and sympathy. The north ern people, who fought to free the slave, are determined to educate him (and I am not opposed to their mu nificence) and they are rich enough to atlord opportunities fhat soutliern poverty will never rival in its gifts to white children and their education It would appear from your resolutions in the Farmers' Alliance that you arc incapable of comprehending this dan ger. These resolutions strike me as a most unnatural proceeding—on the part of men who make a business of complaining that legislation has done nothing for them or their children. It amazes me, that the white farming class, who arc so dependent on such appropriations for the white hoys and girls of the State, should be led on by certain politicians, to stab the dearest hopes of their own children —and through prejudice, to be influenced to their own injury. I hardly thought it necessary to tell you that all money appropriated to lommon schools, is divided pro rata with the colored race, while the money appropriated to tie: university and its branches goes directly to white pupils under the constitution of the .State.— and the legislature is authorized to apnly it in any county under the di rection of the ^State’s system of univer sity education. I also though! it un necessary to tell you that the consti tution of the .State positively forbids the appropriation of a single dollar to sectarian or denominational colleges, hut such are the facts. If I obey your instructions, the door is forever closed to the white girls and hoys ot Georgia, whose parents arc unable to pay hoard and tuition, and traveling expenses to denominational colleges. I fondly ho|>cd to bring higher education within their reach, that they might have an equal ohancc with the children of colored people, who are coaxed to enter colleges where everything is paid for by north ern money. You wdl please remember, gentle men, that I am a farmer, as well ns yourselves. You will also remember that after fofty years of intimate association with you and' your fathers, that I would advocate no measure that would op- >rcss the farmers of Bartow county, jeeause I share alike your burdens and prosperity. Thcro have been a great many po- one class against every other—the poor against the rich, the ignorant against the educated, farmers against merchants, against railroads, against lawyers, against town physicians, against everything that has lifted our country to glory and power, and which 1ms made it a refuge for liberty loving people from all hynls—and the only land on God’s earth in which the poor man has a living chance, or his children a hope for the future.' In conclusion, gentlemen, let me •assure you I will never obey inslruc tions, the eflect of which will be to engulf the farming class of Georgia in illiteracy, ignorance and poverty. ' I am very respectfully, AVm. II. Fki.ton. The great danger to the Alliance, ns Dr. Felton so graphically portrays, is being made the tool of designing politicians. If the order will adhere to its tenets, not allow themselves to he used by the politicians, then suc cess will, in the end, crown their ef forts and organization; hut, on the other hand, if they do fall into the traps set for them by politicians, the usefulness of the order is at an end. And this view is hold by the ablest, clearest hendod alliance men in the State. Sunday School Convention jThe convention of the third district of the Gcoagia Sunday School As sociation, convened at Boston, Ga., in the Methodist church, at H p. in. Tuesday night, August loth, Uev. .1. B. Forster, District Superintendent, in the chair. After the usual intro ductory exercises, Mr. Forster stated the object of the meeting, and intro duced Kcv. Jas. M. ltushin, who, in a few well timed remarks, extended a hearty welcome to the delegates. Tho response to this address of welcome was made by Bov. Geo. G. X. Mnc- Donoll, of Thomaiville, Ga. . Mr. B. B. Iteppard, late president of the State Sunday School Associa tion, was then introduced, and lie made some brief remarks touching the importance of the occasion. After the appointment of commit tees, the meeting adjourned to 11:30 the next day. WEDNESDAY, 11:30 A. M. Tho convention met at the appoint ed time, and was opened with religious exercises, conducted by Bov. AV. (’. Jones. Mr. Pruett was appointed secretary, in the absence of Mr. Jas. F. Evans, District secretary. The names of delegates were then enrolled, and it was found that j fifty- one Sunday schools were represented in tlie convention. Reports of Sunday school work from the different counties composing the district, were then called for, and made by representatives from those counties, at the request of Rev. Mr. MucDonell^thc only delegate from tho Thomasville schools.) Rev. Mr. Forster reported on the Sunday school work in Thomas county, in which he slated that there were at least fifty white Sunday schools organized in the county. Mr. Rcppard delivered a very earn est and interesting address on county organization, and the Sunday school work of the State Association. In the absence of Rev. AV. J. Wil liams, pastor of the Baptist church of Thomasville, I’rof, Charles Cox, of the Southern Female College, of La- Grange, Ga., delivered a very instruc tive address on “The Bible—our text book. Ilow to teach it.” At the afternoon session Rev. E. II. Bryan, of Colquitt, read a report on temperance as connected with Sunday school work, and Rev. Geo. G. N. MncDonell read a report on the ob servance of'the Sabbath. The committee on constitution and officers, reported through Col. I. A. Bush, chairman, a constitution which was adopted, and the following offi cers were elected: President—-Rev. J. B. Forster. Vice Presidents—C. P. Hanscll, of Thomas county; A. L. Townsend, of Decatur; James AVilson, of Mitchell county; C. C. Bush, of Miller county; M. 11. McCollum, of Colquitt county. Secretary—1>. L. Switzer, of Thom as county. Treasurer—J. E. Dickinson, of Decatur county. Chorister — C. II. Williams, of Thomas county. TJic executive committee of .one from each county, was appointed. At 4 p. m. there was a mass meeting of the children of the town, which was addressed by Mr. Dimmock, of north Georgia, Air. Freeman, of the Way cross Headlight, and Mr. R. B. Rcp pard. Their addresses were very interest ing, and much culhusiasm aroused. Many of the stores were closed and the citizens generally attended this meeting. At the night meeting Mr. Dimmock gave an interesting account of his re cent trip to the international .Sunday cliool convention at Condon and some statements of its proceedings. The exercises were closed with a brief address by Prof. Cox, on "the higher education of women. ’ Pic convention was a decided suc cess. The.spirit of Christian harmony and brotherly love pervaded all the meetings, and the Sunday school cause in this section will no doubt be bene- fitted by it. The citizens of Boston entertained the convention with their accustomed generous hospitality, and evinced much interest in its proceedings. The next meeting will be held at Green •Shade camp ground, by the invitation of Mr. Geo. A. Wight, the time to be fixed by the executive committee, and after consultation with Major Wight. AN INTERESTING LETTER. Tobacco Culture—Gadsden County, Fla. —A Paying Business. Eds. Times-Enteri’risk : Agreeable to your request, and it) fulfillment of a promise on my part, I will endeavor to give you some idea of this (Gadsden) county, and of the great tobacco indus try. To one coming from the undulat ing pine forests of south Georgia, this part of the land of flowers seems almost like a revelation. Leaving the S., F. & W. Railway at Faccville, and traveling southward, lor five or six miles, one secs scarcely anything of note, except the immense forests ot pines, and the low, level lands, covered with wiregrass and with but sparsely settled districts. This un inviting scope ofcountryis the extreme southern portion ot Decatur county, and reaches a few miles below the state line. Journeying southward, one will soon notice a decided change in the general appearance of the forests. Instead of the. tall, stately pines, are to be seen the oak, hickory, dogwood, and other growths, with the pines fast becoming fewer and smaller, as you advance southward. There is also a rapid change in the topography of the country. From the low, sandy lands of the pine forests, it seems wc arc slowly going up to a beautiful high level, and a fcw miles farther on wc soon sec still more rapid changes on all sides. From this stretch of beau tiful, level plane, the country changes quickly to lofty hills and picturesque valleys, with the magnificent hickories, magnolias, beech and other evergreen growths on all sides. Soon we see beautiful farms, comic.table homes, orchards and rich farming lands. From now until wc reach Quincy we fcastour eyes upon the grand and magnificent scenery that can be seen in almost cver^direction. Passing along over these high hills, through the cool, shady valleys,watered by the inviting springs that break out at the foot of some steep bill, wc look ahead and see a stately mansion on the top of a lofty elevation, and we are told that Quincy is in sight, though we arc yet two miles from the town. On wc go, down lone slopes, and up steep hills, across a beautiful creek, and up one more steep hill, and " we arc in Quincy. The" natural beauty ol the place at once attracts the eye of the stranger. Nature seems to have been lavish with her gifts in and around Quincy. In addition to the magnifi cent scenery, here is rich soil, pure cool water in great abundance, healthy and charming climate, and a soil that produces corn, cotton, tobacco, sugar cane, and all the smaller crops to per fection, and, in my opinion, one ol.the J>cst fruit countries I have any knowl edge of. It seems to be the home of the fig, pear, peach and pecan. The largest and sweetest pecans I ever ate grew right here in town, while hickory nuts can he gathered by the bushel in the country. The natives and old settlers claim there is not another such a county in the state of Florida, and after having lived here, and can judge lor myself, I am inclined to think they arc right. This highly favored county lies between the Chattahoochee river on the west and Ochlockoncc on the cast. The soil between these two rivers, while rich, and adapted to the culture .of the finest grade of smoking tobacco .(cigars), has no limestone in it. I.eon county has limestone in her soil, consequently tobacco grown in I.eon, just across the river from this county, docs not sell for near as much money as the Gadsden county tobacco docs. So it is with Jackson county, across the Chattahoochee river. Wherever thcro is lime in the soil, it does not pay to plant the weed, as it injures the smoking qualities, and it will not make good cigars. From the best informa tion I can get, twenty miles square in this county would take in very near all of the best tobacco lands in the coun ty. So you see that i) does not take a prophet to foresee that the day is not far off when these lands will bring fancy prices. In my next I will try and give your readers an idea of the extent to which tobacco is being planted and cultivat ed in this county, also the mode ol raising, handling, curing, &c. I am firmly Jot the opinion that tobacco culture would not pay the farmers of Thomas and Brooks counties, but in tliis opinion I may be mistaken. I hope I am, as tobacco, when properly grown and cured upon the right kind of soil, is one of the best money crops I know of—$ioo and $150 per acre being made when planted on good land and properly worked and cured. And then it is a crop that the longer a farmer holds it the more valuable it becomes. Tobacco three years old will bring a much better price than a crop just gathered. J. AV. J. Quincy, Fla., Aug. 14, 1889. PRICES! —AT— LEVY’S Our Mr. Levy is now in New York making Fall purchases, and lie lias sent' us Avord to KNOCK DOWN PRICES on all sum mer goods, and make room for our immense Fall aiul Winter stock that is coming. So, from now on, all and Snmmer at old “Knocked Down Prices.” Remnant table full of choice bargains every week. Spring goods go Lovys Dry Ms How Mitchell House Corner. 1 ga w