The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 16, 1889, Image 3

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. PROFITS 1 Object Now! . Room IS WHATWEWANT — AND Room WE MUST HAVE! Our buyer, Mr. C. Wolff, is now in New York, where- lie will spend about G weeks- looking up the new est and most desirable goods on the market for our fall and win ter trade. No Fains, Time or Money will be spared to ob tain the very latest importations in Dress Goods Novelties. This department, as every one knows, is our “hobby,” and we eontidently promise to show the ladies of Thoinasville the most elegant fabrics ever placed on sale in this city. " No department of our busi ness shall bo neglected, but each one tilled with everything that is New! Nobby! Stylish! So we advise yhu to wait and see our stock before making any purchase whatever of fall and win or goods. The ex treme novelties are just com ing into the Eastern markets, and our buyer will gel them. I You arc invited to come anil liny what you want in Summer Materials- almost | At Your Own Price. i\s we are determined not to pack up any summer stock at all, provided j LOW PRICES ! will move what wo have left. You will positively save money buying of us all the dry goods you need during the remainder of “the heated term.” Favor us with a call. ■ Very respectfully, , H. Wolfl & Bro., Leaders of Styles and Low Prices#* i 100 & 111 BROAD ST | THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. FRIDAY, AUGUST 16, 1883. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr's - 126 Broad Street. O- S. Bondurant Vountoor Observer Wontlii-r ISulIctin for the 21 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. M August 15, 1889. Temteratcrk. 7 a. in 80 2 [>. in 87 7 p. m 73 Maximum for 24 hours 87 Minimum “ “ “ 71 Rain-fall 0.58 Local Schedulo. Fast mail for Savannah Ar.. Lv.. * “ from “ / Ar.. “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv.. Train for Albany Lv.. “ from “ Ar.. “ “ “ for Savannah Lv.. Freight and from Wayc..Ar.. •• .“ “ for “ Lv.. “ “ •• “ Chatt. Lv.. “ »• “ from Chatt. Ar.. •* “ “ for Albany L " “ •* from “ Ar.. THOMASVILLE AND MONTICEi Freight aceoro. for Monticello Lv. “ “ from “ ....Ar. Fast mail for “ ....Lv. “ “ from “ ....Ar. 9 25 a m 12 40 p in 1 31 p in 200 p in , 9 30am 5 20 p in . 0 50 p in . 3 45 p m 8 40 a in 4 45 p m . 7 15 a in . 4 25 p in LLO. .8 45 a m .0 20 P m .2 00 p m 12 10 p m Fall crecpeth on apace. * The register at the Stuart showed 34 arrivals yesterday. If the legislature will pass a good road law, all will he forgiven. Mr. Charley Thompson' finished lay ing the water mains on yesterday. Squire Bibb left again lor San Antonio, Texas, yesterday noon, af ter another lot of stock. Messrs Stcyerijian are improving the appearance of their store by paint ing the front iron work. Ac. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Stephens who have been on a visit to home-folks in Madison, Fla., for a week have re turned home. Mr. Hardy Poulk, of Cairo, is a good farmer ns well as a good mer chant. lie brought the first bale ol new cotton to Cairo this season. Hon. I. A. Bush, who was a dele gate to the District Sunday School Convention, m Boston, passed through here yesterday morning on route home. Mr. D. B. Paxton, formerly of this place, spent yesterday here. The world seems to be dealing kindly with him. Thoinasville parted from him with regret. \Ve understand that the cause of the failure to make connection yes terday alternoon, at Albany, was a slight accident on the S. W. R. R at or near Smithvillc. No. 6 tailed to bring any through mail last evening from the west. Sev eral pioniincnt citizens,in consequence, went to bed in a bad humor—they tailed to get the Constitution. Mr. Love Wilder, our polite and efficient express agent, has gone to Jonesboro on a short vacation and to see his wife, who has been spending some lime in that pleasant up country town. Mr. D. R. Pullen and wife, of Bos ton, Mass., arrived yesterday morning and arc quartered at the Stuart Mr. ISullep will superintend the putting in ol the electric plant in Thoinasville. He will remain here until the work is completed. Mr. John Campbell has made' an improvement which will facilitate the business of the National Bank. He made an additional opening, to the right of the cashier’s opening,, which will be used for their collection depart ment and will be under the manage ment of Mr. Willie Rockwell. A Nice Operation, Dr. T. M. McIntosh performed a delicate and difficult surgical operation yesterday. He cut a good sized tumor from the neck of Dr. Malcom Nichol sons little five year old hoy. It took two hours to perforin the operation. The little fellow stood the cutting very well, and was, at a laic hour yesterday afternoon, doing as well as could be expected. Dr. Nicholson is a resident of Atapulgus. He will remain here some time, keeping his boy under the treatment of Dr. McIntosh. Base Ball, A colored base ball club came over Irom Bainbridge yesterday to play a colored club here. The game came off in the alternoon, and the score stood 14 lor 'lhomasville against 13 for Bainbndgc. Getting Ready. The deluded negroes of Liberty county have been preparing for some tinjc for their ascension to heaven, to day, the 16th of this month, having been designated by their false Christ, as the time when earthly matters would be brought to a close. Some think of going by “dem golden stairs,” while others arc expecting wings with which to fly away. They are "jis bound fer dc happy land of Canaan,’ bound to “clcbe de skies.” Some of them have decided to come by Thom asville. Well, Thomasville is about as near heaven as a portion of them will ever get—unless they mend their ways. A large excursion is advertised to leave AValthourvillc at an early hour this morning. It will reach here some time this forenoon. An immense crowd is expected. The Liberty county colored contingent will find a more orderly and intelligent class of colored people here than they have been accustomed to associate with. Let us hope they will learn something by coming among the intelligent col ored people of Thomasville. New Brick Yard. “A large tract of good clay land, on the line of the East Tennessee, Vir ginia and Georgia railroad, between the brick yards of Solomon & Spark and Stratton’s, has been purchased by Moore & Williams, of Thomasville, from Mr. Gunn. They are extensive manufacturers of building brick, terra cotta, etc., and will remove their exten sive plant from Thomasville to this city week after next, and continue the manufacture here They w.ll be up n,ext week for the purpose ol passing the papers for the purchase of the land.”—Macon Telegraph. It is hardly probable that Messrs. Moore & Williams will remove all their plant to Macon. They will still keep up their Thomasville business, and intend to have a branch at Macon. Charley Williams is a hustler, and when he gets hold of that fine river mud, lie will make some fine brick. He will look after the Macon business, and Capt. Moore will remain and look after the business here They have now on hand r,000,000 brick ready (or market. Returns From Thomas County. Thomasvii.m:. G11., August 13.— Tho tax returns are now all iu for all the counties, and Thomas shows a gratifying increase. The taxable property of the county was returned in 1888 atj 84,437,751 ; in 1889 at 8-1,79-1,435. making an increase of $356,748 or eight per cent, gains on 1888. There were nine districts in the county, and every district shows a gain except one, East Glasgow. This district is a negro district mostly. While the total taxable values have decreased in a, the amount of proper ty owned by negroes has increased. The negroes have gained in every district except Boston, but they have lost less in Boston than the whiles have in East Glasgow. It may be interesting to note that the per cent, of gains by the negroes is much greater than the average per cent, of gain, or the gains of the whites. The average gain has been eight per cent. Of the gains ol the whites, very nearly seven per cent.; while the negroes have gained 33J per cent. Does this point a moral ? —Constitution. What He Thinks oflt, I)r. J. F. Alexander, of Atlanta, a brother of Judge Alexander, ol this place, iu speaking of the new elixir, to a reporter of the Constitution, says: I don’t know what to think about it,” said Dr. Alexander when asked his views yesterday. “I am waiting to see some farther developments be fore I make up my mind. As yet I don’t think there lias been sufficient trial made to eotno to any conclusion. There is no doubt that if it will ac complish what is claimed it is a great thing. I should like to sec the ex periment made here and I was talk ing to Dr. Ward to-day about trying to take some steps to test it. Home of flic reports conic from such reliable men that it seems impossible to disbelieve them, and I don’t look at these things with as much doubt as I oucc did. Look at vaccination; the man who invented it was ridicul ed without end. If there should prove to be any thing in this discovery, I think it would he of immense advantage to practitioners without interfering with the practice of medicine.” Horse back riding, by moonlight, is getting to he fashionable. Tested in Thomasville. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 13.—Dr. A - P. Taylor is a practicing physician in this city, of high standing, a man of conservatism and experience. He is experimenting with the Brown- Ssquard elixir of life. Your corres pondent saw the doctor to-day and told him he wanted an interview for the Constitution. "I don’t want to get into the pa pers,” said the doctor; “I don’t care for that kind of advertising or notorie ty.” We told him that he cpuld not well help himself, and that now he had the advantage of telling his story straight. “Wait a few days, then, until I can make a fuller report.” Wc pushed the interview, and the doctor continued : “Whatever may be said of others Brown-Sequard is an honest man and tried man. He has been considered authority in the medical world. lie is a man of close'observation, and ac customed to the most thorough exper imental methods. He may be mistak en. He said, himself, when announc ing this discovery to the physicians of the mecical academy: 'Gentlemen, I may be off, but I am 72 years old, and I feel as vigorous and as free from aches as any young man. I have used the elixir on myself and its virtue has lasted ten days. You gentlemen will have to decide if I am a crank.’ “What did you use, doctor, and what was the condition of your patient?” we asked. “My patient is an old man who has suffered long and severely from paral ysis and sciatica. The preparation was pressed through filtering paper. The result was six drachms of a reddish colored liquid Ircc Irom any sediment. Half of this was taken and injected through a hypodermic syringe into the arm par tially paralyzed and the hip of the old man. The whole process consumed one hour. The patient claimed that the pain left his left arm and strength returned in about an hour. The vir tue lasted for twelve hours and then seemed to pass away. I cannoj say whether the change in the patient was real or imaginary. I am not at all sat isfied either for or against the new method, but propose to continue my experiments on a more extensive and varied scale.”—Constitution. The Proposed New Road Law. The legislature lias tackled the road laws. Well, they need tackling, A bill has been introduced which will change, very materially, the system. The bill proposes to amend the road laws of Georgia so as to provide for a tax in lieu of road work, and to provide for the levy and collection of ail ad valorem tax by the county authorities for the purpose of more efficient working of the public mads in this state. The ordinaries and road commissioners are given author ity to enforce the road work in their respective counties. All persons now subject, but any person when siun- nioiid lor road work, may commute this work by a payment of 50 cents for each day lie is subject to work. The receipt of the road overseer for this sum will constitute a lull release from road duty. i'OWI-a: (IE APPOINTMENT. The county authorities .-hall ap point road commissioiieis for each listricl, as now provided by law. The commissioners shall have full authority to punish defaulters. They shall also select and contract with an officer, to he known as the overseer of the district. The overseer shall he furnished by the commission with a list of persons in his district subject to road duty. The commissioners shall inspect the roads from time to time. The road overseer shall receive $1 a day for actual service. He shall inspect the roads and have charge of them, and report to the commission ers. He shall summon the hands. If they, or any of them, pay the com mutation tax, he shall summons oth ers to supply their place, and so on until he lias a force sufficient to work the roads. The taxes received iu commutation lie turns over to the commissioners. THE Hl’MHER OF DAYS. As soon as they can determine it, the county authorities shall notify the road commissioners as to the number of days which shall he required to work the roads during the year. At the time they assess taxes for other county purposes they shall also assess an ad valorem tax agaiust the prop erty in the county sufficient to raise a sum equal to the road capitation assessed for that year, collected as other county taxes, and be paid by the tax collector to the treasurer as a road fund.. This fund shall he pro rated according to the character of the several roads in the districts. In counties that have no hoard of com missioners, the clerk of court, the sheriff'and the ordinary shall consti tute a board, and pro rate the fund as provided for. FL'IINISIIINO OF TOOLS. The county authorities shall furnish the necessary tools where chain-gangs arc worked. They may he continued iu road work, and the county author ities may hire out misdemeanor con victs to any other chain-gang. Tho money received for ' such hire shall go to the road fund. The law will not apply to persons living in. incor porated towns and cities. On or before Dec. 31 of each year, the road com missioners shall make a full tabulated statement of the amount of money expended on the roads, how many hands have worked, etc., etc. Work shall begin at 7 in the morning and continue until 6 in the eveuin with one hour intermission at noon. Mr. Whiddon, proprietor <4' the Whiildon House, will probably intro ducc the electric Jight in his popular hotel. Mr. Whiddon always keeps up wjtli the procession. Some wag, in passing a pool of water on lower Broad street has put up the following sign near it: “No Fishing Allowed.” Alert no More. . We are very sorry to know that the thoroughbred mare of Judge Hopkins —Alert, died the other day. The Judge had turned her out to pasture, and she ate something that gave her colic and killed her. She was a fine animal. IJOY STKA Yl-a>. 1 hoy I Willie McNii-i-, a co left his mother’s horn Monday night, presumably w man, William Thomas. As I distressed about bis absence, where he is, or what doing, b in reference to hii ceived. years old, 4 v i 11 1 colored uotlier is knowing y information •WE ♦ are daily receiving -OF- Fall AND Winter CLOTHING! and our line of Light will l»e thankfully KMMA McNIER. ltd TAILORING. There is an cml to all things, so the people say, but there is no end to tho splendid lilting clothing made at 81 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner. Give mo a call. . ' ooiiN Kenny. 1TANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all llm Urst-class l’innos and Organs, which lie is soiling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to leurn Ids prices and terms. Gin House Insurance, IKansdl «& Morrill, Thomasville, Ga. ditwlo ecti-lc INSUREAGAINST ACCIDENTST Received of the Preferred Mutual Accident tssuciutioii, of New York, Thirty-Two Dol lars lor ten days’ disability, resulting from lent. I cheerfully recommend this Co. for prompt payment. K. M. Smith, Cash’r Bank of Thus’ville. Thomas villc, (la., Aug. 2, 1888. *3,000 oiMTii isv < 3 OOO LOSS or HAND** Oil I'KKl', 3.000 LOSSOI' I1A.YI) AM) FOOT. ‘£,300 LOSS Otf IIASO Olt TOO I*. £.300 LOSS Of IEOT1I KVKS. ‘£-300 PKK.MAXKNT'Toiiil llisubilily ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, while other accident companies in the event ol serious accidental injury stop tint payment ol indemnity at the cml ol twenty-*!* week*, f‘ Preferred Mutual continue* the ship for lit two weeks. T. X. UOFKIAS, Agent, Tlioniaxyillc, 4i MUST 60! Call and get OUR Prices before buy ing at 'S Cost Prices, and we will ' n and nit fine. \n Munir s.m-x < vx continue Dint-tor* . and raasic. dress-making. Kloeti Seven 1 earlier*. ML UuHen’ orchestra. Ih-nlthful Illustrated catalogue inving full particulars. A<ldnt* v Mrs. /. F. COX. President. LaCRANGC, GA. Pupils list Term from CANADA lo TEXAS. $75.00 to$250.00«i«£ffi working for tin. Agents preferred who can furnish a horso and give their whole time to Iho business. Sparc moments may be prolit- ably employed also, A feweauvasors lu towns and cities B. F. JOHNSON k CO , 1090 Main St. ltlchmond, Va. N. 11—rlease state aye ami bttsiiv *s c.rpcri-f rnce. Never mind about sent Una stamp for n pht. B. F, J. k Co. | Are you troubled with a sluggish, inactive liver? Arc you bilious? Do you sutler from Jaundice? Has your complexion a sickly yellow tinge? The blood in iu pas sage through the liver floes noj furnish the healthy action which should resultVroui it, The impurities are stopped and clogging up the duct, cause adisordered condition, which will produce serious results to your heajtl . unless you take Brown’s Iron Bitters at ouco. It will cure your biliousness and jaundice, and iucite to healthy action the sluggish liver. YOU MONEY Clothiers and Furnishers, 106. Broad St., Thomasville, Ga