The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 18, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - ■ Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Malinger. SUNDAY, ’At'OrST IS, 1118!. The Daily TiMKs-EsTKHntisr. ii putilislied every morning (Monday cxc-p'eil.) The Wkkklt Timzs-Estkiii-uisk is publisjcd every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Timks-Enterprisk $- r » 00 W EKI.Y “ ..... 1 00 Daily Advertising Rates. ^Transient Rates.—$1.00 |*er square for ihe nrst insertion, ami 50 ceils for ea- n stibse- quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • $ 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month:, ... 12 00 One Square, six months, - - - - -0 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - 55 00 Subject to change by special arrangement. M. B. Bi'KK. HiihIiiom Jlniinucr. And so Wool folk was not hung on the 16th. His case will go to the Su preme court again. The Railway Age thinks that by 1892 the railway system of the United States will comprise 200,000 miles. ’Tis said that Boulanger thinks of taking refuge in this country. What have we done to France, to merit this infliction ? The next meeting of the State Ag ricultural Society takes place at Haw- kinsvillc. It will be a propitious time lor George Woods to get off some of his gourd stork 1 #: Even the New York Tribune thinks the pensioner can live too long. Hear what it says: “The awful suggestion is made that Brown-Sequard’s elixir of lile may be administered to our vast army of pen sioners. The country is grateful to its defenders and wants to treat them liberally, but the prospect that they may live two or three hundred years, drawing their pensions every quarter- day, with all the vigor of youth, is enough to turn the hair of the taxpayer gray.'” Dis respectfully' referred to Tauner. The history of Trion Cotton Factory in Chattnuoogn county is remarkable even in this clay of rapid industrial devclopcmcnt and in this favored region. Eleven years ago the mill was destroyed by fire and was rebuilt by the present company, which then had 8250,000 capital. Last week the company’published a petition for an amended charter allowing an in crease of its capital stock to 8->00,- 000. This incease is to be made out of the earnings of the mill. In nddition to this addition of 8270,000 to the capital stock, 8225,000 has been distributed iu dividends, and many thousands of dollars expended in improvement 0 , such ns a brick store, a brick gin house, a new race, numerous dwellings for employes, etc. It would be hard to match the history of the Trion factory. It speaks Vol umes for the coming manufacturing center of the country.—Telegraph. A Gloomy View. A Dr. Mcloy (that sounds Irish, but we’ll swear that lie is no Irishman.) in a recent sermon said: “If any man can tell me how it pavs to live I want him to step right out and do it. * v " l ' The saddest fact in the world is the fact that wc live. Wc nrc placed here without our volition. Wc have no choice about the fact of existence. Good and evil, light and darkness, liappi- dess and misery are blended into the kaleidoscope of life, and the darker colors invariably overshadow the lighter ones. And yet, there is noth ing to which the human race clings more tenaciously than to life. Aud at the same time there is nothing that is treated with so little consideration as life. * * * From. a worldly standpoint life is a complete failure. It is a game that must he played, hut in which wc are certain to lose. What is life? To breathe awhile and then stop ; to work until the limbs ache and the body is weary ; to stiller until the*licart bleeds nnd the eye overflow: yvitb tears; to gather wealth for whom wc know not and to leave it to whom we know not. The things which men esteem most nre those in which they arc most disappointed.” The Doctor needs some of Brown- ■Bequard’s elixir. A man who is so soured on thin beautiful world as to he blind to its glorious sunshine, bright (lowers, hills and deles, fields of waving green, the grand old earth carpeted with living green, such a man is a deep-dyed mis unthropc. A Dying State. While the birth of a new slate lias come lo be regarded as quite a com monplace occurrence, the death of one seems at variance with the natural order of things, ft is a pity to lose so beautiful a name as Nevada, but it is becoming apparent that the state so named has no “excuse for being,” and that the most it can ask for now is a choice as lo the mode of its tak ing off. Though great in territory and in mineral riches, it seems incapa ble of supporting a large population, and now that the bonanza extitemeni lias subsided the people who were attracted thereby to Nevada arc leav ing in large numbers. The census of 1880 showed the population to be 62,266, or one person to 1,128 acres. At present the population is but little over 40,000, and the state which lias afforded such fabulous amounts of siver, lead, and gold finds itself too poor to support a state government It is evident that Nevada must be remanded to the condition ot a terri tory, by itself or by rc-union with Utah, or else be annexed to Idaho or California. But California would not wish such an enlargement ot her ter ritory, and there would be little advan tage in uniting with Idaho, an almost equally poor state. In settling this question political considerations will have much weight. The Pacific states do not wish to lose two senators in congress, as would happen if Nevada were annexed to California or Idaho, or to Utah as a territory. But if con gress would re-unitc Nevada with Utah under one state government, that would suit all parties except the Mormons, who would lose their nu merical majority. The “gentiles” of both states favor such union, and so do Nevada’s congressional represen tatives, for they would stand a good chance of maintaining and perhaps increasing their present political pres tige. This question will probably be brought before congress at an early day, and become the subject of much discussion. Annexation to Utali un der a common state government will be favored by the far western states, and all who arc anxious to settle the political status of Utah. The Mor mons will denounce the measures as an act of oppression, but it is doubt ful if their voice will have much weight in the matter. i'lic Salt Lake Herald in discuss ing this subject says: “Utah may be eager for statehood, but wc believe wc express the honest opinion of nine men out of ten when we say that, ugly and objectionable as a territorial government is, it is preferable to a state on the" conditions suggested. Wc ran get along as a territory much better than as a state with barren and corrupt Nevada as a part of that state” Assuming that the ac cession of Nevada's population would leave the Mormons in a minority, it is safe to calculate that the majory 01 the “gentiles” would increase, while the Mormon hierarchy would natural ly dwindle in power and numbers. It may be that by this unexpected means the foulest blot on western civilza- tion is to be wiped out.—Times Union, Jacksonville. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. MR. SULLIVAN FOUND GUILTV. Another Cloud Burst in North Carolina-* A Mormon Elder Jaitcd in Tennessee -The Elixir Pronounced no Good —One Hnndrcd Thousand Dollars Short. Wilmington, N. C, Aug. 16.K- Ihcrc was a cloud burst at 7 o’clock last night between Sumter and Columbia, and the track of the Wilmington, Co lumbia and Augusta railroad, in the vicinity of Hastovcr and Wcdgefield was somewhat damaged and is now impassable. ClIATfANOOOA, TKNN., Aug. 16.— Elder William Epiy, alias Franklin Haymour, who has been in this vicini ty for more Ilian twelve years, working up Mormon converts, and who has charge of tins territory, was arrested to-day by Deputy United States Mar shal Sharp on a warrant issued from the United States court at Salt Lake City for bigamy. He was put in jail and will be taken on to-morrow. Montoomkuv, Ala., Aug. 16.—Ex- pcripicnts by Dr. B. J. Baldwin with the Lirown-Scquard remedy have been completed without any perceptible good results-. One patient had high fever and delirium the first night fol lowing the operation. He is a sufferer from sciatica, and on the third day after the operation is too weak to re sume business. In the other case the elixir had no perceptible result cither way. Dr, Baldwin considers the whole thing simply a species of faith cure. I’urvis, Miss, Aug. 16th.—The triaiof Sullivan has closed. At 5 o’clock the jury returned into court. Sullivan took his scat at the bar. There was a deep silence as the jury entered. They sat down for a moment, but Judge Terrell said, “Stand up, gentle men.” They arose. “Stand up, Mr. Sullivan,” said the judge. The champion came lo Lis feet. II is face was just a shade more serious than usual, but lie still looked quite unconcerned. “Have you agreed upon a verdict asked the judge. There was a general nodding ot heads and they handed over a pa per. Judge Terrell turned it over to the clerk, win read : “We, the jury, find a verdict of guilt as charged in the first indictment.” Atlanta, Ga., Aug. D>.—The House occupied to-day in discussion of the lease bill, and some progress was made. The sixth section was adopted without ’ amendment. The amendment of Mr. Gilbert of Musco gee, that the West Point Terminal Company shall lie excluded from bid ding, was rejected after some discussion The House appropriation eonnnittce find that the treasury deficit will be over 8100,000. The trouble is that the legislature is making appropria tions beyond the receipts from taxes. Last winter there was an estimated deficit, and this summer the legisla ture lias made larger appropriations. The finance committee will recom mend that the tax act of 1888 he amended so as to increase' the general tax fiom 27-10 mills to ” 110 mills. Vermont a Wilderness. A11 interesting experiment is about to be tried in Vermont, aud the sur prise which most people will feel on being informed that there is a neces sity for it, will ndtl to the interest. Commissioner Valentine is going to try to induce colonics of Swedes to settle on the vacant farming lands of the State, which can he bought for 8-'? to 85 an acre. He says 200,000 acres of farming lands, once profitably cultivated, arc uow growing up into a wilderness. The jicople who once lived on them have gone to the West or the cities, leaving desolation be hind them. It is just a little startling U> find one of tlic Now England States bid ding for foreign immigration, just the new States of the West arc doing. What hns she been iloing through the last hundred years, while a score of great commonwealths were growing rich and prosperous? And why should her farm lands grow up in bushes aud briers, when the factories aud mills of which she is so proud fur nish a home market for all the farm ers could produce?—Telegraph. Come South anil grow up with the country. Wc can discount the sterile hills of New England, down here. INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. Received of tlic Preferred Mutual Accident Association, of New York, Thirl “-Two Dol lars for ten days’ disability, resulting from accident. I cheerfully recommend tliis Co. for prompt payment. E. M. Smith, Cash’r Rank of Thos’ville. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 2, 1888. $.1,000 DICATII IIV ACCIDENT. ’.i ooo i.o.h.h or ii a iv iis on feet, .1,000 I.OSN OF II AND AND FOOT. *•500 I.OMS or HAND OR FOOT. 2.100 IjOMN OF 1IOTII EVEN. ‘2,AOO PICK .11A KENT. Tom I Disability 0.10 I AIMS OF ONE EVE. •2.1 pee week, Temporary Total l)i#- ability. FOB FIFTY-TWO WEEKS. COST* IN THIS ASSOCIATION, ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH,. while oilier accident companies in tlic event of serious accidental injury stop tho payment of indemnity at the end of twenty-six weeks, the Preferred Mutual continues the same for fifty- two weeks. T. N. IIOPKINM, Agent, Tlioniasyille, (4a. TAILORING. Tin'll- is mi end to all things, so Ihe people say, hut there Is no end to the splendid * lilting clothing made at 81 Iti-oad st met. Cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner. Give mo a enll John Kenny. " TO THE NORTH NORTHWEST —THE— L. <fe JNT. LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD, — IS THE— snort —WITH — THROUGH SLEEPING n 1 LINE, SARS, FROM A LI* A.NY TO And but otic change to And olh« tickets v Chicago. r northern cities. Always ask for ,i the Louisville k Nashville 11. K. f information, write to P. ATMORE, (Sen. 1 Parties ulvisc tin illc duri Lon iig friends in the » take this route le coining season. ss. Agt. sville, Ky. ,'ortli should to Thomas- PIMPLES1T0 SCROFULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. INorln*i* H Yearn. Head, Arm* and llrrn*t a Moiiil Hcali, Hark covered with More*. IU**i Docior* and Medi cine* fail. Fnrrfd l»y C'ulienra Hcinc- <lic* at a cost of I have used the Cutieura Kciuodles with the l>e*t results, t have used two bottles of tlio Cutleura Resolvent, three 1 Kittles ot Cutieura and one cakcof Cutieura soap, and am cured of a terrible scalp ami skin disease known as pso riasis. I had ii Tor eight years. I. would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my head would be n soldi scab, and was at tlio time I lie- can the uso of the Cutieura lteinodies, My arms werecorcicd with scabs from my elbows, to my shoulders, my breast was almost one sol id scab, and my back covered with sores vary ing in sizo from a penny to a dollar. 1 had doc. toted with ail thcdieKt doctors with no relief, und used many different medicines without clToct. My case was hereditary, and l began to think, incurable, hut it began to heal from tlio first application of Cutieura. 11 AUCU Lit ItUSSF.L, Dcslilor, Ohio. Skin Di*cn*c G Ycurs Cur-d. s 1 am thankful to say that I have used the Cu tieura Remedies for about eight mouths with great succoss, and consider myself entirely cured of salt sheuni, from which 1 have suffered for six years. I tried a number of medicines and two of the best doctors in the country, but found nothing that wonld circet a cure until i used your remedies. J MRS. A. The Worst Cn*c of Mcrofulnr Cured. IVc have been selling your Cutieura Remedies jr years, and have tlio llrst complaint yet to- rcceivo from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of Hcrofular I ever saw cured by tho use _.f five bottles of Cutieura Resolvent, Cutieura and Cutieura soap. TAYLOR A TAYLOB, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan. Culiciirn Jltcmodlo*. oCurc ©very species of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and pimnly diseases of kin, scalp ami mood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula- ' - ti t.. *.«• thyosis. Headquarters lor Drugs! SEED & CtTLFEPFER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. .< HEA R IN MIND !> THAT THEY HAVE THE • Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN GEORGIA. Where, yuli run linil fresh and pure drugs and gut prescriptions compounded nt nil hours, liny or night, hy competent Pharmacists. They-use only Squilib’.-? preparations in the prescription department aud guarantee goods and prices. REID «& CULPEPPER, 120-132 Broad Nt. Sullivan & Kilrain. As Sullivan knocked out Kilrain in seventy-five rounds, T j. Steyerman & Bro Propose to knock out high prices in Clothing in the next twelve months. Wc offer clothing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name of Stcycrman and Bro. Owing to tho large trade bestowed on us this spring, our Mr. i.oii.i. simyn Stcycrman will leave for New York Monday to take advantage of tho market there. He will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks. His instructions to us while he is away arc to Sell Clothing at Cost and Below, To make room for his fall purchases. Call and take advan tage of this opportunity. L. Steyerman & Bro. THOMASVILLE Battling Works, L. SCHMIDT, Proprietor. Ilcudi|unr'tcru for pure -aihunatcd hever- [•;!, at whole. .lie and retail. Ilest soda ter with pure fruit juice lluvurs. tee Dream Parlors MTLJJNELY. I want to express my thanks anil say how grateful 1 fee! to the goo<l people of Thomasville ami vicinity, for the kind and liberal patronage ex tended me. My business the week was double that of the same week last year. This, too, on lower Broad, where I was told I wonld get no trade. It is my desire to build uu my busi ness on honest goods at low prices, tasty and thorough work, and the kindest attention to every one. My summer stock of millinery is still well supplied with the latest styles in hats and trimmings. I will make it to your interest to buy from me, aud respectfully solid your val uabic patronage. Mr*. oS ninie Far roll, Lower Broad Milliner. 1’IANOH AND OltGANS W. S. Brown, tlio Jeweler, has sc oured Urn agi-m-y for all the llrst-ehiBB pianos amt Organs, which lie is sollin, at llm lowest prices for eusli or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn Ins prices nml terms. Fmuiture, Carpets, Bedding, Children's Carriage:--, Wall Paper and Window Shades Straw mailings, Bugs, etc. The licit style nnd lowest prices in tho city. GEO, \V. FORBKS, 0-1 l-w2t d'.f Musury Building- xccpt possibly ich- lyosis. Sold everywhere, l’riee, Cutieura, oc.;8oap, 25.; Resolvent, $1. Prepared by the Hotter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass [rff-Seml lor “How to Cure Skin Diseases,” Cl pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. P1M Vl.KS, black heads, red, rough, chapped and oily skin prevented by Cutieura Soap, WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, Kidneys and Uterine Pains J Weaknesses, relieved in one minute by ll V > tho Cutieura Anti-Pain Plaster, tlic lirst and only pain killing plaster. New, iustau- taneous, infallible. 25 cents. run rent. A six-room two-story house (exclusive of kitchen and pantry) pleasantly located,about live minutes’ walk from the post-office, 20 per month. Apply at this office. 7 13 Old Flcclric Kilter*. This remedy is becoming so well kn and so popular as to need no.special mention. All who Imvq used Electric Litters sin# the same sun# of praise, A purer mediein does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is (laimcd. Electric Ritters will all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Roils, SS;i!t Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood.— Will drive malaria from tlio system ant' prevent as well as cure all Malarial f'evers.- For cure of Headache, Constipation ami In digestion try Electric Ritters—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded.— Price 50cts. and $1.00 per bottle at S. .1 Casscls, Drug Stoic. Are you troubled with a sluggish, iuaetivi liver 7 * Arc you bilious ? Do you sulle from Jaundice 7 Has your complexion i sickly yellow tinge? The blood in its pas gage through the liver does not lurnUli tli healthy action which should result from it. The impurities are stopped and clogging up tlic duct, cause a disordered condition, wliieli will produce serious results to your health, unless you take Brown’s Iron Ritters at once. It will cure your biliousness and jaundice, and incite to healthy action the sluggish liver. Specially lilted up for the lie Ladie in draught also, the new Mexican “PRTJI MIZ.” Niuwilcohulic, ilelic-ion-, cooling, vitalizing. A NEltVIi TONIC. This delightful bever- agr is not only the most palatable drink dispensed from the soda fountain, but ,s well a perfect tonic and cystem vitalize]-, it improves the appetite, aids digestion and maintains tlic normal tone of healthy func tions. Its Properties: Prepared from the nutritious properties of pure fruit juices, combined with the ex tract from a small tropical plant found in lower Mexico, of which the medicinal prop erties are invaluable, and its favor delicious. It Cannot lie Used to Excess. Not n foaming gas drink, causing belching ot wind nnd unpleasant effects after drink- ing. No etlicral extracts or liquors, but a solid thirst-quenching, delicious drink; an extremely pleasant and efficient tonic, over which nine out often {arson* nrc enthusias tic with praise. Everybody Ljkcs It, Everybody Wauls It, Everybody Drinks It. "FRIT Ml/.,'' tlio linest beverage in tlic world.] DISPENSEDJRY L. St IIM IHT, Proprietor Thomasville Bottling Works, Tlioniasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop'rs. Manufacturers andiDealers ROUGH & DBESHED LUMBEK. I. ATI I KS, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACK KTS, SO ROM. WORK,g MANTI,US, imCSB BA LFSTEKS* STAIR-RAIDS Newel I’osfa, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORK FRONTS. Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Saab, Doors aud Rlinda • TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND 1NSIDK HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. ttSTCORRESPONDKNCK SOLICITED.}: Iluckirubi Aroicn Halve*. The Rest Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively ores Piles, or no pay required. It i refunded. ~ Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Caascls, Drug Store. I* Coiiniiiiipiion Inctarnblcf Read the following : Mr. C. LI. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: “Was down with Abcess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Regan taking Dr. Kimi’s New Discovery ILV Consumption, am now on my third Dottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. Si in tile best medicine ever made.’ Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, says: “Had it not been for Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health;” Try it. Sample bottle free at 8. J. Camels’ Drug Store, B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) 1 fyou try this remedy you will say as many others have said, that it is the best biood purifier aud tonie. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (ja., for book of convincing testimony. J. I\ Davis, Atlanta, (la, (West End), writes, “I consider that B* B. B. lias perma nently cured me of rheumatism and sciatica.” R. R. Saulter, Athens, Ga., says : B. B. B. cured me ot an ulcer that had resisted all other treatment. K. (L Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes : “My mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula* R. B. B, cured them.” Jacob F* Sponcler, NeWnan, Ga., writes : B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. I used six bottles. Clias. Reinhardt, No. 2020 Fountain Street Baltimore, MU., writes : “I sit Ilf reel with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say that oic bottle of R. R. R. cured me.” J. J. Hardy, Toecoa, Ga., writes : “R. R.B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me. I had been troubled several A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says : One bottle of Jl. R. R. completely cured my child of anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money eczema. W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala . writes : R r B. R. cured myjmothcr of ulcerated sore throat.” TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia and Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October 31st. . Fast train service with Pullman ears, R. W. WRENN, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ag CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol’sCatarrh Remedy. Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free