The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 18, 1889, Image 4

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Many in One. Unless you have investigated for yourself you have no idea into what a multitude of fragments-the church is split. The Baptists arc divided into: First, regular; second, Camp bcllites; third, Dunkers; fourth, Free Will; fifth, Auti Mission; sixth, Win- nebrenarinn;' seventh, Seventh Day; eighth, Sixth Principle; ninth, Gen eral; tenth, Mennonites. The Metho dist church is divided into: I'irsl, Methodist Episcopal church north: second, Methodist Episcopal church south; third, African Methodist Epis copal church; fourth, Methodist Epis copal Zion church; fifth, colored Methodist church; seventh, Union American Methodist Episcopal church; eighth, Congregational Methodist; ninth, Primitive Methodists; tenth, Inependent Methodist; eleventh, Free Methodists; twelfth, Welsh Calvinistic Methodists; thirteenth, Wesleyan Methodist connection; fourteenth, Methodist Evangelical association; fifteenth, Methodist Protestant; six teenth, United Brethren in Christ. The Adventists arc divided into: First, Second Adventists; second, Seventh Day Adventists; third, Evan gelical Adventists; fourth, Non-Res urrection Adventists; Age to Come Adventists. The Quakers arc divided into: First, Orthodox; second,Hicksite; third, Wilbur, or Friends on Original Principles; fourth, Kingsites: fifth, Lambornites; sixth, Progressives. The Presbyterians are dividod into the Northern Presbyterians, Southern Presbyterians, Cumberland Presby terians, United Presbyterians, Reform ed Presbyterians, and many others.— T. Dc Witt Talmage in New York Observer. Merits of Southern Women. From the Sunny South. Northern people have always had a good many tpiccr notions about their cousins down this way, and the tjuecrest of all is the notions that the Southern women arc not practical. On the contrary, the women of the the South take to business as naturally as a duck to water. They have not the tendency to isms thnt the fair Northerners boast of, thank the Lord. Their way is to take things a» they find them and make the best of the situation. Without the least appear ance of effort or sounding of tom-toms they go quietly about, paying their own way, and their failures are too few to talk about. It was nothing un common ill old times to see a woman riding about in the fields bossing the negroesaud the overseer. She usually supplemented this care on her o\\ n account with a general supervision of the country side, and her masculine neighbors were only too glad to con sult heron matters of common interest Many a debt burdened estate has been freed by n feminine turn for detail, a faculty that too many planters lack ed before and since the war. otiriD’S nARNEss. Most women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere In hfe, hut they should constantly boar in mind that a fair, rosy face, Iiritrlit eyes, and a healthy, well-developed form, are the best passports to a happy marrlatro. All those wastimr dis orders, weaknesses, and functional IrrOKUlari- ties peculiar to their sex, destroy bcnilty nnd attractiveness and mnke life miserable. An unfailintc speellie for theso maladies is to lie found In l)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine fra- women, sold by drUKKists, under a positive ciinrnnteo from the manufacturers, that it will (five satisfaction in every ease, or money will lie re funded. This Kuarnntcc inis boon printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully cnrried out for many years. 51.00 per ilottle, or Six Ilutiles for 55.00. Copyright, 1883, hy WOSLD'S DlS. Med. ASJ'X. DR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Purely Vegetable I Perfectly Harmless! UNEQTTALED AS A MVER FILL. Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to rake. One tiny, Sugar- Pellet a dose Cures Rick Headache, Itlllous Headache, ( raistlna- tiou, Indigestion, llllimis Attacks, and alt ilo- rawrements of the Stomach uud Dowels. 25 Pints a vial, hy druggists. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula Railroad. Formerly I he F. It. &■ Nr Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. I 1 5p 8 301 :j I 7 I SOi rUEBN DIVISION | You i> 1U 05 ttii'v Fcriianrilna Ar 7(H) 1* 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 0 30 p 11157 a Lv Callahan Ar 8 20 ]• 12 42 p Lv Baldwin Ar 0 25 p 1 27 p Ar Lnwtey Ar 0 55 p! 112 p Ar Ktarko Ar _ JO 00 P 2 27 P Al- Waldo Ar 10 52 a 2 .,0 il 11 20 a ’ROJ p Ar Ilawtliorno Ar! 10 2.2a 2 OJn I 10 a 4 20 p .\r Ocala Ar 007 p 12 01 p 3 50 a 542 p Ar Wlldwuotl Arj 8 CO a 0 20p 5 1U a 0 10 P Ar Leesburg Ar 7 25 a 7 55 p f, OJ a* C> 40 p Ar Tavares Lv .7 10 a 7 00 p y 42 a 8 22 p Ar Orlande Lv! 5 45 a loop 21 V DlVISPi 22 I l- f Lv Jack unit vi lie Ar Lv Wildwood Ar Ar 1’anasolTkro Ar Ar Sumtervlllo Ar . Ar St. Catlu-rino A r : Ar Jjftrtioclieo Ar . r l>a<lo City Ar ; Ar Plant City i.v I I’KDAll KEY MV. | 11 | 24 vlllc Ar 50 p 11 10 t ' 00 III 4 10 pLv Waldo Aril025 p 240 p , 52 p Ar Gainesville Ar 9 40 u *-.w |> 10 45 'll 5 42 P Ar Archer Lv, K 25 a 12 1» P , 12 p Ar Bronson Arlt isn, Ar Cedar Key Lvl 5 Win! KHN 1 DM | 10 10 4 HOOf v Jacksonville Ar 2 20 n ; 2 15 p r Babhvln Ar 2 25 j. 14fip I.ako City Ar 1 tw j> 11 22 a Ar LIv Jnk 11 r.H p JO 27 a .. . 1 01 a 11 2Hu A 1 MadL .. - I 10 a 1252p Al’ Moiiticello Lv 1 f. 10 a! 2 02 pi Ar Tnllatiusi moo a 2 02 pi Ar tRtlney y 20 a 4 00 p A1 River Jui 7 U*"> j, 2 7, H, 0, 10,12, 14 Dally. 02, and »*2 Dally. e , I, 22, 21, Dally,except .Sunday. 30 Daily except Sunday. 21 Dally Monday, FERNAND | JAC) here’s no Substitute for Leather. From the Shoe mul Leather Reporter. Leather is n unique, material, here is no substance in any way inlogous to it. Flexibility am! irability arc opposite qualities that ) other product possesses in such it arked degree. In the tanned skin le gelatin and tannin, the animal id the vegetable kingdom, arc com ined in an indissoluble union which ill withstand the continuous fraction- [ wear which shoes, harness, belting, tc., arc subjected to better than any- ling else. It is the one commodity ir which there is absolutely no sub- .itute. Cotton, wool, linen and silk re to some extent interchangeable; ood, iron and stone arc frequently sed in lieu of each other, but not- ithstanding the scientific research nd discovery of the present age, othing has been invented to super ior obviate thcnccessity forlcather. Vith the single exception of bread- tuffs, none of the great staples of ommercchas such a .numereus con- tituency. Every inhabitant of the ountry, without regard to age, sex, olor or condition in life, is to a great- r or less degree a consumer of it. “There’s uotV Single mosquito in Apalachicola.” All married and have urge families—besides their sisters, heir uncles, their cousins and their lints.—-Ex. “Dorothy, I think you arc dread ully extravagant to buy all those kings.” “But my dear Uulus, I had an charged.” 11)115 I Sunilaj ilC dally, i only. rnymlliiu L evi l Huminy, ExpresK. Shortcut nu.i nulvki'st lino l" all Ml,Ml" and West Florida IK1I11U, 1'oiisav'da. Mollilo and New Urb’iiuH. 7 :15 u. m. anl 7 :•»)) p. m. U.tln.'U'ii ncct through to Tlioinasvlllc, Montgomery, Knalirlllu, St. Louis, clnviniiatl. cliicafo. anU all |i„lutH North ami Hast. Arrlvu al..l,p. u.m.'jlali and E.X|,ross for all points South, Gainesville, Ucala, Leesburg, in vox os, Apopka, Orlando, i'anasoiTkec (Ht. Catharine) Dado City, riant City. Arrives at l :.»o p. m, 7:00 p. in. Local, connects through foi all iilnts South, Ocala, Gainesville, JiCesburg, Orlando, Tartvm Springs, Souther* C . land, St. Petersburg, 1 npn. Arrives at i ;10 1 I M P () It T A N T PEAR GROWERS & SHIPPERS. CwiMiliikilr your Shipments In Houses wlin have Standing and Ability. After nil,■fill i■)vv.sligalimi 1 have e.innccl- . ,1 i„v:-i l 1 will, tin* full,living rrliiihlc lioiisira: W L Snvdvr. Jui,n Stunt, and Win. Htnililu A (•„ , Nviv Volk, Krdiirld A 1’llilailcl- ,,hill, Dr,.lu ll, Ruml A <V Jlnsti.n. T11,il,,»v!■ l,ra,»,,s will a* ill craicrrl and iiiilrnvoi- D> hold lira markets hj*. I will ro- initii! in N.-iv l oik during t lie alii idling *<■»- s,,n. and L'i' v nil lirrsraial atlrlitifnl I" Hu; luiaiiir- . I:revive daily ijtintalions frtim rarli of 111 ink,-! -, and win; to Hit, Timos-El.trr- I,riaa fur i,nl,l i.-n I ion. When yrmr shipmenta ar,- -.catlen d ii lends Inhrvuk dawn the mar ket s'. Respectfully, , Jos. S. .Noiiton, Office:S2l» Washinglmi SI., 7.11.if New York. JOSEPH PIKE'S SON, Commission Merchant, —Att'l Dealer In — Foreign and Domestic Fruits, Florida & Georgia Fruits & Vegetables A,SPECIALTY. •1*5 iw UK ri,A«U, NIAV YORK. Melons and LeGonte Pears Solicited. Kei»rr.-entfl in Tlionmsvillc by* A.*t\ blown an. 1 John \\\ Mitchell WANTED, 11500 Cars Watermelons, 5000 Baskets of EarljIFruits, Whole* no.: 1 » K. <; U of t ill [my highest market price on*conimission t and I will • I $25 to the person shipping lie largest melons this season, over and above the market r when received. A. 1\ JACKETS ■ale Fruit and Predate Dealer Chattanooga, Tcun. ’ei.pte's Dank iiittl otlirr tiauks . Dun & Co., mul tin; wholesale hi., city generally. 11:15 a. m. Cumberland ll.mle Expreaa, erai- neela at I'eraaudlua with at. am.-r Clly .,f Urunswleli, dally, t..r llriintwlek, Mae ra, At- luuta, Chattanooga, Louisville, ctucMinail Ht. Loula and Chicago. Arrives 1 :•>•» P m. 4:30 p. in. Fern and Ilia Mali and Lxpiv-s, daily, connecting Tuesday and 1 rlday with Ktr. St. Nicholas lor Savannah uml way land ings. Thursday with Mallory Steamers bu New York. Arrives B:5U a. in. Sunday train loaves Jacksonville B:*3 a. m. This new service gives perfect eonnectlons at Baldwin lor all points North ami '\CHt., \ lit Callahan to all points North, Last and Mist. Via Fcruandlua, connecting with htr. Uiy or Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and nil points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A.O. MACDONELL, Oeu. Manager. O. P. A T. A. j. yf BEID. Agent at Thonmsvllle. tla. JFRESItt ?I EATS. Ap il 1st, at tile I*. II. Dune ■f, M mum uml We will open, Monday place lately occupied hy M a fine stock of fresh meats, i. I’ork. Our meats arc from uur own larms, hit, juicy and sweet. We wit! lie ^ia.l to receive our patronage and will serve you with the est meats at the lowest possible prices. ( F, 1*. Hons k Duo (irurk'i' Dliiil, Ambrose Oliiil, i. P. Cowper. Olivit Brothers, Commission Merchants, Melons and Pears Specialties. Washington St., NEV/ YORK, lief*renee: North Uiver Ibu k.J William Halley & Co, I’KODlKJId COMMISSION - MERCHAHTS. Melons a Specialty. a 07 WEST STREET, M:\V YORK. I!< Iciviuv; New Volk County National Hank. * d&\v2m Hunt 8c Voorhees, 179 READE ST. ; N- Y„ toiimiihsioii WenlerH Southern Fruit and Produce- Piuticulai- attuiitimi |>tiiel tn the sule of pcnchoK, |>e;u-s iliui melons. Sales iv|)oi-teil .laily ami returns promiitly maile. Jacob I. lli-iiucH. Joseph \\. Thorn. BENNETT & THORN, rjPRODUCE Commission Merchants, No, 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. IS1C1FB, VEGETABLES, dr anything you may have, to U5. We have a very large trade in the above articles, and can place vour shipmenta tons good ndvant- *,g . ; any house on the market. We invite correspondence from all parties having any thing in our line to ship. SI MMEUS, MOUfilSOX & (’()., Commission Merchants, 171 South Water Street. Chicago, Illinois, lli l'ereu' c: Metropolitan Nat. Bank. d«vw WALTER S. HILL, Pfjiiiti Commiasion Merchant, — FOIS THE SALK OK— Southern Fruits 5 VEGETABLES, Lcronte Pears and Melons a Specially. •200 UIJANG ST,. NEW YORK. Delereiiee?: Irvin;' N'ationnl Dunk, N. V.; Fruit (li'uwer.V Xutimml Duuk, Smyrna, Did. Represented in Thoniasville liy A. C. Brown. I’KOFJCSSIO.VAG CARDS. W. ('. SNODOn.lSS. D. F. HAWKINS gNODCWASS ^ HAWKINS, Attorn cvs-at-L;nv. onico. Furim rly . . eupled by Kiil.-ipriuc ot- fleo. IJ i\[ SlcI NOTS1-I, Pliysicism «& Surgeon, Thomasvillo, Georgia. BryOFFICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. ■Qli. ifOKIj 13. CfjYLE- DENTIST THOM AS VILLE, GEORGIA. OKKK’K. Broad St., ovcigTiekett’s. g r,. Mi LENDON, Attorncy-at-Law, Plompt attention give trusted l<> him. Ollice- Over Watt’s sto Jackson streets. J. I. (JOVUK, D. D. S., Resident Uentist, i-- la. TliomaHVllle, Offers hla Hervleea to tn citizens of Thoin* auvlllo juid vicinity. Ofllco houra-Krom U a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 2 to 5 p.ra. Oflico—On Jackson street. W. I). MITCH ELF., it. (i. MITCHELL. /““J^Q^HOUTnWASli v/TOVy y/uievuwd Preserves IhC.Tftlbr X \. nXJ 1 % ih4 Curt* \jVA| 11 it mio.NTIO.V QO; - I MARVELOUS MEMORY DISCOVERY. Onlv t Irnuine 8T.te.-n of Memory Training. 1'oui lioohn 1.rui ned in oiio reading. Mind ivamlrrl.g cured, livert child nnd ndnlt Kreatly bencfltted. • Groat ladaecmenU to Correspondence Classes. Prrwpoctus, wilh opinions of H vWri. A. llam« monel, I Bo V.*r|.l-fam'o» K;H*ciallstfn Mind Daniel lireeuleu f Tlioinpiion, 4hn fjr*tl lyehob iflrt, J. M. Ilnrlf ley, l>.l».,nd«torof tho Christian %M’i:oteH;hir7 l Fmh b, Av«, n. t. I S1A IU.ISlIi:l> DiJh. E.1S. WOODWARD, GENERAL Commission Merchant, Melons ami Pears Spceiallits. 171 GUAMBKRS ST.. ni:\v voicu. "J^ITCUKU, & MITCH KM , Attorncys-at-Liiw, Thomaavlllv, • • Georgia w. W. liliUCIC,, M. D. Office, up-stairs. T. S. DICK LK, M. I)., Office in 11 ayes Building. Roflidcnco—Corner College avenue and Mag nolla street. Tolopliono communlcatlou, No. 25 for night calls. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thowaavlllo, Georgia, I will bo glad to mako contracts ful construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and privato, in cltlior brick or wood. I will guaruntoo In every lnstunco to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. My Motto—Good, honest work at fair prlcos. If you want any building done call on mo. I will submit estimates whoth contract is awarded mo or not. .1 refer the many public buildiugs erected by mo in Thomasvillo and clsowhcro, and all parties for whom I have worked* I BY FAR THE Demielt & Hall, t O.llMISSION HKItt ll AN IH, Fruits andProduce. Melons and Pears Sl’ECIALTIKS. No. 101 XV KST STJtEtTT NIiW YORK.| ROUTS —TO— Iff YORK OR BOSTON SAVANNAH —AND TIIE— OCEANSTEAMSHIPLINE —OF TIIK— Central Railroad ot Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS' Now on sale ill reduced rates. Good to return until October 31st, 188D. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from-the heat and dust incident to nil-rail routes. It you are sick Ihe trip will invigorate and build you up. Go east by sea and you'll never regret it, Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may be had by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, W. F, S1IKLLMAX, General Manager. Traffic Manager E. T. CHARLTON, CLYDE RUSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. ' Trav. Pass, Agt. f Savannah Ga. TH E PEST AND MOST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN TH Eh SOUTH TO CillCAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. Wo through oxpreaa trains dally, with Tull man Palaeo BuffetSloeplugCaru by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cln- clnnattl and Chlcugo, Indlamtpo- 11.a and Chicago, and also bef twcon Louisvillo and Clilcago, whoro close con. nactions nro made forfl St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmurk, Pol- laid, Omaha. Kansas City, Kan Francisco , t and points lutormodlnte— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dally except Sunday, at 7 ski a. in. Cincinnati!, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 0:55. Tho most rapid aorvlco over attomptod bo- tween tho Great Coniincrclal Cities on tho Ohloltlvoi: nnd Chicago. j®B*'lhrough Coupon Tickets, Bfiggngo chock- od to destination, and your safety nnd com fort provided for, uro among tlio points that have made the fflOMOM ROUTE Universally and dosorvedly popular. OIIN B.CAHSON, Vleo-pros't and Gon’l Mgr W. II. MeDOEL, Gcn'l Traffic Manager, E. 0. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agent* It. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvillo Gu. ^SThiddon House (Opposlto Plnoy Woods Hotel.) TIlOMASVIf.LH, - GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, loculi'it In the most desir able uud central jmi t of tho city, is new uml complete in every particular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences or mod ern hotels. Tho menu Is porfeet, nnd the service rendered by trained nndjpo- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions, furnished. Carriages From the house meet all trains. drcUI-ly Fife & Beverly JIKKiS, CiliOllGIA. — DEALERS IK General Merehaiidi«b ANI> ALL KINDS 01 Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. Wo nro prepared to furnish anything win od In tho LUSiDKIt LINK, Wo mnkoa spec lull Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work. Tho mostoli*b<»rato doftlgns will bo faithful ly and correctly oxocutod. Wo operate tlio boat equipped mills, and carry tho largest stock of no asoiicd lumber In Southern Goer gia. Parti is wanting lumber wlllsavo money by consulting us before placing their orders. FIFE k BEVERLY Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will bo glad to mako contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or privato, in either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and specifications If required. If you want any building done call on us, and wo will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantco satis faction In all our work. We ref or to tho many buildings erected by us In Thomasvillo, and to all partlos for whom wo have worked. Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvillo, Ga.. April 2,1889. B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin find Hnllmv Ware. of all kimls, ami {agent for King’s Powder Co. p tlJ-ddm GEORGE FHARN, URAL SSTATt AGI\T, OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cilj »ml Cod ilry Froperfi (or Sal.. 1IOUSKS IM' NTKD Ami Tims i*i lit. L.OANS NEGOTIAfED. liting me a ilescripliaa 01 your pioyierly* THE PUBLIC Should how That I have open ed, at my office on Broad st., an ex change where land lords may find ten ants, and tenants may find landlords. I will undertake to rent any class of real estate, from a negro cabin to the Mitchell .House, from an acre patch to a five thousand acre plantation, and to collect the rents. - Parties who have vacant rooms or furnished rooms to let, should call and see me. All wishing any thing in that line can find what they want at my office. ELIMALLETTE. Is I ReoL Five room cottage .on Love street, at §12.50 per month. Six room house on Lower Rroacl street, where Mr. II. Wolff now lives, from Sept. 1, at $20.00 a month. Four room tenement, on Cal* houn street, near Broad street, at $5 per month. Large new house on Jeffer son street, at $25 per month. Furnished rooms on Jack son st., near business blocks. Upstate of house on Calhoun street. Unfurnished rooms in Bry ant house, on Jackson st., be yond railroad. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $51) per month. REAL ESTATE BROKER, Tliomasvillo. Ljroof'iu