The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 20, 1889, Image 3

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PROFITS 1 ObjKt Now! Roonf IS WHAT WE WANT ——AND Boom WE MUST HAVE! Our buyer, Mr. C. Wolff, is now in New York, where lie will spend about 6 weeks looking up the new est and most desirable goods on the market for oar fall and win ter trade. No Fains, Time or Money will be spared to ob tain the very latest importations in Dress Goods Novelties. This department, as every one knows, is our “hobby,” and we confidently promise to show the ladies of Thomasville the most elegant fabrics ever placed on sale in this city. No department of our busi ness shall he neglected, but each one filled with everything that is JSTew! Nobby! Stylish! So wo advise ylni to wait and sec our stock before making any purchase whatever of fail and win er goods. The ex treme novelties arc just com ing into the Eastern markets, stud oni* buyer will got fhcni. You arc invite l to -come and buy what you want iu Summer Materials almost At Your Own Price. As we are determined not to pack up any summer stock at all, provided LOW PRICES will move wlmt we have left. You will positively save money buying ol us atl the dry goods you need during the remainder of “the heated term.” Favor us with a call. Very respectfully, H. Wolfl & Bro., Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 100 & 111 BROAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. Tl'KSDAV, AUGUST 20, 1889 ^SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT K. Thomas Jr's' 126 Broad Street O. S. Bondurant Vounteor ObtOBVer Weather Hulletin for the 21 hours ending at 7 o’clock I*. M August 10, 1880. Temperature. 7 a. ni 07 2 p. in 87 7 p. in 70 Maximum for 24 hours 87 Minimum “ “ “ 02 Rain-fall t Local Schedule. Kant mail for Savannah Ar... 0 25 a m •• “ 44 “ I/f...12 40 p m ‘ 44 from 44 Ar... 1 31 p in 44 44 for Chattahoochee Lv... 200 pm Train for Albany Lv... 0 30am 44 from 44 Ar... 520pm 44 44 44 for Savannah Lv... t»50pm Freight anti from Wayc..Ar... 3 45 pin " 44 44 for 44 Lv.V. 8 40am 44 44 44 44 Chatt. Lv... 4 45 pm 44 *• 4 * from Chatt. Ar... 7 15am 44 44 44 f for Albany Lv... 4 25 pm 44 44 •* from 44 Ar... 7 55 am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accent, for Montieello Lv.. .8 45 a m 44 44 from 44 ....Ar.. .0 20 p in Fast mail for 44 ....Lv.. .2 00 j> in 44 44 from 44 ....Ar..l210 p m The pear shipments are about over. Col. A. P. Wright is still in New York. The poles for the electric wires arc going up on Broad street, Mr. Henry Arnold and wife left for Brunswick yesterday. Boston is moving fora park. Well, Thomasvilie will have one too. Bales of new cotton are not an un common sight on our streets. No private parties could purchase Paradise Park for SdOO per aero. Mrs. C. M. Robinson, who has been visitiug in Atlanta, is now at Indian Springs. The electric pole raisings on Broad street, yesterday, attracted general attention. Mr. W. F. Joyce, n popular com nicrcial tourist, is at the Stuart. He hails from Baltimore. Squire Alderman reports crops in his section as being in good condition. This is a general complaint. Mr. II. Wise is iu New York, Iny- ing iu his stock of fall and winter goods. Air. Hugh McIntyre, who has been spending some time, at Murphy, is now enjoying the rare scenery about Asheville. Keep your eye on C. II. Young it Co.’s ad. These young men are car rying a superb line of clothing and gents’ furnishing goods. Miss Fannie Blackshear is gladden ing her Thumasville friends by a visit to the. Metropolis. She always brings a ray of sunshine with her. The familiar form and face ol Mr. Carl Mollcr is again seen in Dr. Ste gall's cotton office, corner Broad nnd Madison streets. Miss Lula Dugger and Mrs. ' Agnes Yates, of Brooks county, are in the city. They arc the guests of Mr. N. J. Brown, on Warren street. Mr. II. II. Sanford is in New York, lie will prolmhly call on Jay Gould nnd Vanderbilt. Well, Henry is as good a lnnn as either of them ; nay, lie is a better man than Gould. Mr. Ben McLendon, editor of the Montieello Tiihutie, has been at his fathers for a few days, recuperating from a recent attack of illness. We arc pleased to learn that he lias recov ered and returned to his post. We see Iroin the papers that Dr. Patrick, of Rome, well known as a winter resident iu Thomasville, has subjected himself to a test of the effi cacy of the new elixir. The Doctor knows, now, how it is himself. West & Fearn will soon commence the erection of their two story iron warehouse, alongside the tailroad track, between Fletcher and Lee streets. Dirt is being dumped oil there now for the needed side track. Professor Glenn, local editor of the Cairo Record, is making that inter esting little paper fairly sparkle. The Record is always a welcome visitor to this office. ^ Mr. J. C. Cronin, Division .Super intendent of the Southern Express Company, is in town, lie is accom panied by Mrs. Cronin and daughter, Miss Hannah. The ladies will remain here some time. They arc guests of the Stuart. One Hundred Thomas County Farmers. We reproduce to-day, with a com parative statement of the wealth of an additional fifty farmers in this county, the article by S. G. M. which appear ed on Sunday morning. There were a tew errors iu the first article, which have been corrected. The article will he of interest to the farmers of this county, showing, ns it does, what progress one hundred farmers, taken at rnudora, have made within the past ten'years. It should lie borne in mind, that ten years ago, the farmers of Thomas county, these one hundred farmers included, were involved more or less. Now it is conceded, by every one, that the farmers of this county arc in a far better condition, financial ly, than they were ten years ago. So, that in addition to their increase of property should be added 'the tlioi^i- ands and thousands of dollars of in debtedness which they have paid off since 1879. It is a fact that the far mers of Thomas county have, this jxar, come nearer running their farms on a casli basis, than ever before. One. tiling is clearly demonstrated, demonstrated beyond cavil or dispute: the farmers of Thomas county, at least, arc not growing poorer. On. the contrary, they arc gradually, hut surely, improving their condition ev ery year. Give the Girls a Chance- There’s no use of talking; the girls are coming to the front. Stand hack and give them a chance. The latest evidence of this is the appearance of a neat and readable paper, "Southern Girls,” Sivaineboro, Ga., and edited by Miss Annie L:e Wilkins. Miss Wilkins will, we trust, receive that encouragement and support to which she is so justly entitled. May the young lady always have plenty of pie at home, but no “pi” in the office; may she never be locked up herself (in places where some editors are) but always have her "forms” safely and securely "locked up;” mty her “impressions” always he good; may she be able to “make up” with her best beau —if they should fall out; may she always he "justified;” may her “rules” lie straight; may (he ex change fiend never invade her sane turn, and may her subscribers all pay up in advance. See nolicc elsewhere of the “South ern Girls,” ns to terms, Ac. Another Proposed Railroad to Thomas- villo. The attention of the citizens, of both town nnd country, is called lo the letter of Mr. (J. E. Smith. That our people lire, at last, forced, to the wall, and compelled t'o do something —or get left,—is now apprrent to even the dullest.. Read the letter. The citizens of Warren street have petitioned council for both electric lights and water. These should he cxlcudcd as last as jiossiblc, especially into neighborhoods where parties will take water. When we say “take water,” no re flection is intended on the citizens of Warren street. Important Election. ■Sec notice of election to determine the question of issuing park bonds. It. comes off on Friday, the •_’0th day of September. Thomasville cannot afford to lose this opportunity of securing so valuable a property. Large congregations attended the Baptist'church on Sunday to hear the Rev. J. E. Powell. And they were rewarded, at both tlm morning and evening service, by henring two able sermons. Mr. II. S. Cummings, of Baltimore, one of the lightest hearted, happy go ns you-please knights of the grip on the road, has been at the Stuart for a day or two. The blues ily out at the window when lie enters the door. Messrs. Hicks & Peacock are open ing up some elegant novelties. They are new, dainty, nobby, attractive and cheap. Miss Barbaroux left for New Or leans yesterday, with the three • little orphans, mentioned u day or two since, where she will place them iu an orphans home in that city. The job of painting on the front of the Messrs. Steycrmau’s store, lias added -much to the appearance of that structure. It has quite a city- lied look now. Thomasville merchants arc prepared to pay tho highest market price for cotton. WHAT WILL THOMASVILLE DO? Tho Augusta and West Florida Rail- . road. Wasiiinot^n, Ga., Aug. 1G, ’89. Editor Times-E.vterpf.ise : The charter of the Augusta and West Florida railway has just passed the Senate, and it is now in the hands of the Governor for approval. The corporators will meet soon for the purpose of efleeting a temporary or ganization, and a surveying corps will take the field as soon as it can ho or ganized. We want to get tilings iu shape at once for nit active prosecu tion of the work, and hope to enlist the hearty sympathy and support of every county along the line. No section, however, lmsso deep an interest in the building of this road as the people of Tliomasvillc. Your railroad system will never he complete without a connection with Augusta, nnd your intelligent people need no arguments in support of this assertion. A road to Curilelc would give you sonic slight advantages not now pos sessed, hut tlie same subscriptions that would carry von to Uordele, will in sure the Augusta connection, and give you tho advantages of ten or twelve roads, instead of two or three. And the Augusta and West Florida will connect you with the same roads that you seek to reach at Cordelc. Your connection with The Georgia South ern and Florida, would he at or near Tifton, and witli the Savannah, Atner ictis and Montgomery in the neighbor hood of Abbeville. If you had tho Cordelc road finished and in operation to-day, your railroad system would lie almost as incomplete as it is now. You would still need a direct line to Augusta, because, without it, von can never enjoy that prosperity which your great advantages should com mand. Money is abundant, and ma terials which enter into the construc tion of railroads were never so cheap as at tho present time. The abundant crops now growing will insure an era of prosperity, and those things taken together make this a remarkably fa vorable time for the commencement and prosecution of new railroad enter prises. All that is needed to insure success in the building of the A'ugusta and West Florida, is a hearty concert of action amongst tho people along the line-in active assistance and in sub stantial subscriptions. And on this subject let me say that the projectors of this road assume nil the risks. Whatever subscriptions your comity may make to the preferred stock will lie for a completed road from Augus ta to Thomasville, and no subscriber, therefore, risks the loss of n dollar. Augusta nnd Thomasville are both represented in the hoard of corpora tors by some of their best business men and largest capitalists, and it i- earnestly hoped that the Thomasville members will lie heartily supported by the people of the city and county. Mr. McIntyre’s Bill. lion. A. T. McIntyre, Jr., has in troduced an, important bill. It will probably take the place of the famous Olive hill. The bill reads as follows: Section i. Be it enacted by the general assembly of Georgia, and it is hereby enacted by authority of the same, that no corporation shall buy shares cr stock in any other corpora tion in this state or elsewhere, or to make any such corporation which may have the effect to defeat or lessen competition in their respective busi nesses, or to encourage monopoly; and all such contracts and agreements shall be illegal and void. ’ Sec. 2 Be it further enacted, that upon complaint made to the railroad commission of this state, by any per son, that any railroad company or cor poration has violated the provisions ol the first section of this act, the said railroad commission shall inquire into 'the same, and may, by the advice of the attorney-general, bring suit in the name of the state, to set aside, cancel and declare void any and.all contracts made, or acts done in violation of said first section. See. 3. Be it further enacted, that upon complaint made to the attorney- general that any corporation, other than a railroad corporation, chartered by the legislature of this state, or any foreign corporation, doing business in this state, has or holds any stock in any other corporation, or lias made any other contract in violation of the first section of this act, he may, the consent of the governor being first obtained, bring suit to set aside and cancel and declare void all or any such contracts. Sec. 4. Be it lurther enacted, that upon complaint made to any solicitor- general of any circuit in this state, that any company or corporation chartered by the superior court of any county in the circuit of which he is solicitor- general, has purchased or holds stock in any other company or corporation, or has done any act, or made any contract in violation of the provision ot the first section of this act, the solicitor general may, after submitting the case as presented to him . to the attorny general of the state, and hav ing obtained his consent thereto, pro ceed to bring suit in the county in which said corporation was chartered, to set aside anil declare said contract, purchase or holding contrary to law and void, and have the same set aside and canceled. Sec. 5.* Be it further enacted, that all suits filed under sections second and third of this act, shall be brought in the county of Fulton. Sec. 6. Be it further enacted, that in the event the attorney general is disqualified, it shall be the duty of the governor to appoint some discreet and competent attorney tfl act in his stead; and that in the event that any solicitor general is disqualified, the judge of the. superior court of his circuit shall ap point a solicitor general pro tent to act in his stead. Sec. 7. Be it further enacted, that the judge trying any cause under this act, shall have power to enforce any judgment rendered by him by injunc tion and any other remedy known to the laws of this stale, and to punish as lor contempt any and all persons vio lating an order, judgment or decree rendered in said cause. Sec. S. tie it further enacted, that" all laws and parts of laws in conflict with this act be, and are hereby repeal ed, are daily receiving Fall Winter CLOTHING! and our line of Medium WEIGHTS MUST 60! Call and get OUR Prices before buy- A determined and united effort will secure the building of the Augusta and West Florida railway, and I ask the serious consideration of your peo ple for this important enterprise. C. E. Smith. GAZE <l.\ THIS. I liuvc tins agcyicy for the Wst laundry in tin' ;it the lowest pric 4 ’*. Col furs 2 • cnM eiieli, cuff* 2 ccuD\ shirt* 8 cents. All work •fuarautvcl. SAM M. WnlJT, sun,lu f, s l«i!» I»roa*l St. To the Merchants. Since the Boston World Began its publication at Boston, Ga., and the merchants set in to advertising so liberally, the trade of the town has grown wonderfully. The business men of the place have pul it on a per fect boom right under the nose of Thomasville and Quitman. The Clarion congratulates our wideawake friends, and the press has in the plucky town an illustration of the way in which big advertising brings big business. Cairo and Boston are doing bigger business to their size than any town in South Georgia, and they both support their local paper more liberally than any towns we know. They arc villages no longer.—Camilla Clarion. There is a lesson in this for the merchants ot Thomasville—if they will learn it. Willjvou take the trcuble, gentlemen, to look over the Weekly T-E. on Saturday, and see how In any Thomasville merchants are asking for country trade * You will be surprised, perhaps, at your own indifference. Wc do not like lo complain about lack o! patronage; you would say that wc wanted only to make money out ol you; but wc will tell you, frankly, that you art doing yourselves- antl the town—great injustice, in not using the columns of your weekly paper. It reaches almost every farm- j er in the county. j Why is It People will continue to liny groceries on dO days’ time, and thereby pay Id percent, more for them than they can buy them for for the spot cash. Don’t you know you are paying Id per cent, on some account the merchant can’t collect' Ho has to charge those who do pay, enough to make good his losses in had accounts. It is perfectly legitimate and business-like, too! He has to live. But while it is perfectly right in him to charge you that way, it is very foolish in you to pay it, because you cau make that per cent, yourself by buying vour goods for cash. I will take your order at regu lar prices, and then discount it lo per cent, for the cash. Respectfully, M. I*. Pickett. Gin House Insurance, —with— IBan.scll «& Merrill, Thomasville, Ga. tl&wto out l*Ic .Southern Female l . (COX) College. IV^ins Its ifith So*- k eion Reptcmber lit!*. Twenty on> Officer* j} high FtontUrtL. i.t Leary. evading o-otn. ^ w ^ and tootle. Book-keeping)" tclcjruatihy, typ.'-wrffnjr draw-making. Elocution and ait tine. In MumIc Teacher**. Slices Cox continue Din . too ladle*’ orchestra. Healthful and home like. Si*n«! for illustrated catalogue giving full particular*. AUdrvM i Mrs. /, F. COX. President. LaGRANDS. GA Pupils last Term from CANADA to TEXAS. ing at wioDirs Cost Prices, and we will SAVE YOU MONET Clothiers and Furnishers, 100 Broad St., Thomasville, Cta