The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 21, 1889, Image 2

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s&rf: THE DAILY TIHES-ENTERPRISE. T OHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor, S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. WEDNESDAY, AfCt'ST 21, 1S8J. e Daily Timks-Kktehpbisi ii pulilisln-d every morning (Monday e- \ ev -1111 '<i. ) The XVkkkly TlHKS-EMKnrm.SK is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Timks-Entkkirisk, . . . W ally “ .... Daily Rates. ^Transient Rates.—$1.00 pur squar first insertion, ami 50 eei ts tor ca quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - One Square, two months - - - One Square, three month-, - - - Or»o Square, six months, - - - One Square, twelve months, - - - Subject to change by special arran* ement. n, b. HCltlt. RnsinoM Jlnnnger. $:» 00 \ suhsc- $ r» oo 8 00 12 00 20 00 55 00 Blaine hasn’t had a sun-stroke this summer. It is now reported that Chicago will probably annex Tampa, Ha. The Piedmont Chatauipia will close ou the 111st. It has been ‘i success. Clarkson hasn’t been heard from, since the Constitution convicted him of lying. The man who wrote "Beautiful Snow” will come to the front, again, some time during bleak November. I’rof. Perry, the balloonist, who met with an accident at Mount Molly, N. C , recently, died at Charlotte, on Sunday- Italy has intimated to the 1’opc that if lie leaves Rome, the priceless treasures in the Vatican will have to belcft behind. A Savannah and- an Effingham county lawyer are trying to fight a duel. The correspondence is bloody, but whether real blood will flow, has not yet been determined. Buffalo Bill, so it is reported, has received twenty-seven offers of mar riage, since he lias been in Paris. Willyum Buffalo appears to be very popular in Parcc. Taree, is French for Paris. Mrs, Harrison wants the While house enlarged. Its capacity is not equal to Baby McKee, and the dif ferent members of the imperial family. It takes a whole wing lor Prince Rus sell. Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland will find it large enough, after 1892. What wiU our “esteemed Northern contemporaries” say, now, about Mississippi and the South, enforcing .the laws.? They’ll probably kick, claiming that Sullivan was sentenced to prison for twelve months because He was a Northern man. It is migh ty hard to please “esteemed Northern. contemporaries,” — John Sullivan will have to look through the bars twelve months, if he docs not. have to mount a rock pile in a striped suit, and with a sledge hammer, unless lie skips the country. This appears to be (iov. Lowry’s in ning. Absenteeism inlthe Legislature. Mr. £ nelson got in his usual Mon day morning resolution on Monday, touching up the Saturday and Monday absentees. Of course the resolution was voted down. This was to be ex pected. The men who are drawing four dollars a day from the s'ate, while riding around on free passes, arc not apt to vote for a resolution which would deprive them of their per diem, while frolicking around over the country. It is said that tiie mem bers are getting “sore” over Mr. Sncl son’s ellorls to protect the treasury, and force them to do what it fair to presume they promised their constituents to do when elected; to attend to the public business. .Some of them arc said to he growing restive under the criticisms of the press. The Times Entekpiusi: lias no apolo gies to ofler for its scattering remarks on the subject. We have in this iustancc, as in every other ease, touch ing public interests, tried to bring about a needed reform; and so long as members continue toabsent themselves, to the detriment of public business, and at the expense of the state, wc propose to keep up the fusilade. Our shots arc uot intended for men who arc found in their places, or who are unavoidably absent, but are intended for those who habitually alisent tliem- Bclvffl from the halls of legislation. If any of these shots have hit, wc are glad of it. They arc intended to hit. Stop the Gambling. The Evening News, Macon, is en titled to the thanks of every good eit. izen of that city, lor its fearless and effective work in exposing the in iquities of the gambling dens ii Macon, ft is enough to make a law abiding citizen blush for shame, to he told that for years, gambling, in its worst forms, has been openly carried on in that city. The statement is made, and it is no doubt true—as it lues been testified to by hundreds— that the gamblers have been carrying on their games in rooms where they could he seen- -both day and night— by every passer-by, including ladies, youths and children. And even Sun day did not stop them. People going to church could sec them through open windows, with coats off, carrying their games. Aud the strangest part it is, that this lias been going on for years right under the nose of the police, in defiance of all law., And yet, the courts, municipal, county and State, have, all these years, been pretending to enforce the laws. What a travesty! And during all these years youmr men and hoys have been invited to Macon to he educated. How many youths have there been lured into these dens and imbibed the fatal passion for gambling? It ought to make parents shudder, to reflect upon the narrow escapes which their sons have made; if, indeed, they have escaped at all. It would he well for them to inquire, in the future, before sending tlu-ir sons tlieic to ho edu cated, if there is yet danger of gam bling being included in flic curricu lum, Wc would say nothing, inten tionally. to injure Macon, or her schools and colleges, for they arc excellent, hut the open gambling which has been going on there for years should be stopped -and stopped for good—or hoys and young men should not be sent there to he edu cated. The risk is too great. Next to an insatiable thirst for drink, in its ruinous eflects on character, is a pas sion for gambling. Like drink, it has blasted the lives of thpusands. Keep your sons aivaj' from gambling dens, as you would keep them from becom ing drunkards. Let the good, law-abiding citizens of Macon unite in crushing out [the hold evil in their city, and then they can, consistently and conscientiously, invite the youth of the land to their plcndid classic halls of learning, where morality is taught, where cor rect living is enjoined, and w here the higher, purer, nobler emotions and instincts of youth, are cultivated and encouraged. telegraphiTbrevities. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. JOHN RANDOLPH TUCKER ILL. It is now ‘‘Count Edison.” -The Cotton Worm in Arkansas*-A Radical Republi can Paper tn Atlanta Suspends -Bad News for the Cotton Growers from Liverpool Still Struggling With the Lease Problem in Atlanta. Harrison is on his way to Cincin nati and Indianapolis. Nine persons were burned to death yesterday in a New York tenement house. A lot of toy balloons carried a child out over Lake Michigan yesterday. Rifle shots hurst the toys and the child was saved. Sullivan and Kilrain will go on a starring and spairing tour. King Humbert is visiting Naples. H011. Lewis Arnheim, member of the legislature, was buried in At lanta yesterday. Not a member of the cabinet is left in Washington. Mr. Spurgeon will sign a petition to pardon Mrs. Maybrick. Editor Lee, of the Blackshear In dex, has disappeared. Track laying on the South Bruns wick terminal road, has commenced at Waynesville. Charleston; S. C., Aug. 111.—The president of the Charleston Cotton Exchange has received a letter from l’ctcc Brown, president of the Liver pool Cotton Association, limited, in which that official says: “I have been instructed to intimate to the American exchanges that this associa tion condemn the use of cotton bag ging and docs not see its way to make any legislation dealing with cotton so covered.” As the farmers’ alliances in this stale have already made arrangements for cotton cover ing for the coming crop, the situation looks alarming. Most of the members of the Charleston exchange are out of the city, and no action has been taken as yet on the letter. It looks very much as ii there will be trouble here as soon as the cotton movements begins. Li;ninoton, Ya., Aog. l!l.~-Hon. John ilandolph Tucker ex-member of congress, is reported to he very ill to-night, and his family fear a serious change. Paris, Aug ID. A special envoy of King Humbert of Italy to-day presented Thomas A. Edison, the famous American electrician, with the insignia of a grand officer of the crown of Italy. Mr. Edison thus becomes a count and his wife a conn le-s. Little Rock, Ai;k., Aug, ID.— Great excitement exists among the cotton fanners of five or more conn ties in this state over the appearance ithin the last few days, of cotton worms. They have appeared in the bottom lands of Pulaski, Jefferson, Clark and two other counties as far a heard from. Paris green is being freely u.-td. Atlanta, Oa,, Aug. ID.—The newspaper union which has been urinting the Defiance, the negro week ly edited hv W. II. Burnett, has shut down mi the* concern. Since the late post office, disturbance tbe Defi ance has been very hitter against the white people and democrats, and last week was about to publish certain articles that were incendiary. The newspaper union refused to print the paper and the Defiance has suspended. A LA NT A, Ga., Aug. ID.—Consider able progress was made with the lease hill in the House to-day. The House adopted without amendment the ninth and tenth sections providing how the lease contract shall he drawn up by the attorney .general and exe cuted, arid the deposit of bonds by the lessees as security for its faithful performance. -Some discussion arose over flic eleventh section. The -sec tion provides that the new lessees of the company shall pay the Tennessee taxes and a tax on ill property owned in Georgia not received from the slate, and the income * ix 11s required from the Central and other railroads exempt by their charter. B. B. B. 1 Botanic Blood Balm.) II vim try this remedy you will say as many others have said, that it is the jjkkt hloial jnirilieraml tonir. Write Illejoel ltalui Co., Atlanta, (la., for hook of convincing testimony. J. P. Davis, Atlanta, <In. (West End), writes, "I consider that It- It. 11. has perma nent! v eared me o’ rheiimn I is 111 and sciatica.” It. It. Haulier, Athens, <ia„ says: II. II. Ii. cured me ot an ulcer that had re-isted all other trealnicnt. E. It, Tinsley, Columhianu, Ala., wriles : •‘My mother and sister had ulcerated sore throat and serufnia- I!. It. Ii. cured them.’’ .hc-oli F- sponeli r, Ncwnnn, (la., writes : II. II. Ii. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders, lusidsix holtlcs. , (‘has. Reinhardt, NO. 202'- Fountain Street Italtimore, .Md., writes : "1 snll'ered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say that one hoUlcol' li, Ii. Ii. cured lue." .]. .1. Hardy, Toceoa, (in., w rites : ‘-Ii. II.R. is a ipiiel, cure fur catarrh. Three holtlcs cured me. I had hccu troubled several A. Sjiink, Atlanta, <! <,t li. II. II. completely c civs; One bottle ■it mv child ol Furniture, Carpets, Rc-clding, Children’s Carriages, Wall i’eipe-r atu! Window Shades Straw■mailings. Rags, etc. The best style uni lowest prices ill the cite. GUO, IV. FORRES, it-1 t-wutt eR.t Masury Itnihling- Cash Bargains For Summer Trade ’This week I offer a line of Ladies’ Underwear. Night Gowns from 75c up. Ladies’ Skirts, 69c, 90c up. Chemise, 55c, 65c, 75c. All nicely trimmed with Hamburg and insertion. Lawn Aprons, 37 inches long, 30c; sold everywhere for 50c. Corset Covers, white cambric, 50c. Boulevard Collarette, mc, 13c. Lace Tithes, nice for pin cushions, or chaiis, toe, worth 15c. Emory Bags, 10c, sold at 250. Scrap Picture:-:, birds, animals, flow ers, all kinds, 1-2C each. Checked Glass Towels, |c Heavy Linen Towels, 1S.X3G, 19c. White Linen, blue border, 16c. Linen Table (.'overs, 79c. These prices are from • to loss than is asked for the -aine articles anywhere else. Why not save money? ' Will arrive this week another lot of Needle Cases, Sewing Machine Oil, Hair Bin Cases, and fresh line of Mil linery, Hats, Trimmings, etc. tio>“ Your trade solicited. Mrs. oSnime (’arroll, Lower Broad Milliner. $75.00 to $250,00 4 m-'Si'T working i"i- us. Agents preferred who can furnish a Jiortu* and give their whole time to the ImxinotfH. Spare momenta may he profit ably employed ai«.>. A fi weanvasern in towns ami cltlfH. li. F. JOHNSON A CO , lOiW Main St. Richmond, Va. H, Jl —Please stair, aye and lusittest expert- race. Never mind about mutiny stamp Jvr reply IS. F. J. tc Co. In C'oiiNiiinptioii Incurable? Read the followin'': Mr. C. H. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was Mown with Abccss of'Lungs, awl friends ami physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive Hogan taking Dr. Kiiiu’s New Discovery fifc Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the best medicine ever made.' 1 Jesse Middleware Decatur, Ohio, says: ‘•Had it not been lor Dr. King's New Dis covery tor Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health;’' Try it. .Sample bottle free at »S. J. Cassels’ Drug .Store, CATAHHII CHILD, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol’s Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal I ijector free Fredonia, Ala, writes: ,■ mother of alee rated sore INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. Received of the Preferred Mutual Accident asocial ion. of New York, Thirty-Two Dol- trs for ten days’ disability, resulting from ■cidont. I cheerfully recommend this Co. for prom^ payment. L. M. Smith, Cash r Hank of Thos’ville. Thomasvill* Ga., Aug. 2, 1888. $5,<><)<> DICAT 11 BY ACCIDENT. 5,000 I.O.HS OF HAND* OK FEET, 5,000 I.O.SS of hand and foot. a,500 I.OMS OF HAND OR FOOT. £.500 I.OMS OF DOTH EVE*. ‘.£,500 DERMA* ENT, Tom I Disability 050 liOMS OF ON IC EVE. ' £5 per wt'di, Temporary Tofu! Dis ability. FOR FIFTY-TWO WEEK*. COSTS IN THIS ASSOCIATION, ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, ml <»l twenty-six weeks, tlie Preferred Mutual .continues the saur* for fifty* two weeks. . N. HOS*KIN*, Agent, Thcmu*villc, <«a TAILORING. There is an end to all things, so tin* people say, !ml them is no end to the splendid titling clothing made at <S1 Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in the neatest manner. Give me a call. John Kenny. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. tt. Brown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the lirst-elass Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to leurn his prices and terms. PIMPLES.,TO SCROFULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. i Year*. II(mil. Arm* mid Solid Scull, Back covered wi111 Sore*. IIe*« Doctor* mid Medi cine* foil. Cured by C’uticura Kcnic- dic* at a cowl of $5.75. 1 have used the Cuticura Remedies with the best results. I have used two bottles of tho Cutleura Resolvent, three buttles of Cuticura and one cake of C’uticura soap, and am cured of terrible Kcalp ami skin disease known as pso riasis. I liad ii for eight years. I would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my head would be a solid scab, and was at the time I be gan the use of the Cutiuura Remedies, My i were coveted with scabs from my elbows y shoulders, my breast was almost one sol- jib, aud my back covered with sores vary- n si7.o from a penny to a dollar. I had doc., tomi with all the nest doctors with no r dief, and used many different medicines without elfoct. My case was hereditary, and 1 began to think, incurable, but it began to heal from the first application of Cuticura. ARCHER RUSSEL, Deshlcr, Ohio. SKIn Diwciuc G Years Fur »d. 1 am thankful to say that I have used tlieCu- tlcura Remedies for about eight months with great succoss, and consider mvself entirely cured of salt slietitu, from which 1 have suffered for six years. 1 tried a number of medicines and two of the best doctors in tiie country, but found nothing that would ollcct a cure until i used your remedies. • . MRS. A. MeCL.YFLIX, Morctte, Mo. Tltc IVor*I C’iim* of Hcroi’iilnr Cured. YVe have been selling your Cutiuura Remedies for years, ami have the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the w >rst cases of Serorular I ever saw cured by the use of five bottles of Cutleura Resolvent, C’uticura and Cutleura soap. TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan. ('iilieuru Itciiirdie*. oCurc overy species of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp ami biood, with loss of hair, from pimples toserofular, except possibly ich thyosis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cutiuura, oe.;Hoap, 25.; Resolvent, §1. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass gySend for “How to Cure Skin Diseases," Gf pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. i- WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, Kidneys and Uterine Pains and Weaknesses, relieved in one minute by the C’uticura Anti-Pain Plaster, tin firstand only pain killing plaster. Now, instan taneous, infallible. 25 cents. FDR UK NT. A six-room two-story house (exclusive o: kitchen and pan try 1 pleasantly located,about five minutes’ walk from the post-office, at $20 per month. Apply at this ollicc. 7 K» titd „ J — El«*eliic Hitter*. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no .special mention. All who have used Electric Ritters sing the same song of praise, A purer medicine does uot exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is i lainicd. Electric Ritters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Roils, Halt Rheum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial levers.— For cure of Headache, Constipation find In digestion try Electric Ritters—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded.— Price abets, and $1.00 per bottle at S. J. Cassels, Drug Store. Are you troubled willi a sluggish, inactive liver? Are you bilious? Do you stiller trotu Jaundice? Hap your complexion a sickly yellow tinge? The blood in its pas sage through the liver does not furnish the healthy action which should result from it, The impurities are stopped and clogging up the duct, cause a disordered condition, which will produce serious results to your healtl. unless you take tiro wit's Iron Ritters at once. It will cure your biliousness and jaundice, and incite to healthy action the sluggish liver. Young T^emale College, Tliomasvilk;, Ga. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September jtli, 1889. Full Oollegialo. course, nH'onls (ivory facility tor a thorough education. Location health fill, grounds oxlonsi vu a to I attractive. Collegiate connso, term of 20 weeks, - - - 815.00 Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, -' - 10.00 Music, per month, ------ 450 Drawing, per month, ... - 3.<H) Painting, “ B - -LOO board in College per month, .... 15.00 Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance at expiration of lirsU'iuartor. JNO. JO. DAKJOIt, au "23- President. Headquarters lor Drugs! R2XD & CTOU’EFFnEUS 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. I’lanos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <j BEAR IN MIND > THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I3ST GEORGIA, Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all ^hours» day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squihb’s preparations in the prescription department md guarantee goods and prices. Item .& (TEB»EI*I*ER, 120-122 Broml &*f. Sullivan & Eilrain. As Sullivan knocked out Kilrain in seventy-five rounds, T j. Steyerman Hro. Propose to knock out high prices in Clothing in the next twelve months We oiler clothing at present at prices that make other houses dread the name of Steyerman and l»ro. Owing to the large trade bestowed on us this spring, our Mr. Simon Steyerman will leave for New York Monday to take advnntagc'of the market there. lie will leave nothing undone as the CASH talks. His instructions to us while he is away are to Sell Clothing at Cost and. Below, To make room Ibr his fall purchases. Call and take advan tage of this opportunity. L. Steyerman & Bro. - CARBONATED WITH— NATURALGAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. imi.NK Glen Springs Mineral Water Portin' Liver aud Kidneys, j For sale at L. SCHMIDT’S. Thomasvlllc Yaricb WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers llOTTGII & DHES8ED LUMI3EU. LATHES, PICKETS, SIIIXOLKH, Mun.niNcs, UKAOKKT.S, SCHOLL WOIIK, MANTLES, HALF.STEPS," STAIIl-llAII.S Newel Posts. OFFICE, CHURCH it- STORE, Furniture. STORK FRONTS, Wjre Screen Doors and Windows, fckish* Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AM) INSIDE IIAIIDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. tesrUORUESPOXDENCE SOLICITED.’’ Itucklcu’* Arnica *nlrc. The Rest Halve in the World 4 for Cuts Rrui.-es, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilldaiiu Corns, anil all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Riles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or mon% refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale, by J. Cassels, Drug Store. TAKE A REST. Excursion tickets at low rates will be sold to all summer resorts throughout the country by the East Tennessee, Virginia aWd Georgia Railway, commencing June 1st, good to return on or before October Jlst. Fast train service with £fft)man cars. R. W. WRENN, Gen. Puss, and Ticket Ag