The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 22, 1889, Image 4

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r ■ ’toye and Shop. [From n letter of Miss Arabella Leslie to Miss Bessie Chamberlain, in the Bet nut Free Press. ] And now, dear Bess, I must tell you about the charming call which I enjoyed from my fiancee, Mr. Stuhpcn, last evening. He is .so witty, and does sav such delightful things, yon know. I don’t wonder that he is a popular newspaper man. He came rtllier caflv, and we drifted to the sofa, as usual, and began talking about thj; usual subjects, when he suddenly remarked that lie was afraid he had actually gone to press without the “leading article." I asked him what flic “leading article" was, ami lie said that in love it was always a kiss—an article of ‘‘unvary ing priority,” (Whatever that means). I blushed, of coarse, lint said nothing: and presently he apologized for talk ing shop and asked if he could print a kiss on niv lips. 1 said I didn’t suppose 1 could prevent his attending to his own professional duties, if he chose to; and so—well, he printed, may he an edition, I don't know how many. Then, what do you suppose the unconscionable wrcteli asked me? He asked if 1 thought lie had made any errors. 1 told him I thought lie had, certainly. “Then,” said lie “there is nothing for me to do hut take a proof and see." Then he kissed me about six times more! 1 couldn't help laughing, because 1 do not know what a “proof,’ is, and I ought to have been smart enough to prevent him. About three minutes later lie asked me it I could let him have a “revise.” Of course, I hadn't the slightest idea what, a revise was, but replied that if there was one in the house I would get it for him. lie told me to sit perfectly still and he would help him self. And he did! (It seems that a “revise” is a second proof.) Mamma came in just then, and Mr. Stuhpcn made only two jumps from the sofa to the piano stool and began playing “Abide With Me.” I thought I should die laughing! Fred isjust the funniest, nicest, handsomest fellow in the world! After mamma went he began to tolk shop again— about “setting up" and “locking up the form” and “holding copy” (he said I was just a copy of dear mam ma) ayd lots of other delightfully .'funny nonsense that 1 have forgotten. vlY>ega:i to think he never would go. About It! o’clock a messenger hoy came with a note from the managing editor of the paper Fred is connected with, and it seemed to frighten him almost to death. He dashed away without even liis hat, and I heard him mutter something about “huge head" and “double lead," I thought it must he something dreadful had happened or would happen to my Fred, hut papa said this morning it was nothing hut a railroad accident in which ninety people were killed. Your own Ai:ai;i:i.i.a. TO THE NORTH NORTHWEST 1 —THE— Li. & JST. LOUISVILLE S NASHVILLE RAILROAD, —is rm:— SHORT LIXK —WITH — THROUGH SLEEPING SARS, FKJ.M ALLANV T<» nakuvh.m:, KVAtTSVIlJ.i:, »t. iaOriN. Ami but one eiianj:<> to I.OIIMMIJT. CINCINNATI* CHICAGO. And other northern cities. Always ask for tickets via the Louisville A Nashville L. 1!. For anV information, w i ite to X <£ r. ATMORK, Cell. Bass. Agt. Louisville, Ky. Parties ha\ing friends m the North should a Wise them to take this route to Thomas- ville during the coming season. THE NEW PRIZE STORY Hut ladies who rea l of I)r. Pic vorito Prescription, read it again, for they dis cover in it something to prize—a messenger of Joy to those suffering from functional derange ments or from any of the painful disorders or weaknesses peculiar to their sex. Periodical pains, internal inflammation nml ulceration, leueorrhea and kindred ailments readily yield to its wonderful curative and healing powers. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satis faction in every ease, or money will be re funded. This guarantee has l>ecn printed on the bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many years. $1.00 by druggists, or six bottles lor $5.00. Copyright, l.w, by Worlds Dis. Med. Ass’n. . „ DOCTOR \WPC©S PIERCE’S \oasavrt PELLETS \\ m3 \» *3 hie A Ilnrmlfs*. Unequaled ns a Elver Pill. Smallest, cheapest, easiest to take. One Pellet a Hose. Docs not gripe. Cures Sick Head* ache, Billon* Itendnelie, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all derangements of the stomach ana bowels. Put up in glass vials, hermetically sealed. Always fresh and reliable. Gently laxative, or an active* cathartic, according to si/.e of dose. 25 cents, by druggists. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula Railroad. Formerly 11m* F. It. A' N« <‘o. Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. 1 Lv iriir.ux division 1 Fernnndliwi An ; Jacksonville Ar 1 Callahan Ar 1 l.ald win Ar 1: 5oo p tun: Too i> 114.’* n 1/ r.aop 1127 n Lv 8.TO I* 12 42 P Ev -* 25p 1 27 p Ar Eawti 9 5>p 112 p Ar Stark* 10 TO p .2 27 |. Ar Wal.l. 1120 a T02 p Ar Ilawih**i 1 10 a 4 20 p Ar Ocala 3 50 a 5 42 i* Ar Wll<hv<* u 10 a (ilOpAr Eecshu i»01a 40p Ar Tuvan 0 42 a 822 p Ar Orland T1 | TAMl'A DIVISION | ftv Jacksonville Ar Ev Wildwoo.i Ar Ar Panasoffkco Ar Ar Sumtnrvllln Ar Ar St. Catherine A i |Ar Lacooclmo Ar |.-r Dado City Ar Ar Plant City Lv l C'EDAIIKKV 1UV. | 11 I 2 (Mil • 12 01 p I 9 20 p 801 p 7 Top G 10 p GO*I p 5 45 1* 4 oo j* 24 i» 1145 a Ev Jacksonville Ar 150p G10a ill 4 10 p EV Wald** Al“10J5p T40p at 4 5T p Ar ClaiiiCHvilJe Ar, 9 40 a 2TO p *0 5 42 p Ar Archer Ev 8 25 a 12 15 p G 121* At* Brunson Ar, 7 48 a . s jAr Cedar Key Ev: 5 TO a i 1 | WI.STKHN 1HVISMN ; 2 1 1“ 7 "0 p S 05 p 10 10 1 7 15a 1 Ev Jacksonville Ar t20 n 2i3p 8 00a' Ar Baldwin Ar 2T5 p 14Gp I oTGa'Ar Lake City Ar 1 os p 1122a ! 10 27 a! A r Li vo Oak Ar i2 2T p 9 55 u ill 28a' A r Madison Aril 15 a 8 15 it 1252p Ar Monticell** EvloTOa J 20 a ) 20 .a ! 4 U0 p A 1 lltve I 1.2, 7, 8, 9, 10. IT, 11 Dally. 62. and 63 Dally. t, 4. 23, 21, Dally,except Sunday. to Daily except Sunday. 31 Daily Monday, 845 p-l to a I.v JacksoiivillcJ Ars50a-i; ■ lOOSp-GOOa Ar Fernamlina Lv715a-4: •opt Sunday. G)Jan*t Cl .Southern Female l (COX, College Bogin** its l^th S**« ollege Twenty on* Officers jhigh tarvl.u* , • _ - ■» ^ ~3*Yi>*i i-.-s and mottle. Book k*» i.iD7, ti ll /:n|)liy, !>!*•• dit*m making. Elocution am! uit line. In . _ .. Nexen Traelirr*. Miw* r v * continue Director-. ladle*’ orchestra- ll# ullhful .oul liomt- like. Hcixl for Uluatrated catulug'u* going lull particular- AdOrcm Mrs. I. F. COX. President, LaGIIANGE, GA Pipit. Ii>t bra from CANADA to TEXAS. CAT.Auil ClltKI), li.-aUli IHI.I sinifl breath M.'uriil, I.)- Shilul'a Catarrh Rimoly. Price 50 cents.QXu&il Injector free 7 :15 n. in., New Orleans Express. Shortest and lino t*» all Middle ami West Florida points, Pensacola. Mobile ami Now Orleans. 7:15 a. m. an 1 7-TO i>. m. trains.*, n* nect Oirougli t<» Thomasvllle, Montgomery, Nashville, St. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, ai.d all points North an<l West. Arrive at 2:45 p, lit. und T .45 p. 111. 11:45 p. in. Mall and Express for all points South, Gulhciiville, Ocala, LccBjiirg. Tavcres, Apopka, Orlando, Panas.dTk**** (St. Catharin**! Dade City, Plant City. Arrive s at 1:3U p. in. 7 :()0 p. m. Local, connects through for all points South, Ocala, Gainesville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarp *n Springs, Souther* land, St. Petersburg, ami Tampa. Arrives at G : 10 a. Ill, 11 >15 a. in. Cumberland lb»ute Express, con nects at Feinandlna with steamer City of Brunswick, dully, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati St. Louis and Chicago. Arrive*. 1 :5d ii. m. 4:T0p. in. Fernnndlua Mall nml Express, dally, connecting Tuesday ami Friday with Str. St. Nicholas f**r.Savannah am! way land ings. Thursday with Mallory Steamers fm New York. Arrives 8:50a. in. Sunday train leaves Jacksonville b: 15 n, m. ThU new s«*rvlce gives perfect connections at Baldwin k>r all points North und West, Via Callahan t*» all i^lnts North, East ami West. Via Fernamlina, conueeilng with str. City of ! Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta ami all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A.O M Ac: DON ELL, Gen. Manager, G. P. T. A. N. 8. PENNINGTON. Traill*; Manager. j. w REID. Agent ut Tlioimtsville. Ga. Fit JEN II MEATS. Wc will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. I*. JI. Hone a tine stock of fresh meats. Beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, tat, juicy and sweet. We will be glad to receive A *our patronage and will serve you with the ' eBt meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. lloitx k Bito MARVELOUS MEMORY | DISCOVERY. ~ l Only Genuine Urstrra of Memory Training, Four Dunlin Learned In ono reading. Mind wutidrrln* cured. | livery child am! adult areally benefltted* I • Groat Inducements to Corrotpoiulence CUsses. i Prrwpoctu*, with opinions of i»r. Win. A. limn, mmid, the w-.rlil-f* ii KpecUlistfn Mind Dimmlmml Diuilcl l*rf«*nli*nfThniiiihoii.tli**frpat Psychol- «*«•**. vJ. M. Ilueklcy, !>.!>.. *»i.ior of the Christian Advocate. A. 1 , Itirlmril Prortor, the Hcientwr, I Dots. \\ . W. A* for. Judge (ijlnon, Judah 1*. n. y. CARBONATED WITII- NATUEALGAS [•nuorlcil Iron* the Mineral S]iriiigs on the Rhine, Ger- m:my. on draught at L. SOHMIDT’S. DIUNK Glen Springs . Mineral Water For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. BGHMEDT’S. Tliojnasville Variety WORKS. RejnoMs, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Mcnufacturers and Dealers K< ) r < i I I Ao DUKSS I<:D LFMliFli. Ix ATI IKS, PICK KTS, S HIN (IL KS, Mol’LDINCS, I'.lt A(’K KTS, SC ID >LL WoilK, MANTLKS, BA LFSTKI5S,* S 1’A I Il-ll AILS Newel I’oHts, OFFICE, ( IlCIiril ii- STORE, Furniture. .STOHM FRONTS, Wire Scrrrn Doors ami Windows, Sash* Doors ami Blinds TO 0 H D K ii. STAIR BUILDING, AND 1NSIDK IIAltDWUOl) FINISH A HlMCetAl.TV. BOVL’Ul!liltsI’(i.N'DENCK S<lUt’ITKI). T. I’fiiiiril. • Jiw|ili \\. Thorn. BENNETT & THORN, PRODUCE Commission Merchants, No. 302 North Front St., Philadelphia, - Pa. 0-1 l-2m JOSEPH PIKE'S SUN, Com mission Merchant, — \::ii Healer In — Florida fi Georgia Fruits Si Vegetables A SPECIALTY. 9.N IM ItK ri. K E, NEW YORK. Melons and LeConte Pears Solicited. Ileprcsented in Thomasvillc by A. C. Brown ami John W. Mitchell Bennett & ETall, (O.UM ISNIO.N t|EIU IIANTN, Fruits and Produce. Melons -:- and Pears SI’KCIAI.TIKS. No.ltil WKKTSTREET NliW YORK.| By shipping ycur Green and Dried Fruits, Melons VEGETABLES, Dr any tiling you may have, to us. We have a very large trade in the above articles, ami eati place your shipments to as good ad vant age as any house on the market. We invite correspondence from all parties having any thing in our line to ship. SIMMERS, MOB BISON' k Commission Merchants, 174 South Water Street, Chicago, Illinois. Helen*nee: Metropolitan Nat. Bank. d<xw WALTER S. HILL, — FOB THE SALK OK— Southern Fruits S VEGETABLES, Lei'mitt-Pears anti Melons a Specially. •JOG DI ANE NT,. NEW YORK. References: Irving National Bank, X. V.; Fruit Growers' National Bank, Smyrna, Del. Represented in Tliomasviflc by A. C. Brown. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. C. SNODGRASS. B. F. HAWKINS gNOnORASS & HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. Oflleo . Formerly occupied by Enterprise of fice. M. Mol NY )TSII,* Pliysicism ii Surgeon, Thomasvillo, Georfria. ^"OFFICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. J)R. .!( )EIi J!. C( )YLH. DENTIST THOM ASVI L.LE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., over Pickett’s. CL 't. McLENDON^ A tt or ney-a t-La w, Prompt attention given to all business cn- tiusted to liim. Office—Over Watt’s store, coiner ltroud and Jackson streets. J II. COYLE, I). I). S., Resident Dentist, Thomasvillo, * - * Georgia. Offers bis services to tn citizens of Thom* nsvlllo nml vicinity. Office hours—From 9 n. in. to 1 j*. m., and from 2 to fip.m. Ofilco—On Jackson street. W. 1). MITCHELL, U. G. MITCHELL ■JarrellELL & MITCIlELI., Attorncys-at-La w, Thomasvllle, • • Georgia, 'V- 11 -IHA L M. I). Office, up-stairs. T. S. DEKLIC, M. I)., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Corner Collego avenue nml Mag uolln street. Telephone communication, No. 25 for night N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasvillo, Georgia, I will bo glad to mako contracts foi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, in either brick or wood. I will guarantee in every Instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. MY MOTTO—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building done call on mo. I will submit estimates whether ooutraet Is awarded mo or uot. I rorer to the many public buildings erected by mo In Thomasvillo and elsowhoio, and all parties for whom I have worked BT FAR TBIE ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK OR- BOSTON —IS VIA— SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIP:-: LINE —OF THE— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale nl ieduced rates. Rood to return until October .’list, 1«8B. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Pjrcc from the heat and dust incident to nil-rail routes. If you arc sick the trip will invigorate anti build you up. Ro east by sea and you'll never regret it. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via,Savannah. Further information may be had by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, W. F.SIIKLLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager E. T. CHARLTON, CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass, Agt., Savannah Ga. raw hmi3T.ll*, IHw Allanjr & Chiag* Rf Co. t*Q» TH E PEST AND MOST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN TIIKfSOUTII TO CfUCAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. W»> through expreos trains daily, with Pull man Pabico BuffetHlccplngCar» by night, ami Chntr Cura by day, b«*tw**i'ii Cln- clnnultl and Clilcag**, Indlaiinpo- llu and Clilcago, ami als<* be; tween Loulnvlllo And Chicago, Rt. Paul, Fargo, BiHinnrk, P<*- lam], Omaha, Kansas City, Han Francisco ami points intermediate— XTew Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Datlycxcept Sunday, at 7*30 a. in. Cincinnati, Dally, except Sunday at 7 :45. Arriving at Chicago at C :35. Tho most rapid sorvlco over attempted tween tho Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio ltlvcr and Chicago. «*1 hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destinatl«*n, and your safety and com fort provided for, aro among tho points that have made tho MOJMOXVT ROUTS Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.CARSON, Vlue-pros’t and Gon’I M; W. II. McDOEL, Gen’l TraSKc Manager, E. O. McCORMICK, Gen.I Passenger Agent R. W. GLADING. Passenger ami Frolght Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomaavlllo Ga. THE PUBLIC Whiddon House (Opposite PIney Woods Hotel.) TIIOMASVir.LE, - GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, located In the most dcsir aide and central part of the city, is new amt complete In every particular. Fur nished in the, most elegant milliner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, mid the service rendered by trained nndtpo- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices {traded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from thi house meet all trains. decJO-ly Fife & Beverly MEIGS, GEOItGIA. --DEALKKS IN- General Merchant! .1. KINDS OK Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. We are prepared i«» furnish anything w m od In tho Lt Miuin LINK. We make a »pech*lt Mouldings, Turned Scroll Work The inostolnhnrato designs will be faithful ly and correctly executed. Wo operate the best equipped mills, ami carry the largest stock of so isoned lumber In Southern Goor gla. Parti m wanting lumberwlllsavo money by consulting us before placing their orders. FIFE At BEVERLY MM & Leiict Contractors & Builders TIIOMASVILLE, CiA. We will bo glad t«» mako contracts for, or fuipcrlnt«*n*l, all classes of buildings, public or private, in either brick or wt>«*d. Will fur nish plans and sped Ilea* Ions If required. If you want any - building done call on us, and wo will submit estimates whothor contract is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantee satis faction In all our work. Wo refer to tho nvmy buildings erected by us In Thomnsville, and to all parties f*»r whom wo have worked. Shop *>n Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvllle, Ga., April 3,1889. B. D. FUDGE, TIIOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Unns nl SjiortK Mis of all kind*, ami [agent for King’s Powder Co. GEORGE FliARN, SEAL ESTATE ACIVT. OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cilf mil Cob itrj Propcrti (or Salt, HOUSES RENTED And faxes !•* *d. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your properly That I have open ed, at my office on Broad st., an ex change where land lords may find ten ants, and tenants may find landlords. I will undertake to rent any class of real estate, from a negro cabin to the Mitchell House, from an acre patch to a five thousand acre plantation, and to collect the rents. Parties who have vacant rooms or furnished rooms to let, should call and see me. 'All wishing any thing in that line can find what they want at my office. ELI M. MALLETTE. Five room cottage on Love street, at $12.50 per month. Six room house on Lower Broad street, where Mr. II. Woltf now lives, from Sept.l, at $20.00 a month. Four room tenement, on Cal houn street, near Broad street, at $5 per month, Large new house on Jeffer son street, at $25 per month. Furnished rooms on Jack son st,, near business blocks. Upstais of house on Calhoun* street. Unfurnished rooms in Bry ant house, on Jackson st., be yond railroad. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. HEAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasvillo. (tcoci