The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 23, 1889, Image 3

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PROFITS THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. nil DAY, .truest: Boom IS WHS! WE WANT —AND Room WE MUST HAVE Our buyer, Mr. C Wolff, is now in New York, where lie wil spend about 6 weeks looking up the new est find most desirable goods on the market for our fall and win ter trade. No Pains, Time or Money will be spared to ob tain the very latest importations in Dress Goods Novelties. This <lc'i>;irtincut* as every one knows, is our “hobby,” and we contidently promise to show the ladies of Thomasvillc the most elegant fabrics ever placed on sale in this city. No department of our busi ness shall be neglected, but cadi one tilled with every thins that is New! Nobby! Stylish! So we advise yhu to wait and see our stock before making any purchase whatever of fall and win er goods. The ex treme novelties arc just com ing into the Eastern markets, Sind our buyer will gel .liens. buy rials what you want in .Summer Mater almost A! Tour Own Price* As we are determined not to pack up any summer stock at all, provided LOW PRICES will move what we have left. You will positively save money buying oi us all the dry goods you need during the remainder of “the heated term.” Favor us with a call. Very respectfully, H. Wolfl & Bro., Leaders of Styles ami Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT II. Thomas Jr's' J26 Broad Sired. G. S- Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather bulletin for the 21 hours endin' at 7 o'clock 1*. M August 22, 1880. Temper ati. re. 7 p. ni., iiniiin for 21 hours 87 nimrtm “ “ “ i*f» in-fall Local Sch»dulc. ail for Savannah A ‘ “ from “ “ “ for Chattahoochee. Train for Albany “ Chatt. I.v from Chatt. Ar for Albany I.v . !> 25 a in 12 40 11 m , 1 31 p 111 200 p III . 0 30 a 111 . 5 20 p 111 t> 50 p ni 3 45 p 111 , 8 40 a in 4 45 p m “ “ •* from THOM AS VILLE AND MONTICKLLO. iglit accom. for Alonticello I.v...845 a i “ “ from •* ....Ar...C20 p i t mail for “ ....Lv...20»* p i “ from “ ....Ar..l210 p i Robert Evans returned from a short visit to Bainbridgc yesterday. M. S, Henderson, of Moutieello, was in the city yesterday. Col. Blood, a citizen of Boston, was in the city yesterday. .Mr. L. O. Jackson, of Bainbridgc, was in the city yesterday, stopping at the Stuart, Travel is quite heavy. A large number are returning from tire .sum mer resorts. Mr. J. M. Lee left again yesterday for St. Louis, to buy another ear load of mules. Mr. M. Y. McIntyre, of Savannah, is in the city yesterday, visiting rel atives and friends. Miss I). V. Osborne, of Dixie, wa among the guests of the Stuart House yesterday. Hon. John Donaldson, of Bain bridge, came up yestorday morning util stopped over in the city. Scnppornongs are coming in rapid ly, and the market is now pretty well supplied with these fine grapes. Attention of road overseers is called to notice of Commissioner Bulloch, South Georgia College. Attention is called to the card of the South Georgia College, which appears in our paper this morning, The ses sion will open on Wednesday, Sept. 4th. This college has adopted several new fealures which will add to its at tractiveness and usefulness as an edu cational institution. The Trustees of the school have very wisely adopted the military feature in its conduct, and all students of sufficient age will be classed into companies and under strict military discipline, which will add much to the popularity with the young men of the state. Any inquiries will be answsred or catalogues furnished on application to I’rof. G. M. Lovcjoy president. Renewing The Old. We notice that the old underpinning and platform of the freight depot being removed and new pins and planking put in. We were in hopes that our Iricnds, the railroad officials, would see their way clear to building a new and modern freight depot for Thornasville. The old rattle-trap con cern they have here is not a fit repre sentative of the road, or the handsome business which is done at this office, and we know ogr clever and efficient agent and assistants deserve a better house and accommodations. To Recover His Watch. Mr. Henry Mash thinks that he is very probably on the track of his handsome gold watch that was stolen from his bed-room some time ago. One answering the description of liis, as near as could be ascertained at the time, is in the hands of the chief of police of Charleston, S. C. The watch was taken up by the police at a pawn shop, where it had hern disposed ol by a crook, who was wanted for another offense, fora small sum. Mr. Mash is in correspondence with the authorities in regard to the watch. who wishes missing .plied. mile posts sup A light-blue cashmere shawl lost on Tuesday. The finder will favor the owner by returning to this office’. See notice. Mr. J. J. McKay, of Macon, mi in surance adjuster, is in the city, repre senting some of the companies which ustained losses by the late fire. Kcifer pears are making their ap pearance in our market. We noticed number of barrels being shipped yesterday. Messrs. I'ringlc & Bro. are offering ceil rye, rice and tobacco, as well a: trge lot of fancy and family groceries for sale. See advertisement. Mr. Walter I’bilpot, who has been in Atlanta lor some time, taking a business course in Moore’s Business University, having finished his labors, returned home yesterday morning. Rev. J. E. l’owcll, of Camilla, who s been spending some days with friends in Thonmsville, and filled the Baptist pulpit last Sabbath, returned home yesterday morning. President Lovcjoy, of the South eorgia College, leaves today for points on the S. F. <& W. Ey., mid al so portions of Florida, in the interest of the college. Mr. Lamb, supervisor of this divis ion, S. F. & W. Ivy., was robbed of fifteen or twenty dollars, at a hotel in Dupont, night before last. Two oth er gentlemen were robbed at the same time. The respective breeches of the trio were found on the outride of the house, minus pocket hooks mid con tents. -Mr. J. T. Wilson, an old citizen of Thomas county, who moved from here in 1 - s -31 to Florida, is visiting his relative, Mr. Gus Hurst and family. Mr. Wilson it accompanied by his slaughter, Miss Laura. They live now in Polk county, Florida, and we are glad to know that the world has prospered with them. They will pend some little time visiting rela tives in this county. Destroying Public Property. The custom of wantonly destroying public property, as evidenced in the knocking off, shootiiifq and otherwise defacing sign boards and mile posts on the public roads, has gone to that ex tent that the commissioners 'nave de termined to punish (lie offenders, mul Chairman Bulloch offers a reward of •So for proof to convict the guilty parties. Look out for them, mid serve the county and earn the rewar at the same time. FROM THE BLUEGRASSCOUNTRY Clover. -Mr. YanDykc the agent of'S..F. it W. I!. R. at this point very kindly returned Miss Laura Jones the money which she had paid for a tlirou ticket to New York; the lire here having prevented or rather delayed her trip north. As soon as the suranee is adjusted, Miss Laura will go on and purchase a new stock of goods ns well as fixtures for the store. A Good Work. The chain gang is now,engaged, and will he for the next six weeks, in cut ting down weeds, grass, etc., and clean ing up all the streets of the city They made a str rt on the lower end of Broad street yesterday morning, and will soon show evidence of thiir good work. Profit in Hay. As indicating the amount of profit to be made in the curing of hay, Mr. John Dohlberg, who is in charge of the Mitchell House, has cured a lot of bermuda hay off of less than half an acre of ground, which weighed 2,500 pounds. This, at $1 a hundred, le than other hay not so good sells for, would net $30 an acre for bermuda hay. Is there a crop made which will pay a better profit and so easily made? Uniforming the Cadets. Messrs. C. H. Young & Co., who were the successful bidders in supply- tlic uniforms for our military company (which, by the way, was very handsomely and satisfactorily executed), have made au oiler to fur nish the uniforms to the cadets of the South Georgia College. Should they get the contract the work will he well done, as Messrs. Young & Co. are fair ami square dealers. — The Guards # In their handsome uniforms, were out on the streets drilling yesterday, under the command of Lieutenant Smith, the captain and first lieutenant being ab sent. The Guards are making rapid proficiency in the drill, and will take rank with the crack companies of the the state at no distant day. Good Living—Country Hams at 12 1-2 Cents, and Golden Butter at 8 Cents Per Pound-Fires and Wraps Comfortable in August. En. Times-Enterprise :—H'c arc still roaming about the knobs and hills of the “blue grass.” Recently we have had a spell of cool weather, which makes wraps and fires very comforta ble. I am told this sudden change occurs every August. The people are acclimated to it here, and pay little regard to it, but 1 felt it sensibly, and hugged the fire closely. The hot weather is over here, and next month begins autumn. I must say 1 have had more buggy rides than for the past five years. Mr. Elder takes delight in driving a high bred Kentucky trotter, and she pulls us along the pike with a speed seldom equaled. Mr. Editor, we would like for you to come up and cool off. We will promise you all the rich sweet milk you can drink, and chicken three times a day; besides we will associate you with the most hospitable people in the world, and who will positively feel it an insult unless you will honor them with a visit. Wheat-threshing is the most promi nent feature among the farmers now. Wheat is seventy cents a bushel. Oats are twenty-five cents a bushel. Corn will not exceed thirty cents in the fall. The crops are very line. I wonder if our Thornasville people have ever seen any genuine Kentucky bacon ? It sells for only ten cents a pound. Fine, deli cious bams 12J cents a pound, and golden butter for the pitiful sum of eight cents. Now, I would like to know if this is not high, first class, cheap living? We were honored with an invitation, a short time ago, to visit the beautiful homes of Mr. 13. F. Mat tingly and Mr. John Simms, each being worth one hundred thousand dollars. Nature has done much in beautifying these homes, making them pleasing and attractive to.the eye. 1 wish I could sufficiently describe the magnifi cence of the scenery, but it must be seen to be appreciated. I think I have improved during my sojourn here. I go to church and re turn home by nine o’clock, a. m. This early rising allows a person no time to indulge in morning naps. After all, there is nothing like getting used to anything. We expect to leave here by the 1st of September, turning south ward, but I shall hardly reach Thom asvillc before the last days of the month. Wishing my friends far away in the Queen city among the pines, many good wishes, I am Sincerely, Fanxy Ei.der. Lehr non, Ky., Aug. 19, ’S9. A Card. I desiro to return sincere and heart- felt thanks to the firemen, and citizens generally, who worked so heroically and unselfishly to save and protect my stock of millinery goods, on the gbt of the fire. Their kindness will never be forgotten. I would,' also, lender grateful thanks for the many iud expressions of sympathy which have reached me. Memory will treas ure them long. L.ut.a Jiin ks. The many Irionds of Mr. Sterling Culpepper will be pleased to learn that lie is rapidly recovering. He is in town, the guest of his brother, Dr. J. T. Culpepper. Mrs. Forbes, the accomplished music teacher, is now giving lessons it her residence on Jackson street, he will, also, when it is desirable, give private lessons at homes of pu pils. The lady understands thorough ly the art of teaching music. Cash Bargains For Summer Trade This week I offer a line of Ladies’ Underwear. Night Gowns from 75c up. * Ladies’ Skirts, 69c, 90c up. Chemise, 55c, 65c, 75c. All nicely trimmed with Hamburg and insertion. I/awn Aprons, 37 inches long, 30c; sold sverywherc for 50c. Corset Covers, white cambric, 50c. Boulevard Collarette, 11c, 13c. I,ace Tidies, nice for pin cushions, or chaiis, 10c, worth 15c. Emory Bags, 10c, sold at 25c. Scrap Pictures, birds, animals, flow ers, all kinds, 1-2C each. Checked Glass Towels, 4c! Heavy Linen Towels, 18x36, 19c. White Linen, blue border, 16c. Linen Table Covers, 79c. These prices arc from ] to \ less than is asked for the same articles anywhere else. Why not save money? Will arrive this week another lot of Needle Cases, Sewing Machine Oil, Hair Pin Cases, and fresh line of Mil linery, Hats, Trimmings, clc. WSf" Your trade solicited. Mrs. •Bennie diUToII, Lower Broatl Milliner. M-:i-;n nvi-;. J. L.,t W. A. I'lingl.- can .--ii|,|.l ml rye at 81..'hi per Imstief. Call fore supply is exhausted. A few barrels 1 et3 rice left, at J. L. k W. A. Pi are daily receiving i.i.k . il-w2w HEALTH WORTH MORE Til A X MONEY Heated term is still on ih ! 1 Purity y(j I have in 11 otii * * ; on Lori i>K: rm.» >i II. I’]. DEKLK, the public that lie lc sold at livii patronage that sat is fa a I a 11 v hit'll > ill be re of the public the assurance rtieulnr will be aug2.’l-2td re, Carpet* Wall Pap/ Child The best sty 1 W. F< JUNES, Mas.irv Buildii Pall A Winter CLOTHING! and our line of Light Gin House Insurance Blansell -WITH— A Merrill, Thornasville, Ga. iel Me PIMPLESJO SCR0FULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis l**oi'In*i* H Year*. Head, Arm* au«l ltreu*t a Solid Sruli, llnclt covered will! Wore*, lien Doc lor* and .Tied! fine* rail. €'ured by ('illicitin Itenic die* at a coil of $.'1.7.5. 1 have used tho Cutieura Remedies with the best results. I have used two bottles of the Cutieura Resolvent, three bottles of Cuticur; ami one eakeof Cutieura .soap, and am cured of a terrible scalp and .skin di*< Hauls. I had d for eight ye better and worse at tin odd seal), r of the Ci effect. My think, incural that applieati. , and iny back cov ir.o from a penny i itli all the best d< i'd many Uifl'e •tlit.ii Re the tin idle : I la , My vi the Remember we sell you a whole box of •bacco for $1.75. Sound and all right. Call r a box of Tube. J. L. •* W. A. PRINtiU;. 8-2.’j-lwd-w2w I* Consumption Incurable? Read the following : Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: "Was down with <8 of Lungs, and friends ami physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive, •gau taking Dr. Kind's New Discovery fcV insuinption, am now on my third bottle, id able to oversee the work on my farm, is the best medicine ever made.' Jesse Middle wart, Decatur, Ohio, says: hid it not been for Dr. King’s New Dis- very tor Consumption I would have died f Lung Troubles. Was given up by doctors, inv in best of health;" Trv it. Sample tree at S. J. Camels’ Drug Store,|A(gj but it began to heal from the uf Cutieura. archer rossed, Deside r, Uhl.). Nliln Dituioc O Year* f ,'ur»<l. nkful t«*say that I have used thoC i Re idles l out ght elf and two found used j vonld effect a eur . A. 5IcCI.AFI.IN, <mth.s with cntirol. suffered edieiuos try, li J until i iv« fi oi*i flap of Scrofular Cured. been selling your Cutieura Remedit and have the tirst complaint ye ... _ rcliaa “ WANTED. A situation at a planing mill. Hud lonj pericnee in a general planing mill bud *■; am thoroughly posted in the himbe business. Hood references can be gives). Address. FRANK THOMAS, 8 20 d’Uwlt Thornasville, <_ia . Oue . . rofular I ever saw cured by the u of live bottles of Cutieura Resolvent, Vutieu and Cutieura soap. TAYLOR »V TAYI.Ok, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan. uru Itciuedle*. os of agonizing huiniliatin uly, and pimply diseas ('a lie u y rped • Ml, of ha except po.v it<*ii the skin, sealp am from pimples tom tli vox is. Hold everywhere. Price, Cutieura, oc.; Soap, 25.; Resolvent, si. Prepared l»v the Puttei Drug and Chemical Co., Rosten, Mass £4/ Send for “How to Cure Skin Diseases," ill pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. D R COYLE” \yOtfM tod PnMnrctifo VvV\V/ and Curt* 0,(raved Cam*. ./'roc rf^pL DENTIFRICE Orta >ad Pnurrrt Ife,IWh MUST 60! Call and get OUR Prices before buy ing at ran Cost Prices, and we will YOU MONEY Clothier? and Furnishers, toe Broau st., Thornasville, Ga.