The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 25, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. Sl'.N'DAV, AUGUST 1880. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU R. Thomas Jr's' 126 Broad Street. O. S- Bondurant Vountear Observer Room IS WHATWEWANT -AND- Room WE MUST HAVE! Our buyer, Mr. C Wolff, is now in New York, where he wil spend about 0 weeks looking up the new est and most desirable goods on the market for our fall and win ter trade. No Pains, Time or will be spared to ob tain the very latest importations in Dress Goods Novelties. This department, as every one knows, is our “hobby, and wo oonlidently promise to show lbo ladies of Tliomasville the most elegant fabrics ever placed on sale in this city. No department of our busi ness shall be neglected, but each one tilled with everything that is New! Nobby! Stylish! So we advise yhu to wait and see our stock before making any purchase whatever of fall and win er goods. The ex treme novelties arc just com ing into tlie Eastern markets, and our buyer will ge£ them. Ymi siru invite 1 to come and buy wltal you want ill .Summer Materials almost A! Your Own Price* As we are determined not to pack up any summer stock at all, provided LOW PRICES will move what we have left. You will positively save money buying ol us all the dry goods you need during tbe remainder of “the heated term." Favor us with a qpll. Very respectfully, H. Worn & Bra., Leaders of Styles ami Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST Weather bulletin for the 24 hours at 7 o'clock I*. M August 24, 1880. Tk.M PER ATI) llii. [•ruling 2 p. in 7 p. m .Maximum for 21 hours. Minimum “ “ “ Rain-fall Fast Local Schedule. nail for Savannah Ar. ‘ “ from “ \r. “ “ for Chattahoochee Lv. Train for Albany Lv. “ from “ Ar. “ “ . “ for Savannah Lv. Freight and accoin. from \Vnyc..Ar. .12 10 }n . 1 31 p l . 2 (HI p i 5 20 p r li 50 p l IS 45 p l 8 40 a I * “ Chatt. Lv... 4 45 pi “ »• “ from Chatt. Ar... 7 15 a i “ “ “ for Albany Lv... 4 25 pi from “ Ar... 7 55 a i TI10MASVILLK AND MONTK'KLLO. Freight accom. for Montieello Lv.. .8 45 a i “ •* from “ .... Ar.. .0 20 p i Fast mail for “ .:..Lv...20tf pi “ “ from “ ....Ar.. 12 10 i PARADISE PARK. CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Ciicuen—Rev. (5. G. N. MaeDonell, pastor. Prayer meet ing !):!!() a. in. Preaching by pastor at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. Sunday school 1 p. in. Presbyterian—Sunday School 9:30 a. in. Preaching at 11 a. m. by Rev A. W. Clisby. No services at night. Prayer Meeting Wednesday night at 7.30 o’clock. Episcopal Cneiteii:—Rev. C. I. LaRoclic, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o’clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon ■> o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass 011 sec ond Sunday at 8:.'!0 o’clock a. in.; sermon at 11 'a. m. Gaze on Sam Wolff’s ad. Mr. J. O. J. Lewis lias added a new delivery wagon to. bis grocery. Mr. II. J. Shea, of Dayton Ohio, is among the visitors from a distance at the Whiddon. Npiire Bibb ri turned yesterday from the West. He lias two carloads of Texas ponies en route. Step in and take a look at that barrel” of bargains nt Lohnstein’s. It is one of Johnnie Jones’fresh ideas. Bill Singleton, one of the gambles, paid off tbe gang yesterday after serv ing one week. Four Reasons Against Bonds Answered. We desire, briefly as may be, to meet four objections which we under stand are being urged as reasons for voting against bonds for park pur poses. First: It is alleged that tbe voting of these bonds would benefit, princi pally, the Pinny Woods I lotel company. And just here we would remark that the l’iney Woods Hotel company, and the heirs of the late S.AlcxanderSmith, arc separate and distinct. The Smith heirs are largely interested in the hotel property, it is true, but there are a number beside them who are also interested in the I’mcy Woods hotel. So much for that point. Now, as to whether this purchase would inure largely to the advantage of the I’inev Woods Hotel company. It is not generally known, perhaps, but it is true, nevertheless, that the l’iney Woods Hotel Company now own, in their own right and corporate capacity, six acres of this Paradise Park tract, lying in front of the hotel. They have a park of their own, one large enough for their own guests. And il the bonds are not issued, and the balance of the tract is sold out to private parties, as it doubtless would be, then the Hotel company would enclose and have their own private park; and it would give that hotel an advantage over all the other hotels in the town; for they would have a perfect and legal right to exclude all except their own guests from their private park. This arrangement would be of greater advantage to the stockholders of that hotel than to have a common park, one which would be open to all. In this connection it is proper to sta'e that the l’iney Woods hotel directors agreed—and it appears on their min- utes—to put their six acres in the optional transaction, .before tbe town would agree to consider the matter. So much for tli ■ first objection. Now, for the second : That il will mainly benefit ihc Smith heirs, by giving them a big price lor the prop erty. Just the reverse of this is true. Property has been sold beyond the park for about double what Mr. Smith agreed to sell the park property for The park property, in the estimation of the best informed real estate men is worth one thousand dollars per acre. Instead of getting a big price for the property, the heirs would act- at the rate ol five per cent, perannum, said bonds to run lor thirty years, but to be redeemable after ten years, at the option of said Mayor and Council. Interest payable semi-annually and coupons to be receivable in payment for any taxes collectable by the city.” S. Alex. Smith. Witness ■ Augustus II. Ilanscll, Judge S. C., S. C. I hereby certify that the above is a Hue extract from the minutes of the council, as they appear on the minute books. K. T. McLean-, Cl’k. New, to meet and discuss the fourth objection : That the town should not A N;w Industry. Mr. S. D. Reigel brings us some samples of eider, made from LeCotito pears, which is excellent,* a sam ple of pear butter similar to apple butter, which is very fine. He forms us that he has made qtiili quantity of fine vinegar from Let'onto pears and thinks that there are vari ous ways in which the Let'onte could he utilized if only the effort was made, as all his experiments have been suc cessful. He has made a pretty fair article of champagne wine, lie informs us from the pears. It is confidently expected that before another pear buy the park unless it has the right to I crop rolls around our people will sell it. Much as arc many citizens in j have made arrangements to can, favor of buying the property fora park, evaporate, preserve, distil and othcr- they would not vote bonds for that 1 wise utilize this valuable crop. There Mr. J. 11. Haircloth, of Gainesville Fla., is among tl.creccnt arrivals at “ally get only about one half what it the Whiddon could be sold to private parties for. There will he no services in the Presbyterian church to-night. Rev. Mr. (ilisby will preach this morning. hack iip near the now, since The fish wagons market 011 Jackson street they have been ordered oil the main street. Mr. J. X. McKinnon and Johnny Hass, who have been at Murphy, N. for several weeks, returned home yes terday alter a pleasant visit. The tribute to the “women of the south,” on the 4th page, should he read by every reader of the Times En terprise The Rev. Mr. Ilcrhencr, who has been taking a brief vacation, returned yesterday morning, lie will not resume his work until next Sunday. Hon. A. T. McIntyre Jr., dropped in yesterday morning. He reports the legislative mill as grinding right along in Atlanta. Dr. John 11. Coyle will leave to day for Apalachicola, where lie will he professionally engaged for, perhaps, a couple of weeks. Mrs. John S. Slontgoincry, who has been spending some time at In dian Springs, returned home yester day afternoon. Two large rattlesnakes, one having twelve rattles and a button, and the other ten, were killed on Mr. P. L. Craigmiles place four miles from town, Friday. The putting up of the electric wires were a source of unusual inter est to the country darkies yesterday. One of them was sure that there was going to he a rope walk. Cards arc out for the marriage of Miss Henrietta Rothschild of .Savan nah, and Mr. Emanuel Engel, on the 11 tli of September. “Manny” has a host of friends in Tliomasville and South Georgia who wish him, ill ad vance, as much of happiness as can lie compressed into a long life time. Then, in view of these fads, tve may well ask :-where and how are die Smith heirs the gainers in the transaction 1 Thirdly: It has been said that the property will revert in case a single tree is ever cut. It will be seen, from the extract below, taken from the minutes ol council covering this whole transaction, Mr. Smith stipulated that “the woodland was to lie preserved” during the three years lease only; hut in the option to buy the property,there is only one condition : That it shall be a park in “perpetuity.” On a three years lease il was right and proper the owner should stipulate that the timber lie preserved; but when he makes his proposition to sell outright, then, very properly, the only condition is that the grounds be kept as a park for public use, for visitors, home people, children and others. This leaves the town at liberty to improve it in any way which will add to its beauty and attractions, l’me trees might he removed and others be put in their stead—or none at all,—or any oilier improvements carried out. There would be no conditions in the deed, except that it sliou’d always be kept as a park Hut here is the official document: “The undersigned respectfully ten ders to the Hon. Mayor and Council of the city of Thcmasville that portion of woodlahd owned by him, within the boundaries of Ilanscll street, Ilanscll and Dawson streets, and south of the S., F. & W. Ry., leaving a line of ten feel along the south side of the right of way of said railroad, for a public way, and including, by permission,that portion belonging to the l’iney Woods ! Hotel Co., lor a city park, to be con- I trolled by them and opened to the j citizens and the public, the wood land to be piescrved, for one to three purpose, unless the park was made perpetual. The town is not going into the real estate business. And it is wise in not doing so. She wants a park—not a piece of property, which, if it could be put upon the market would be the cause and source of strife and dissension in the future. It was a wise proviso ol Mr. Smith, that it should always be a park. It it were otherwise, some one would always be wanting to sell some, or a portion of it. And then, if it were sold, some one would charge that there was a “job” in it. No. no, it is better that the town shoulcRiot go to speculating in real estate. AA’c have thus gone briefly over the four principal objections which we understand are being used against the issuing of bonds to purchase Paradise Park. Tile question is one upon which men will differ—-honestly differ. Those who oppose bonds are no doubt equal ly conscientious as are those who favor them. The writer has no ax to grind, no personal interests to subserve, but is only interested in what is best for Tliomasville. We do not hesitate to say that, 111 our humble opinion, the town would make a great mistake not to accept the option which they have on this valuable property. A Goo,I School. Charles Rice will open his school in tlm new building on Clay street, Monday, September '2nd. Ho has built up a fine school and deserves u liberal patronage. All the English brunches arc taught, ns well as Greek, Latin and higher mathematics. There are few, if any, better teachers in (icorgiaj* is more money in pears than all other crops combined and it behooves us to utilize the fruit in every con ceivable way. See railroad rates to Maryland Ex position at Maltimore Mil. AYe.-t & Fearn’s new warehouse near the depot is going up rapidly. A job of picture (raining has been turned out by Messrs. L. F. Thomp son & Co., which would do a credit to any lionsi. It is a combination frame made for a picture of the late Mr. Albert AY. QuartcrinaiLwliu was fora long time connected with the house. Mr. .L T. '\V. L. Davis,' late of Tliomasville, is in the city with a view to locating here. Mr. Davis is a machinist anil should he determine to locate here will erect a machine shop. He expresses himself well pleased with the city -o far. -Corde- lean. GAZE ALAIN! Don't lv\|M- Du cannot to ut ill; Imic tin 1 <’uM. Do UOl I'tTMli! you with some imil Discovery t'oi' C01 Colds, hut he sure v cause lie cun make you he has the same. D iijioii getting which is gm Throat, Lung | hot fie free at Large I dealt- n|itK 1 tl lir.f.oniy a •to i 111 j*oseupon hr. kind's New , Coughs ami ire. you get the genuine. Le ake more profit he may tell iKliing just as‘good, or just n’t he deceived, hut Ur. King’s New I>is< an teed to give relief and Chest affection*. J. (’ass.-ls - Drug Store tll.-s one dollar' nsist Trial J. LA \V seed rye at ; furr S'i|,ply Air. AVni. A. AViggins of Chatta nooga Tcihl, lias been in the city for ,!ll,l ' r ' a few days representing the D. A ('. Steamship route. Among the arrivals at the Stuart yesterday we notice Mr. F. M. Mc Donald, of Quitman, and Mr. W. Ii. Harriett, of Memphis. Mr. A. 31. Marinelsteiii, of Savan nah, a brother-in-law of Mr. Charley Stuart, who has been a guest of the Stuart for a day or two, returned to Savannah, last evening. -Vr. T. S. I’hilpot, lessee of the new Gulf, closed a contract yesterday with Messrs.' Berkey & Way, of Grand Rapids, Mich., for furniture to equip the new hotel in first class style. The ! l'" : designs are new and very handsome, j AYc beg to call the special attcu- ' j|!' tiou of the citizens of Tliomasville to ; the article elsewhere, taken from the Trilniiie-of-Roiiie, headed : “A Local Military Company.” AVhal is said of I the “Hill City Cadet-," will apply I 1 i,.n with equal force and pertinency to ! I’l.ATT the Thonuiiville Guards. A deeply interesting series of re vival meetings are in progress at Frcdonia (Baptist) church. They arc conducted by the pastor, Rev. A. C. Stovcnsour Ip to this time, thir ty-one additions have been made to the church. The meeting is still go ing on. AYc are indebted to Mr. X. E. Tin ner, clerk of the church, for the above information. II011. Robert, Alexander says he is more interested in preventing laws from being made, than in flaming Lew ones. And lie is right. Fewer and simpler laws are what is needed. A K011111I licsul Opinion. K.llainbridge MhidId v 1 To “I l:i itli most. Imppy re.-ull*. very low with Malaria , hut way cured hy t l ine. Am satisfied Kl life.” 11 iity,, Alt v. f -.••I Electric Mv brother Mr. I). I. Wile )x.'Oil adds a like testimony, believes ht* AvonI<! h:iv for Electric Hitter-. ol' llo are daily receiving Fall Winter CLOTHING! (and our line of Light MUST 61! Call and get .Ml 1 -lv will ■ s cure ill I Malarial Di-eases, ;i ley, Direr ami Stomach Disor • fualed. Price r»()e. ami one 'assets’ Drug Store. lie post I A' off, its well el lor all Kill er.- stands im- SK ED IIV I- A. Pringle ran I.5U per bn,she s exhausted. If. K, DKKLK, ev ami latni! v -k upply Call ■ ublie that lie has 11 KA l/l'l I WnllTI! M(»!IK T! , informs • store iu ; CUboilIPK.- rilKnll. years at their option, and he to he rc- I ^ * lcre ' sl11 ^.lawyer in Georgia, to day, raunerated therefor by an exemption from all city taxes assessed against his property, real and personal. The undersigned also offers to the Mayor and Council the option to pur chase, at any time before the expiration ot such lease, said lands tor a park in perpetuity,at the price of five hundred dollars per acre, to be paid for in bonds, with coupons for the interest, who is up, thoroughly up, on state statutes. They make a new law every morning before breakfast. Another cake walk was the attrae tion at the city hall, 011 Friday night. James Wyche, took first prize, while Geo. AY. Brown and AYitsli Jackson took second and third prizes. ,:m k. I'l liTKIIAS, Gin House Insurance, WITH - 39nii»i‘Il <& .Yler Thomauville, Gn. wash ai:i Pr^rvej the Teeth :::. •ill, ; from 1 A condition 1 nind which res,, he system limbs its best a:i {town s Iron Hitters. As lengthens the blood so tl md kidney - receive power Inti' S, ami the depressing i diseased and disturbed 1 ss of body am •my disorder* u 1 surest relief ii it enriches am e stomach, live to perform thei influences fro,: ondition of tin s CATARRH (TRED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shiloi's Catarrh Remedy Price 50 cents. Nasal I ljector free Prices before buy ing at IIYBODY’S Cost Prices, ancljwe will YOU MONEY Clothier? and Furnishers, 106 Broad St., Thomasvlllo, Ga