The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 29, 1889, Image 1

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ntetpri VOL 1 -NO 92. THOMASY.ILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY CORNING, AUGUST 29, ’889 S5.00 PER ANNUM CD 0 r P 41 lb 0 r P 0 CD R cr? GQ h fel y 0) (0 H THE PARK QUESTION. Another Communication from “Broad Street.” Mr. Editor : I read with pleasure and some profit your remarks in reply to my little communication in your issue of this morning. With pleasure because of the amia ble temper in which you w rite. With profit because it called my attention to certain facts which had escaped my observation. The notice of election! as published by the mayor, says : "It will require §750 annually for the interest, and five hundred annually to provide lor the payment of the prin cipal.” I can understand what will be done with the $750. That will go to pay the interest. Hut what is to be done with the five hundred dollars raised annually to to provide for the payment of the principal ? The bonds will not be due for thirty years. Are the people of the town to be taxed an extra five hundred dollars per year just to lay away in the coffers ol the council lor thirty years until the bonds arc due, as an ornament upon which the city fathers are to least their eyes once a week ? As I said in my first article, I repeat in this: Utility just now is a more de sirable thing than ornament. Let the ornamental stand to one side until the useful is established orfa firm basis You say “we have been ‘crawling’ long enough. It is time to throw the nursing bottle away.” You introduce a figure of speech here the character of which I fear you do not understand. Experience teach es some things the imagination don't know. ”, Before the ornamental dress is put. on, the infant must learn to stand alone, walk, play', run about, and ac quire sufficient strength to dress itself When all this is learned, ornaments may come to the front, provided the rear is brought up by a full purse. But who is to vote in this election* Are all those who arc interested in the tax part of the matter entitled to vote? Nay. The act says "only those voters who were qualified to vote at the election lor mayor and aldermen next preced ing said election for Bonds or No Bonds, shall be qualified to vote at this latter election.” Has it occurred to you how many tax-payers then resident in the town omitted to register last year? how many people who have bought property since have invested their money and moved heie ? how many could not then legally register because ol non age, or because they had not lived in the state twelve months, nor in the county six months? These are questions of vital impor tance. These unqualified voters will have to pay their tax, without having the privilege of voting. And allow me to say to your credit and praise that no man in all my mem ory has been a more consistent and constant advocate of ft^e doctrine that “taxation without representation is the unpardonable sin against democracy.” What has come over the spirit of your dreams? Suppose you suggest to the council that they give some guarantee to the people, that there shall be no useless taxation or expen diture of money until a proper system of sewerage has been perfected and a cheap system of water works inaugur ated, whereby the public health and comfort will be assured. Bkoai> Struct. It Always Pays. Mr. John Montgomery put a real estate card in the Times-Enti-'.ri'RIsk yesterday inorn^ig, and before the ink was fairly dry lie sold a valuable piece of real estate near town to a gentleman, Mr. Ilorroeks, who only arrived (rom Ohio the day before, I’rimcts ink always "gets there.” New goods are coming in by car loads. A Curiosity. Nb doubt many ol our readers have noticed a plant which grows in abun dance on the line of the S., F. & W. railroad between this point and Al bany. It is a long bell-shaped yellow and green plant, about 15 to 18 inches in length, and grows in clusters, and almost covers the ground in some damp and swampy places. It is called the pitcher plant, or fly catcher —jts botanical name we are not famil iar with—but we allude to it to note its peculiarities. It is a veritable fly catcher, and its mouth or funnel-shap ed top is open until a fly or other insect lights upon it to feed upon its sweets, which they do, and as they enter the funnel the top-will close up and gradually contract until it forces the insect down to its base, when thev are apparently absorbed by the plant. An examination of one ot the iitnnel- shaped plants, by splitting the plant open,will reveal the remains of a quan tity of (lies, insects and worms of vari ous kinds. Who knows but some ingenious fellow.will yet make his for- tunc by introducing into general use this remarkable fly-catcher? A Strange and Unusual Sconc. Last .Sunday morning, the Ilev. A. 0. Stevenson, pastor of Fredonia church, followed by the fathers and mothers in Israel, and sonic new con verts, repaired to the county line bridge, on the Ochloekonce, to admin ister the solemn ordinance of baptism, (lathering on the hanks of the stream, preparations were made for the bap tising. As is the custom, the crowd commenced singing, singing one of those old time, soul stirring hymns, while the pastor and one of the candi dates stepped down into the pure flowing waters. Just then a hymn broke out on the opposite side of the 'stream, and the notes of the two songs ofi- Zion met, mingled, and were wafted away on the fresh morning air, met and—who shall say to the con trary ?—ascended to heaven, ns the devout men and women mingled their voices in praise of God. And quick ly, en the opposite side of the river, another preacher, the llev. Mr. Duke, led a redeemed soul down into the water. The last named, pastor of New Ochloekonce church ; had, also, been carrying on n protracted meet ing, and had come to the same spot, at the same, hour, to put the seal of the church 011 some converts, by im mersion. Neither minister knew of the intention of the other. It was nil unusual coincidence. An Outside View. Since the Boston World began its publication at Boston, Ga., and the merchants set in to advertising so lib erally, the trade of the town has grown wonderfully. The business men have put it on a perfect boom right under the nose of Thomasville and Quitman. The Clarion congratulates our wide awake friends, and the press has in the plucky town an ilhfctrntion that the big advertising brings big business. Cairo and Boston are doing bigger business to their size than any towns in South Georgia, and they both sup port their local paper more liberally than any towns we know. They are villages no longer.—Camilla Clarion. Such words of praise from such an able paper causes The World to be prouder than ever of Boston’s wide awake and liberal business men. Their example is one that could be followed with profit by a great many towns. Our merchants all sell goods cheap er than they can be had elsewhere, and they use printer’s ink liberally to tell the people of their bargains, con sequently the trade of Boston is being extended every day. It was only one day this week that a World reporter heard a man remark that he had brought his cotton twenty miles. This is only a straw, but it shows that high prices for cotton and low prices on goods are drawing to Boston a large trade. The merchants are responsible for this. All honor to Boston’s merchants! To those who do not appear in our advertising columns we would say coine on, we can accomodate you as long 11s the paper factories hold out. -Join in with us gentlemen and let’s show these South Georgia towns the way to grow.—Boston World. Respectfully referred to the busi ness men of Thomasville. The Alliance and Politics. As a friend of the Farmer’s Alliance, we would like to whisper a word of warning into the ears of its members. Thus speaks Larry Gantt in the Athens Banner-Watchman. Do not, under any circumstances, be drawn into politics. I11 [every section there are old broken down political hacks who are seeking to be elevated into office by clinging to the coat tails of the Alliance. They are actuated by the most selfish motives and would to-day unhesitatingly throw the farmer and his interests overboard if it would advance their cause one single step. If the Alliance feels that the inter ests of the order can be subserved by having a representative from its own ranks in any particular position, centre upon some man whose record is like thccharacter ofG’ivsar’s wife, and sup port him. I)o not be made a cat’s paw by any old political hack. But it would be a wise thing for the Alliance to steer as clear of politics as possible. It is a dangerous and treach erous weapon to handle and has caused the wreck of more men and more organizations than every other cause combined. The Alliance for the next few years will have its hands full without med dling withjpolitics. It has the bagging trust, the negro alliance and other important issues to meet, which will require hard work and good manage ment to overcome. Of course we do not mean by our advice that this powerful organization should not demand proper recognition in the dispensation of offices, but that its members should not permit a few ambitious and designing men to drag them into politics through selfish motives, and to the neglect of more important matters. The most dangerous enemy the Alliance now has to fear is the poll tician. A Public Meeting. Mayor Hopkins issues a call, else where, for a mass meeting ol the citi zens of the town at the city hall, at 8 o’clock, on Tuesday evening, the Bd of September, bet those who favor, and those who do not favor the pur chase of the park, meet anil discuss the question. We take it for granted that all, both sides, have only the good and growth of Thomasville at heart. All are neighbors, friends, interested alike in the prosperity ol the town. This being the case, there will be 110 crimination or recrimina tion. The dificrences are differences of judgment as to what is best for the town. Let this spirit prevail, and there will be 110 scars, no heart-burn ings when the result is announced. The conservative, clear headed citi zens of the town will decide the ques tion without prejudice, and strictly upon the grounds as to what is best for Thomasville. Let this idea pre dominate and prevail, and all will be well. ■Several parties of ladies and gentle men were on Broad street, Tuesday night, expecting to sec the new elec tric lights. They were disappointed. The lights will probably be turned on again to-night. The occasion will doubtless draw a crowd, as but very few, comparatively, saw the lighfs on Monday night. Mrs. E. B. Whiddou, who has been visiting relatives in Florida, has re turned home. Returned. Mr. V. A. Ilorroeks, of Clcvclan O., who spent last season at Jersey Farm, has returned. Mr. II. was, perhaps, the sickest man who visited Thomasville last winter and survived His improvement was, indeed, mark ed, and an ngrecable surprise to both his friends and physicians. And it was due solely to the climate, as he abjured medicines and received no medical treatment while here. Find ing the climate at home was not, con tinning the improvement started here lie decided to return and locate, pro vided he can be suited in the purchase of a home. Mr. Ilorroeks is a con tractor and builder by trade, and ranks among the most competent and reliable workmen in Cleveland, as well as a gentleman, in all respects We me glad to know that he has de cided to cast bislot with us, ami as sure him that both he and his family will be welcomed to citizenship. Since the above was in type Mr. Ilorroeks lias purchased the tract of land lying west of the Linton mill road and north of the boulevard, fronting on both roads. The tract contains fifteen acres, and was pur chased ot Mr. S. G. McLendon, through the real estate agency of Mr. J. S. Montgomery. It will make a desirable and beautiful suburban home, and will be immediately im proved. Adjutant-General Kell, assured Lieut. Wilder, recently, when the latter was in Atlanta, that the Guards would be promptly supplied with the first and best guns received by the State. Curtis Brown, the live Jackson street grocer, believes in pi inters ink. lie is advertising the damaged stock of Mr. J. L. Linton for sale. And he’ll sell it right nlong. Printers ink properly “distributed” always tells. It never fails. Col. McIntyre went up to Smitliville yesterday to meet his son, Mr. Hugh McIntyre, who has been summering in tnc mountains. In the Long Ago. The Ilawkinsvjlle News has un earthed an old copy of the Federal Unions, published at Milledgcvillc, Oct. 5th, 1817. The News, says: In the columns of the’old paper be fore us we find an advertisement of dry goods, clothing and groceries by Merritt, Niles & Roberts, Ilawkius- ville, Ga.; also the law cards of Whitfield & Ifanscll and B. G. nnd G. W. Jordan, Ilawkinsville, and A. Russell Kellam, Dublin, Ga. John V. Mitchell is announced as a candidate for the clerkship of the In ferior and Superior courts of Pulaski county. The old paper was Democratic to the core and gives the result of the election between Towns (Dem.) and Clinch (Whig) for Governor. Cotton was selling in Macon in 1817 at I) to 11 cents. Hemp bag ging 1-1 to 17 cents. Gunny bagging 21 to 22 cents. Kentucky bagging 17 to 18 cents. Bacon—hams 10 to 12 cents ; sides !) to 10 cents ; should- dors 7 to 8 cents. Nails, sugar, molas ses and salt were selling at about the same prices as these commodities are now quoted at. Collie was quoted at 7 to 8 cents per pound. The old paper is a remarkably well preserved sheet. It had just received its first account of the capture of the city of Mexicobv the American army under Gen. .Scott. The news was brought to New Orleans by the steam er .las. I.. Day, which caused the ex uberance ot the editor to overflow as follows : The news by the Day makes our heart throb with pride and enthus iasm, inspired by the deeds of super human valor ot our brave soldiers, who in their small and serried band, have penetrated far into the bosom of a hostile nation of eight millions of people, and after the most bloody and decisive conflicts against vastly superior forces, have entered the Cap itol of Mexico, and unfurled the ■Stars and Stripes from the Palace of the Montezumas, and from the litiii- Ired shining cupolas of this fair and lovely city ot the Aztecs. All Imnoraud glory to our gallant general and his brave army, who have thus linked their names and the name of our Re public wjfji the immortality of the most inilliant deeds of modern times, | leeds which revive the chivalry ot! olden times, which carry the iniagina- j tion hack to epochs rendered illus trious by matchless feats of individual j irowess, which have been illuminated j iiy the genius of Poetry and Romance, I uni conic to us magnified and glori-j lied by the thousand tributes of ad-1 miring ages. Not one of them can 1 surpass in brilliancy and chivalry | this last crowning aeliievement of our i ■little army.” To the Front. AS ALWAYS, J The City Shoe Store, (Mitchell House Block.) Has just opened up to the young- and old gents the handsomest line of shoes ever of fered in our city, in all styles, from the narrowest to the wid est lasts. Patent leather shoes, hand some lino of gents’ toilet slippers an<f full .line of ladies’, misses’ and children’s shoes. Mitchell House Block.