The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 31, 1889, Image 1

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A full stock of the latest styles of Dress'Goods, Dry Goods, Boots, Shoes HATS Hosiery, Trim mings, Domestics, and all articles us ually kept in my line, just purchased in New York by Mr. Lohnstein, is now coming in. Call and inspect them. Answers a Pertinent Inquiry of “Broad Street.” Ed. Times-Enterprise: I am glad to sec that “Broad Street” is an honest seeker after tiuth. Such persons are always good subjects of conversion, and I am satisfied that he will yet be found among the active friends of the park He says in his article of Aug. 29th : “I can understand what will be done with the $750; that will go to pay the interest. “But what is to be done with the §500 raised annually to provide for the payment of the principal?" Now, I am glad Broad Street asked that question, for it furnishes me op : portunity to show what a small matter the purchase of this valuable piece of property will be to rich and poor. I am not authorized to speak, but I have not the slightest doubt but that either one or both of our banks would take this money and pay the same interest that the town will pay, namely: five per cent, per annum. Here is the way the thing will work: The first year the town will raise §750 for inierest and $500 for principal. The second year the $500 loaned at five per,cent would bring $25, and if this should be applied to the payment of interest the town would only have to raise $725 for this purpose The third year $700, the fourth §675, the fifth $650, the sixth $625, the seventh $600, the eighth $575, the ninth $550, and the tenth year $525. Now the bonds to be issued arc subject to payment at the end of ten years, and at the end of this period $5,000 would be in hand for this pur pose, and of course would be applied to the payment of the bonds. This would leave a bonded debt of $10,000 to meet, which the town would still Prohibition at Asbury Park. For several years Asbury Park, a great summer resort on the New Jersey coast, has been a stronghold of prohibition. It is so no longer. The founder of the place, and the owner of a large part of it, Mr. Brad ley, admits that it lias failed there. When he founded the town his inten tion was to make it noted for temper ance and morality. Tt has always been a very moral place, but he has not succeeded in keeping, whisky and beer out of it. People cannot enter the surf there on .Sundays, nor are the railway trains .permitted to stop there on those days, j®t notwithstand ing the law and alLqf- Mr. Bradley’s efforts, they can get intoxicating liquors there. How they get it Mr. Bradley cannot discover. They get it, however, and in sufficient quanti ties to get intoxicated. The deeds of all the lots that have been sold in the ^own contain a provision prohibiting the sale of intoxicating liquors on the premises, and there are regulations prohibiting the bringing of any intox icating liquors within the limits of the place. Whisky and wine rand beer arc there, however, and in such quantities as to rimkc the prohibition ists feel somewhat hopeless about-tlie ultimate success of the prohibition cause. - Mr. Bradley, who is still the ruling spirit of Asbury Park, in a published communication, admits that he re gards it ns impossible to enforce-pro- hibition there, and announces his con version to high license. He says that although high license is a compromise it would be wise to adopt it, because it is bettor to have intoxicating liquors sold openly, under.proper res trictions, than surreptitiously, 1 both tlio community; and individual; Cities and Farms in Georgia. Hon. S. G. McLendon,-6f Thomas county, addresses himself -to Mr. Stephens’ statement that the farmers of Georgia are growing poorer every year. He says this wag true when Mr. Stephens and Gen. Toombs said so, but is not Irue now. Mr. McLen don selects one hundred farmers in Thomas county and compares their tax returns for 1879 and 1889. He finds that only eleven farmers out of this lot Bhowojtia falling off and the decrease wits very small. The other eighty-nine had . Very considerably added to their possessions, besides paying off olfl .debts and educating their children. These farmers are cultivating practically the same lahd in ' Thomae county that they cultivated ten years ago. Mr. .Mc Lendon concludes that while it, is true that the rich are growing richer, the poor nre also growing richer. Mr. McLendon ‘takes two lots of fifty farmers each. In the first section only seven 11011 fallen behind in their returns from 1879. Their decrease was, all told, 83,159. The other forty- three-showed an increase of 864,581, amounting to eight per cent, annum, Tlio average individual - wealth of th£so forty-three in 1379 was - 81871 and ifc ,1889 it is 83372. Another lot. of small .farmers returned in 1879, 830,690 worth of property, and in 138D,$64,233vor their average indi- vidual wealth in J8I9. was- $612180, ? lj284.66. Oily ill behind, their _79’being-?J474v| j» a decreS who ad vi A Matter of Only A Few Millions. Corp. Tanner, on his way to Mil waukee, said to a reporter that he was debating in his mind whether ho would ask for 8110,000,000 or 8115,- 000,000 for distribution next year. This is another illustation of the fact that the Corp. never knows when to keep his mouth shut. Common pru dence demanded that he should consult with those under whose authority he acts before announcing how much he wilj divide among the hoys next year, and they were hastening to Milwau kee to meet them. They mny not think the increase over last year’s appropriation which ho proposes enough though it must he admitted that 830,000,000 or 835,000,000 is a great deal of money to add to the pen sion payments in one year, and then the*commissioner would he forced to make public acknowledgment of a disposition to he niggardly toward the hoys.—Telegraph. I flf*l “»-w« siiffer less injury. cipal.and only $500 a year for interest. By lending the $500 sinking fund each year this interest would go on decreas ing, as I have shown it would do, for the first ten years. As I said in my first communication, the man who owns $1,000 worth cf property would pay 62A cents a year, in order to raise $1,250 per annum The figures I now give show that this tax small as it is,would decrease every year until the debt would be wiped out. 1 need not enlarge upon the value which our ten thousand visitors attach to the pines in Yankee Paradise. I need not speak of the large and widely diffused benefits which have come to Thomasvillc by reason ol the presence ot our visitors. - Leaving out tile ques tion of the enhanced value of our real estate, let me ask if these good people who annually visit us have not done some things to please us. Did they not contribute something towards building the Methodist church ? the Pres byterian chuich ? the Episcopal church ? the Catholic church ? Do they not, every year, contribute to the support of these churches, and is there a man in Thomasvillc who doubts but that they will liberally help the Baptists in the erection ot a new house ot worship? It was the wisest ruler that history tells us of who said that “a man that hath friends must shew himself friendly.” When Broad Street and those who agree with him, and I think there are not many, consider this question in all of its bearings, I candidly believe that they will be surprised that they thought of opposing the purchase of the park. As I said in my former communica tion, we do owe something to our vis itors, and we owe something to our own people, who have their money up as a hostage to fortune, in hotels and boarding houses. A candid and fair discussion of this important subject will bring our people to a perfect agreement. All the argu ment is on the side of those who favoi the park, or at least, I cannot see any good argument on the other side. Park. Shall it be Northen or Livingston? Prohibition has never yet been suc cessfully enforced in nny'commuuity where the majority of the people were not in favor of it. It is there fore a mistake to attempt to force it upon communities in which public sentiment is against it. No doubt that for eight months of the year pro hibition is enforced at Asbury Park, because during that period public sen timent favors it, hut when the town is crowded with thousands of summer residents public sentiment is the other way, and intoxicating liquors arc quite freely sold. The probabilities are that Asbury Park can never he made a strictly prohibition town. It certainly cannot as long as the great majority of its summer residents nre not in favor of prohibition. The prohibitionists should draw a lesson from the experience of As bury Park. Instead of aiming at constitutional prohibition in the dif ferent states they should favor local option laws and devote their energies to educating the people in temper ance. In that way they enn make prohibition successful. When the majority of the people of a county are converted to temperance they will adopt prohibition, and one county after another in a state can lie won to prohibition, until finally the whole state will have adopted it. It is im possible to enforce prohibition where the people are against it. This admitted by practical men. Only theorists, or those who have axes to grind, pretend to think otherwise. Morning News. - ttesl:* growing as fast as the towns and cities. The tax digest now being made lip is cited by the Constitution to show that the state increase of 825,000,000 largely made up this year by the couuties which have large cities. The Constitution admits that the farmers are improving, but shows that they are not moving forward as rapidly tliejcitics.—Augusta Chronicle. lliii xswicK, Ga., Aug. 26.—I. Colville, of New York, is here for the purpose of establishing an agency Ou tlie Clyde line of steamships. He is non-committal on the subject, but enough has been said to authorize the statement. The establishment of this agency will give Brunswick two lines of steamships to New York, the Mal lory and the Clyde. The result will he a much lower rate of freight. The business of the Mallory line has in creased to such proportions that they have found it necessary to put on two •steamers weekly, commencing Sept. 1st A Bold Scientist. ■Somewhere out in Texas there is certain Prof. Tracy, who lias jus come to the front with a theory which lie thinks will revolutionize the world The professor believes that through the agency of electricity he will bo able to produce rain at will even in the dryest deserts. He says that all rain clouds are generated by electri cal forces and that by dischargin electrical currents through the air by suitable appliances, producing deto nations similar to thunder, lie will lie able to precipitate the latent moisture in the form of rain. The scheme sounds like a crazy one hut a few years ago almost any pre diction of some of the now accomp lished facts of electricity would have been regarded as equally crazy. Still, very few will be prepared to believe that any human device can control the weather, and it is safe to say that the Texas professor will he disap pointed. However, the matter is interesting as serving to ijjiow the increasing pop ular interest in electricity, and the general disposition on the part of even scientific men to believe in the almost unbounded potentialities of this mys terious force.—Constitution. * The Return Increased. The commission appointed by Gov ernor Gordon to appraise tlio ■Savan nah, Florida and Western road, which was composed of Colonel It. B. Nisbct, Mr. It. P. Wofford and Mr. R, F. Watts, made their report yester day. They found that tlio road had assessed their property $1,140,000 less than it was really worth. If tlio road secs fit they may now apply for nrbi- trntion. There is little probability of their doing this as their hooks show that tlio net earnings of the road for the. past year was 8645,000. Allow- the road to be worth only the ,- Tpiir ipillion on that they assess it at tneytfDuld be receiving ovor sixteen -.v per cent;, interest.—Constitution. ‘ WHI He Stick? Ah • Affiance ihaii, in an interview with the Macon Telegraph, in refer ence to the candidacy of Col. Living ston, fur governor, says : “Do you know,” lie said, “that Col. Livingston's announcement gave grave concern to the thinking mem bers of the order. Just at present it is a serious matter and may lead to some complications. Col. Living ston has certainly placed the alliance in a false position. Of course the alliance has not indorsed him, but tlio time and manner of hi* announc ing himself and his subsequent speech before the carpenters’ association, which was strongly apolitical one, would seem to authorize outsiders to think so. You remember the case of ex-Prcsidcnt Jackson, who was sum madly dealt with for attempting to use the order to further his candida cy for congress in the fourth district. It is quite probable that Col. Living ston will be called upon to withdraw from the race ..for governor or resign the office of president of the alliance.” Private letters received in London from Rome state that the pope’s health is wretched. According to them lie cannot walk without the aid of assistants, his voice at times leaves him entirely, and although he lias no disease lie is in a state of general de bility. The pope is 80 years old ; he has been a hard worker, and it cannot be reasonably expected that lie will live much longer. Among those who are mentioned as his possible success or arc Cardinal Rampollo, Mgr. l’er- rochi and Mgr. San Felice.—Ex. To the Front, AS ALWAYS, Ilricrly, Mrs. Maybrick’s fever, ex pects to Infv cotton in the southern fates for Liverpool firms, who have entrusted him with commissions. Hi: business in Liverpool was ruined by the Mayln-ick affair. He will lie something ot a curiosity in this coun try, for a time at least, Mrs. May- brick, for the next nine months, will be kept in solitary confinement in some county jail. She will not be permitted to send or receive a letter, or to have any communication with the outside world. After that period she will he sent to some one of the convict prisons, mid if her conduct lms been exemplary she will he al lowed one visitor and 011c letter a year. It is safe to predict that she ill not survive that sort of life very long.—News. A Massachusett sect has announced lat the world will conic to an end on the 6th of October. Why should Massachusetts he favored with this revelation, while the balance of the orld is left in dense ignorance of the great event? Brown-Sequard’s elixir of life ap pears to have fallen into disfavor. - (Mitchell House Block.).- |§S*ei Has just opened up to the young- and old gents the handsomest line of shoes ever of fered in our city, in all styles, from the narrowest to the wid est lasts. Patent leather shoes, hand some line of gents’ toilet slippers and full line of ladies’, misses’ and children’s shoes. Mitchell House Block.