The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, August 31, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. J v ,\ T J<ST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. T OHN TRIPLETT, - - - IMiior. 8. B. BURR, - Business Manager. KATt'RDAY, AtCIIST -!1. isso. Daily Timks-Ksteupiiisb every morning (Monday r \r The Wefkly Timfs-Estkiipiiisk every Saturday morning. Sl’IWIITPTloX R.tTKS Daily Timns-Kntkui'his,:, . . W n.i.v ■ piiMLlo'd i8 published $r» oft . 1 00 Daily Adverting Kates —$i.oo p«*r i ts lb j*j Transient Rat nrst insertion, n quont insertion. One Square, one month, - One Square, two months 0*** Square, three month', Or.c Square, six months, One Square, twelve months, • Subject to change by specii M. B. BI KR, BiimIiio I 8llh:c- f r. ftft 8 oft 12 00 20 fto ;tr» oft f ement. FIVE THOUSAND DROWNED. Boulanger to Return to France Mrr; Ma>brick Housed in Prison- Sickness at Johnstown—Refused to Reconsider The Lease Bill -Two Hundred Dollars For the Best Twelve Ears of Corn Dr, Porter Resigns Mr. Cleveland Accepts I'liKSII (iUODS l.iv at ruck hottom prices. A. C. ItUtlWX, The Jackson SI. (irocer. Numbers of Italian laborers, who were imported to work on the Ala bama Midland U’y, arc returnin North. Every day sipiatls ol tliem pass through tbc city, some few rid ing on the ears, but many tramping it. —-«*••«— Tbc lease bill provides I bat tbc road may be leased to the highest bidder for twenty years at not less than $115,000 per month ; thirty veais at not less than $-10,00(1, or fifty years at not less than $45,000. r i be les have to give $500,000 in lends security. On tbc final passage of tiic lease bill in the bouse, the following voted in tbc negative: Messrs. Candler, Da vie of Burke, Gilbert, Hud, Ham, Hand, Harrell, of Webster; Herring ton, Kitchens, Lewis, Matthews, Max well, Olive, Patterson, .Simmons, Smith, of Decatur; Snelson and 'Ty son. The tax digests from all the coun ties in tbc State have now been re ceived, with the exception of those from Campbell and Pulaski counties. These digests show that property throughout Georgia has increased in value $18,237,710. To this add $0,000,000 additional railroad prop- ertyand it makes a total increase of $24,237,710.—Constitution. Col. William F. Swit/.lcr, who, it is said, is to be succeeded as the head of the bureau of statistics of the treas ury department by Maj. 8. G. Brock, a defeated republican candidate for Congress from Missouri, thinks that Dr. Talniage, in a recent sermon, ex pressed exactly the situation of the democrats who linger in office under tbc Harrison administration, when be said: “Whence come we? We know not. We are here.” These democrats may be sure of one thing, however. They will find out pretty soon whither they are going. The Shah of Persia was given the cxpericuec of very fast running on English railways recently. A run from Leeds to York, over the Great Northern railway, a distance of 185jf miles, was made in three hours and forty-one minutes, giving a running average, exclusive of stops, of 50$, miles an hour, a tremendous pace for so long a run. From Liverpool to Manci'ester he was taken over the line iu thirtv-three minutes, the dis tance being thirty-four miles, ft is doitbtful whether his majesty enjoyed the tremendous contrast to oriental ways which such a pace involved. The growth of electricity as a prac tical, every day science of importance to the busy business world, is every day growing more apparent. It now enters our houses and offices, conveys our messages, furnishes us light and motive power, and is fast becoming the lever that moves the world. How- much it has grown is shown by tin- fact that a plan of organization is now- being formed for ail International Electrical Convention, to lie held in this country coincident with the pro posed World’s fair of 1$!)?. What position it will reach by that time can only lie conjectured, for men of thought have ceased to predict the possibilities of the future in the appli cation of this science. But the ad vance is almost wholly due to Amer ican brains and genius, and electrici ty should hold a high place in the proposed fair.—Ex. She Beat Her Record. New Yoiik, Aug. 28.—The Inman, line steamer City of Paris made the passage in five days, nineteen hours and eighteen minutes, breaking the best record of her own. London, Aug. 30.—The Paris cor respondent of tile Times is confident that Gen. Boulanger will return 0 Eranee before the elections. London, Aug. 20.—Mrs. May- brick was removed to Woking prison to-day. She wore flic regular ron vict dress during her journey. She looked well. Siianoiiai, Aug. 20.—North China and Japan have been visited by a series of typhoons of unprecedented severity. At the lowest estimation 5,000 persons have been drowned. Johnstown, Pa., Aug. 20.—The dry weather and low water thereby occasioned will, without doubt, lie very detrimental to the health of the people here. Rotting and pestilence breeding matter along the hanks the streams is becoming very of’i sive. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 20.—In the House this morning Mr. Glenn moved reconsideration of the lease hill am in urging it made a lengthy speech on the line of the Candler amend ment. The motion was defeated. Atlanta, Ga., Aug. 20.—The Piedmont Fair Association has ofler- ed a prize of $200 for the best twelve ears of corn of the growth o( 1880, and also a prize of $3,000 for the best drilled military company in the United States. The fair will lie opened Oct. 7 and close Nov. 7. Washington, Aug. 29.—Secretary of War Proctor late, to day accepted the resignation from the army of Surgeon Joseph Y. Porter, who re signed because he was ordered from Jacksonville to Louisiana. Dr. Por ter is at present state health officer of Florida and lias complete control of the precautionary measures to prevent a yellow fever epidemic. New York, Aug. 29.—William McMitrtric Speer, secretary of the world’s fair committee, to-day received the following leter, dated at Saranac Inn, yesterday: 1 acknowledge the receipt of a no tiee of my appointment as a member of the. committee on permanent organization for the international exposition of 1892. 1 shall lie very glad to co operate as a member of such committee with the other citizens of New York to make the exposition a grand success. Yours very Truly. Grover Cleveland ecu nick MARKS FOR SALK. re extra fi ddlers, ns well as •ness hors Cfs. One is very gentle. eld cheap and on easy terms if de- ' ’. M. MeIN rosil. M. I), in.-, t-iirpi u, ledding Children’s . Wall I’j per : ml Win low .Shades tilings, R tc. Th * best style st prices i the city. GK< I. W. FORRES, 1 .UI Masu ■y Ruilding- There i • People sny splendid Broad sin done in th a call TAILORING. an end to all things, so the tmt there, is no end to lho ill-ling clothing made at 81 el. Cleaning and repairing ■ neatest manner. Give mo John Kenny. Wondcrfiil Cure*. . D. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and Retail "fists of Koine (in., says: We have been iie - |)r. Kiair's New Dicovery, Electric is and llncklcn’s Arnica Salve for four Have n**ver handled remedies that is well, or give such universal satisfac- Then* have been some wonderful ? clbcted by these medicines in this .Several cases of pronounced Consump tive been entirely cured by use of a bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, i in eonneetion with Electric Hitters, guarantee them always. Sold by S. J. Every third person you meet is troubled more or less with biliousness, and don’t know how to get rid of it. The causes are easily recorded. A lack of sufficient exercise, eating too much by persons of sedentary habits, indulg ence in too rich food, a sluggish torpid liver where the blood does not do its duty, and bile is allowed to accumu late; these cause the whites of the eye to turn yellow, the skin to look thick and coarse, and the complexion yellow or dark. These are sure indications of biliousness. Brown’s Iron Bitters is the remedy you want. It acts di rectly upon the blood, cleanses and purifies it, and sends it on its journey through the channels of the liver, giv ing to it activity and clearing out the bile. It will remove the yellow tinge from the eyes and the complexion, leaving the latter fresh and clear. Young’ Female College, Thoinasvilk*, Oa. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September fill, 1889. PIMPLESJO SCR0FULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. • i* s Year*. Henri, Arm* and 1 a Solid Scali, Ilnclt covered IScNt Doctors* nnri Merit tail. I'm roil by i-iiticnrn Kemc« I a cost of $.'1.73. ii-G-tl tin* Cuticura Remedies with the Its. I have used two bottles of the Resolvent, three bottles of Cuticura <>1 Cutieurasoap, and am cured of • w. ;i|.;iml skin disease known as pso- I lutd li Ibr eight years. I would get d worse nt times. Sometimes my head a soPd scab, and was at the time I be- im* ol the Cuticura Remedies, My vrovned with scabs from my elbows judders, my breast was almost oncsol- tmi 111 \ luck covered with sores vary- i> from ;i penny to a dollar. I had doc. h all the Best doctors with no relief, many different medicines without ly ca» ( *: was hereditary, and I began to think, incurable, but it began to heal from the indication of Cuticura. AUCUER RUSSEL, Deshlor, Ohio. Mill! Dimciikc O Years flared. 1 thankful to say that I have used tlicCu- 1 Remedies for about eight months with suiTpss, and consider myself entiroly' It shoum, from which 1 have suffered •d of Id tll< I tried a number of medicines best doctors in the country, but that wonld olfcct a cure until I et lies A. McCLAFLIN, Morctte, Mo. Tlic Worst Cn.ii* of .Ncrofiilnr Cared. We have hern selling your Cuticura Remedies >r years, ami have the first complaint yet to •ccivo from a purchaser. One of tho worst iscs of Scrofular I ever saw cured by the use of live bottles ol Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. _ , i TAY 1,011 TAYLOu, Druggist, Frankfort, Kau. ('iilicurn .Itciiirdic*. ©Cure every rpooios of agonizing humiliating, “ ’ ’ ft - TAKE A REST, Exrn sion tickets at low rates will be iold to .ii .on imer resorts throughout the country by the Hast Tennessee, Virginia ■me Georgia Unit way, commencing June 1st, gooil to return on or before October 31si Fast rain erviee with Pullman cars. it. W. WRENS, Gen. Pass, and Ticket Ag SAVANNAH, FLORIDA AND WESTERN RAILWAY. WAY0R0SS SHORT LINE. Time Card in Effcrct Febi 17.1889* All trains of this roa nro run by Central Stamford timo. Passe dally as follows. igor trains will loavo Fast Mail and New Orleans Express. Loavo Jacksonville 7 no a m 7 no n m Arrive Waycross ft 45 a m ft 45 a m •* Brunswick ....12 50 p m 12 50 p m “ Thomasville ... • l 10 m “ Jesup .10 50a m “ Chattahoochee. 4 04 p m “ Savannah ..12 23 pm “ l'lflisacola ... . 10 00 pm Charleston ... . .. 5 20 p in Mobile 2 10 p m ‘ Richmond . . 0 54 a m “ New Orleans .. 7 00 a m “ Washington... . .11 24 a m “ Baltimore .12 40 p m " Pliilmlflpllia... .• 3 10pm “ New \ ork .. b 50 p m liman Buffet Sleeping Cars between York. Jacksonville and Port Tampa. Vkstidilku Train. Mnoday, Wednesday and Friday. Leave Jacksonville 0*40 a m Leave Waycross 11 47 a m Arrive Savannah 2 24 p in Wilmington 1 20 p ui Richmond. 8 12 ii Mammoth Pears. Representative Alderman, of C’ol (piitt county, this morning brought to the governor’s office and presented to Governor Gordon a bunch of pears, four oil the same stem. They were magnificient pears and all extra large. They were of the Duchess variety.— Atlanta Journal. \Vt Hicks’ Prediction. print elsewhere, to-day, the prediction of Rev. J. R. flicks, who says wc will have a period of storms and wind throughout September. As it is quite probable that Mr. Hicks may he correct in his prognostications, it behooves our farming friends to pusli the gathering of the cotton crop. It is safest in the warehouse, any how. A great deal ot money is an nually lost by delay in gathering the crop, when rain storms heat it out and it becomes stained and of low value. Therefore, heed Hicks’ advice. Sunday School Teacher — “Now, Bobby, why did Moses strike the rock?" Bobby—“Cause lie wanted water.” “Well, we don’t have to knock on the rocks for water now, do we?” "No, ma’am, hut you have to knock three times for beer oil Sun day.” J. s. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, GA. Otiirc over HtiJ A (’ulpepper's Brua Store, Bruad Si. I am now prepare! to buy or sell, for other punier, all kind? of town or country real estate, ami have on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. aug?3tf itching burning, scalar, and pimply disease*, of the skin, srlilp and mood, with loss of hair, pimples rofulnr, except possibly ich- liostnn, Itfass. i Cure Skin Diseases,” , ami 100 testimonials. uteri by Cuticura Soap. WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, ul Uterine Pains and el loved in one minute by Anti-Pain Plaster, the mg plaster. Now, iustan- us, infallible, 25cents. To tbe Friends of Education. “ Washington 11 55 a m “ Baltimore 1 02 p in “ Pliiladeldliia.... 3 20 p m “ New York 0 00 p m ATLANTIC COAST .IKE EXPRESS. Leave Jacksonville.. . 1 15 1> in Leave Chattahooclico*. 7 05 a m Leave Monticcllo 10 55 a m Leave Thomasville.... 12 50 p m Leave Gainesville ... ft 40 n Leave Live Oak 12 50 p m Leave Dupont 3 05 p m Leave Waycross 4 25 p in Arrive .Savannah 7 45 p in “ Charleston 1 25 a m “ Wilmington ... 8 36 a Weldon 2 40 p m “ Richmond ft 00 p m “ Washington.. . 11 00 p in “ llaltimoro 12 35 a tu . “ Philadelphia ... 3 50 a ni ‘* New A ork 0 50 a m Pullman Buftct Slccj in Car from Jac sonvillo and Waycross to New York; al <0 from Thomasville to Nc w A ork. My K indirgart i and Pi ept. 10, to make partie rfclit school will With the who will r time to the work. I wish >1 FIRST CLASS in every rnisli t a* mate, iul I will need, which will include that used in AutomaticDrawing, Clay Modeling and coloring, also slate and lead pencils, I find it necessary to make ray tuition $0.00 tor the term. Yours very respectfully, :io-ot MARY F. MARXES. Maryland Exposition, BALTIMORE, Md. On September 7th, 8th and Dili, the S. F. k \V. Kv. will sell round trip ticket* to Bal timore, Md.. for s:;7.80. limited to Sept. 20th* r. m. Vandyke, P. k T. A. \V. M. Davidson, G. P. A.. Jacksonville, Fla. Gin House insurance, —WITH— JEnii.scll c& Merrill, • Thomasville, Ga. din to ccll-lc Hunt & Voorhees, 179 READE ST., N. Y., <L'o hi mission I><aler.*t Southern Fruit and Produce- Particular attention paid to the sale of peachc.*, pears and melons. Sales reported daily and returns promptly made. I*ri’Nonnl. Mr. N. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobile, Al«., writes: I take great pleasure in recommend ing Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, lmvc used it tor a severe attack of Mronchiih ami Catarrh. It gave me instant Relief smd entirely cured me and I have not been afllictcd sinew. ! also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good re sult. Have also used KUctric Ritters and Dr. King’s New Life Pills, both of which I can reccommcnd. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee. Trial bottles free at 8. J.Cassela Drug Store. GEORGIA CENTRA I. EXPRESS, Leave Jacksonville*.... 7 30 a m C 10 a in Leave Waycross 10 00 a in 0 00 p m Leave Gainesville 0 40 a in Leave Lake City 0 45 a m Leave Live Oak .. 12 50 p ni Leave Thomasville . ... I* 20 a in Arrive Albany 2 00 p : “ Macon via C U R. ft 10 p i << Atlanta via C R U.10 Oft p i « Cbattnooga via W and A U It 4 :J7 a ** Cincinnati via C S* UR “ Mobile via L a X It It “ New Orleans via L a X It It (t Nashville via L k N It It “ Louisville via I* A! NR R 11 Cincinnati via L & N It It *• St. Louis via L a N R It 12 22 a m 0 00 a m 1 10 p m C 43 p ra 7 00 a m 1 55 p ni 7 20 p m 7 45 p ni 2 27 a m 0 52 a m 7 25 a m Pullman Bullet Sleeping cars to and from St. Louis via Montgomery and Nashville. Pullman sleeping ears between Thomasville and Cin cinnati. Pullman and Mann sleep ing cars 1'roiu Jacksonville to Cin cinnati, via Macon. Through coach es from Jacksonville to Chattanoo- na. EAST TENNESSEE KXnlESS, Leave Jacksonville Leave Oainesvillo .. Leave Live oak Leave tVaycrnss .. Leave Jesup Arrive Macon “ Atlanta 11 Cliattaliooetiee “ Nashville . ... slop ,1, l 0j p m . . tl 40 a in 0 40 a m ...12 50 p m 12 50 p m . .12 10 a in 4 12 p ni .... 2 50 a m 5 40 p in ... 8 25 a ill 10 30 pm ..-12 25 p ni 1 50 a m J 25 p in 7 40 a ni >15 a m 7 05 a in •' Louisvillle, Lo So.. 7 00 a in 7 20 pm “ Cincinnati.' 0 40am 042am Pullman and Mann sleeping cars from Jacksonville to Cincinnati. 1 05 p m train has through coaches to Chattanooga. Sleeper to Wash ington and Cincinnati on S15ptu train. SAVANNAH EXPRESS A ACCOMMODATION, Leave Jacksonville 8 15pm -J05am I. cave Thomasville .... 0 50 pm Leave Waycross 12 10 a in I 10 p in Arrive Jessup 240am 2 44 pm “ .Savannah 5 45am 520 pm 41 Charleston 12 00 noon Palace sleeping ear between .Jack sonville and Savannah on S 15 p. in. train, 9 00 train stops at all stations between Jacksonville and Savannah on signal. Through tickets sold to all points. Baggage cheeked through; also sleeping ear berths and sections se cured at Company's Ollicc, 82 West Bay street, at passenger station, or on hoard People's Line steamer, IJ. B. Plant. Wm.P. IIaudek, General Passenger Agent It. G. Fleming, Superintendent. Full Collegiate course, aHonls every facility education. Location healthful, grounds extensive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, Music, per month, - - - - Drawing, per month, .... Painting, “ “ - - - - ( - Poard in College per month, Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance of first quarter, nug23- Ibr a thorough and attractive. - ifclo.OO 10.00 4.130 3.00 •1.00 - l-'t.OO at expiration JNO. E. BAKER, President. Headquarters lor Drugs! REID & CULPEPPER'S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 BEAR IN MIND -THAT THEY HAVE THE- Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IKT GEORGIA, Where yon can find fresh nml [Hire drugs mvl get prescriptions compomnleit at nil lioursi diiy or night, by competent l’lmrnmcist:!. They use only Siptibb's preparations ill the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. ItEIID A C11LPEPPE3S, JSronri m CLOTHING- Continued at Cost Until Sept. 15. Wc ate pleased to announce that the heavy reductions we have made in prices of our Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats, has enabled us to reduce our stock considerably/ Being anxious to dispose of it all before Fall season, we will from nowon inaugurate special reductions in various lines. • — A, O O IT. I TOWELS. 100 dozen Towels at 5 cents < aelt “ 10 “ m “ 15" “ 20 “ 25 DRESS GOODS. Real Linen Chamhrics at 10 cents. Figured Clmllics at tlj cents. FitJl Challics, the latest style in Cot ton Goods, at 8 cents. All other Dress Goods in proportion. TABLE DAMASK. 2 pieces Turkey Red Damask at 30c. 1 “ “ ‘-10c. 3 “ “ “ “ “ 50c. SllOlfis. The largest stock and Lost goods in the city for the money. Wc will;be pleased to have all who wish anything in our line to call and get prices before buying elsewhere. Very Respectfully, HLild ACHING-. One ease 1-1 lilcaohing at (E cents. We also call your attention to our remnant counter, where bargains are numerous. L. Steyerman & Bro. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you will ns many others linvcftiiri, that it i.*» tbc iikst blood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, <_!n., for book or convincing testimony. J. D. Davis, Atlanta, (in, (West Knd), writes, “I consider that B* B. B. has perma nently cured me of rheumatism and sciatica.” R. R. Saulter, Athens, fin., saw: B. B. II. cured me of an ulcer that had resisted all other treatment. K. (i. Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes: “My mother anti sister had ulcerated sore throat and scrofula* B. B. B, cured them.” Jacob F* Sponcler, Newnan, Ga., writes : B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. I used six bottles. Clia?. Reinhardt, No. 2020 Fountain Street Baltimore, Md., writes : “I suffered ’with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say that one bottle of B. II. II. cured me.” J. J. Hardy, Toccoa, Ga., writes : ‘11. II.B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me. I had been troubled several years.” A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says : One bottle of JI. B. II. completely cured my child of eczema.” W. A. Pepper, Frcdonia, Ala, writes: II. II. II. cured my*mother of ulcerated sore throat.” SHED RYE. J. L. it W. A. Pringle can supply you with seed rye sit $l.r»0 per bushel. Cali early, be fore supply is exhausted. 8-22diw Tax and Registration Notice. [first round. 1 will he at the following named places on days named below for the purpose of collecting the State and County taxes for the year 1SS9, and registering the legal voters.of Thomas county: Duncanville, Monday, Sept. 9. Mctcallc, Tuesday, “ to. East Glasgow, Wednesday, “ 11. Boston, Thursday, “ 12. Ways, Fiiday, “ 13. Murphey’s, Monday, “ 16. Ochlockoncc, Tuesday, “ 17. Spence, Thursday, “ 19. Cairo, Friday, “ 20. P, S. Heetii, T. C. T. C. And Registrar, Notice of Election. To tiik Qualified Voters 6v Thosiasvillk: In accordance with a resolution of Coun cil, passed at a regular meeting on the 19tlt of August, 1880, an election was ordered and will be held on tho twentieth (20th) day of September, 1880, at the usual place of hold ing municipal elections, as prescribed by an Act of the State Legislature, approved 8ept. 1st, 1887, oil the question of “Bondi” or “No Bonds.” The amount of bonds to be issued will be Fifteen Thousand ($15,000) Dollars, for the purpose of purchasing land- for park purposes, the balance, if any, to be applied to the extension of the water works of the town. The rate ot interest which the bonds are to bear will be live (5) per cent. perannum,and payable semi-annually; the whole amount to be paid ofT in thirty years, which will require Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) annually for the interest, and Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) anr.ually to provide for payment ot the principal. JUS. IIANSKI.L MERRILL, Mayor pro tcm. Thomasville. Ga., Aug. 10, 1880. Insure against accidents. Received of the Preferred Mutual Accident Association, of New York, Thirty-Two Dol* lars for ten days' disability, resulting from accident. I cheerfully iccoiumend this Co. for prompt payment. * K. M. Smith, Casli’r Bank of Thos’villc. Thomasville, (Li.. Aug. 2. 1888. $3,000 DEATH IIV ACCIDENT. 3.000 I.OSNOB I1A.\D« OK I'liK T. 3,000 MI.SNOr II Ai\ I) ANI) FOOT. *J,300 I.OMM OF II A,YI> OR COO I'. • 300 I.OMSOC DOTH KYEM. 4,300 lU lUIAMM.Toml Disability 030 I.OSS or O.Mi EYE*. 43 per weeli, Temporary Total Dis ability. FOR FIFTY-TYVO WEEKS. ONE DOLLAR PER MONTH, while oilier accident companies in the event «»i serious accidental injury stop tho payment of indemnity at the end of twenty-six weeks, the Preferred Mutual continues the same for tiftv- two weeks. T. X. ItOl’KIAM, Aue ut, Tlioiiiitsyillr, Oa. 8-3-lnnl l’X.VNOS AND OUGAXS W. 8. lirowii, tin; Jeweler, lias se cured the ngoney for alt the Ihst-elass l’ianos and Organs, which he Is welting at the lowest prices for casli or on long , time, Tlioso desiring to pureiiasc wilt do well to learn his prices and terms.