The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 01, 1889, Image 3

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Room and WE MUSI HAVE Our buyer, Mr. C Wolff, is now in New York, where he wil spend about 0 weeks looking up the new est and most desirable goods on the market for our fall . and win ter trade. No Fains, Time or will be spared to ob tain the very latest importajionsJn Dress Goods Novelties. This department, as every one knows, is our “hobby,’ and we confidently promise to show the ladies of Thomasville the most elegant fabrics ever placed on sale in this city. No department of our busi ness shall he neglected, hut each one tilled with everythin, that is New! Nobby! Stylish So we advise yhu to wait and sec our stock before inakiii any purchase whatever of fall and win or goods. The ex treme nJhdtics are just com ing into the Eastern markets, iiinl our buyer will get llicin. You an! invite 1 to come and buy what you want iu Mummer Materials almost At Your Own Price< As we are determined uot to pack up auy summer slock at all, provided LOW PRICES will move what we have left. You will positively save money buying o( us all the dry goods you need during the remainder of “the heated term.” Favor us with a call. Very respectfully, H. Woll & Bro., Leaders of Styles ami Lmv Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-?NTERPRISE. ALBERT WINTER, City Editor. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 188f. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU It Thomas Jr's - 126 Broad Sired. C. S. Bonclurant Vountoer Observer Weather liullrtin for the 21 hours eliding at 7 o'clock I’. M August 31, 1880. * Tksi cKit ATcar. 2 p. la.. 7 p. in. 77 Looal Schedulo. for Savannah L\ 5 20 p i 0 50 p i :s 45 p i “ Chatt. Lv.. from Chatt. Ar.. for Albany Lv... I 25 p » •* “ •* lrom *• Ar... 755at tiiomasvima: and montickixo. ii^lit accom. for Monticcllo Lv...8 45a i •* “ from “ ....Ar...C20 p i t mail for “ ....Lv...2 0G pi “ from “ ....Ar.. 12 10 p i CHURCH DIRECTORY. I’rtKsnvTEiiiAN Cni'iteii.—Services in tlie lecture room-—Pastor J. II. Hcrbcrncr—services at 11 li. in. and and at niglit. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Sunday school 0.30 a. in. Methodist Church.--Rev. Geo. G. N. AIcDonell pastor. Prayer meeting 9 30 a m. Preaching and sacramen tal service 11 a m. Sunday School 3 30 p in. Preaching by pastor at 7 3° p m. ‘Episcopal Ciiuitcn:—Rev. C. I. LaRoche, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o’clock: afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 3:30 o’clock a. in.; sermon at 11a. in. Scuppernong grapes are retailing for eighty cents per bushel. To-day ushers in September, and the first fall month of 1S89. Mr. Olms. Thorne, of DoLand, Fla. was at the Whiddon yesterday. Sec Harry Goldberg’s ad , and get his prices for good laundry woilt. There is a good moral in "Term Blinker’s Baby.” Read the story on the first page. Mr. II. P. Russell, advance agent of R. G. Allen’s minstrels, was at the Stuart yesterday. A11 are light was placed iu front of L. Steycrman & Bros., dry goods house yesterday. Mr. S. B. Burr went up to Barnes ville yesterday to visit Ins family who are summering there. Miss Laura Jones will leave with- it couple of days for New York to buy new goods. Mr. S. T. Lewis and daughter, of Montezuma, Ain., were stopping at the Whiddon yesterday. Mrs. 0. T. Stuart, who has been sojourning in New York City during the summer, returned yesterday. Communication of "Thomasville,'’ on the park question, will appear in next issue. It was crowded out last night. Mr. H. II. Sanford, who has been on a trip to New York and the Fast, reached home on the noon train yes terday. Mr. Ballour of the Pearl saloon,had the first incandescent lights in thecity placed in. They are over his billiard tables . CURTRIG-HT & I> AJNIEL Are now receiving a large and elegant assortment of the celebrated Zeigler and Reed’s fine Ladies Shoes. J. S. Turner’s, Stacy Adams’ and Bannister’s Men Shoes. Boys’ and Misses’ School Shoes a Specialty. Sign of tlie Big: Boot. j The cotton warehouse is the busiest place in the city. Cotton rolled into town yesterday from the plantations in large quantities. Air. George II. Fields is expected to return next week. He will resume his old position in the new Gulf as soon as it opens. Mrs. Maggie Mims, of Bainbridge, who has been visiting the family ot Mr. George Wooten iu East End, returned home yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. John L Finn, after quite an outing in the Northern and Eastern States, are again in their pretty home on Smith Avenue. We have been requested by Presi dent Lovejoy, of the South Georgia College, to say that boys ol fourteen or under, unless they arc unusually ell developed, will be exempted from the necessity of purchasing and wearing uniforms. Park Pointers and Paragraphs. Let the advocates of each side re member that every man is entitled to his opinion. Northern gentlemen, attracted here by the park, and other advantages, now pay enough taxes in the town to more than pay interest on the bonds, and to provide a sinking fund for the same. The sinking fund, $500 per annum will he placed where it will draw a good interest, interest equal, if not more, than what the town pays on the bonds. If the ladies had a vote there would be a big majority.for the park. The rich have lawns, big yards and little parks of their own; give the poor children of die town a showing for some fresh air. No money will be expended on the park until the tax paytrs demand it. A number of registered voters do not pay tax on more than $500 worth of property. These will have to pay thirty-one and a quarter cents annual ly to the park fund. With the park secured, many north cm people will buy and build here. This- means more taxable property, and good wages lor brick layers, car penters, mechanics of all classes, and day laborers. A prominent northern gentlemen, who has invested thousands here, and who will in the future make his winter home here, said, before leaving last April: "I will he one of ten men to give $500 to beautify Paradise Park.” Every visitor coming here is inter ested in the preservation of the park. And Thomasville is interested in briuging as many of them here as possible, and then in holding them as long as possible. Did you ever stop to think, that not less than $t0,000 per day is.paid out here by visitors, at the height of ■ the season? This money finds its way into a hundred channels, finds its way even into the cabins of the poorest. And Paradise Park js an important factor in bringing and keeping these money .spending people here. Every progressive town in the country is providing themselves with parks— with open places where the children and all others can escape from crowd ed homes, and enjoy fresh air. Let posterity foot the hill. We will be making a good trade lor them. Paradise Park, if the town grows at all, will, hclorc the last of the bonds arc due, he worth one hundred thous and dollars. It is a good trade. The late S. Alexander Smith, in giving the town an option oil the property, at $500 per acre, priced it at about half what he could have sold it lor to private indi viduals. But he wanted to do some tiling for the town, where his long hie was passed. The Smith heirs, while they know that a much larger sum could readily be realized for the property, feel that they arc acting right in making the sacrifice, for the reason that the late Mr. Smith was anxious lor the town to own the property as a park. They will religiously and conscientiously carry out, in so far as they can, his well known wishes on the subject. It is purely a business transaction. The property, all admit, is worth twice what the town can get it at, not taking into account what it will he worth to the place, as winter resort. This last valuation is beyond computation. Thomasville,Glark County, Alabama, not Thomasville, Georgia. The Age-Hcrald^Birminghani, Ala., publishes, with big display headlines, a dispatch from Montgomery, saying that typho-malaria is raging in Tliom- nsville, Georgia. The Ago Herald will, we are very sure, make the ■amende, by stating that the disease is raging in Thomasville, Alabama, in stead of tlie well known Southern health resort, Thomasville, Georgia. This place has been perfectly healthy this summer, ns in fact it usually is, in both winter and summer. Thomas- ville is jealous of her fair and well- earned reputation for health. It is the brightest gem in her crown. There is not a healthier place in the South. Epidemics, of any kind, are unknown here. People die here, it is true, hut they die from those natural causes and diseases which, in tiie or der of nature and providence, removes the living. The dispatch from Montgomery, as it appeared in tlie Age-IIerald, reads ns follows: 'Momtcomkhv, Aug. 21.—Dr. Cochran, state health officer, who has been to Thomasville to investigate the sickness reported at that point, reach ed tlie city at 11 o’clock this morning, hi conversation with the Age-Herald correspondent concerning his visit to Thomasville, Dr. Cochran said: "The disease at Thomasville was an out break of what is termed by physicians a typho-malarial fever. I was furn ished the names of twenty patients who had the disease, toil of whom died, eight at Thomasville anil two others who had been removed to oth er places. The first case sickened 011 June 8 and died on June 18. The second deatli from the disease oc curred July 3d. “I saw five cases of fever in the town while there, all of whom had the fever before my arrival. There lias been 110 new cases in the past ten days. I found the sanitary condition of the place had, and T think tin's must have been the cause of the excessive mor tality from the disease. “Of the three cases which I saw, two were doubtful, though showing some improvement. The other three were in a fair way to recovery. The dis ease, typho-malarial fever, made its appearance in north Alabama some years since, and has been gradually working southward. We have had the fever in this city, and in all local ities from Selma north. It has only just reached Thomasville,and attracted attention there because of its fatality, caused probably by the had sanitary condition, ami to the fact that it was to the physicians there a new character of fever.” our Birmingham contem porary, and all papers copying the above, will do Thomasville, Georgia, llio justice of publishing the correc tion. Good Farming. Mr. .J. L. Farrier, living two miles from town on the Tallahassee road, has alrcad sold 12 bales of cotton from a JO acre field. He will sell six more the coming week, and expects, to gath er 30 hales in all from the field. It is a double compliment to Mr. Far rier, to say that the place on which this farming was done,was a few years since, considered 011c of the poorest places in the county. Special attention is directed to the advertisement of Miss Laura Jones. Sc is now closing out her damaged stock at prices which will surprise everybody. It is her purpose to clean out the old stock entirely, before the arrival of new full anil winter goods. Now is the time for bargains. l’rof. A. G. Miller, of Charleston, S. C., who is to he prolcssor of mathe matics, and have charge of the military feature of the South Georgia College, will arrive this afternoon. C. H. Young & Co. Tlie Monticcllo Tribune has this to say for tlie above pushing and reliable firm: C. 11. Young A Co., the great clothing house of Thomasville, are now receiving their fall stock, and they have all the latest styles iu gen tlemen’s wear, They sold scores of suits to the Tribune patrons in tlie spring and will do the same tiling this fall. .Ik Hi. LAl’NDllV. Send me your laundry. I*ri* whore. Will guarantee bcttei he hail iu the south. HARRY A. (JOLDlhilW, Agt. American .Steam Laundry, 1-11 Mitchell lions# Corner- SOUTH GEORGIA COLLEGE, Opens Wednesday, September 4th. Increased Facilities. Strictly Military. For catalogue, address 0. M. LOVEJOY, uug23-lin I'rcsid are daily receiving Fall Winter CLOTHING! and our line of Light Gin House Insurance —WITH— Hnii.scll «& Merrill, Thomasville, Ga. flattV tO Ol’tl-Ic CATARRH CURKD, health ami sweet breath secured, by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector tree fluclileu’n Arnica .Salve. The Rest Salve in the World ibr Cuts Bruises, Sores, deers, Salt Rheum, Fever Soros, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Kniptions,und positively cures Piles, or no pay minimi. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Casscls, Drug Store. Lower - Broad -, A Correction. The funeral will take place at mid night to night—if the weather permits. We allude to the demise of the com positor yvho set up “ground” coffee for ‘green,” in Mr. Pickett’s advertisement yesterday morning. The aforesaid compositor also said that Mr. Pickett would sell only io lbs. of granulated sugar for $i, when that gentleman says he will sell iol lbs. lie will also sell Magnolia hams at 13 cents, instead of 15 cents, as it appeared in the adver tisement. Readers and huyets will please note these corrections. The young folks had a most de lightful party at the residence of Mr. James F. Evens, on Remington aven ue, Friday night. Games,with music and refreshments, served to pass away the early hours most cnjoyably. Mr. George Heard contributes a live foot alligator :o Jim Reid’s me nagerie. 1 fe isn’t very tame yet. Jim hopes to get acquainted with him by the time lie grows to be 10 feet long. Mr. C. W. Davis, a prominent merchant of Marianna, Fla., accom panied hv his daughter, Miss Gussie who is en route to resume her studies at Mt. DeSalles College, Maryland, passed through here yestedav. The Albany paper complain about the people of that city sending to Thomasville for bread. Thomasville bakers have a good reputation, and an ike as good bread as is made in the State, hut, oil general principles the people of a town should patronize, their lnnnc shops, Gribbeu Si Leviek, contractors, have the contract to repair the dam age done to Mr. J. L. Linton’s stoics Hr. Kings x. by fire. Work will commence to- l ‘°"' *■' 1 morrow. Trial bottles Just reebived, another lot of Ilair I’iu eases, I pockets, I duz. pius, as sorted, o cents. Bold out first lot in two days. Needle eases, folding, papers and Io assorted, 10 cents. Come quick; they will go with a rush. Bowing machine oil, 1 ounce size, o cents. Tins goes too. -NOW FOR SOMETHING l-:i,si:. Ladies’ handkerchiefs, new style, linen lawn, very sheer, hem-stitched, 1 tucks, 33 cts.; never sold for less than •it) cts. Another lot, all over em broidered lawn, hem-stitched,:! tucks, nobby, 31 cts. . . Linen doylies, white linen, fringed, 7 cts. You pay 12^ cts. everywhere. New lot of ladies’ underwear, robes, skirts, chemises, aprons, etc. Haven’t room to quote prices, hut will sell at sui prisingly low figures, far less than it costs to buy material and make tip these articles. Will leave for New York and Baltimore in two weeks to select fall and winter stock. Will he glad to attend to any special commission from my friends and patrons. Mrs. oBVunic i’anoll, Lower Broad Milliner. Peraounl. Mr. X. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobil- 1 . A hi., writes: I take great pleasure in reeomtneud- ingDr. King’s NYw Discovery lor rousump- tion, have use.! it for a .severe attack of bronchitis ami Catarrh, it gave me instant rel’ef ami entirely <-;nv l me am! i have not been afflicted since, f also bog to state that l had tried other remedies with no good re sult. Have also used Klectric Ritters and Dr. King's New Life Fills, both of which l MUST 60! Call and get w Ili.K l Col.lj ivory lor (’<■ is sohl on a it 8. J.UaSiots Drug rito Prices before buy ing at ilYBODT’S Cost Prices, andjwe will -A. "VIES YOU MONEY Clothier? and Furnishers, loo Broad St., Tbom as ville, Ga