The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 03, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TllES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. 8. B. BURR, - Business Manager. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1880. 4 I>aily Timks-Enterpkisb h published every morning (Monday excepted.) The Wkf.klv Timks-Kxtkiiprisk is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Ti.mks-Kntf.rpjmsk, .... $5 00 W EKLY “ 1 00 Daily Rates Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square ‘or ‘he first insertion, and 50 cents for ea ii subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • fc 5 00 One Square, two months* - - - - 8 00 0*f Square, three month;, - - * 12 00 Ono Square, six months, - - - • 20 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arranj '•ment. N.B. BI.'KR. liiisliicftn Malinger. Not Persecuted Wc publish elsewhere an article from the Americas Recorder, headed: “A Plea for the Persecuted.” It is laudatory of the legislature. The Re corder pays high and just tribute to the body. No one will gainsay the proposition that there arc scores and scores of good, able aiul conscientious members who stay in their places and do their best to expedite public busi ness. But it is, also, notoriously true that there arc others who habitually nbsent themselves from the halls of legislation, without good cause, and yet continue to draw their pay. They not only get pay for services not ren dered, but their absence obstructs business. If a member is called away by urgent business, or from providen tial causes, lie is perfectly justified in temporarily absenting himself. It is those members who take two days in the week to gad around on free passes, who arc being lashed by the press. And the lashing is richly deserved. The Times Entkrprise has had no criticism for men who have been providentially, or by necessary busi ness, called away, but it has paid its respects to the other class, and expects to do sn in the future. And there’s no “persecution” in it. There arc members losing money by staying in Atlanta at $4 per day; these are trying to get through with the business. There arc others who do not, perhaps, make S I per day at home; these do not care how long the session lasts. . Nobody wants the legislature to rush business unnecessarily. All want the members to take ample time to digest every measure, hut they arc opposed to one or two days being vir tually thrown awav every week. Each day’s session costs the tax pay ers of the State 81,500. There is no danger of criticisms on chronic absentees “deterring the best men from accepting a position which lays them liable to have their motives impugned and integrity impeached.” 0,no, the “best men” will stay in their places and attend to business. No danger of that class being criticised. It occurs to ns that if the chronic absentees could he weeded out and wc hope they will he in the next ses sion—good men, and plenty of them, would readily be found to take their places. A member who is conscien tiously trying to discharge his duties, by staying in his place, unless neces sarily called away, will not object to the criticisms of the press in this matter. If we have, at any time, fired a shot which hit the “other fel low,” why we’re glad of it. Meeting of Mercer Baptist Association. The western division of Mercer Bap tist Association will convene with Hie Ochlockonee Baptist church on Friday, before S'.h Sunday in September, 1889. Introductory rermon by Rev. ffm. Reynolds; Rev. J. B. Arrington alter nate. On Sunday iollowing.dcdication ’*'■ sermon by Rev. T. A. White. Queries arc as follows : What scriptural and historical au thority have wc that the Missionary Baptist church is the true church of Christ ? Opened by Rev. J. M. Rusliin. i. Are the dead beings daily judged? If not what is the meaning of 20th chapter 12th verse of Revelations. Opened by Rev. T. A. White. 3. Is there any distinction between Sabbath school and chuich work? If there is, what is it ? Opened by Rev. J. R. Battle. 4. What is the best method of systematizing church work ? Opened by Rev. A. C. Stephenson. Rev. E. H. Bryan, W. W. Dkkle, Jno. W. Carlton, J. o. Culpepper, Committee. HE WENT OVER NIAGARA FALLS. The President Spends Sunday Indoors —The Burial of Stonewall Jack son's Daughter. Deer I’akk, Mil, Sept. I.—The President remained indoors about all day and did not attend church as usual. It is probable that he will leave Deer park the middle of this week, perhaps on Wednesday, and go to Washington. The President has been urged to go to the celebration of hog Cabin college, in Pennsylvania, the forerunner of Princeton university and on Thursday he may go there. A week from to-morrow lie will probably attend the industrial parade in Haiti more, and arrive back in Deer Park Tuesday morning. Lexington, Ya., Sept. 1.—The funeral services over the remains of Mrs. Julia Jackson Christiiin too!; place this morning at the Presbyter ian church. The services were con ducted by Rev.' Thomas L. Preston, D. D., pastor, assisted by Rev. Ebcn- ezer Junkin, D. C., of Houston, Tex. The church was jammed, tlm entire population of the place being out. She weather was fair and warm. The body was interred beside her father’s, Gen. Thomas J. (Stonewall) Jackson. The scene at the church and grave was unusually pathetic. Many of the battle scarred veterans of the confederacy, with heads bowed and in tears, watched the remains laid to rest, Choice floral offerings came from many places. The funeral party from Charlotte, N. C., left here to night for home. Niagara Falls, N. W.Sept. 1.— Last Sunday afternoon Charlisle D. Graham made a successful trip through the whirlpool rapids, mael- etroin and Foster's flats, before an assembled multitude of 15,000 people. That was preparatory to his effort to day to pass over the falls, which, ac cording to Graham himself and a few eye-witnesses, was accomplished in safety. The same barrel was used. . At 6 o’clock this morning it was towed out into the river by Andy Horn and Garrett Stanly, and at 0:45 o’clock it was let go at a point opposite Chippewa creek. Down the current it swept, plunging over the reels, often out of sight, till at 7:80 o'clock it approached the Irrink and dropped 200 feet into the abyss be low. The barrel soon arose intact and was discovered in the eddy. El mer Jones swam out from the Canadian shore, caught a rope fastened to the barrel, and towed it to the shore, where Graham was lifted out by Jones and Mr. Cahill. Graham was quickly brought, more dead than alive, to Horn's saloon, on this. side. He says: “The first I knew was when some one struck the barrel and said: ‘Graham, are you alive?” He com plained of terrible pains in the hack and head, from the rocking he had re ceived, and could talk hut incoherent ly. About a dozen people verify the statement that Graham was in tiie barrel, and many more will say that they saw the barrel go over. Graham was probably led to his exploit hv the appearance here of Kteve llrodie, with the avowed intention of jumping the falls. The month with ail R. is here. And the juicy bivalve will now come to the front. Yellow Jack, with the lapse of a few short weeks, will have to , take a hack seat for the year 1889. What “Thomasville” Has to Say About the Park Question. Mr. Editor: I liave read with interest and pleas ure, the communications of “l’ark” on the Park. He is one of those high- toned and intellectually honest men, who always manage to get on the right side of all public questions. But Park is a better reasoner than figurer. He says the Park will cost only 021 cents taxes on each thousand dollars, for thirty years. In this he is plainly at error. His calculation is made 011 the basis of only 82,000,000 of taxable property. But the taxable property of Thomasville is rapidly in creasing each year, and as it increases the 021 cents must decrease. When the taxable property shall have doubled, which will occur long before the thirty years shall have expired, the 021 cents will become 01 j cents, value of property adjacent, will great ly help in paying for itself. But this is not all. “Park” correct ly states that the sinking fund of 8500 per year < an lie safely invested at 5 per cent. This interest will give 825 the second year, and each year there after, which, together with the 825.00 annual interest 011 each subsequent 8500.00, will reduce tfle 8750.00 total interest at the rate of 825.00 per an num. Now it is plain that as the *750.00 of interest decreases annually, the rate of taxation will decrease, bc- eau-c less money will have to he raised. This decrease will begin tho second year. Adding these two causes of decrease together, 1 think it is a conservative statement, to say that the G24 cent rate will sink to 25 cents in ten years. Verily, the cost of the park is a very small matter It is as though a father objected -to buying a book for his child, with pictures in it, because, forsooth, the illustrations cost a trifle more. Above all tilings, let us be honest about this matter, bet us look well into our motives, and see that tliev are such that the world might look upon them and wc be not nshmed. “Tiiomabviele.” DIL A. Ii. COUCH, Modern - Pathology, - New - Remedies, DIRECT TREATMENT, (MVr- hi- jirufp.-sional services to tho citi zen? ot Thoniasville and surrounding coun try. < ifiicc over Steyermnn’s store, Broad street. Thomnsville, Ga. ’ 'i-.i.d&wlv Uuist’s Heed? arc the best iu the world, anil 1 licks k Peacock lmvc the freshest and cheapest siwck in the city. Prices cut all to pieces. dltw2t casTTgroceries Are still in the front ranks, and arc there to stay. They arc growing in favor every day, and in spite of that powerful competitor, the credit system, our sale 1 : show a very gratifying in crease every week. Please read the way down prices below : Best Patent Flour, per bbl. 5 65 Best Creamery Butter, 25 New Cream Cheese, 15 Magnolia Hams, r3 N. Y. Salt Pork oS Best Rio Coffee, green, 22 M. ,Y J., parched 30 Best head rice 61 Granulated Sugar, 10A lbs. r.oo While Extra C Sugar 11 lbs. 1.00 And everything else in our line at just as low figures. We can save you money, and will do so it you will give us the chance. Respectfully, M. P. Pickett. SOUTiTCEORCiACOLLECE, Opens Wednesday, September 4lh, hicrcastJ hdlititt Slrirlly Military. fur radlos'iir, nildrcm U. M. LOYIUOV, ;iug2 ".-Ini President. Gin House Insurance, —with— gSansHi Merrill, Thomasvillo, Ga. dlfcwto octl-b- CATARRH CURED, health and sweet breath secured, by Shilol’sCatarrh Remedy, Price 50 cents. Nasal Injector free Illicitlr 11'•« Arnica Halve. The Rest Salve in the World for Cuts Rruises. Sores, deers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Champed Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cossets, Drug Store. Lower - Broad - Millinery. Just received, auothor lot of Ilnir Pin cases, -1 pockets, 4 do/., pins, as sorted, 5 cents. Sold out first lot in two days. Needle cases, folding, 5 papers and 15 assorted, 10 cents. Come quick; they will go with a rush. Sewing machine oil, 1 ounce size, 5 cents. Tins goes too. NOW FOR SOMETHING ^>SK. Ladies’ handkerchiefs, new style, linen lawn, very sheer, hem-stitched, 4 tucks, 33 cts.; never sold for less than 50 cts. Another lot, all over em broidered lawn, hem-stitched, 3 tucks, nobby, 31 cts. Linen doylies, white linen, fringed, 7 cts. You pay 124 cts. everywhere. New lot of ladies’ underwear, robes, skirts, chemises, aprons, etc. Haven’t room to quote prices, but will sell at suiprisingly low figures, far less than it costs to buy material and make up these articles. Will leave for New York and Baltimore in two weeks to select fall and winter stock. Wili lie glad to attend to any special commission from my friends and patrons. Mr*. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. Notice of Dissolution. The firm of Fife k Beverly has this day been dissolved by niutmtl consent. J. L. hcverly assumes all contracts and liabilities' of the firm, and to him all debts now owing them must be paid. Mr, IJevcrly will con duct the business iu fill its departments, and will be thoroughly equipped to till all order* promptly, as heretofore. J. (r. FIFE, J. L. BEVERLY. A CARD. In retiring from the firm of Fife k hcverly, I do so with reluctance, ns my connection with this business ami my partner, for the past year and a lmlf, has been of the most pleasant nature. Mr. hcverly, my successor, needs no introduction to this community and the trade nt large, as he is well known ns a gentleman of sterling worth, and ns a thorough mill and business man has but few superiors, lie will be as well prepared ns heretofore to accommodate the trade, and F bespeak for him that support that has been so liberally extended this mill in the past. Very Respectfully, J, (i. Fife. Sept. 2, 1880. Personal. Mr. N. II. Frohlichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommend ing Dr. King’s New Discovery tor Consump tion, have used it for a severe attack of bronchitis ami Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good re sult. Have also used Electric Bitters and I)r. King’s New Life Fills, both of which I can reccommcnd. I)r. King's New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Colds, is Hold on a positive guarantee, free Trial bottles at S. J. C.isseU Drug Store. Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Children’s Carriages, Wall Paper and Window Shades Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. The best style ami lowest prices in the city. GEO, W. FORBES, 6-1 l-w2t dtf MaSury Building* Wonderful Cur™. W. D. Iloyt k Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome Ga., says: Wc have been selling I)r. King's New Dicovcry, Electric Bitters and Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve for four years Have never handled remedies that sell as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases ot pronounced Consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Bitters. We guarantee them always. Sold bv S. J. Cassels. pimples;toscrofular. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. with Sore*. Heat J>octor« nud Medi cine* fail. Cured by Cuticura Reme dies nt a cost of I have used tho Cuticura Remedies with the best results. 1 have used two bottles of tho Cuticura Resolvent, three liottlcs of Cuticura and one cake of Outicura soap, ami am cured of a terrible scalp and skin diseaso known as pso riasis. I had ii for eight years. I would get better and worse at times. Sometimes my head would bo a solid scab, and was at tho time I be gan the use or tho Cuticura Remedies* My arms werocoveted with scabs from my elbows to my shoulders, my breast was almost one sol id scab, and my back covered with sores vary ing in sizo from a penny to a dollar. I had doc. toted with all the best doctors with no relief, and used many different medicines without effect. My case was hereditary, and I began to think, incurable, but it began to heal from the first application of Cuticura. - 11 ARCHER RUSSEL, Dcsblor, Ohio. Shin Disease O Years rnr*d. 1 am thankful to say that I have used the Cu ticura Remedies for about eight months with great success, and consider myself entirely cured of salt sheum, from which I have suffered for six years. I tried a number of inedicinos and two of tho best doctors in the country, but found nothing that would effect a cure until I used your remedies. MRS. A. MiCLAFLIX, Morcttc, Mo. The Worst Case of Ncrofular Cured. Wc have been selling your Cuticura Remedies for years, and have the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One bf the worst cases of Scrofular I ever saw cured by the u*e of rtvo bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. TAYLOR tf TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan. Cuticura ItcmcdlcN. oCurc every rpecios of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and bicod, with loss of linir, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ich- th iSdeverywhere. Price, Cuticura, oc.;Soap, 25.; Resolvent, fit. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston. Mass lySepd for “How to Cure Skin Diseases, 04'pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials, PLK9, black heads, red, rough, chapped and oily skin prevented lty Cuticura Soap. jfo WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, Kidneys and Uterine Pains and /ZljcaJWeaknesses, relieved in one minute by Hwa tho Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, the first and only pain killing plaster. Now, instan taneous, Infallible, 25 cents. To the Friends of Education. My Kindergarten mid Primary sehool will open on Mon,lay, Sept. id, 1883. With the assistance of Miss Laura llnrncs, who will devote more of tier time to the work, I wish to mnkc my school FIRST CLASS in every particular. To furnisli the material I will need, which will include Hint used in AutomaticDrawing, Clay Modeling and coloring, also slate and lead pencils, I find it necessary to make my tuition #ti.O0 tor the term. Yours very respectfully, 30-ht . MARY F. HARM'S. Every third person you meet is troubled more or less with biliousness, and don’t know how to get rid of it. The causes are easily recorded. A lack of sufficient exercise, eating too much by persons of sedentary habits, indulge ence in too rich food, a sluggish torpid liver where the blood does not do its duty, and bile is allowed to. accumu late; these cause the whites of the eye to-turn yellow, the skin to look thick and coarse, and the complexion yellow or dark. These arc sure indications of biliousness. Brown’s Iron Bitters is the remedy you want. It acts di rectly upon the blood, cleanses and purifies it, and sends it on its journey through the channels of the liver, giv ing to it activity and clearing out the bile. It will remove the yellow tinge from the eyes and the complexion, leaving the latter fresh and clear. Young Female College, Thomasvillo, Gfa. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4th, 1889. Full Collegiate course, affords every facility tor a thorough education. Location healthful, grounds extensive andattractive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, - - - ftlo.OD Preparatory Department, -0 weeks, - - 10.00 Music, per month, 1 *>< > Drawing, per month, ... - -IPO Painting, “ !‘ - j- ,MI hoard in College per month, - - lo.OO Tuition payable onohalf in advance, balance at expiration of first quarter. •! ML ii. 15AKJ-.R, an "2d- President. Headquarters for Drugs! REID & CULPEPPER’S - 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga ■.School and Blank Books, Stationery, Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 BEAR IN MIND > THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IKT GEORGIA Where you can find frost, and pure drugs an 1 get proscriptions compounded at nil hours, day or night, by competent Plinn,racists. They use only SquiLL's preparations iu the prescription department and,gunrnntcc goods and prices. - REID C1ILPEPPER, 180-188 HSroitil 9*t CLOTHING Continued at Cost Until Sept. 15. Wc arc pleased to announce that the heavy reductions we have made in prices of our Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats, has enabled us to reduce our stock considerably. Being; anxious to dispose of it all before Fall season, we will from now on inaugurate special reductions in various lines. •—look; I DRESS GOODS. Rial Linen Chambries at 10 cents. Figured Challics at 0} cents. Fall Challics, the latest style iu Cot ton Goods, nt 8 cents. All other Dress Goods in proportion. TABLE DAMASK. TOWELS. 100 dozen Towels at V> cents each -10 “ 10 “ 30 “ 12.'. “ 12 “ 15" “ GO “ 20 “ 17 .<25 “ 2 pieces Turkey Red Damask at 30c. 1 « “ 3 “ “ “ “ “ 50c. shoes. The largest stock and best goods iu the city for the money. BLEACHING. ! One case 4-4 Bleaching at (>A centa. We also call your attention to our remnant counter, where bargains are numerous. 'Wo willjbe pleased to have all who wish anything iu our line to call nud get prices before buying elsewhere. Very Respectfully, L. Steyerman & Bro. B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm.) If you try this remedy you will say as many others have said, that it is the iikht blood purifier and tonic. Write Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Gn„ for book of convincing testimony, J. 1*. Davis, Atlanta, Ga. (West Eml), writes, “I consider that B* 1L B. has perma nently cured me of rheumatism and sciatica.” R. R. Suultcr, Athens, Ga., says: B. B. B. cured me ot an ulcer that lmd resisted all other treatment. E. (*• Tinsley, Columbiana, Ala., writes : “My mother and sister bad ulcerated sore throat and scrofula* B. B. B. cured them.” Jacob F* Sponcler, Xewnan, Ga., writes : B. B. B. entirely cured me of rheumatism in my shoulders. I used six bottles. Chas. Reinhardt, No. 2026 Fountain Street Baltimore, Md., writes : “I suffered with bleeding piles two years, and am glad to say that one bottle of B. B. B, cured me." J. J. Hardy, Toecoa, Ga., writes : *‘B. B.B. is a quick cure for catarrh. Three bottles cured me. I had been troubled several years.’’ A. Spink, Atlanta, Ga., says : One bottle of B. B. B. completely cured my child of eczema.” W. A. Pepper, Fredonia, Ala, writes: B. B. B. cured niy*motlier of ulcerated sore throat.” SEED RYE! J. L. & W. A. Pringle can supply you with seed rye at $1,30 per bushel. Call early, be* fore supply is exhausted. 8-22dl w Tax and Registration Notice. [FIRST ROUND. I will be at the following named places on days named below for the purpose of collecting the State and County taxes for the year 188g, and registering the legal voters of Thomas county; Duncanville, Monday, Sept. 9. Metcalfe, Tuesday, “ 10. East Glasgow, Wednesday, " n. boston, Thursday, “ 12. Ways, Ftiday, * “ 13- Murphey’s, Monday, ' “ 16. Ochlockonee, Tuesday, “17. Spence, Thursday, ' • “19. Cairo, Friday, “ 20. P. S. Hektii, T. C. T. C. And Registrar. Notice of Election. To tiie Qualified Voters of Thomasville: In accordance with a resolution of Coun cil, passed at a regular meeting on the 19tli of August, 1880, an election was ordered and will be held on the twentieth (20th) day of September, 1880, at the usual place of hold ing municipal elections, as prescrilicd by an Act^ of the State Legislature, approved Sept*. 1st, 1887, on the question of “Bonds” or “No Bonds.” The amount of bonds to be issued will be Fifteen ThousAl ($15,000) Dollars, for tho purpose of purchasing land for park purposes, the balance, if any, to be applied to the extension of the water works of the town. The rate ot interest which the bonds are to bear will be five (5) per cent, per annum, and payable semi-annually; the whole amount to be paid oil' in thirty years, which will require Seven Hundred and Fifty Dollars ($750.00) annually for the interest, and FIVc Hundred Dollars ($500.00) annually to provide for payment ot tl»e ; principal. JOS. MANSELL MEDIUM Mayov pro ten*. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 10, )£S!>. * INSURE AGAINST ACCIDENTS. Received of the Preferred Mutual Accident Association, of New York, Thirty-Two Dol lars for ten days’ disability, resulting from accident. 1 cheerfully recommend this Co. for prompt payment. E. M. Smith, Casli'r Bank of Thos’ville. Thomasville, Ga., Aug. 2, 1888. $3,000 DEATH HV ACCIDENT. 3,000 1.0NS OF HANDS OR I jdft*. 3,000 I.OSN OF II AND AND FOOT. 2.300 I.OSS OF HAND OR FOOT, 11.300 I.OSS OF 1SOTKI EKES. 15.300 PERMANENT,Total Riwibilit* 030 I.OSS OF ONE EVE. 43 j»cr jvech, Temporary Total Din. FOR FIFTY-TWO WEEKS. COSTS IX THIS ASSOCIATION, ONE DOLLAR PER MONT'rf, while other accident companies event ot serious accidental injury stop tho payment of indemnity at the end of twentyweeks, the Preferred Mutual continues ilve yauio for fifty- two weeks. T. X. HOFKIAS, Agent, Tliomnnyiltc, On. 8-3-lmd 1’IAKOS AND ORGANS XV. S. Brown, tho Jeweler, lms se cured the agency for all tho lirst-eluas l’innos anil Orguns, which ho is bolting nt tho lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those .lushing to purchase wilt, do well to learn his prices aud terms.