The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 03, 1889, Image 4

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fSS-Baaaa-aH^^—- TENDERNESS OF MR. CORLISS. The Great Engineer Delayed a building to Allow the Birds a Chance. Mr. Corlis-s, the great engineer, not very long before his death had occa sion to build an addition to his manu factory—a big “L” tor additional ma chinery. To prepare the foundation for this L, it was necessary to remove a ledge of rock by blasting. The men to do the work on the addition had been employed and put on the pay roll; the materials had been purchased andjbrought to the building, and the work of blasting had begun. The next morning Mr. Corliss passed by the place where work was proceeding, when the foreman in charge, knowing his interest in pretty things, called him. “See here, Mr. Corlisn," said he. “here is a bird's nest that we’ve found, and that’s got to go.” He showed the manufacturer a rob in sitting upon a nest that bad been built fast and snug in the cre vice of the rock, among some bushes that grew there. The bird (lew oil her nest as the men came near, and showed five blue eggs that looked as if they had just been laid. “Can we move that nest somewhere else ?” asked the tender hearted Mr. Corliss. “I’m afraid not, sir. We'd tear it to pieces getting it out, and it isn’t at all likely that you coidd get the bird to go sittiug again anywhere else. We’ve got to go on, so we may as well rip it out and throw the eggs nway.” “No,” said Mr. Corliss. “We won’t disturb her. Let her bring her brood out rigliP there.” “But we’ll have to stop work on the building!” “Let us stop it, then.” And so orders were given that oper ations on tho addition should he sus pended. They were suspended, and the hands stood still, drawing their pay for doing nothing, or next to nothing, while the robin sat on her nest with an air of great consequence and zealous attention to business, and her food brought by her mate, and at last hatched her brood. And then there were three weeks more to go by at least, before the young ones could fly. .Corliss visited the nest frequent ly, not with any uneasiness or impa tience to have the lobin and the young ones nut of the way, but with a genuincj interest in their growth. The old birds bad all the time they wanted; and when at last they bad helped tbejelumsy, reluctant young sters over the edge of the nest, orders were given to resume the building operations.—Boston Transcript. A Kansas paper gets oil the follow ing: : “One of our .Sunday school teach ers on a recent occasion told her pu pils that when they put their pennies in the contribution box she wanted each one to repeat f Bible verse suit able for the occasion. Tho first boy dropped in a penny saying: “The Lord loveth a cheerful giver.” The next boy dropped bis cent saying: “He that giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord.” The third hoy dropped his penny saying: “A fool and his money arc soon parted.” A design for a new postage stamp has been prepared by a St. Louis printing house and sent broadcast over the country tor approval. It is a green stamp, two inches square and contains the portrait of John L. Sulli van, the slugger. On the top are the words: “U. S. Our Country’s Cham - pion,” and on the bottom: “Too Big to Be Licked.”—Lx. I s. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, GA. Office (Ter lleid I Clipper's Did: Sloe, ITut Si. I nm now prepared to liny or sol!, for other parties, all kinds ol town or country real (State, and Intve on my list a pood assort- JBent ol Isjth kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the Imsincss will he my aim, and I respectfully solicit n idmre of tlic lmsine.-* of the community. augZStf FOB MERCHANTS ONLY. ■ licks k Peacock have this day received n lull and complete line of the finest blank hooka ever brought to Thomasrillc. Jour- Dflls, records, day-hook?, ledgers, etc. Prices cut at of out. 1 d 2 tw J t. ‘•WHAT MEDICINES ARE RIOST CALLED FOB?” atked the reporter of an old druggist. ” Dr. Pierce's preparations,” lie replied. ‘•They are sold under a ponitlvo guar antee that they will, in every case, giv< satisfaction, or the money is promptly re funded. His ‘Favorite Prescription/ for nil those chronic weaknesses, nervous and other derangements peculiar » t women, is used with unfailing success. It cures weak back, bear ing-down sensations, irn-gularitirs and weak nesses common to the sex, and being the most perfect of tonic medicines builds up nnd strengthens the entire system. Tho de mand for it is constant, ami I am conversant with scores of cases cured by it.” Returning after a few moments’ al>sence, the venerable wielder of the pestle romurked, “the number of sarsaparilla* ami other, so- called, ‘blood medicines' is legion; but I)r. Pierce's Holden Medical Discovery outsells them all and it is the only blond-pwriflcr out of the many which I am obliged to keep upon my shelves, that, is guaranteed to benefit or cure in all cases for which it is recommended, or money paid for it is refunded.” “ In the line of Pills,” remarked the old gen tlemen, “the little Sugar-coated ‘Pellets’ put up by Dr. Pierre lead all othe rs, both in amount of sales and the general satisfaction they give my customers.” Copyright, isas, !>y World's Dis. Med. ass'.v. nn incurable case of Ca tarrh in the VIcnd by tho R *tors of Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. Ry d, soothing and heaMn? properties, it cures tho worst eases, no mutter of how long gttinding. Ry druggists, GO cents. CARBONATED WITH- NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the llhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. drink: Glen Springs Mineral W ater For the Liver and Kidneys For sale at L. SCHMIDT’S. MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only CScnnln© System of Memory Trainln*. Four Hooks Learned in one reading. Mind windering cured. Hvcry child and ndolt grenily bcncfUtcd. • Great inducemoutn to C irrtmpoiidttnce Classes. Pnwpoctiw, with opinions of l>r. Wm. A, tnotid, the world-famed Socialist in Mind Disease*. Daniel reenleuf Thompson, th*> groat l»>jrcl»«f. ogint, J.M. Hockley, II.D..nditorof tho Chnutian Advocate, A*. Itichnrd Proctor, the Hcienwt, IIohn.-W. tV. A%tor, .Indite Judah P. l, i*ri'i' 1, A. , ’i , !or4 t KT’i’i:, l, i5/i'mu-kvc.i n. v. PASSENGER SCHEDULE FREIGHT* SERVICE lx Un-'EoT I'kb. 20, 1889. via Tiie KAII.RO AO. FRESH MEATS. We will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. P. II. Rone a line stock'of fresh meats. Reef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats arc iron! our own farms, fat, uicy n«d sweet. We will be glad to receive our patronage and will serve you with the eat meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Horn & Buo Suv. alien Hirer Itoule to Florida. Standard Time same a.n Macon city time. 1 Well an li‘'ll Alt’ Kntlilci GOING NORTH v Valdosta. ...5 15 am • M Incola 5 30 am ' Hahlrn 5 54 am ' Ox moor 0 09 am 1 Adel 0 49 am ‘ Sparks 0 57 nm 4 bacon to 7 09 am 1 Eldorado 7 29 am 1 Tlfton 7 59 am ' Chula 8 17 nm ' Inaha 8 33 am ' Hyc >44 »i ..1135 pmI Ar Macon.. 4 Ashbum. 4 Dakota 9 08 am 4 A l-abl 9 22 am 4 Wenonn 9 30 am 4 Cordclo 47 am 4 Rich wood ..1000 am 4 Vienna 10 09 am • Findlay 10 21 am 4 I’lnehurst..lU 29 nui 4 Unndilla....I't42am ‘ Elko 11 02 am ' Grovaula ...11 10 am ' Tlvola 11 31 am Kathleen ...11 42 am 1 Dona I re 1151 nm ' Wollston....l2 05 pm 1 Avondalo ...12 18pin • Sofkce 12 28 pi .12 45 pr oived and dolivero I at Central I."cnl freight trait s leavo Macon dally at i daily at 8:30 p. in. itlou apply to your stn- A. C. KNAPP, Trafllc Mannger, Macon, -On. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. W. V. SNODOIUSS. Ii. F. HAWKINS gNODGRASSA HAWKINS, Altornoys-nt-Law. Office. Formerly occupied by Enterprise of floe. - v ip M. MeiNOTSfL Physician A- Surgeon Thomasvillo, Georgia. pyOFFICE over Stark’s, corner Hroad and Fletcher Streets. J)R. JOEL 13. COYLE DENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE. Rroad|St., over Pickett's. Florida Trunk Line. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula Railroad. I-oniiri l) llir F. 11. <V IV, Vo. Stand.mmi Time Used—June 2,1889. 3 • so Till:UN DIVISION 8 i 5 00 ] 10O.5 a Lv lVruaudina Ar 3 05] 8 30 a 7 00 1 1145a Lv Jacksonville Ar 1 501 1 53 p 0 10a 6 30 1 8 30 j 11 27 L Lv Callahan Ar G 40 a 12 42 1 Lv Baldwin Ar 12 42] 5 00 a 1 -• I Ar Lawtey Ar 1158a 3 55 a 9 55 ) I 42 1 Ar Starke Ar 11 28a 3 30 a 10 30 j Waldo Ar 10 52a 2 50 a 11 20 a 3 02'i lluwlhomo Ar 10 23 a 2 09a 1 10 1 4 29 1 Ocala Ar 907 p 12 01 p 3 50 ; 5 12 J Ar ihl wood Ar H COa 9 20p 5 10 a 6 10 1 I'- 10 1 Ar Loosburg Ar 7 35 a 7 55 p G0J a Tavares Lv •7 10 a 7 UOp 9 42 1 ** -- 1 Ar Orlando Lv 5 45 a 4 00 p 31 T VMl’A DIVIS 30 7 i n) 1 Lv Jacksonville Ar 6 10 a 5 u0; Lv Wildwood Ar 8 45 p 5 40 a Ar I'anasoffkoo Ar 8 00 p 6 10 : Ar Suintervlllo A r 7 30 p 7 15 • Ar St. Catherine A r 6 40 p Ar Lacoocheo Ar 600p Dade City Ar 5«P 1030 < Ar Plant City Lv 4 00 p 23 JDAll KEY blV 1 11 24 7 00 p 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 1 50 p 610 ft C O) » l 10 p Lv Waldo VrilO 35 p 3 40 p 5 10 U 1 53 1 Ar Gainesville \r. 9 40 a '2 30 p 10 45 -1 5 42 1 Ar Archer Lv 8 25 a 2 15 p 0 12 \ Ar Bronson Ar, 7 48 a » ,.\i Cedar Key Lv! 5 30 n 9 1 Wl STK11N DIVISION | ■2 1 10 7 00 J 7 151 LV Jacksonville Ari 3 2U|) 2 45 p g McLendon, Attorney *at-Law, Tliimi.-isvlllf, - - • G corgi: Prompt, attention given to all Ibusincss cn trusted to him. Offien—Over Watt's store, coiner ltroad and Jackson streets. J H. COYLE, I). I). S., Resident Dentist, Thomasvillo, • • * Georgia. Offers Ids servicesto th citizens of Thorn asvlllo and vicinity. Offlco hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., nnd from2 to 5 p.m. Offlco—On Jackson streot. W. I). MITCH EM* 7 R. C. MITCII ELL. J^ITCIIELI, & MITGIIELI.. Attorn eys-at-Law, Thomasville, • - Georgia. •y^» _ W r.llUCE, M. D. Office, up-stairs. ^ S. DEKLE, M. I)., Office in Hayes Building. ■Rosldenco—Corner College avenuo and Mag nolla streot. Telephone communication, No. 25 for night calls. S05 pi HOOn'Ar Baldwin Ar, 235p 14Gp 10 40 j. 9 JiliilAr Lake City Ar. 1 OH p 11 22a 11 5s ii 10 27nf A r Live O ik Ar.ft23p; 9 55a lOtalliHaAr Madison Aril 15a 815a 1 lo a! 12 521*! Ar Montlcollo Lv lo30 a 5 25 a i 4 oo i> A r lttvcr Ju J. 2, 7, 8, 9, 10, 13, 14 Dally. 02, and 03 Dally. 3, t. 23, 24, Dally,except Sunday. :;u Diillv except Sunday. 31 Daily except VILLI' BRANCH | 5 J 61 k45il l30n Lv Jacksonville] ArN50n-000 1005 p-0 00 a Ar Fernand Inn Lv 7 15 a-4 30 5 ami C dally, oxcept Sunday, COfnnd 61 Sundays only. 7 -.15 u. nn, New Orleans Express. Shortest nnd quickest lino l<> all Middle and West Florida points, Pensacola, Mobile nnd New Orleans. 7 :15 a. in. and 7:30 p. m. tralnscon- ncct Oiroiiglt to Thomasville, Montgomery. Nashville, St. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, and all points North and West. Arrive at 2:15 p, in. ami 3.45 p. in. 11:45 p. m. Mall and Express for nil points South. Gainesville, Ocala, Leesburg, Tarores, Apopka, Orlamlo, PanasoiTkeo (St. L’ntharlno) Dad»* City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:50 p. m, 7 :00 p. in. Local, connects through for all points South, Ocala, Oalnosville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, SouthoiV land, St. Petersburg, ami Tampa. Arrives at 6:10 a. m, 11:15 a. m. Cumberland Route Express,con* ncets at lVnmndlna with steamer City of Brunswick, dally, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati St. Louts and Chicago. Arrives 1:50 p. m, 4:30i». m. Fernandiua Mall and Express, daily, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Sir. St. Nicholas lor Savannah and way land* lugs. Thursday with Mallory Steamers for New York. Arrives 8:59 a. m. Sunday train leaves Jacksonville 8:15 a. m. This new service gives perfect connections at Baldwin for all points North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandlna, connecting with Ktr. City of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A.O. MAcDONELL, dan. Manager, O. P. k T. A. N. H. PENNINuTGN, Traffic Manager. J. W REID. Agent at Thomasville, Ga. TO THE NORTH NORTHWEST —-THE— L. &c JNT. LOUISVILLE « NASHVILLE ltAILROAD — IS THE— SHORT LINE, —with — THROUGH SLEEPING SARS, FU )M ALBANY TO BfAKIlVlLLE, KVA.NSVIM.E, NT. liOL'IN. And but one change to And other northern cities. Always ask for tickets via the Louisville k Nashville It. R, For any information, write to C. P. ATMoRK, (Jen. Pass. Agt. Louisville, Ky. Parties haying friends in the North should advise them to take this route to Thomas- villc during the coming season. N. S. Eaires, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasvillo, Georgia. I will bo glad to mako contracts foi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and prlvato, In olthor brick or wood. I will guarautoo In overy Instance to give satisfaction.. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates niado. Ml Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building done call on mo. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awardod me or not. I refer to the many publtn buildings erected by me In BY FAB TIIE ROUTE —TQ— HEW YORK OR BOSTON SAVANNAH —AM) THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIP:-: LINE —OK TUB— Central Railroad ot Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rates, flood to return until October 31st, 1889. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from the beat ami dust incident to ail-rail route?. If you are sick the trip will invigorate and build you up. (Jo cast by sen and you'll never regret it. Passengers, lie lb re purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire lirst of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may be. lmd by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M.S.BELKNAP, * TN’.F.SUKLLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager E. T. CHARLTON. CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass, Agt., Savannah Ga. Thomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Dayls, Prop'rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH! & DRE ED LUMBER. LATIIKS, PICKETS, Shingles, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS* STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORK FRONTS. Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sasli, Doors and Blinds TO Oli DEE. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. |®*CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED.; IlKIUlHI foaisfifie, Buy Alton j <4 Chicago Ry. Co, RQw THE PEST AND MOST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Paluro HufTotSIeeplugCarn by night, nml Chair (.'ars by day, between C'lu* clnnattl and Chicago, Indlannpo- llrt and Chicago, nnd also bo; tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con* noctlona are made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Blamnrk, Pol* land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dally except Sunday, at 7 '30 a. m. Cincinnati 1, Dally, except Sunday, at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. Tho most rapid sorvlco ever attempted bo* twoen tho Great Commercial Cities on tho Ohio River and Chicago, tfirl hrough Coupon Tickets, Bagghgo chock ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, aro among tho points that have made tho MOIffOIff ROUTS Universally and deservedly popular. OIIN B.C YRSOX, Vlco-pres't and Gon'l Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gen’l Traffic^Iannger; E. O. McCORMICK, Gen.I Passenger Agent. R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvillo Ga. Whiddon House (Opposite Piney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, located in tiro most desir able und central part of tho city, is new nnd complete in every particular. Fur nished in tho most elegant mnnnernnd provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. Tho menu is perfect, nnd the servico rendered by trained nndjpo- Iito servants. Terms reasonable, nnd prices graded according to nccommodn- tiong furnished. Carriages from the house meet all trains. dcclO-ly Fife & Beverly MEIGS, GEORGIA. —DKALEK8 IN General Merchant!i c 0 AND ALL KINDS OF Builders’ Supplies, Lumber, etc. •o prepared to furnish anyth o LL'Mdku Link, Wo make a Mouldings, Turned Scroll-Work. Tho mostoli'lHirato designs will bo faithful ly and correctly oxocutod. Wo operate the best equipped mills, and carry tho largest stack of so isonod lumber Ih Southern Geor gin. Parti )% wanting lumberwillsavo money by consulting us boforo placing tholr ordors. FIFE k BEVERLY Men & LevicK, Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will be glad to mako contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or prlvato, in olthor brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and specifications If required. If you want any hulldlug done call on us, nnd wo will submit estimates whothor contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantee satis faction In all our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us in Thomnsvlllo, and to all parties for whom wo have worked. Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. . Thomnsvlllo, Ga., April 3, 1889. B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, i Tin and Hollow Ware, of all kinds, and [agent for King’s Powder Co. GEORGE FEARN, REAL ESTATE ACi XT. OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Cil; mil Cod dry Propcrli (or Sale. HOUSES RENTED Ami Taxes Vt Id, ^ LOANS* NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description 01 your property F0R-:-SALE. Montieello Hotel, at Montieello, Flu., on lot 200 feet, front ing the Court House Square, running back 100 feet, containing 20 rooniH. Price, -$8,000, including fur niture. Terms, hall cash, balance easy, This property is a bargain for any one wishing a small ho tel, well located, in a flourishing town. THE PUBLIC Should Know That I have open ed, at my office on Broad st., an ex change where land lords may find ten ants, and tenants may find landlords. I will undertake to rent any class of real estate, from a negro cabin to the Mitchell House, from an acre patch to a five thousand acre plantation, and to collect the rents. ^ Parties who have v vacant rooms or furnished rooms to let, should call and see me. All wishing any thing in that line can find what they want at my office. ELI M. MALLETTE. 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00 per month. No children wanted. 5 room on Washington st., near Broad st., at §15,00 per month, by the year, Large 7 room house on Madi son street, near center of town, at §20.00 per month. This is a desirable and cheap house. . Four room tenement, on Cal houn street, near Broad street, at §5 per month, Furnished rooms on Jack son st., near business blocks. Upsttiis of house on Calhoun street. Unfurnished rooms in Bry ant house, on Jackson st., be yond railroad. Furnished house id Fast End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at §50 per month. E. I. Mallette, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasvillo. Georgia