The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 07, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - • Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. SATUKDAV, SEPTEMBER 7, 1®>. Daily Times-Estsri-iusk ii published every murninpif Monday excepted.) Tbe Weekly TiHBLExTznrmsK is piiblis led every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Times-Kstebtrise, W EKLY '' $5 00 1 (10 Daily Advertis.ku Rates Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square for the first insertion, nnd 50 cents lor ra- n - ; ulse quent insertion. r One Square, one month, - - - • * ■' ' One Square, two mouths - - - - * ™ 0»e Square, three mouth i, - - - 1 - ' " One Square, six months, - - - • ou One Square, twelve months, ’ ' Subject to change hv special arrant «inent. M. H. DTRR, Ilnatneaa Mniinscr. Cotton picking is now the chief end of—the southern iarmers. The Alliance would do well to weed all the politicians out of their older. It is the safest course. The trial of the alleged Cronin mur derers is going on in Chicago. 1 he evidence is only circumstantial. The good sanitary work pcrlormcd in Florida this summer is bearing fruit. Yellow Jack has not showed his head. Will Alabama demand the extradi tion of the Atlanta duelists? They should be punched for a violation of Alabama law. \ When is the lease question to come up in the senate? Look out for an other stormy debate over the knotty problem, when the grave senators tackle it. County confederate organizations do not seem to catch on to the plau projected for ? date organization in Atlanta. They seem to think that Atlanta wants the earth, and the full ness thereof. The man in the moon never fails to akc a firm grasp on his olfactory or pin while passing over the pension iffice in Washington. Tanner’s ras- ■ality smells to high heaven. It is a ■tench in the nostrils of all honest Raise Your Own Stock. There is music in the air. The tar mers of Mitchell arc going to raising mules. Look out in the Clarion for startling news before long. We are coming down to business now. I his is a stock country if the people will only try. Mules arc always saleable just as cotton. r l raders will buy them up if there arc enough raised here to make a business, and then tbe beauty of it is, a mule can transport itself lo Florida or our cities, railroads or no railroads. The Clarion knows it has been right in its effort to awaken an interest in this branch of stock raising. Sumtci and Lee have woke iq>, and now Mitchell will fall into line.—Ca mtlla Clarion. The writer has spent many sleepless nights cudgeling his brain for argu ments to show that it will pay the farmers of this section to raise their own stock. We again call the atten tion of Thomas county farmers to this subject. How to Cure Nervous Horses. “Finely-bred, intelligent horses,’ said n trainer recently, “arc often nervous. They are quick to notice, quick to take alarm, quick to do what seems to them, in moments of sudden terror, necessary to escape from possi ble harm, from something they do not understand. That is what makes them shy, bolt and' run away. We cannot tell what awful suggestions strange tilings offer to their minds. It may be that a sheet of white paper in the roadway seems to the nervous horse a yawning chasm, the open front of a baby carriage the jaws of a dragon ready to devour him,, and man on a bicycle some terrifying sort of a flying devil without wings. Directly, however, he becomes famil iar with these objects, and he is en tirely indifferent to them. Therefore, when your horse shies at anything, make him acquainted with it, let him smell it, touch it. with his sensitive upper lip and look closely at it. He may not learn all in one lesson, hut continue the lessons, and you will cure your horse of all nervousne Two in the Race. And now Col. Livingston, of tarm- rs’ Alliance, and other fame, wants to >c governor, and is evidently out of mmor because Col. Northen, ol the State Agricultural Society, has got thead of him. Well, we^ believe the armers (Dnc of whom wo arc which) ire the greatest men on earth, but somehow or other we hate to sec any body. even as good and great men as Northen and Livingston, jump so quickly from agriculture to politics. Its all right, we know, hut it rather spoils a farmer hero or tribune to have a bee buzzing about him all the time, lor political office. It makes us fear that there may be more Alliance men who arc Alliance men for revenue only. Keep the Alliance out of poll tics and out of the hands of office seekers. If the State Agricultural Society and the Farmers? Alliance arc such great things as Bro. Northen and Bro. Liv ingston have always told us they are, why can’t they stay a little longer with us and .help us to run them right?— Camilla Clarion. After Lonfl Years They Mot. A pleasant reunion of sisters long separated took place last week. Mrs. George M. I’roctor, of Springfield, Mo., Mrs. Dr. W. Lee While, of Washington City, Mrs. Belle Linn, widow of Rev. John H. Linn, of Lou isville, Ivy., Mrs. Julia Garrett, wid ow of William Garrett, of Danville, Ky., and Mrs. John G. W. Tompkins, of Cedar Grove, Kanawha Valley, \Y. Va.fc. daughters of the lato John Tompkins, of Danville, Ky., all met each other, the first time in years, at the princely home of the latter, lhc late Mr. Tompkins had one of the most magnificent homes in Kentucky, in the very heart of the Blue Grass country. It was widely known as the “Methodist Preachers’ Home” from the lavish hospitality Mr. Tompkins loved to extend the clergy of that church.—■Sunday Gazette, Washing ton D. C. Dr. White is an uncle of Mrs John C. Parnell, of this place. The family reunion was no doubt a very delightful one to all the participants LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. MERCURY DROPS FROM 72 TO 42 AT ST. PAUL. An Eailhquakc In France—Mexico Will Give Hie Negroes Room—Hayti’s Ex- Prcsidcnt in New York -The Blue and Grey ^Mingle in Texas The Huff-Pattcrson Affair; Fight, or Hush Up Over the Niagara Falls to Death. Pairs, Sept. 5.—Shocks of earth quake were heard to-day throughout the we,-1ern portion of France. The oscillations were especially sttoug at Angoi.- ami Nantes. No damage was done. ^ City of Mexico, Wept., ft—Ellis ami Fert-'uson, commissioners of negro immigration, have completed their arrancments here, notwithstanding telegrams from Texas. Nr.w York, Sept 5.— Legiteme, ex- president of the Haytian republic, ar rived this morning on the Ward line steamer, Manhattan. He was accom panied by his family and several members of his army. St. P.\ri., Mixx., Sept. 5.—During the past twenty four hours the ther mometer has fallen 30 degrees, 42 degrees being registered this morn- in". Quite a cold snap lias been ex perienced all over the northwest, cul minuting in a heavy frost at Chcyeue. Fr. Lons, Mo., Sept. 5.—A special from Fort Worth, Tex., says the state reunion of ex-confederate and federal soldiers begun yesterday. Thousands of people were present. There was a big barbecue, speech-making nnd remarkable good feeling all around The reunion continues thee day?. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 5.—The Iluff-Patterson trouble remains un changed. Col, Huff is still in the city, having been released from police custody this morning. Mr. Patterson escaped from the city last night, and only those immediately connected with the affair know where lie is. JlnTAi.o, N. Y.,'Sept. 6.—An tin known woman committed suicide at Niagra Falls this morning by jumping into tbe water above the falls. She was apparently about twenty-five years old, had red hair • and wore a black dress. She was alivo when she went over the fails, as she was seen to raise her head. She was a stranger and arrived on an early morning train. lltickU-.n'M Aruicn Halve. The Rest Halve in the -World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, nnd ull Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S. J. Cnsscls, Drug Store. Brown’s Iron Bitters furnishes aid to the stomach to accomplish its work. Only a medicine which lias a specific action upon the stomach will do you any good, and Brown’s Iron Bitters will act directly upon that organ, ton ing it up and giving it strength to do its work, relieving the pressure upon the nervous system, strengthening the nerves, quickening and improving the appetite, removing flatulency and heartburn, restoring the appetite and dispelling the dizzy spells )£hich arc so annoying, and may prove very dan gerous. Wonderful Cure*. W. II. Hoyt & Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rome Ca., says: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dicovcry, Electric Bitters and Rucklcn's Arnica Salve for four i-urs Have never handled remedies that ||| us well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cures effected by these medicines in this eitv. Several eases ol pronounced Consump tion lave been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Ritters. We guarantee them always. Sold by S. J. Cassels. SAVANNAH, FLORIDA AND WESTERN RAILWAY. Young Female College, Thomasville, Gra. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4H1, 1889. Full Collegiate course, adonis every facility for a thorough education. Location healthful, grounds extensive ami attractive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, - - - Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, - Music, per month, Drawing, per month, Painting, “ 5‘ - * ' " " " Hoard in College per ni mth, .... LmJD Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance at expiration of first quarter. ~ JM). lx. LA lx Lit, au„23- President. There is one of two things Col. Liv ingston will have to do. lie must re sign the presidency of the Farmers Alliance, or come down as a candidate lor governor. The Alliance is not booster for political hacks.—Brunswick Times. The aged mother of John L, Sul livan died in Boston'this week. John was roaring drunk and painted the town red a day or two since. He is limply a lnute. Change the Scales- President Harrison once said: "This s no time to use the apothecary s icales to measure the rewards ot the nen who saved the country,” and this tssertion has served as a key note rom one end ol the country to the jthcr, during the past week. But no one has used a[iothccary’s scales, or proposed to do so in the sense ol smallness, and President Harrison knows it. When he made that remark the tax payers of the country were contributing over $80,000,000 to the annual pension list. This year the estimates will call for $110,000,000 or $115,000,000, as Comtnissionci Tan ner boasts. The lesser amount is 40 per cent, ol the ordinary expenditures of the government last year. It is nearly double the total expenses in the year before the war. It exceeds the cost of the combined pension list: of all the war-making nations ol Eu rope. It is $5,000,000 more than the cost of the enormous standing army of Germany, and $20,000,000 more than the cost ol the standing army of Great Britain.—Savannah Times. Mrs. Polk 86 Years Old. Nashville, Tenn., Sept. 5.—The widow of President Polk celebrated her 80th birth-day yesterday. She received a large number of visitors. The Official Organ of the State Alliance The Farmers’ Alliance, at its meet ing in Macon, Ga., ou the 20th of August, made the Southern Alliaucc Farmer, of Atlanta, Georgia, its or gan. The paper is already widely circulated, and it is expected now that every Allianceman in the State will become a subscriber. We com mend the paper to our fanning friends. Science Applied to Art. ‘Laura,” said the young lady mother, not unkindly, “it seems to me that you had the gas turned rather low last evening.” “It was solely for economy, mam ma,” answered the maiden. ‘There is no use trying to beat the gas compauy, my daughter. I have noticed that the shutting oft of the gas is always followed by a corresponding increase of pressure.” “Well, that lessens the waist doesu’t it, mamma, dear ?” replied the artless girl - And her loud par ent could And no more to say.— From the Terre Haute Express. WAY0E0SS SH0ET LINE. Time Card in Efferct Feb. 17 ■ 1889- All trains ot this rand nro run by Central Standord tlmo. Passenger trains will leave daily as follows. Fast Mail and New Orleans Express. Lcavo Jacksonville 7 So a m 7 30 a m Arrivo Waycross 9 45 a m 9 45 a — " Brunswick 12 50 p m 12 50 p “ Thomasville I 40 p m 11 Jesup to 50 a ni “ Chattahoochee.... 4 04 p in “ Savannah 12 23 pm “ J’cnsacola 10 00 p m Charleston 5 20 p m Mobile 2 10 .p in I Richmond G 54 a m “ New Orleans 7 00 a m *< Washington 1124 am “ Baltimore 12 40 pm “ Philadelphia 3 10pm “ New York 5 50 pm Pullman Buffet Sleeping Cars between New York, Jacksonville and Port Tampa. Vestiduled Train. Mnodar, Wednesday and Friday. Leave Jacksonville 9 40 a Leave Wavcross 11 47 Arrive Savannah 2 24 p m II Wilmington 120pm Richmond 812am Washington 11 55 a m Baltimoro 1 02 p in Phitadeldhia 3 20 pm New York..’. GOO pm ATLANTIC COAST LINE EXPRESS Leave Jacksonville 1 j5 Leave Chattahoochee 7 Oo a Leave Monticcllo 10 55 a Leave Thomasville 12 50 p Leave Gainesville 0 40 a Leave Live Oak 12 50 p m •cave Dupont 3 05 p ucavc WaycroMS 4 25 p in Arrive Savannah 7 45 p m Charleston 125 Wilmington 8 36 „ Weldon 2 40 p Richmond 6 00 p m Washington 11 00 p m Baltimore 12 35 a in Philadelphia 3 50 a m New York 6 50 a m Pullman Bullet Slccpin Car from Jack sonville aud Waycross to New York; al - from Thomasville to New York. GKOKGIA CENTRAL EXPRESS. Leave Jacksonville*.... 7 30 a n» 6 10 a m •cave Waycross 10 00 a m 0 00 p ~ * - M * y 40 a l. y 45 a m 12 50 i pimples;™ scrofular. Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease except Ichthyosis. >»oria»lM s Yearn. Hoad, Ann* aud llren»l n Solid HiTilit llacli covered with More*. Itent Honor* nnd l?Icdi r cine* fail. Cured by Cnticura Itcmc die* a coni of §B.73. I have used the Cnticura Remedies with the Lost results. I liave used two Lotties of the Cuticura Resolvent, three bottles of Cuticura nd one cake of Cutleura soap, and am cured ol terrible scalp and skin disease known as pso- .iasis. I had it for eight years. I would get better aud worse at times. .Sometimes my head wmiiit be a solid scab, r.~- .... gau tlic use of the Cuticurn at the time I be c ui vs.x. .......... Remedies. My coveted with scabs from my elbows v shoulders, my breast was almost one sol :ab, ami my back covered with sores vary- izu from a penny to a dollar. 1 had doc. ith all the best doctors with no relief, and used many different medicines without •licet. My ease was hereditary, and I began to think, incurable, but it began to Leal from the ,i„t application ot e<«t«>m“ EKR| Dcshler, Ohio. Shin Di*ea»c « Years fund l am thankful to say that 1 have used thcCu- tleura Remedies for about eight mouths with great success, and consider myself entirely cured of salt shomn, from which I have suffered fur six years. 1 tried a number of medicines and two of the best doctors In the country, but found nothing that would effect a cure uutil , l# c"yot.rremvdio4. a mcc l AF l IX| Morettc, Mo. Tin* Woi*i Case of Mcrofulnr Cured. We have been selling your Cnticura Kcmoillea for years, ami have; iho iir»t complaint yet to receive from ixjvivi.* - purchaser cases of Scrofular I e * of five bottle.; of Cut; and Cnticura soap K i. One of the worst saw cured by the use a Resolvent, Cuticura ra *o,iii. _ . TAYLOR & TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan Cnticura Rcmedlca. cCure every rpccios of agonizing humiliating. Itching burning, scaly, and piinmy diseases of the skin, scalp and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ich Soi l everywhere. Price, Cuticura, r,c **® < ?^l > - 25." ltcsulvent, St. I’renarcil by the latter Drue anil Chemical Co., Boston, Mass rjf-rtend for “How to Cure Skin Diseases C4 pages, 50 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. milpli:s, black heads, rod, rough, unanpeu rim and oily skin prevented by Cutleura Soap WEAK, PAINFUL, PACKS, l Kidneys and Uterine Pains and I Weaknesses, relieved in one minute by HKfti tho Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, the first and only pain killing planter. Now, instan taneous. infallible. 25 cents. Headquarters tor Drags! REID & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. BEAR IN MIND > THAT THEY HAVE THE “ Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store I3ST GEORGIA, Where you can find firesh and pure drugs ami git prescriptions compounded at all hours, day or night, by competent J’harmacists. They use only Squibb'.- preparations m the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. REID A C1ILPEPPEE, 120-122 Broad St CLOTHING [continued, at Cost Until Sept. 15. We are pleased to announce that the heavy reductions we have made in prices of our Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats, has enabled us to reduce our stock considerably. Being ai ixious to dispose of it all before Fall season, we xvill from now on inaugurate special reductions in various lines. LOO IK I TOWELS. DRESS GOODS. Ktal Linen Chambrics at 10 cents. Figured Cliallics at (i j cents. Fall Challies, the latest style in Cot ton Goods, at 8 cents. 1 All other Dress Goods in proportion, TABLE DAMASK. 2 nieces Turkey Red Damask at 80c. 1“ « 100 dozen Towels at 5 cents each 40 “ 10 “ 30 * “ “ “ 12A “ 12 “ 15 “ GO “ 20 “ 47 “ 25 “ “ siioes. The largest stock and best the city for the money. BLEACHING. 50c! ! One case 1-1 Bleaching at fit cents. | Wc also call your attention to our roods in I rcmIlal 't counter, where bargains are 5 numerous. ■leave Gainesville Leave Lake City ,cavc Live Oak Leave Thomaavillu 9 20 a m Arrive Albany 2 00 p n ■I Mac'll via C II It. U 10 p m • Atlanta via CR 11.10 00 p m f Cbattnnoga via XV and A it It......... 4 37 a < Cincinnati via C S.‘ UR ; ‘ Mobile via L a X lilt i New Orleans via L * N HR s Nashville via L A N It R ii Louisville via I, A, Nil It " Cincinnati via I, A N It H >• St. Louis via I, a N R R "' Pullman Buffet Sleeping and from St. Louis via Montgomery and Nashville. Pullman sleeping cars between Thomasville ami Cin cinnati. Pullman and Mann sleep ing cars from Jacksonville to Cin cinnati, via Macon. Through coach es from Jacksonville to Chattanoo- na'. Wc willjbe pleased to have all who wish anything in our line to call and get prices before buying elsewhere. Very Respectfully, > 12 22 a ■J 00 a 1.. 1 10 p m i 6 43 p i 7 00 a Ill 5 ji ni ’ 20 |> m 7 45 j» in 2 27 a in 7 25 a l curs to L. Steyerman & Bro. it-matt-mi EAST TENNESSEE EXl'RKSS, Leave Jacksonville 815 pm. 105pm Leave Oainesville ■ »«am 9 40am Leave Liv. oak 12 o0 p ni 12 50 p m Leave XX'aycross ,1210am 413 pm leave Jcsun , 250am 540 pm arrive Macon 8 36 a m 10 30 p m ,< Atlanta .1225 pm 150am <f Chattahoochee 0 25 p m 7 40 a m “ Nashville 5 15 am 7 05am Louisvillle,Lo So.. 7 00am 720 pm « Cincinnati .0 40am 0 42am Pullman and Maun sleeping ears from Jacksonville to Cincinnati. 1 05 p m train has through coaches to Chattanooga. Sleeper to Wash ington and Cincinnati on 8 la p ra train. SAVANNAH EXPRESS & ACCOMMODATION, Leave Jacksonville 815pm 0 05 am Leave Thomasville 050pm Leave Waycross 1210 am 110pm Arrive Jessup 2 40am 2 44pm n Savannah 5 45am 520pm Charleston 12 00 noon Palace sleeping car between Jack sonville and Savannah ou 8 15 p. m train. 9 00 train stops al all stations between Jacksonville and Savannah on signal. Through tickets sold lo all points Baggage checked through; also sleeping car berths and sections se cured at Company’s Office, 82 West Bay street, at passenger station, or on hoard People’s Cine steamer, II. B. Plant. Wm.1*. IIakdkk, General Passenger Agent ii. Ct. FleminQi SupcrintPiident Just received, another lot of Hair Pin cases, 4 pockets, 4 doz. pins, as sorted, 5 cents. Sold out first lot in two days. Needle cases, folding, 5 papets and 15 assorted, 10 cents. Come quick; they xvill go xvith a rush. Sewing machiuft oil, 4 ounce size, 5 cents. This goes too. NOW FOR SOMETHING EI-SE. Ladies’ handkerchiefs, new style, linen laxvn, very sheer, hera-stitened, 14 tucks, 33 cts.; never sold for less than 50 cts. Another lot, all over em broidered lawn, hem-stitched, 3 tucks, nobby, 31 cts. Linen doylies, xvliite linen, fringed, 17 cts. You pay 124 cts. everywhere. ' New lot of ladies’ underwear, robes, skirts, chemises, aprons, etc. Haven’t room to quote prices, but xvill sell at suiprisingly low figures, far less than it costs to buy material and make up | these nrticlcs. Will leave for New York and Baltimore in two xvecks to select fall aud xviuter stock. Will be glad to attend to any special commission from my friends and patrons. Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. Peroonnl. . Mr. N. ll.-'Froblichstein, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommend ing Dr. King’s New Discovery tor Consump tion, have used it for a severe attack of Iironchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relict and entirely cured me and I have not been afflicted since. I also beg to state that I had tried other remedies with no good re sult.-Have also used Electric Bitters and Dr. King’s New Life Pills, both ot which I can reccommend. Dr King’s New Discovery for Conflump tion, Coughs and Colds, is sold on a positive guarantee, free I Trial bottles at S. J.Cassels Drug Store. J. s. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVILLE, GA. Office over ltciil A Culpepper’s Urn? Store, Uroail St. f am now prepared to buy or sell, for other parties, all kinds oi town'or country real estate, and have on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Ktrict nnd close atten tion to the business will lie my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. nug38tf Rheumatism and Catarrh. Rheumatism ami catarrh are both blood disease?. In ninny cases they have yielded to treatment with B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm,) made by Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write for hook of convincing proofs. Sent freo. _ .t K. P. Dodge, Atlanta, Ga.., says: “My wife had catarrh and nothing* did her any good. Her constitution finally failed and poison got into her blood. I placed her ou use of B B. B., and to my surprise her recov ery xvas rapid and complete.” \V. I\ McDaniel, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “I xvas much emaciated and had rheumatism so bad I could not get along without crutches. I also had neuralgia in the head. First-class physicians did me no good. Then I tried B. B. B., aud its affects xverc magical. I cheerfully recommend it as a good tonic and quick cure.” Mrs. Matilda Nichols, Knoxville, Tenn., writes: I had catarrh six years and a most distressing cough, and my eyes were much swollen. Five bottles of B. B. B., thank God! cured me.” John M. Davis, Tyler, Texas, writes: “1 was subject a number of years to spells* of inflammatory rheumatism, which six bottles of B. B. B., thank heaven, has entirely cured. I have not felt the slightest pain since."