The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 10, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - Editor. S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. TUESDAY, SEl’TEMDKI! 1". MS!. J)Aav Tuiks-Extebpbisk ii ]>u!.lishf.1 every morning* (Monday cNUffplud.) The Weekly Timf.s-Extkkpkisk is publDhcd everj Saturday morning. Subscription* II at is. Daily Timks-Extkkpkwe $•*> 00 W EKLY ‘* ..... 1 00 Daily Advertising Rates Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square fur the first insertion, and 50 certs for ea h subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • $ 5 (mi One Square, two month? - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month 5, - - - 1 - 00 One Square, six month?, °0 One Square, twelve month?, - - - • ; 5 00 Subject to change by special nrranj; p mont. H. JR. ISl’KK, JSnsfncftN Mstnnffcr. The Latest. Late dispatches indicate that the Huff-l’attcrson trouble will be settled by mutual friends without the shedding of blood. The man who closed the gambling dens in Macon ought to be elected mayor. And now John Sullivan wants to go to congress. If he will promise to flatten the nasal organ of Reed, let him go. Steve IJrodie went over Niagara in a jrubber suit on Saturday. And Stive still lives, j- The-fools arc not all dead. The man who flies to argue a wom an into loving him may succeed, per haps, but lie must have a long life and no rival.—Somerville Journal.. Atlanta has been taking in more territory. The new acquisition adds teat thousand to her population. Great isl Atlanta—and she’s growing greater. It is easy enough to find plenty of men who think the world owes them a living, but hard to find a chap who is willing to own up that lie lias col lected the debt in full.—Exchange. :_A Salem (Ore) newspaper recently printed' the following personal: If John Jones, who twenty years ago deserted his wife and babe, will re turn, said babe will lick the stuffing out of him. The usual weekly sporadic duel affair (which never comes off) took place in Columbus, the other day. It is a cold week when Columbus fails to get up a duel—which, by the tvay, is always settled by the intervention of friends. Capt. C. Columbus, sailed over the ocean blue in '92; but it took him 72 days. Captain Columbus would doubt less be surprised to sec the City of Paris, or the Eutraria, steam across the broad Atlantic in less than six days. Corporal Tanner Talk.s There have been several estimates of Corporal Tanner printed in the newspapers, hut the World is able to print this morning an estimate of I'm- ncr from Tanner himself. The reporter approached the great surplus reducer with deference, as he saw from a distance that Tanner was a man of vast consequence. The sub ject was led up to gradually, and final- the corporal nnbosomed himself as fol lows : "In many respects I think I resem- Caesar. I don’t refer so much to per sonal appearances as to general char acter and ability. Caesar was not a handsome man. Some of his military campaigns I cannot approve of as a soldier, hut, on the whole, he did well, and made but few mistakes. 1 can sec where I could have done different ly in his place, hut, taking him all and all, he was more like me than any other figure in history. Some of my friends think that in style of and mental character I resemble Na poleon, hut I can’t say as 1 regard this as a compliment. Had I been in command at Waterloo, things would have been different, I can assure you. ’ Corporal Tanner looked into a handsome mirror which hung over his desk, and went on : “Ip force of character I am much like the old German emporer, though the emporer had his weak points, while I have none. It makes me sick to hear people talk about the ability of Bismark as a statesman. Bisntarkjs a schoolboy alongside of me. I have such contempt ior Gladstone as a pub lic man, that I doubt that I could bring myself to speak to him were he to crawl into this office this minute.” The corporal ducked his head to his own image in the glass and continued . "I don’t mind telling you, but not for publication, ot course, that Ilarri- roms a weak sister- The administra tion would founder bclore supper time, if it wasn’t for yours truly. I am the only man aboard who knows how to run the ship, and you bet I run her, too. What’s Blaine and them fellers 2 Darn me if I haven't more brains than than the whole posse comitatus. Coming as this docs, it may he re garded as authentic.—New York Jour nal. An Unwise Resolution. A resolution was adopted by the recent State Alliance convention, not to sell cotton for loss than twelve and one-half cents per pound. This ap plies to the present crop. The reso lution is neither wise nor practical. It is right that the farmers should get the highest price possible for cot ton, yet it is invading the individual’s rights to say that he shall not take less than a certain price lor what is clearly his own property. Such resolutions arc sure to be bro ken, because they arc in conflict with a A few years ago a delegation from Ohio, with John Sherman at their head, marched through Georgia. In this year of our Lord, a delegation lront Georgia is marching through Ohio. But they are bearing emblems of peace, not of war. This is as it should be. Everyone w ill regret to learn ol the serious mishap to Dr. I!. II. Tucker. He would he a great lo.-s to the church, the State, and the people o! the whole country, lie i- a bold and original thinker, and justly ranks among the foremost men in Georgia. It is announced that Miss Marcliand, the Chicago young lady who is ambi tious to go over Niagara falls in a barrel, left Chicago a day or two ago, with the attention of attempting that very dangerous feat. Somebody should restrain this very foolish young woman. —News. But won't there he a splash, when the Chicago girl's pedal extremities strikes the water below ? To Arms! The dreadful drum heat and blare and blast of tin: trumpet call to arms, is heard from the Alps to the Rhine, from the Volga to the Seine. All Europe appears to he arming. The hostile attitude of Russia toward Ger many, the strained relations between France and Germany, the trouble in Crete, all combined, give little hope of continued peace. It appears to be a difficult thing for European nations to get along without sonic blood letting occasionally. Bleeding of nations, as well as of patients by the doctors, has long since been condemned. certain provision of the constitution, in regard to property rights. A reso lution and a request are widely differ ent in meaning. The one is intended to be mandatory and the other is not. Had the convention confined itself to a request that no'cotton of the present crop be sold for less lhan twelve and one-half cents, it would have kept clearly within the bounds ot its author ity. The above is from one ol the staunchest Alliance papers in the State, the Quitman Press. A Confedeate Reunion- Quitman, (ft.. Sept. 5.—Arrange ments were perfected tu-duy for a re union of the confederate veterans of Brooks and adjoining counties 011 Thursday, Oct. •'!. It promises to be the biggest thing of the kind ever witnessed in this section. A combi nation barbecue and basket dinner will he given, ami preparations will ho made to feed 5,000 or t>,000 peo ple. Able committees have been ap pointed to take charge ot eaeh and every phrase of the reunion, ami they will do their utmost to make it a memorable event in the in the history of this section. Gov. John B. ( hod- on, Hon. Henry \V. Grady, Hon. \V. .1. Norlhen, Gen. 1’. M. B. 5 oung, and perhaps one or two others will he invited to deliver addresses on the occasion. Brooks county is deeply interested and enthusiastic over the reunion and will sustain iter reputa tion for generous hospitality on that day, and promises a royal good time, twico to all who conic. LATEST TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. DR. H. H. TUCKER PROBABLY FATALLY INJURED. No Extra Session of Congress—Another Chapter in the Hawes Murder—John L. Sullivan Will Run For Congress --The Condition of the Crops. Washington, Sept. 7.—After a lengthy dscussion of the subject, to day, it is understood that the cabinet decided ihat at present, there was there was nothing making it cither de sirable or necessary to call an extra session of congress. Birmingham, Ai.a., Sept. 8.—Fan nie Bryant, the quadroon accused of complicity with Hawes in the murder of Mrs. Hawes and little Irene, last December, was tried Friday and Sit urday. The jury was out until late to day, when they returned a verdict of guilty, fixing her punishment at im prisonment for life. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. 8.—Dr. II. II. Tucker, cditoi of the Christian Index, and ex chancellor of the State univer sity, had a terrible accident at his home on Capital avenne’ at 2 o’clock this morning, and it is' feared that he cannot survive his injuries. He had been very restless, passing a wakeful night, and about 2 o’clock, left his bed and sat in the window to get the benefit ol the air. It is supposed that lie went to sleep in that position and fell out. Ni:vv Yiikk, Sept. 7.—John L. Sullivan has written a letter to the Sun, announcing his intention to run for Congress. In the document he say.-: “A good deal has hecn said about my becoming a caudidate for Congress. 1 write to say that after, thinking the matter over, I have de cided that when the time comes to elect a new Congrcssmaiyn Boston, I will he a candidate on the democratic ticket, if the nomination is offered to me.” Washington, Sept. 7.—The weather crop bulletin of the Bignnl service for the past week contains the following information. The week ending Sept. 7 was slightly cooler than usual in the sotithern states. There has been an excess of rain fall from the laid regions southward to the gulf coast. Heavy rains ex tended over Georgia, Northern Flori da, and the western portions of the Carolina*. The week continued dry along the Atlantic coasts and only light showers occurred at the close of the week over the "Middle Atlantic states. T1IK COTTON C'ROr. I11 the West Gulf states, including Texas, Arkansas and Lottisana, the weather was generally favorable for cotton, except in some localities, where rain retarded picking. The general effect of the weather for the week in this section was to leave the growing crops in an improved condi tion. The cotton crop was damaged slightly in Tennessee, but the condi tion of the soil has been improved, and the outlook is better. The damage to the crop from worms in Arkansas is not as great as was anticipated, hut considerable damage has resulted to the crop from this source in Mississippi. In the Caro linas the weather was favorable, cot- loti jfeking is in progress, and there is a prospect of a fair average crop. A Balloon Bears off a Body. l’OKTt.ANi), Ore., Sept. 8.—Avery exciting and thrilling incident occurred here this evening, l’rof. I’. II. Red mond, an aeronaut, was to make an ascension here this evening, in a hot air balloon. Just as the large air ship sailed away skyward, a lad about 12 years old, named Eddie Hill, became entangled in the ropes attached to the trapeze. His neck was caught in a halt noose and the boy could not ex tract himself, lie clung desperately to the ropes with both hands, and by winding them around both arms man aged to save himself from falling and from choking to death. The bal loon rose over 1,000 feet and drifted several miles away to the southeast, finally coming down as light as a feath er and landing the lad without a scratch. In his testimony at the hjaglc trial Judge Sawyer said “Mrs. Terry merely twitched his hair where it was short.” Slip certainly had hint “where^the Hair was short.’’ No Fight Yet. The principals, Messrs. Huff and # Patterson, failed to get together in Alabama, though-both no doubt tried to do so. Mr. Huff has returned to Macon, and Mr. Patterson will turn up in Atlanta. A dispatch from Co lumlnis, referring to Mr. Huff, says: Before ho departed, however, he denounced Mr. Patterson as a scoun drel and a coward for failing to show up. lie said he would compel the man to come to the scratch. “He will stand before ntc nr he will retract what he said,” were his last words be fore leaving. Both are fighting men, and the chances are—unless an amicable ad justment is brought about by friends —that they will yet meet and fight it out. Farm for Sale. Two farms in fruit licit of Middle Georgia, one containing fifty and the other one hun dred find thirty-live acres. Both frontingon public road mid Central railroad, one-third mile from Vineyard station and postoffice, and tiirec miles north of Griffin, and on same road with State experimental farm. Address JXO. J. lll'XT, 9-102wd&w Griffin, Gn. RARE BARGAINS. Jos. L. Beverly, (Successor to Fife & Beverly.) MEIGS, - - GA, — MANUFACTURER and *kalkr in— Rough & Dressed Lumber, Mouldings, TURNED AND SCROLL WORK, AND GENERAL MERCHANDISE. £ carry in stock from four to six hundred thousand feet of solcct dry lumber of all sizes, and can promptly fill any order wanted. I Mean Business. And propose to down anybody on matched flooring and ceiling of the best quality, o. any thing in my line. It will always pay you to sco or write -nc before placing your orders. JOS. L. BEVERLY. Brown’s Iron Bitters furnishes aid to the stomach to accomplish its work. Only a medicine which has a specific action upon the stomach will do you any good, and Brown’s Iron Bitters will act directly upon that organ, ton ing it up and giving it strength to do its work, relieving the pressure upon the nervous system, strengthening the nerves, quickening and improving the appetite, removing flatulency and heartburn, restoring the appetite and dispelling the dizzy spells which are so annoying, and may prove very dan gerous. Wonderful C’urru. W. D. Iloyt k Co., Wholesale and Retail Druggists of Rhine Ga., says: We have been selling Dr. King's New Dicovcrv, Electric Ritters and Bucklcn’s Arnica Salve for four years Have never handled remedies that sell, as well, or give such universal satisfac tion. There have been some wonderful cureS effected by these medicines in this city. Several cases ot pronounced Consump tion have been entirely cured by use of a few bottles of Dr. King’s New Discovery, taken in connection with Electric Ritters. We guarantee them always. Sold by S. J. Cassels. PIMPLES TO SCR0FULAR. A Positive Cure for Every Skin, Scalp and Blood Disease cxcopt Ichthyosis. Paorinnia 8 Yearn. Head, Arum and llrcnst n Hoiid Nenli, ISuck covered with Korea. Beat Doctor* and Medi cines fail. Cured by Cuticurn Reme died nt n coal of $.*1.73. I have used the Cuticura Remedies with the best results. I‘ have used two bottles of the Cuticura Resolvent, three bottles of Cuticura ami one cake of Cuticura soap, and am cured of a terrible scalp and skin disease known as pso riasis. I had ii for eight years. I would get better and worse nt-ttincs. Sometimes my head would be a solid scab, and was at the time I be gan the use of the Cuticura lleniodics. My arms were covered with scabs from my elbows to my shoulders, my breast was almost one sol id scab, and my back covered with sores vary ing in slzo from a penny to a dollar. I had doc. toicd with all the best doctors with no relief, and used many different medicines without eirect. My case was hereditary, and I began to think, incurable, but it began to heal from the first application of Cuticura. 11 ARCHER RUSSEL, Desliler, Ohio. Skin Disease O Yearn flared. 1 am thankful to say that I have used the Cu ticura Remedies for about eight mouths with great success, and consider myself entirely cured of salt sheum, from which I havcsulTered for six years. I tried a number of medicines and two of the best doctors in the country, but found nothing thatwonld effect a cure until i used your remedies. MRS. A. McCLAFLIN, Morette, Mo. The Worst Cane of Mcrofulnr Cured. Wc have been selling your Cuticura Remedies for years, and have the first complaint yet to receive from a purchaser. One of the worst cases of Scrofular I ever saw cured by the use of five bottles of Cuticura Resolvent, Cuticura and Cuticura soap. TAYLOR A; TAYLOR, Druggist, Frankfort, Kan. C'uticurn ;Reinrdic». ©Cure every species of agonizing humiliating, itching burning, scaly, and pimply diseases of the skin, scalp and biood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofular, except possibly ich thyosis. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, oc.jSoap. 25.; Resolvent, 81. Prepared by the. Potter Drug and Chemical Co., Boston, Mass Ejr*8end for “How to Cure Skin Diseases,’ 04 pages, 60 illustrations, and 100 testimonials. PIM PLES, black heads, red, rough, chapped and oily skin prevented by Cuticura Soap. WEAK, PAINFUL, BACKS, V/iizzI Kidneys and Uterine Pains and ILUfSiWeaknesses, relieved in one minute by liWtf the Cuticura Anti-Pain Plaster, the first and only pain killing plaster. Now, instan taneous, infallible. 23 cents. Young Female College, Th.omasville, G-a. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4th, 1889. Full Collegiate course, affords even - facility for a thorough education. Location healthful, grounds extensive and attractive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, - - - $15.00 Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, - - 10.00 Music, per month, 4.50 Drawing, per month, ----- 3.00 Painting, “ 1‘ - 4.00 Board in College per month, .... 15.00 Tuition payable onc-half in advance, balance at expiration of first quarter. JNO. E. BAKER, aug23- President. Headquarters lor Drugs! REID & CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. 4 BEAR IN MIND i> THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IN' GEORGIA, Where you can find fresh and pure drugs an 1 g:t prescriptions compounded at till hours* day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb’? preparations in the. prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. REID «& DULPEPPER, 130-138 iSroad Ht CLOTHING Continued at Cost Until Sept. 15. We are pleased to announce that the heavy reductions wc have made in prices of our Clothing, Furnishing Goods and Hats, has enabled us to reduce our stock considerably. Being anxious to dispose of it all before Fall season, we will from now on- inaugurate special reductions in various lines. LOO 3<I-1 40 < 4* “ 10 “ 30 * ' “ “ 124 “ 12 ‘ “ “ 15" “ 00 ‘ 11 “ 20 “ 47 “ 25 “ DRESS GOODS. TOWELS. Rtal Linen Chambries at 10 cents. 10O dozen Towels at 5 cents each? Figured Challies at OJ cents. Fall Challies, the latest style in Cot ton Goods, at 8 cents. All other Drcs3 Goods in proportion. TABLE DAMASK. 2 pieces Turkey Red Damask at 30c. 1 “ “ “ ' “ “40c. 3 “ “ “ “ “50c. SIIOEs. The largest stock and Itfst goods in the city for the money. Wc willibc pleased to have all who wish anything in our line to call aud. got prices before buying elsewhere. Very Respectfully, BLEACHING}-. One caso 4-4 Bleaching at GA cent 0 . We also call your attention to our remnaut counter, whore bargains are numerous. L. Steyerman & Bro. Lower - Broad - Millinery. Just received, another lot of Hair Pin cases, 4 pockets, 4 doz. pins, as sorted, 5 cents. Sold out first lot in two days. Needle cases, folding, 5 papers and 15 assorted, 10 cents. Come quick; they will go with a rush. Sewing machine oil, 4 ottuce size, 5 cents. This goes too. NOW l-'OK SOMETHING ELSE. Ladies’ handkerchiefs, new stylo, linen lawn, very sheer, hem-stitched, 4 tucks, 33 cts.; never sold for less than 50 cts. Another lot, all over em broidered lawn, hem-stitched, 3 tucks, nobby, 31 cts. Linen doylies, white linen, fringed, 7 cts. You pay 124 cts. everywhere. New lot of ladies’ underwear, robes, skirts, chemises, aprons, etc. Haven’t room to quote prices, but will sell at suiprisingly low figures, far less tliau it costs to buy material and make up these articles. Will leave for New York and Baltimore in two weeks to select fall and winter stock. Will he glad to attend to any special commission from my friends and patrons. Mrs. Jennie; Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. Prrnonnl. Mr. N. II. l-'rohliclistcin, of Mobile, Ala., writes: I take great pleasure in recommend ing I)r. King’s New Discovery ior Consump tion, have used it for a severe attack of Bronchitis and Catarrh. It gave me instant relief and entirely cured me and 1 have not been Afflicted since. I nlso beg to state that I lmd tried other remedies with no good re sult. Have also used Electric Ritters and I Dr. King’s New Life Pills, both of which I can rcccoramend. Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consump tion, Coughs and Cold?, is sold on a positive guarantee, free Trial bottles at S. J. Cassels Drug .Store. J. S, MONTGOMERY, Real Estate Agent, . THOMASVILLE, GA. Office over licil A Culpepper's Dm; Store, Croat! SI. I am now prepnml to buy or sell, forotlier parties, all kinds ol town or country real estate, and have on my list it good assort ment of ltotli kinds. Strict and close atten tion to the business will lie my aim, aud I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. nugtlfitf Rheumatism and Catarrh. Rheumatism and catairhare both blood disease!. In many cases they have yielded to treatment with B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm,) made by Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Ga. Write for book of convincing proofs. Sent, free. K. P. Dodge, Atlanta, Ga., says: “My wife had catarrh and nothing did her any good. Her constitution finally failed and poison got into her blood. I placed her on use of B B. B., and to my surprise her recov ery was rapid and complete.” W. P. McDaniel, Atlanta, G'a., writes: “I was much emaciated and had rheumatism so had I could not get along without crutches. I also had neuralgia in the bead. First-class physicians did me no good. Then I tried B. 11. B., and its affects were magical. I cheerfully recommend it as a good tonic aud quick cure.” Mrs. Matilda Nichols, Knoxville, Tenn , writes: 1 had catarrh six years and a most distressing cough, and my eyes were much swollen. Five bottles of B. B. II., thank God! cured me.” Johu M. Davis, Tyler, Texas, writes: “1 was subject a number of years to spells of inflammatory rheumatism, which six bottles of I!. II. B., thank heaven, has entirely cured. I have not felt the slightest pain since.”