The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 10, 1889, Image 4

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A WORD. A word in love cxpresse ! A motion or a bar, Has often healed a heart < And made a friend >iiu- .die! Hi A look has Full many a budding ilov. Which, had a smile but own Would Ide.'S life’s latest h : Tis not an idle tiling. For one to look or sneak: The face we wear, the words A heart may heal or break Light in the Sickroom. Still :i custom prevails, ilc a i>itc oil our sanitary teachings. that the occu pant of the sickroom in tli'• private house should be kept at all hour- in a darkened room. Not one time in ten do we enter a sickroom in the daytime to find it blessed with the light of the sun. Almost invariably, before wo can get a look at the face of the pa tient, we arc obliged to repiicst that the blinds he drawn up. in order that the rays of a much greater healer than tba most able physician can ever hope to be admitted. Too often the compliance with this request reveals a condition of the room which, in a state of darkness, is almo.-t inevitably one of disorder everywhere: foods, medi cines, furniture, bedding misplaced; dust and stray leavings in all direc tions. In brief, there is nothing so bad a- a'dark sickroom ; it i as if the attend ants were anticipating the death of the patient; and, if the reason for it be asked, the answer is as consistent as the act. The reason usually offer ed is that the patient cannot bear the light; as though the light could not be cut off from the patient hv a cur tain or screen, and as though to dark en one part of the room it was necessary to daken the whole ..of it. The real reason is an old surperstilious practice, which once prevailed so intensely that the pick, suffering from the most terrible dis eases, smallpox, for instance, were shut up in darkness, their beds sur rounded with led curtains, during the whole of their illness. The red curtains are now pretty nearly given up, but the darkness is still accredited with some mysterious curative virtue. A more injurious practice really could not be maintained than that of darkbess in the sickroom. It is not 'only the dirt and disorder that are re- sultsof darkness, a great remedy is lost. 'Sunlight is the remedy lost, and the loss is momentous. Sunlight diffused through a room warms ami clarifies the air. It has a direct influence on the minute organic poisons, a distinc tive influence which is most precious, and it has a cheerful e/lect upon the mind. The sick should never be gloomy, and in the presence of the light the shadows of gloom fly away. Happily the hospital ward, notwith standing its many defects,{and it has many, is so far favored that it blessed with the light of the sun, whenever the sun shines. In private practice the same remedy ought to be extended to the patients ot the household, and the first words of the t physician or surgeon on entering the dark sickroom should he the dying words of Goethe, “More light, more light!”—B. W. Kiehardson, M. I). nEAZ/rmrx exercise. Onlv a few months nj-oftiene romping, rosv- clioekerl hisses were puny, .ielicate, pole, sickly pirls. Ity the ait! of Dr. I‘itTee's worhl-lnmeq Favorite Proscription. lii. y have blossomed out into beautiful, plump, hale, hearty, strong young women. , ** Favorite Prescript inn is an invigorating, restorative tonie and ns a regulator and pro moter of functional action at that critical period of change from girlhood to woman hood, it is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can product,* only good results. It is care fully compounded, by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman’s delicate organization. It is purely vegetable its composition and perfectly harmless y condition of the ' ' .. length to the who it worked, “ worn-out,” “: teachers, mijjtrier.* 5 , dr*. ?; and feeble wona u p Favorite Prescription is boon, being u;:* .pnue.i dial and restor-iMve t< medicine for women, s:> a positive (Wtinrntci: fro that it will give cutisl or money will be retti has been faithfully gut It, imparts system. For over flown,” debilitated lakers, seamstresses, rs, nursing mothers, t rally, l)r. Pierre's the greatest earthly s an app( tizing cor- lie. It is the only l bv druggists, under the manufacturers, otion in every case, led. This guarantee 1 out for many years, ms. Med. A:-s‘n. OFFERED bv i h<‘ manufactur- irrli Ib-mcdy, for an •rh m the Head. MARVELOUS viLinu D r JSOO V Sri Y. ;11r,!i g: bt-ncfiilci!, < •-.! U r-v •ticoClossci. • •' Ur. Win. A. llum- , ; : ’ 1 • i fn Alm*l , JndnHI*, i., if*!7 Fifth Ave-jN. Y. f ■-•••• »>y. CAEBON AT! Ii) WITH . • NATUBAL GAB Imported from the Mineral Springs on tla' I’liiiv', Gcr- m;mv. on draught at DRINK Petition for Charter. GEORGIA—Thomas County. To tlio Superior Court of said county: The pe tition of John Triplett, S. Jk burr, Albert W ter, A. 1*. Wright,84. L. Mayes, .James Watt, a their associates, successors and assigns, slm that they desire to be made a hotly corporate and politic, with all the rights, powers and priv lieges usually incident and necessary to corpo rations, tin ler tlic name anil style ot the Tmi:s- EKTEBi’KisK l’cnLisiiiM* Co.'m aw. That they desire to do a general printing and publishing business, including all the branches <d a news paper business ami of job printing and binding. That thoy desire to have the authority to lease, buy, hold and sell real estate, and to construct and own buildings thereon, in connection wit!; said newspaper and job business, and to make any and all contracts necessary to carry on such business; and to adopt such constitution and by-laws for its government and the successful prosecution of its business as are not inconsist ent with this charter, or the constitution nl laws of this State or of the Cnited {States. That the principal ollice anil place of hardness <>l said company shall be in Thomasvillc. in Thom as county, Georgia. That tin- capital stock <>l said company shall be Eight Tli uisaud Dollars ($8,000.00), divided into shares of One lliindred Dollars each, nml Petitioners desire to have the privilege of increasing their capital stock at any time to any amount not exceeding one Hundred Thousand Dollars < -lotUNMi., Thai they desire that the business affairs of said company shall lie under the control of a Hoard of Direc tors, composed of not less than five nor more than nine of its Stockholders, who shall Have { tower to elect such officer* as they in their liberation may deem Isst for the veil are ol the Company, prescribing their salary and duties. That they dcsiro to have perjietual succession, to have and use a common seal, and that this £ (Blunter remain in force for twenty can years. With the privilege of renewal at the end ol that time. And that the debility of stocklolders to the creditors «f the Company shall he to tin* e>- tentof their unpaid stock subscription, and no Wore. JOHN TRIPLETT, S- 11. Ill UR, AI.HEKT WINTER, * Petitioners. Ci.f.nK’s Om'X Ki ur.itIon ('.h ut: * 1 hereby certi fy that tlu 'ibov'W.'ind foregolug petition la an exact copy or petition filed in of fice tills day, as will appear f rom my minutes. Thlf, 90th day of August, law. J. W. GROOVER, „ Clerk Superb* Court Thomas County. Mineral Water* For tlio Live!' ami Kidneys For sale at FEUkSIS JlEATN. We will open, Monday, April It, at l lace labdy occupied by Mr. )’. II. 15,j fresh meals, licet* .Mutton a Pork. (bu ll our own farms, fat, I* Wilt be gU'l to receive will scrvn’vou with the 031 possible price.-. F.JI\ Holts k lino PASSENGER SCHEDULE — AND — FREIGHT SERVICE In effect Fed. 26, 1889, via The PROFESSIONAL CARDS. IiAIIiU«4I>. Smrance Kivor Route to Florida. Standard Time same ns Macon city time. GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH Lv Macon I 00 pm •- Sofkee t 10 pm 44 Avondale ...t JO pm •• WelJaton til pm “ Bonaire I 58 pm 44 Kathleen 5 07 pm “ Tlvola 5 18 pm “ Grovanla 5 30 pm - Elko 5 47 pm *• Unadilla .0 07 pm “ Piuelnirst...'! 20 pm I " Flivllny . ..ii-.’8 I'm! “ Vienna 4dpmj “ llichwoo,i...*; 40 pm “ Cordclo 7 22 pnii ..sOl pm! ..8 17 pin j iV Valdosta. ...5 15 am “ Mlneola 5 30 am " Hahlra 5 54 am " Ox moor 0 00 am “ Adel 6 40 am •* Sparks 0 57 am 4 Laconic 7 09 am ‘ F.ldorado 7 29 am ‘ Tlfton 7 59 am 4 Chula 8 17 am 4 Inaha 8 33 am 4 Sycamore....8 44 am 4 Ashburn 8 52 am 4 Dakota 9 08 am 4 Arabl 9 22 am 4 Wenona 9 30 am 4 Cordole 9 47 am • Itlclnvood..lOOO am 4 Vienna 10 09 am • Findlay 10 21 am aim s :n» pm I 44 Pinehurst..lo 29 am ula 8 52 pm! 44 Unadilla....10 42 am 11.-ii 9 10 pm | 44 Elko 11 02 am ibc-adw o tOjHn 44 Grovanla ...11 10 am .-onto 10 no pm 44 Tlvola 11 31 am arks In 12 pm! *• Kathleen ...11 42 am iei iU2opnij 44 Bonaire 1151am ijaooj- DO 40 I 111; 44 Wcllston....l2 05 pm ihira 10 r.5 pnii 44 Avondale ...12 18pm l ii cola 11 13 pm! *• Hofkee 12 28 pqi PP»sta....U 35 pm Ar Macon 12 45 pra senger trains a- rivo and depart from i Passenger depot at Macon daily. iglit received and delivered at Central .ad Warehouses. ;;l freight trains leave Macon dally at . m ..and arrive dally at 8:30 p. m. further information apply to your sta- .gent i r to A. C. KNAPP, Trafllc Manager, Macon, Ga. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula Railroad. l oitnt idy flu* V. R. & IV, C’o. Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. T1IUUN DIVISION | 8 ■} 31) p 12 42 p L »2'»p 1 27 p A 1 55 p 1 12 p A t:!-.) p .2 27 I ■ Feruandina Ar Jacksonville Ar Callahan Baldwin Lawtcy Ar Ar 3 05 p 8 30 a 1 50 p 0 10 a 153 p 0 40 a 1242 p 5 00 a 1158 a 3 55 a 3 30a 2 50 a ;02.pAr Hawthorne Ar!10 23a 2 00a 4 29 p 5 12 p Ar o lo p .\r c 10 p Ar s 22 p Ar Ocala Ar;907pl2 01p Wildwood Ar 8 00a 9 20p Leesburg Ar 7 35 a 7 55p Tavares Lv 710 a 7 00p Orlando Lv 545 a 4 00p TAMPA DIVIS 30 Lv Jacksonville Ar Lv Wildwood Ar ; Ar Panasoffkco Ar - Ar Sumtcrvillo Ar ArSt. Cathorluo Ar ;, \r Lacoochco Ar j . r Dado City Ar ‘Ar Plant City Lv 800 p 7 30 p C 40 p COOp , 5 45 p 4 00 p 13 l t'Hl»AR KEY DIV. | 14 I 24 7 oo p 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150 p 610 a t; 00 a 4 10 p Lv Waldo Arjl035 p 3 40p 5 iu a 4 33 p Ar Galncsvillo Ar 9 40 a 230p lu 15 ii 5 42 p Ar Archer Lv 8 25 a 1215 p 0 12 p Ar Bronson Art 7 48 a 1 \k \\v Cedar Key Lvl 5 30 a\ 9 f 1 J WikSTT.RN' mVISION | 2 | 10 7 f"j j> 7 1.5;" J.v Jacksonville Ar- 3 20 p 2 15p SO.-, pj suOu’Ar Baldwin Ari235j> 146p 10 40 id 9 3(1 a! Ar Lake City ArlOHp 1122a 11 5s p! 10 27 « A r Live O ik Ar.1223 ]» 9 55 a 1 01 a 11 28a A r Madison Ar lllCa 8 15a 4 10 a 12 52 p! Ar Montlcello Lv.loSO a 5 25 a C H) a 2 02 i> Ar Tallahassco Lv! 950 a 1 3 20 a s 00 a 3 03p Ar Quincy Lv 857 a 150 a 9 20 a 4 00 p 1 A r Kivor Junc. Lv 800 a 12 05 a | 1 I 705a! 1,2, 7, 8. 9. 10,13, 14 Daily. 02, and 03 Dally. 3,4, 23, 21, Daily, except Sunday. 30 Dally except Sunday. 31 Dally except Monday, 00 01 DR. A. B. COUCH, Modern - Pathology, - Hew ■ Remedies, DIRECT TREATMENT, Offers his professional services to the citi zens of Thoinasville and surrounding coun try. Oflicc over -Stcyennnu’s store, Rrosui street, Tliomasville, (in, l)-.‘5-(l,t\v 1 v 845p-430n Lv Jacksonville] Ar850a-C00 10U5p-uooa Ar Fornaudlna Lv 715 a-4 30 5 and 0 dally, except Sunday. f>0 'and Cl Sundays <mly._ __ 7 ;15 a. m., New Orleans Express. Shortest and quickest lino to all Middle and West Florida points, Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans. 7:15 a. m. and 7 :3<) p. m. trains con- jkvi. flirough to Thomasvillc, Montgomery. Nashville, 8t. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, ana all points North and West. Arrive at 2:45 p. in. and 3.45 p. m. 11:43 p. m. Mall and Express for all points South, Galncsvillo. Oeala, Leesburg, Taveres, Apopka, Orlando, PanasotTkeo (St. Catharine) l>ad<- City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:50 p. m, 7:00 p. m. Local, connects through for all points South, Ocala, Gaiuesvillo, I^esburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, Souther* land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at 0:10 a. in, 11:43 a. in. Cumberland Route Express, con nects at Fornaudlna with steamer City of Brunswick, dally, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati St. Louis and Chicago, Arrives 1:50 p. m, 4:3d p. in. Feruandina Mall and Express, daily, connecting Tuesday ami Friday with Str. St. Nicholas for Savannah and way land ings. Thursday with Mallory Steamers for New York. Arrives 8:30a. m. Sunday train loaves Jacksonville 8:13 a. m. This new service gives perfect connections at Baldwin for all points North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Feruandina, connecting with Htr. City of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and all points North and West. D. K. MAXWELL, A. O MAcDONELL, Gun. Manager. G. p. & t. A. N. 84. PENNINGTON, Traffic Manag.-r. J. W REID. Agent at Thomasvillc, Ga. TO THE NORTH NORTHWEST —THE— • l.&jst. LOUISVILLE S NASHVILLE RAILROAD, — IS THE— SHORT FIjSTE, —WITH — THROUGH SLEEPING SARS, 1-R ).M AUJANY TO KAMIVII.I.i:, i:V.\,NSV tl.MC, HT. liOt'IM. Ami but one change to • 1.0list IM,K, ' . CINCINNATI, t’HIC i«0. Ami «dbet north' in cities. Always ask for tickets via tlio Louisville k Nashville R. K, For auv iniorimition, write to t\ Ik ATMORK, (Jen. Pass. Agt, Louisville, Ky. Parties haying friends in the North should advise them to take this route to Thoinns- vllie during the coming season. * W. C. SNODGRASS. B. F. HAWKINS gXOB(;KA88&; HAWKINS, Attornevs-at-Law. IJ1 M MoISrOTSM, PhjNifiijin t& Surgeon, Thomasville, Georprla. QrffOFKICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. jQR. JOEL B. COYLE. I>E3SfTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., over Pickett’s. g g. mclendon, Attorncy-at-Law, ThomasTllle, - • * Georgia. Prompt attention*’givcn to all’.business en trusted to him. „ . . . Office—Over Watt’s store, cotner Broad and Jackson streets. J. II. COYLE, D. 1). S., Resident Dentist, Thomasville, • • • Georgia. Offers his services to tti citizens of Thom* asvllle and vicinity. Office hours-Frora 9 a. in. to 1 p. m., and from2to 6 p.m. Offlce—On Jackson streot. W. D. MITCHELL, It. G. MITCHELL. J^ITCHELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thomftsvllle, • • Goorglc. w. biTuce, m. d. Office, up-stairs. Coiner of Broad and Fletcher streets, [aug 15-’85-3y) PJI S. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. RoslUenco—Corner Collcgo aveuuo and Mag nolla streot. Telephone communication, No. 23 for night calls. BY FAR THE ROUTS —TO— M YORK 08 BOSTON —1SJVIA— SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEANSTEAMSHIP:*: LINE —OV TIIK— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rates. Good to return until October :ilst, 188f). Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from the heat and dust incident to nil-rail routes. If you are sick the trip will invigorate and build you up. Oo east by sea and you'll never regret it, * Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may he had by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, TV. F, SHELIA! AN, General Manager. Traffic Manager E. T. CHARLTON, CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass, Agt., Savannah Ga. Thoinasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH l A 3 1 1 ED LUMBER, LATIIKS, PICKETS, SIlIXCil.KS, MOULDIXCIS, BRACKETS, SCROI.I. WORK, MAXTI.ES, BALUSTERS,* STAIR-RAIES Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS, Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. ^-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. o. . -trju* FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN Til IN SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express tralna dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin cinnati! nnd Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also bo twoon Loulsvlllo and Chicago, where closo con. noctlons are mado for St. Paul, Fargo, BIsmark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New Past Mail, Leaving Loulsvlllo, Dailycxcopt Sunday, at T *30 a. ni. Clnclnnattl, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid service ever attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago, taf} hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, aro among the points that have made tho MONON ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.CARSON, Vlco-pros’t and Gon’l Mgr W. II. McDOEL, Gon’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gon.l Passenger Agont R. W. GLADING. Passengor and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasville Ga. Whiddon House (Opposite Plney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. V. Whiddon, Prop. Tills house, located In tlio most desir able and central part of tlio city, is new and complete in every particular. Fur nished ljj (he most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, nnd tho service rendered by trained nnd’.po- lite servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from tlio house meet all trains. declO-ly Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. We will bo glad tojnake contracts for, or superintend, all classes of buildings, public or privnto, In either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans and specifications If roqulrod. If you want any building dono call on us, and wo will submit estimates whether contract is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantee satis faction in all our work. We refer to tho many buildings erected by us in Thomasvillo, and to all partiot for whom wo have worked. Shop on Fletcher at., 2nd door from Broad. Thomasvlllo, Ga., April 3, 1889. bTd7 punes, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Bis aii Sporting Goods of all kinds, ami [agent for King’s Powdor Co. p tia-dcw REAL (STATE AGI\T, OFFICE 18 MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. City anil Cotilrj Propcrt; for Silt, HOUSES RENTED Amt Tux cm l*f l«l. LOANS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your property N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasville, Georgia, I will bo glad to make contracts foi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, In eithor brick or wood. I will guarantee In every lnstanco to give satisfaction. Doslgns and plana drawn and careful estimates made. My Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building dono call on inn. I will submit estimates wliothcr contract Is awarded mo or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by mo In Thomasville and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I havo worked 1 Maryland Exposition, BALTIMORE, Md. On .September 7th, 8tli nml 0th, the S. V. & \V. Ity. will sell ruunil trip ticket, to Bal timore, Mil., for $.17.80, limited to Sept. JOth- F. M. VaxDYKK, V. k T. A. \V. M. luvii.iox, O. P. A., Jacksonville, Fla. PRETTY Paying Farms For Sale. I will soli tho Homy McLendon place, 3 miles out on the Mag nolia road to a good man on easy terms, at $2,5oo. This is the best small farm, all things considered, in the county. 7 acres in pears, other im- provementsmoderate. Open land for 2-horse farm, admirably ad apted to fruit and vegetables, dairying* etc. Ill 1-2 acres, good water and neigh borhood;worth $5,ooo but will sell at $2,5oo. Also the Pittman- Thomas place, con sisting of 77 1-2 acres 2 1-2 miles from court houp on right side of Magnolia road. No waste land, level and clay soil ; about half open land, balance in beautiful woods, good ten acre pear orchard, justbeginninsto bear, small house,fine crops raised this year. Will throw in a good mule and one-horse wagon, farming implements, etc., and plenty of feod and seed to raise next crop. Better worth $6ooo than most places about town for which that sum is charged, but can be bought at -S3,ooo on easy terms. To a man who wants a little farm conve nient to Thomasville, on which lie can easi ly earn a good living, I unreservedly and honestly recommend either of these places. IBS ii M 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00 per month. No children wanted. 5 room house on Washington st., near Broad st., at $15,00 per month, by the year, Large 7 room house on Madi son street, near center of town, at $20.00 per month. This is a desirable and cheap house. Furnished rooms on Jack* son st., near business blocks. Upstais of house on Calhoiyi street. Unfurnished rooms in Bry ant house, on Jackson st., be yond railroad. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. ’ Georgia