The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 11, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 -NO 10:5. TtlOMASYILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 11, '889 AS USUAL, Our New Prints AND Fancy Dress GINGHAMS Arc acknowledged to be the handsomest in the city. They are selling rapidly, especially those splendid patterns we offer at \ 80 m YarcL Make your selections before they are picked over too much. Our Fancy Ribbons 3 INCHES WIDE, Which we arc offering at the marvelously low price of S5o a, Yard, 4 * Are the talk of the town. If you have not seen them yet, it will pay you to call at once and inspect them. [For IO cts. We will sell you a beautiful Ladies’ Union Linen Hen\- stitched Handkerchief, which is certainly the best value over offered in Thomasvillo For 5 cents You can buy a nice colored bordered handkerchief, plenty good enough for the children to lose at school. II JERSEYS We have an elegant all wool Saxony wove Jersey at the as tonishingly low figure of #1.00, Ncv^r before sold for less than one dollar ar.d fifty cents. These arc but a fen of the plums we have in stock for our friends; and lots more to show, if you will just take the trouble to come and look at them. We intend to make things lively this season, and we have the goods and prices to do it with. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to visit our establish ment, whether you buy or not. We are always glad to sec you and show vou what we have. 132 BllOAD ST. EXODUS OFJTHE NEGROES. A Talk With the ManWho is at the Head of the Movement. Milwaukee, Wis., Sept. 9—The man who figures at the head of the proposed new exodus of negroes from the south, is Rev. T. \V. Henderson, pastor of Quinn chapel in Chicago. He is a colored man and took a lead ing part in the great exodus of Missis sippi neeroes to Kansas, in 1873. Rev. Henderson was seen to-day, and said that he was the author of the res olutions adopted here by the African Methodist conference of the north west, and that they were not inspired by any politician, or with a view to serving any political party. QUIETLY WORKED UP - i i “This movement,’’ lie said, ‘ has been quietly worked up for a long time-, and will be continued that way until we have settled Montana and Washington territory up with refugees, The plantafion negroes are no better off now than they were be fore the war. When they hire out it is for a year, and they contract to buy all their supplies from their master's stores, so that when they make a final settlement, they always come out in debt, so tlier condition is really no better than the Mexican peons, who shovel forever as the creditors of their employers. The movement is so well organized, and on such a solid basis that no one in the south will realize how the colored folks have escaped, until all are gone or wish to go. Wc have better underground railroads now than existed in the days of old John brown. / THE EXODUS FROM MISSISSIPPI’ It was‘I who originated and con ducted, under Gov. St Tohn,thc great Mississippi in 1872. At that time I was editor of two newpapfl-s in Kansas. We got over 60,000 colored people to move to that state. AVe gave most of them a mule, and sold them fifty acres ol land, each, on five and ten years time. It was a great success. Many of them are now rich. All arc well to do, and they did not freeze “to death, as the wife of the governor ot Tennes see feared, when talking to me, about it.” Race Troubles. The New York Herald in an edito rial on the recent conflicts between the races in the different parts of the South, takes the position that the re publican politicians of the North are largely responsible for these troubles. It says that to most of the republican leaders “the negro is simply an ele ment of campaign success. Their chief business has been to array the blacks against the whites as natural enemies. An opportunity’ to foment discord is never neglected. The chief peculiari ty of every • national canvass is the delivery of firebrands into the hands of the colored people with the advice to use them.” This is a serious charge, but it is justified by’ facts. Whenever the ne groes have followed the advice of re publican leaders like Bill Chandler nnd Fornker.Or republican editors like Murat Halstead of the Cincinnati Commercial Gazette ami Joseph Mcdill of the Chicago Tribune, they have provoked race collisions in which they have been the chief sufferers, They have attempted to obtain real or fancied rights by methods which never can prevail in a couu-ry jointly occupied by the white man and the negro. There have been more race troubles in the few months since the election of. President -Harrison, than occurred- during the four years ol President Cleveland's administration. The reason is obvious, unprincipled and reckless politicians, white and black, have begun to work on the prejudices of the negro masses and to agitate those issues which Iirvc so long constituted a distinctively “Southern question” in our politics. It cannot be denied that in some in stances the whites have been so arous- exbdusfifmy people from the state. o£ edthntin-tbe assertion ofUheir supers jwm arc not -found every day. The On Eternity’s Brink. Dr. Amos Fox, of Atlanta, tells the following: Talking about desert ers, let me tell you a little story about one that I knew of during the. war, He belonged to the First Georgia Regulars and was a good soldier—was in lots of fight sand always bore himself like a man. Well, I10 got tired of his company, and one day lie left it and went to another. That don’t look much like desertion, does it ? But it was, and when the captain of this fellow’s company discovered him in the Forty-second Georgia regiment, he reported the fact to head quarters. He was ordered arrested and brought before a court martial, and after trial was sentenced to be shot at the same time with two other deserters. The fellow’s captain felt badly over the turn affairs had taken, and sent a lot of papers to the secretary of war asking for clemency. The secretary replied in one of the strongest letters ever read. He said it was absolutely necessary to maintain discipline in the army, aud refused to interfere witli the sentence. He also repri manded the captain for attempting to interfere in such a case. Well, it so happened that the day set tor the execution was the day up on which this same captain was on guard duty, and on his command de volved the duty of carrying out the sentence, lie tried to get out of it, but couln’t, and when the hour ar rived the troops were all drawn up in a hollow square around the condemn ed men. They were all sitting on their coffins awaiting the moment when they were to be launched into eternity. The moment had almost arrived, when a messenger dashed up with an order from President Davis setting the condemned deserter at liberty, ority they have perpetrated outrages which merit the condemnation of all good men, but the germs of strife be tween the races arc almost invariably sown by republican politicians. The temper of flic Southern people toward the negro is kind aud considerate, so long ns the indelible line which sepa rates the races is respected. The man, white or black, who endeavors to obliterate that line or to force the inferior race across it, is the common enemy of both whites and blacks, but the chiefsuflercr from his folly or his sin, as it may be, is the negro. When the negro comes to recognize this fact there will be fewer conflicts between the races.—Telegraph. An Eloauent Letter. Sonic time ago Gen.- Roger A. Pryor was asked to address ex-confcd- crate veterans at a reunion in Missou ri. lie was unable to so, but wrote a very neat letter of regrets. This let ter has just been made public, and a part of it is as follows : “Neither lapse of time, nor change of associations, nor the impression of present events have diminished the in tensity of my sympathy with my gallant comrades of the confederate army, or abated my admiration for their valor and virtues. Upon no page of history are recorded more heroic exploits nr portrayed more noble qualities of char acter than were performed and illus trated by the intrepid spirits, who, ani mated bv the purest impulses of pat riots’ devotion, endured unparalleled privations, and lor years sustained an unequal contest against resources of a mighty empire, augmented by contri butions of men and money from every portion of the habitable globe. Be- yond all quescion, when the animosi ties inflamed by the war shall be ex tinct, and 110 party interests to be pro moted by the perversion ol truth, the victories of confederate armies will be celebrated among the most memorable in the annals of martial achievement, iand the pantheon of the great, images ot I.ce, Jackson, Price, Stuart, and their illustrious comrades, will share the homage of posterity with the wor thiest heroes of history. Inasmuch, therefore, as your reunion proposes to cherish the memory of our departed associates, and to cultivate among us, their survivors, a feeling of fraternal fellowship, it engages my liveliest sym pathies.” J. L. Beverly Holds the Fort. Meigs is 011 a boom: What makes it boom? Why it is the large lumber mill whicli fills orders so promptly and furnishes such large quantities of the finest lumber, dressed and u dressed, that is sawed on the line of the S. F. & W. Railway. It has been owned by Fife A Beverly. Mr. Joe L. Beverly is the Beverly, and has just bought the entire interest of Mr. J. G. Fife and is now sole pro prietor. He will keep the mill up to the old standard and indeed improve and .enlarge it. lie is prepared to furnish lumber of every description in large or small bills 011 very short not ice. lie has the most competent and best skilled hands in charge of the machin ery and makes a specialty of fancy lumber, mouldings, etc. Send him your orders and you will he pleased. Meigs is only fourteen miles south o( Camilla and just over the Thomas line. Mr. Beverly is virtually a Mitchell county man, being a neph ew of the lamented Robert Cochran. That is enough to assure those who do not know him that he is a .sterling business man, and an upright, oblig ing gentleman. We have long known him personally, and we take pleasure in commending him and his large establishment to the patronage of the public. The Clarion voices the general sentiment of this section . when we express our regrets tlint the retiring partner, Mr. J. G. Fife, is going to leave us to seek a home and business in the north-west. Ho lias shown himself to he n thorough gentleman and first-class business man. What lie doesn’t know about the lumber business nobody knows, aud such en terprising and successful business best wishes of the Clarion and a host of South Georgia friends will follow him wherever he goes.—Camilla Clar ion. Railroad Speed and Old Ideas. From the Nineteenth Century. Between Loudon and Edinburgh the greater part of the journey is done at a speed exceeding fifty miles an hour; the 105 miles between Gran tham and King’s Cross, averages fifty- four miles for the whole journey, ami some time ago the 4:18 o’clock train from Grantham was timed to run twenty-four miles in twenty-four min utes, one mile being done in forty-six seconds, or at the rate of seventy-four miles an hour. Compare this with the anticipations of the last genera tion. In 1825 the Quarterly Review, an appreciative article on the pro posed Woolwich railway, deprecated any wild estimates as to speed, “We will back,” it said, “old Father Thames against the Woolwich railway for any sum. Wo trust that parlia ment will in all railways it may sanc tion limit the speed to eight or nine mjles an hour, which is as great as ail lie ventured on with safety.” A Woman’s Honor Worth a Man's Life. From tin- Macon (tin.) News. A married man ran away with Ids neighbor’s wife. They tired of each other, returned . to their respective spouses, and were forgiven. That happened in Boston. Had such an elopement occurred in Macon, the sCquel would have been a funeral or two. B c arc so simple and uncul- chahed as to consider a woman’s hon or worth a man’s life. Betterments Will Not Down. Senator Joseph E. Brown, as presi dent of the company of lessees, now operating the State road, has written to the Georgia Legislature, calling at tention to the claims which the lessees, whom he represents, has, or claims to have, on the State for betterments on >hc property. He proposes as follows. “Let the state select two arbitrators, men of the highest character, and I would suggest that one of them be an eminent lawyer, and the other an emi nent railroad man. Let the lessees select two of the same character, and let the four select a fifth man; and I will add, wc are content that the Governor should send the names to the Senate for confirmation, and if anyone is rejected by the Senate, a new nomi nation will be sent in his place, and then 1 am willing that after it has pass ed the ordeal ol confirmation by the Senate, that the list he submitted to the Governor, and if lie disapprove of any of the five, the name shall be stricken and another selected. Or, I am willing for the Legislature to select t commission of five men of eminent character, and let the subject be submitted to their jurisdiction, ptovid- ing no one shall serve on the commis sion who is a personal enemy to any member of '.lie present lessees, or who is positively objectionable to the com pany. Or, if this is not reasonable, and the members of the Legislature can suggest any fairer means of settle ment. the lessees will be glad lo con sider it. With great deference, I would add that a refusal to make a fair and honorable settlement of this claim, would naturally suggest to the bidders for the new lease, that they arc to ex pect at the hands of the State similar treatment at the end of the term, and, as prudent men, they would reduce the^mount of monthly rental .which they would otherwise include in their bids, sufficiently to secure them against such contingency. In other words, I believe that any company ot business men will agree to pay a higher rental it they arc satisfied that the Slate will deal fairly and honorably with them in eycry particular, than they would pay if they saw the State declining to act lairly and justly with tlicir prcdcccs sors. The old adage that honesty is the best policy, applies as well to em pires, states and communities as it docs to individuals. Ii our claim is an honest one, and if just for any amount, then the best policy for the State is to allow it to be fairly investi gated and fairly settled, if anything is due. The State will make money in the end, by adopting this course. Sixty years ago railroads were un known in this country, and the pop ulation of the United States consisted of 12,000,000 people. To-day operate upward of 105,000 miles of railroad, and our population lias in creased lo 00,000,000. Sixty years ago the aggregate wealth of the United Slates was less than 81,000,- ni!) iino • prr cut it is estimated at Bob Ingersoll's Eloquence. “I never saw a man pursue his wife into the very ditch of degradation and take her in his arms. I never saw a man standing at the shore where she had been morally wrecked, waiting lor the waves to bring back even her corpse to his firms, lint I have seen woman, with her white arms, lift man from his degradation, and hold him to her bosom as though lie were ail angel.” 850,000,000,000. Over our 105,000 miles ol’railroad there was carried last year 475,000,000 people, and 000,0110,OIK) tons of freight were trans ported. Upon these lines are engaged 1,000,000 employes. Their equip ment consists of 80,000 locomotives, 22,000 passenger cars, 7,000 baggage cars, and 1,000,000 freight cars. The capital invested in construction and equipment amounts 88,000,000,000, and the yearly disbursements for labor and supplies exceed 8000,000,000.— .Scientific American. One of the most surprising features of the modern business world, is the extensive use of cotton seed, formerly considered worthless. According to the New York Tribune, “Over 800,- 000 tons of these seeds are now press ed lor their oil, from thirty-six to for ty pounds obtained from each ton. The consumption of cotton seed oil is increasing both in this country and in F.urope, and new uses for the oil are constantly being discovered.” 1C. # $5.00 PER ANNUM To the Front. AS ALWAYS, (Mitchell House Block.) Has just opened up to the young and old gents the handsomest line of shoes ever of fered in our city, in all styles, .from the narrowest to the wid est lasts. Patent leather shoes, hand some line of gents’ toilet slippers and full line of ladies’, misses’ and children’s shoes. [Mitchell House Block.