The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 18, 1889, Image 1

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VOL 1 -No too. TtIOMASYiLLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER IS, «.8W> $5.00 PER ANNUM AS USUAL, Our New Prints AND Fancy Dress GINGHAMS Arc acknowledged to be the handsomest in the city. They arc selling rapidly, especially those splendid patterns we offer at Sc a Ya,rcl. Make your selections .before they are picked over too much. Our Fancy Ribbons 3 INCHES WIDE, Which wo are offering at the marvelously low price of _ 25c a, Yard, Arc the talk of the town. If you have not seen them yet, it will pay you to call at once and inspect them. For lO cts. We will sell you a beautiful Ladies’ Union Linen Hem stitched Handkerchief, which is certainly the best value ever offered in Thomasvillo. For 5 cents You can buy a nice colored bordered handkerchief, plenty gojd enough for the children to 1 use at school. IN JEKSETS Wo have an elegant all wool Saxony wove Jersey at the as tonishingly low figure of #1.00, Never before sold for less than one dollar and fifty cents. - These are but a few of the plums wo have in stock for our friends; and lots more to show, if you will just take the trouble to come and look at them. We intend to make things lively this season, and we havo the goods and prices to do it with. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to visit our establish ment, whether you buy or not. We are always glad to see you and show you what we have. 132 BROAD §T. He Never Knowed. Old Billy B. was a pious man, And heaven was his goal; For, Being a very sating man,* Of course he’d save his soul, But even iu this he used to say, ‘•One can't too careful hi*;” And he sang with a fervor unassunicd, “I'm glad salvation’s free.” But the “means of grace,” he had to own, Required good, hard gold ; And he took ten pews, as well became, The richest of the fold, “lie’s a noble nmn !” the preacher cried, “Onr Christian Brother B.," And Billy smiled as he sublet nine, And he got his own pew tree! In class meeting next old Billy told, How heaven had gracious been, Yes, even back in the dark days when He was a man of sin. Ml’.; building a barn on my river farm — All I then had,” he said; “I’d run out o’ hoards, an' was feed in’ hands On nothin’ but corn bread. “I tell ye, brethrin, then l felt blue, Short o’ timber and cash. And thought I’d die when the banks then burst, And Hooded all my mash, But the Lord was merciful to me, And sent right through the rift The tide had made on the river banks A lumber-raft adrift. Plenty o’ boards was there for the barn, And on top was a cheese, Afid a bar’l o’ pork as sound and sweet As any one ever sees. Then I had bread and meat for the men. And they worked with a will, While 1 thanked (Jod win had been good to me, And I’m a doing it still,” A shrill-voicc l sister cried “Bless the Lord !” The whole class cried “Amen!” But a keen-eyed man looked at Billy B. In thoughtful way, and then Asked, “Brother B., did you ever hear Who lost that raft and loj^d?” And Billy wiped his eyes and said : ^Brethrin, I never knowed." Another Letter From Mr. Black- shear. Ed. Timf.s-Exterprise: The Ga farmers and press left Toledo after visting the Tri-State Fair and doing up the city, and arrived in Dayton on the 12th. We were thoroughly advertised by this time, and the programme for our reception was well planned, and time has proven it was well carried out. In an hour aficr wc arrived there and breakfasted, ten carriages, headed by a 4-horse tallyho, were at the hotel, with a local man for each vehicle, and at the sound of the bugle, wc headed for Ohmcr's fruit larm, just beyond the corporate limits of the city. We were enabled to go all over this beautiful plantation ol several hundred acres by way of streets, as the place had been cut into town lots and sold, the pro ceeds amounting to $90,000. Alter riding over this place we drew up at the residence of the. proprietor and partook of wine, cider and cheese, products of the farm. Our next halt .was at the lunatic asylum. We were shown through these beautiful grounds and houses by the proprietors, and we are satisfied, from what we saw, that every attention is shown these unfortunates: As our party filed into the main building, one poor woman waved her handkerchief from her cell window and said: “Hur- rah for Georgy.” There are 600 in mates in this asylum, and I was told there were six similar institutions of the kind in the state, and tli£ largest one in the world being at Columbus. Our next stop was at Mr. Ctsmer's, where wine and cheese and cider was served, and speeches made, and toasts given. These places were all subur- ban, and were beautiful by nature and design. The morning being well nigh spent, we started for our hotel,stopping however, at the factory where “cash money drawers” arc made. The par ties owning and operating this busi ness are not only rich, but their wealth is rolling up every day. They get from $175 to S200 for each of these little machines, and they turn out abojtf 35 per day. After dinner the committee came around with carriages and took us through the numerous factories in the city, and wound up at the latge facto- tory of Schantz, where they make lager beer. Our parly all, except one or two, sampled this cool, fresh-ir.ade commodity, and pronounced it the best. It took the whole day to carry out this much of «the programme of the occasion, as night had closed in upon us. The next forenoon was spent in riding over a 500 acre nursery at Tadmor. After this laborious adven ture, a halt was called at the home of the proprietor, and the nine and fruit and cheese was called into requisition to refresh the inner man, when we beat a hasty retreat to our hotel for dinner. After dinner the Montgomery county farmers called in their carriages apd buggies and took us out to the "Sol diers' Home,” where 5,000 federal soldiers arc fed and clothed and pen sioned at the expense ot Uncle Sam. There is not a man in the United Slates that has a home more beautiful than the Soldiers’ Home, near Dayton. Alter a sojourn at the Home of aft hour our hosts, for that night, turned their horses’ heads for their homes, many living as far as ten miles from the city. We all fell into good hands and were kindly received and taken care of by these horny-handed tillers of the soil and their families. Wc saw their nice, rich, snug farms and farm houses and their well fed stock, whence they get their rich milk and butler. The next morning they escorted us to the Farmers’ Club meeting, where about 500 men, women and children were assembled to discuss the best interests of the farm, and meet the ex cursion party; and last hut not least, to partake of as good a dinner as was ever our good fortune to be exposed to. The evening was spent in speech making and expression of views be tween the people of the two sections. This visit took us- through the best farming section of Ohio, and we had the pleasure of looking over these farms; and having seen the country under the most favorable circumstanc es, we feel that we arc unable to say whether we like Georgia less or Ohio more. One thing wc do say, however, that these Ohioans have a good coun try, fine cities, and they are as kind and hospitable people as I ever met. Wc left Louisville this a, in., and will reach Atlanta,wc hope, to-morrow, and there disband, with thanks to the Central railroad for the good style ihcy sent us through the west, and with thanks, also, lo Mr. Glessncr.who chaperoned the parly in a manner hard to beat. Yours truly, T. E. Blacksiiear On the car?, Sept. 15, 1889. joinedIiands’forTife. Mr. Emanuel Engel Weds Miss Henrietta Rothschild, Mr. Kmanuol Engel and Miss Hen rietta liothsehild were married at f> o’clock yesterday afternoon at the res idence of the bride’s father, Mr, II, liothsehild, No, 1401 Gordon street. The ceremony was performed by Ilev. I. I’. Mendcs, pastor of the Mickva Israel synagogue. The wedding was very quietly celebrated, only the fami lies and intimate friends of the bride and groom being present. The bride wore a directofre costume of faille Franchise, trimmed with duchcssc lace, and a tulle veil. Her ornaments \torc diamonds, There were no attendants. The parlors were handsomely decorated with flow ers and potted plants, iu the midst ot which the bride and groom stood dur ing the ceremony. After the wedding a bridnl supper was served. A reception was held from 8 to 10 o’clock, at whioh a large number of guests was present. The bride’s pres ents were many and very handsome, and included almost everything in the way of wedding presents that is useful and ornamental. Mr. and Mrs. Engel will leave this morning by the Atlantic Coast I.ino on their bridal tour north. They will be gone about a month and on their return they will reside at Valdosta. The bride is a popular young lady. The groom is a representative of M. Ferst’s Sons & Co., and is well known not only in Savannah, but throughout -Southern and Southwest Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Engel will receive the congratulations of many friends upon their return anil a warm welcome to their new home.—News. Everybody in Thomasville knows “Manny” Engle, and every one will join 11s in wishing him and his bride long life -and happiness. The Cigarette Doomed. Observation in public places gives satisfactory evidence that the use of cigarettes is rapidly on the decline. Whether this is due to the stringent laws passed in many of the States against selling them to minors, or that smokers have come to their sen ses nnd have taken warning from their own experience and the unani mous condemnation ot smoking cigar ettes by the medical profession, or whether the evil practice lias begun to he looked upon ns a discreditable vice, to be only practiced in secret, we know not; but it is certain that, as compared with the past, very few cigarettes arc now smoked in public. Cigar dealers say that the sales of cigarettes have fallen ofl enormously. The manufacturers of these noxious thimrs have been compelled to adver tise largely to prevent the entire destruction of their business, and about the only people who can now be seen smoking the paper abomina tions are a few moon-faced juveniles who imagino that cigarette smoking gives them a literary aspect, or who ambitiously aim at appearing manly and graceful while poisoning the at mosphere about them, or blowing the . offensive smoke through tho windows of horse cars until rebuked by the conductors. Employers and business men generally have arrayed them selves in opposition to those who per sist in the'objectionable practice, and young ladies have learned to under stand that the reakreason why their young men smoke cigarettes is that they can smoke twenty of them, vile though they are, for the price of a very cheap cigar. It will be well for our youth when the habit becomes' wholly extinct. Dr. William L. Dudley, Professor of Chemistry in flic Vanderbilt University, gives the results of recent careful analytical experiments made by him in his lab oratory with the smoke of an ordina ry cigarette. The tests were thorough ly scientific and conclusive. ' The fact was demonstrated beyond the chance of doubt for question that, carbonic oxide is the chief constituent of ci garette smoke, if not all tobacco smoke, and that its inhalation into the air passages and lungs must, of necessity, be exceedingly deleterious. Prof. Dudley refers to published assertions that the adulteration of tobacco with opium and flavoring drugs, and the alleged presence of arsenic in the paper, arc the chief causes of the evil effects of cigarette smoking, but pronounces them unsat isfactory and insufficient explaua- liors. His chemical tests, lie insists, have demonstrated positively the actual cause of the mischief, namely, tho cigarette smoker’s absorption of the carbonic oxide and other gases, causing deoxidation of the blood, aud thereby impairing its power to build up the wasting tissues of the body. The cigarette habit has of lute years become very common in this country. It is one of those many European importations which do our people more harm than good. Many of our young men, aud some of them are neither young nor inexperienced, are literally burning out of themselves the best element of their manhood by sucking into their systems the poison of physical and mental degeneracy through the filthy cigarette. Cigar smoking and pipe smoking arc bad enough and pernicious enough iu all conscience, but cigarette smoking is absolutely tuicidal,—Araer. Analyst. The Negro North and South- The episode in the Atlanta post- office is'not the only incident of re cent occurrence that shows the force of race antipathy. Hall these inci dents had been in the south there might have been some appearance of reason in the charge that the negro is here subjected to worse treatment than he receives elsewhere in the Uni ted States. But the record of the last few weeks shows that there is no sectional boundary to the race feeling. The people of Atlanta are indignant because their postmaster has appoint ed a negro to a position which would have placed hint in direct official rela tions with a young white lady, bad she remained in the office. We are told by more than one northern newspaper that this indignation is unjust and in dicative of a prejudice against the ne gro that is peculiar to the south. How then do these papers explain some things that have happened re cently nearer their own homes? We learn on good authority that a young colored girl of good character, who had been well educated by the Society of Christian Endeavor, recently ried to obtain employment at Grin ned, Iowa. Naturally she sought such a position as her education qual ified her lor. Though several such places were vacant, her application was refused in every instance, not be LEVY'S Latest Success, READ, READ! And Profit by the Same. cause she was incompetent or unwor thy, but because she was a negro. She was advised to give up her fine ideas and devote herself to a life of drudgery like the average woman ot her race. That was in the good re publican state of Iowa. The Grand Army of the Republic frequently has public entertainments in Brooklyn at which the color line is clearly drawn. Though a negro may be a member in good standing and entitled to all the privcliges of his post, he is not per mitted at these entertainments to sit beside his white brother. The Young Men’s Christian Asso ciation, of New York, an organization which recognizes the brotherhood of man in its broadest application—as a theory— has refused, time and time and time again to admit the brother in black to membership. A colored Baptist preacher of excel lent standing, found himself in Au burn, X. Y., the other day, very much in need oi a shave. He entered a barber shop and was refused a chair. He tried another and was told to move on. In vain he sought alrarber who would shave him. Men of his own color refused to break the unwritten law which forbade them to attend to the wants of a negro customer. But a worse case than any cf these, a much worse case than that in Atlan ta, occurred a few days ago in Mont gomery county, l’cnn. A r.cgro who had served in the un ion army and made a creditable record as a soldier, died. IIis friends asked permission to bury him in the national cemetery, but were refused. The color line in republican Pennsylvania extends beyond the grave. Wc do not believe that ant thing like this Pennsylvania incident could occur in the south. If the negro in this state, who is now asking for a place on the list of survivors ot the confederate army, were to die and his friends were to request that his remains be laid to rest in a confederate cemetery, we arc confident that there is not a commu nity in Georgia where such a petition would be denied. And we believe it to be the simple truth, that, considering the different condition of the races in the two sec tions, the sparse negro population in the north and the presence of millions of them in the south, making due al lowance for the difference between a community where the negro is a small factor in population aud politics, and a community where he can exert a large, if not a controling influence in locil government, the average treat ment of the negro in the south will compate favorably for fairness,generos ity and kindness with that which Ire receives anywhere on this continent.— Telegraph. GUARANTEED, EVERY PAIR, Or Money Refunded. BLACK HOSIERY. CR THE GREAT SUCCESS Which our “Onyx" Dyed Hosiery met with hist season, and the univer sal satisfaction given by these abso lutely fast dye goods has stimulated us to still farther improvement for this season, by producing the goods from Ingrain yarns, thus giving greater strength aud wearing qualities to the fabric, and at the same time re taining all tho excellent qualities of dye, which.have been so thoroughly tested and approved in previous sea sons. Try a pah-of Onyx, and you will never wear any other stocking; for every pair is warranted not to stain the feet and clothing, and to withstand the effects of perspiration as well as repeated washings. Furthermore, any pair not found as represented, re turn them and your money will be refunded. None genuine unless stamped with above trade-mark. FOR SALE ONLY BY I. Lsvy £ Co. fMitchcll House Block 1