The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 18, 1889, Image 3

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-AT- H. WOLFF & BRO.’S ■WEARS DAILY 11ECEIVJLMG \ •Wit— STOCK Which is the hand- somestwehave had in years. Your kind inspection is solic ited. H. Wolff & Bro., Leaders of Stylesjand Low Prices. 109 & 111 BllOAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 18, 1889. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU II. Thomas Jr’s-126 Broad Sired. O. S. Bondurant Vounteor Obsorver Weather Itiillctin for tl|c 24 lioiirs ending at 7 o'clock I*. M., Sept. 17, 1889. TzMI’KIlATtRlt. Maxiniuiu for 24 hours 94 Minioium “ “ “ 70 Rain-fall Local Schedule. Pnsienger fo** Savannah Lv. Passenger from Savannah Ar. Fast mail for Savannah Ar. “ •• “ “ Lv. ‘ “ from “ Ar. ** “ from Savannah Lv. Passenger from Albany Ar. Passenger for “ Lv. Freight an«l Acoin. for Albany Lv. “ •• from “ Ar. Freight anti aeeoin. from Wayc..Ar. *• “ “ for Chatt. Lv. •• “ •* for Wove....Lv. »• •• from Chatt. Ar. ,12 OA i ,12 35 1 1 HI l 4 50 . COO , 800 . CM THOM ASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight aeeom. for Monticcllo Lv.. .8 45 a ni “ “ from “ ....Ar...6 20 p in Fast mail for “ ....Lv...2 0G jiin “ “ from “ ....Ar..121Upm Marshal Spair had Madison street graded yesterday. Dr. Culpepper paid Boston a short visit yesterday. Mr. J. F. Scaife, of Camilla, was registered at the Whiddon yesterday. J. M. Sullivan, of Montgomery, Ala., was at the Whiddon yesterday. The S. F. A W. pay train will he in to-morrow. And the boys will be flush. Mr. J. Ilarvy Jones, of Alabama, was among the guests at the Whiddon yesterday. Mr. C. T. Stuart is putting up fine fire escapes from the balconies of the Stuart Hous?. Messrs. N. Denham and II. M. Stafford, of Brunswick, were at the Stuart yesterday. An article on Thomasvillc will ap pear in the “Old Homestead” maga zinc, in the November issue. •Electric lights were put in Whid- don’s stables yesterday. Mr Whiddon always keeps up with the procession. Mrs. J.ula Converse, who has been a cuest at the Stuart for several days, left on Monday night for Savannah. To-morrow i3 the sixteenth anni versary of the big storm, in 1H7!>. The 19th day of September, in that year, is still remembered by many. Miss Julia Palmer, of Monticcllo, who 1ms been summering in the mountains, is spending n few days visiting Mrs. T. N. Hopkins while cn route home. Mr. Dec McLendon, who holds mi important and responsible position in the freight department of the S. F. A W. By., is at home on a short vaca tion. Dave Elias siys lie had more solid enjoyment to the square inch, during his late three weeks stay at the north, than ever before in the same length of time. Mrs. T. C. Thackston and children, of Monticcllo, passed through the city yesterday, eu route home from Fort Valley, where they have been visiting Mrs. Katie Whitfield. We are very sorry to learn that Miss Clara Dcisher is confined to her room by temporary indisposition. Every one will be glad to see her at the W. U. T. office again. She is missed. A * tor m was reported oft Cuba, careering around in the Gulf, yester day, and it was said to lie heading jltix way. Keep a look out for it. This is a good time, as a sailor would say, to “sail under hare poles.” The committee on uniforms lor the South Georgia College, met in Col. Mitchell's office yesterday morning, and postponed the awarding of the contract until Friday, so as 40 give another bidder a chance to get in his bid. Sec what follows, under the head of “Levy's Latest Success.” Every lady in the land is interested in tl)e announcement. Mr. Levy has just received a lot of the finest black hosiery, and which is positively stain- left Black hosiery is very fashiona ble, and a strictly stainless article is essential. Bead and see what tho loader of novelties says Rbout his latest acquisition. CURTKIGKHT DANIEL Are now receiving a large and elegant assortment of the celebrated Zeigler and Reed's fine Ladies Shoes. J. S. Turner’s, Stacy Adams’ and Bannister’s Men Shoes. Boys’ and Misses’ School Shoes a Specialty. Sign of tlie Bier Boot. The Estimated Expenses of the City, In response to the inquiry of" Fletch- crville,” asking for an estimate of the current expenses of the city govern ment, we publish elsewhere the infor mation requested. The gentlemen have not gone into details, or given an itemized statement of the current expenses, as this would have required columns of figures. It will be satis factory, no doubt, to Flelchervillc and all others, to know what the current expenses of the town amounts to. This is, as we understand it, the point rais ed by Fletcherville. It is the amount, not what it is paid out for. Those who have been fighting the park have contended that the town could not afford to issue bonds. In the first rejoinder the finance committee show ed the indebtedness of the town to be about 817,000, the income over $21,000. And now they show that $1,200 per month is . paying the current expenses, except in cases where some utilooked for and extraordinary expense may-bavc to be unexpectedly met. Say we put the current annual expenses at $16,000. With an income of 821,000, this would produce a surplus, or sinking fund, of 85,000, per year. This, as will lie seen, would soon wipe out the existing debt and leave a healthy and sate margin lor all extraordinary expenses. Again has been demonstrated, by facts and figures, that the town is amply able to purchase the park. Every argument against its purchase has been met and overcome. Fletcherville Aniwerod. Editor Times Enterprise: The committee, in response to the second communication of Fletcher- villc, asking for n “statement of tho expenditures of the town,” beg leave to say: We have seen the Treasurer, Mr. James F. Evans, and ho informs us that the current expenses of the town, including salaries, Ac., amounts to twelve hundred dollars per mouth. This amount will defray all expenses of the city government, except some unforeseen or extraordinary expendi ture. becomes necessary. Such being the ease, wc can from licenses and water rent, pay all the expenses of the city until April 1st, leaving the ad valorem tax, whicli amounts to between twelve thousand five hundred nnd thirteen thousand dollars, to pay on the indebtedness of the city. Wc will also add that in former state ment every dollar of the city’s indebt edness was included, and paid up to the first of this month ; and that no debts have been made since, except those accruing from salaries. A. P. WltKiHT, . Chmn. Finance Com. S. L. Hayes, Member of Finance Com. Thomasvillc, Ga., Sept. 17, 18S9. Building. Work was commenced yesterday morning, on the ground, for the ercc tion q! a large carriage and wagon re pository for Evans A McLean, being 57 by so leet on Jackson street, ad joining their present warehouse. The property belongs to Wright & Mitchell, and the work is being done by Mr. Eaves, who will have the building ready (or occupancy by the rst of November. This will add materially to"the appearencc of that portion nl the street and city. It is quite likely that the other side of the street will be built up also, at an early day. Returned. Mr. F. C. Fallis and wife, who linve been in California for the past six months, have returned home. Mr. Fallis lias had a very pleasant trip, and was camped ou the San Jacinto Mountains, 6,600 feet above the level of the sea, for two months, and went to tho top of the mouutain, over 11,000 feet above the sea level. He brought back a number of California curiosities, among the number an os. trich egg, about tho size of a baby’s head. It can be seen at his store on Broad street. To Farmers. The attention of farmers and cotton growers is called to *the address else where of Col. Livingston, president of the State Alliance,and Mr.Hcnderson, Commissioner of agriculture, in refer ence to the recent action of the ex change of the United Slates in con vention assembled at New Orleans. The action of that convention, in giv ing cotton covered with cotton bagging an advantage of eight pounds per bale, over cotton covered with jute bagging, will be generally indorsed by all classes and growers and buyers. For long years the Liverpool cotton exchange has deducted, as tare, thirty pounds from every bale of American cotton. The American cotton ex changes have said that hereafter not more than 24 pounds shall be deduct ed from cotton covered with jute, and that only sixteen pounds shall be de ducted where cotton is covered with cotton bagging. This, as will be seen, is a saving to the farmer (provided he can get the allowance when he sells, and which he should certainly get) of six pounds on each bale covered with jute, and fourteen pounds on each bale covered with cot ton. The cotton planter has long been the foot ball of the Liverpool buyers. American buyers have had to buy on the basis made by Liver pool. The farmers arc to be congrat ulated that the wrong is at last to he righted. Much, however, depends on the astion of Liverpool. If they refuse to accept the action American ex changes, it will complicate the situa tion very much. Thomasville Saved His Life. Editor Times-Enteutrisk : Feeling it my duty in behnlf of ThOmaBvillc, nnd those desiring to bo restored to health, I give you an extract from a letter just received from Capt. Win. Hnuft, of St. Paul, Minn, who spent last winter in our city. It speakafor itself. Capt. Hauft stated to me, that before leaving home last winter, it was impossible for him to do • anything, he was in such wretched health, but he has been restored, and gives Tlmniasvillc credit for being the great restorative. And in his letter lie says he feels strong and healthy, in fact compares his strength, etc., to John L. Sulli van, the great champion tighter, but L want you to understand Capt. II. is 110 fighting man, but a perfect gentle man in every sense of the word. Maiuth. Extract from Capt. Hauft’s letter: “I heard you were going to have a new railroad to Thomasvillc. Well, that will make things lively, I hope so any way. I have much love for Thomasville, I think it saved my life, I feel like John L. just now. 1 hope we will meet agnin. I think I have many friends in Thomasvillc, Ga. I must go down there again, my wife wants to go and sec that great coun try, and when I go again she will accompany me. ”My health is good and tlmt is the best news I can write you.” The Captain is kindly and pleasant ly remembered by all who met him during his stay here. lie was the guest, last winter, of Mr. and Mrs. CJcorge W. Carroll. Wc hope to see the Captain again in Thomasville, for pleasure, not for health. Thomasville Cotton Market. The streets are lively with col tori wagons, and the market is lively as well. Thomasvillc is getting her share of cotton, and is disposed to reach out for additional. Our mer chants arc fully awake to the neces sity of holding the country trade, and only need an opportunity to convince their country friends that they will serve them acceptably. Dissolution. Attention is called to the dissolution notice o( Messrs. West & Fearn. Mr. Fearn retires and Mr. West'will carry on the business. Mr. West is a live young business man and will no doubt continue to do a good business. The firm have built up, within a compara tively brief period, a splendid business. Taken to Albany. Deputy Sheriff W. M. Goodwin, of Albany, came down yesterday anil carried back to Albany, Will Wil liams, colored, who was arrested here Saturday night by an order from there, charging him with taking a gold watch from a Mr. Clark. Williams came here from Albany two weeks ago, and has since been working in the railroad shops. It is said the evidence against him is very strong. Car Load Lots. Evans A McLean linve just received two ear loads of wagons, which "they are putting in their warehouse, nnd want to distribute out to this and ad jacent counties. Mr. E. I’. Fearn, late ot the firm of West & Fearn, will leave next week for Knoxville, Tenn., where he will take a thorough commercial course in a business college. It is the purpose of Mr. Fearn to locate permanently in Knoxville, He is a young man of fine business qualifications and correct liabits, and we take special pleasure in commending lnm to the good people of Knoxville. Mr. Fearn represents, in a high degree, that progressive, "catch on,” “get there’’ element,which is distinguishing the young men of the South. Mr. Joe Gilbert, the well-known and popular conductor on the accom modation train, running between here and Albany, has accepted a conduct or’s place on the Georgia Southern. Joe’s friends here, while regretting to part with him, congratulate him on his advancement. Mr. S. G. McLendon has been ap pointed l»y Gov. Gordon a delegate front the second congressional district to tbe-Forcstry congress which meets in Philadelphia on the loth of Octo ber. We trust Mr. McLendon will tell the congress something about the vast yellow pine forests of South Geor- gia. Dissolution. The firm of Weft k Fearn is this day dis solved by mutual constnt, Mr. Iv I*. Fearn retiring. John T. West will continue the business, and assumes all liabilities nnd re tains the assets of the late firm. JOHN T. WEST, K. I*. FKATIN. Thomasville, (la., Sept. 17th, 1889. A CARD. Iii retiring from the late firm of West k Fearn (as I purpose removing from the city), I desire to return my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on us, and to ask a continuance of the same to inv former partner and successor, Mr. John T. West, who is enlarging his facilities, nnd will be better prepared than bef ire to serve thejmblic with anything in his line. Respectfully, E. I\ FEARN. Thomasville, ,Sept, 17, 1889* 1-ino DR7 M, M. T. HUCHINGSON, of Lako City, Fla., 30 Years in the Practice of Medicine, oil'l l^ his professional services to the citi zens of Thomasvillc mid surrounding coun try. Office, 2nd door over A. <'. Brown’s store, and A. (’. Drowns residence onJDaw- son street. d»tw*Jm Sept 17. llnl'SK Full RENT. A good 0-room dwelling house on Magno lia street for rent, *10 per month. / pply at (las Works. 1-w. RoV WANTED. A reliable white boy, not afraid of work, one living with parent-* preferred, wanted at this office. Farm for Sale. Two farms in fruit belt of Mobile Georgia, one containing fitly nml the oilier one hun dred nnd thirty-live acres. Both frontingon public road and Central railroad, one-third mile from Vineyard station and postoftiee, and three miles nurtli of Gridin, and on same road with State experimental farm. Address JXU. J. IH'XT, n-lo-'wd.vw Griffin, Ga. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, lias se cured tlie agency lor all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which he is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purchase will do well to learn his prices and terms. TAILOllING. There is an end to all things, so tho people say, hut there Is no end to the splendid fitting clothing made at SI Broad street. Cleaning and repairing done in tlie neatest manner. Give mo a call. John Kenny. Gin House Insurance, —WITH— llauscil «& Merrill, Thomasville, Ga.« d&wto octl-lc Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Light | AND WEIGHTS. MUST 60! Call and get OTT“R, Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will SAVE YOU M0XTE7