The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 25, 1889, Image 1

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iim VOL l-N’C) 115. TliOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, WEDNESDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER S'.5, <885) $5.00 PER ANNUM AS USUAL, Ou In Pints AND Fancy Dress GINGHAMS Arc acknowledged to be the handsomest in the city. They arc selling rapidly, especially those splendid patterns we offer at 8o a Yard. Make your selections before they are picked over too much. Our Fancy Ribbons 3 INCHES WIDE, Which we are offering at the marvelously low price of 25c a Yard., Arc the talk of the town. If you have not seen them yet, it will pay you to call at once and inspect them. For lO cts. We will sell you a beautiful Ladies’ Union 1 Linen Hem stitched Handkerchief, which is certainly the best value ever offered in Thomasvillo. For 5 cents You can buy a nice colored bordered handkerchief, plenty good enough for the children to lose at school. IN JERSEYS Wc have an'elegant all wool Saxony wove Jersey at the as tonishingly low figure of $1.00, Never before sold for less than one dollar and fifty cents. These arc but a few of the plums we have in stock for our friends; and lots more to show, if you will just take the trouble to come and look at them. We intend to make things lively this season, and we have the goods and prices to do it with. Wo extend a cordial invita tion to all to visit our establish ment, whether you buy or not. We are always glad to see you and show you what we have. 132 BllOAD ST. The Decay of New England. Frequently during the past few years, a wail goes up front New I’.Dg- land to the effect that her hill towns have gone to decay and that her farms are deserted. We sympathize somewhat with • the cry of disttess that greets us from time to time in the New England newspa pers, for it is indeed a serious matter. When social decay and agricultural de cay nod at each other across a crumb ling fence, it is time for the leading spirits of New England to take their eyes off of the prosperous and pros pering south for a while,kind turn their attention to their own affairs Professor Charles Elliot Norton has set the example. In a recent address delivered ir. Ashfield.hc alluded to the vast changes taking place in New England—all of them changes for the worse and not for the better. Profes sor Norton proposed no remedy. He merely described the situation, and proceeded to discuss it from a moral and social standpoint. Such discussion is necessarily very interesting, but there is nothing prac tical about it—nothing calculated to soothe the pride of those who have for years been comparing the condition of the south with the thrift and prosperity of New England. Such decay, decline in population and deserted farms, are not what one would expect to find in New England after the high and mighty lectures that her organs of public opinion have been delivering to the south, and it is no wonder that the situation casts a certain amount of gloom over the otherwise cheerful columns of our es teemed contemporaries. The Springfield Republican, always alert, called attention to the matter several years ago, and .Mr. Whiting made it the subject of one of his most charming editorial essays. At this late day the other papers art: surprised to discover that the remoter towns and districts of New England have been practically, stripped of their thrifty pop ulation. The situation—if wc may call it such—is so serious, indeed, that the legislature of New Hampshire has ap pointed a Mr. Nahum J. llachelder to devise ways and means ol rehabilitat ing the deserted farms of that state. In pursuance of his duties, Mr. Bach cider has been sending out letters to the selectmen of various districts in or der to find out the real status of affairs. The replies thus fat received, show that in one township more than thirty farms have been deserted during the past twenty-five years. They had not been sold—apparently there was no demand for them—they have been literally abandoned. In another town ship (Bath) seventy-five thousand acres of land have been abandoned. Fourteen other townships report more than twenty one thousand acres of farms, on which all the buildings have been allowed to rot away. A more significant array of figures could scarcely be compiled. What is the matter with New England?—Con stitution. The Hon. Mclver, “Colored ” The lion, Mclvcr, of Liberty county, is one of the most remarkable members of the present legislature. . He is, politically speaking, the last remnant of the negro legislatures of former days. He is tlio only negro that, for the last two sessions of the general assembly, has occupied a seat in that body. But it is not so much tlie political fortunes of his race that make bint an interesting figure. If history were searched, a more ttfcful and more conservative negro could not he found occupying, at any time, a scat in legislative halls. Besides this he is peculiarly inter esting to us because he is an old befo’ de war “darkey,” a vestige of that race of old servants whom, as boys ami girls, are find southern homes, wo used to call “uncle” and “daddy.” He is not a “colored niau" of the present day. He would, as the honest old negro lie is, resent being called “colored.” He is a negro, a darkey of the time when the southern plan tation was in its glory ami its happi ness, oml lie doubtless owes his gentle ness and breeding to the careful, affectionate training of some gentle southern women, and to the love lie bore for, and won from, southern boys and girls in his old home. You must go to the low country, to the region of the cotton plantation, and to the sea board, to catch an occasional glimpse of this venerable figure that is fast fading from the world. You cannot find him in the interior. He hugs the coast, his old home for generations. Such were the old negroes who were the body servants and compan ions of our Washingtons and Lccs, and who told us ghost stories and stories of .“hull fox” in the olden time, and whom we loved almost as muclilas our fathers and mothers. There are no race animosities or prejudices in this last of his generation, lie loves the people who raised him and instilled into him the refinement of a courtier and the gentleness of a girl. He is always to be fottud on the right side of all controversies. There never fell from human lips a truer aud more heartfelt word than the “yes” when lie voted, a few days ago, for a school to train the girls of southerd women, whom a generation ago ho called “ole missus,” in their plantation homes.—Atlanta Journal. They are Thirsty. Some of our thirsty neighbors ill the dry counties, it seems, are in the habit of sending a purchasing agent to this city to buy their supply of whisky, who returns with it on the train ns baggage, thus saving express charges. . So universally is this habit becoming, and so porccptiblo is tho decrease it is making in tho express business, flint Agcut Glover will re port to his company and ask that their contract with the railroad he en forced, which is that nothing but bag gage will he carried free for passen gers. From this it would seem that our neighbors who live in dry counties will have to get their whisky in tho old orthodox fashion, or come over and take it hack within thcmsolvcs. Of the two plans wc would •recommend the former. The latter plan would he smuggling, and such smuggling is demoralizing. Nothing so completely unfits a man fo • business as to attempt to carry home a week’s supply of whisky under his shirt. This is an accomplishment that belongs peculiar ly to hut few. Wc do not blame a man for trying, to economize, for “economy is the road to wealth,” nnd wc realize that if some of our friends in the dry coun ties could save the express charges on their whisky they would get rich- But don’t do it to the detriment of some one else. Think how the ex press business in Dawson would lie dwarfed. Don’t let your own selfish motives deprive a worthy express agent of the means of support.—Daw son News. When Illinois “white caps” go round whipping and slashing—well Solomon, in all his glory, wss not a raid like one of these —Times Union; Jacksonville. It should be remembered tlut these fellows, unlike the “lillies ofthe valley,” toil and spin—spin yarns and lies about the South. The Philadelphia Inquirer takes no stock in the statement that Corporal Tanner was removed because he talk ed too much. It says: "Secretary Noble got rid of Tanner in order to save the treasury from bankruptcy and the administration front wreck.” The contract for building the Macon aud Birmingham Railroad, from Macon, Gn., west to Thomas- tou,.Ga., about 50 miles, has been let, and work will soon commence. The locating survey is being com pleted rapidly.—Scientific American* Journiiism in Kentucky. Journalism in the Sunny South, says the Chicago News, is by no means one continuous round of pleasure. In the editorial columns of the Elizabeth town (Ky.) Semi-Weekly Independent we find a thrilling recital, from which we compile the following: “Last Thursday morning w£ were in County Judge W. H. Gardner’s office, discussing the exposure of the mutilated document, when one F. M Joplin, of the firm of F.-M. Joplin & Bro , of this place, pasted the door and was called in by Mr. Gardner. We had on several occasions accused Mr. Gardiner of this mean act, and in order to clear his own skirts, he saw the necessity of producing the author ship, and this is why he took occasion to bring Mr. Joplin before the writer. A few words were passed, when Jop lin uttered in an offensive language, ‘I gave that contract to Sommers,’ to which we replied, ‘Why didn’t you give him the genuine contract?’ where upon Joplin seized a chair and made a desperate effort to crush our brains out, but was prevented by Judge Gard ner. “He made a second attempt to exe cute his intentions by grasping a strong hold on our throat, but another vigor ous interference by Judge Gardner prevented his doing us bodily harm. At this point Joplin was pushed on the outside ojstlardncr’s office and the door locked. In a few minutes we opened the door in order that wc might go to our office, but was again attacked by Joplin and chased out of the court house.' In a provoked and angry passion, we rushed to our office, where wc secured a revolver—but on returning, found that our would-be assassin had sneaked to his place of business and was well protected by a double-barreled shotgun. A warrant was issued and all parties arrested. Joplin confessed guilty and was fined $s and costs, while the writer was convicted for carrying concealed deadly weapons, and was fined $50. In other words, it cost the writer $50 to get a whipping, while Joplin paid only $5 to whip him. “Mr. Joplin is no man, for a man never stoops to such a surreptitious manner as he did. He may bear an outward resemblance to that highest type of animal—but there are none of the attributes of man in his nature. His late actions show that he would do anything that is cowardly, con temptible and mean.” The Rome Tribune, discussing the “Sunset” editorial of the late S. S.Cox, says of it: What a rare old sunset that must have been which “Sunset” Cox painted with an inspired pen on a cold com posing stone in a printing office! Read ing it now, one can see the cloud cas tles in the west with stairways and bat tlements of gold, with a thrill in the veins, as the lightning leaps from glow ing peak to peak in intricate mad angles; can feel the relrcshing shower that fell upon the hushed, green earth, hear the fire bells that clanged for joy, and the glad laughter of the rose cheeked children in the streets, revel ing in the glory of the scene! Perfect picture, and perfect hand that painted it! A picture like the artist's life, where the dark was soften ed with intermittent gleams of loveliest light and every storm was arched and glorified by rainbow hues, and glad bells chimed sweet music, and little children clapped their hands for joy, and old men smiled through tears 1 Beyond the portals of Life’s last, sad sunset, that life has passed into the perfect and resplendent day, but the light it, left on earth will beautify the lives of others, and make radiant for ever the memory of “Sunset” Cox. Doctor—“Well, how’s the ague this morning?’’ Colonel Bluegrassfon a visit to Ohio)—“I’m better, Imt wife is worse.” “Worse, ch? Did she take that quinine and whiskey I prescribed ?’’ “Well-cr-you sec Doctor, I thought, being only a |woman, she might not he ablo to stand it as well as a man, you know, and so sho took the quinine and I took the whisky.” Heavily Handicapped. Harper’s Bazar says : “Woman canj not move as comfortably ia her inves titure as a man.” No, and she can’t undo four buttons and kick the whole arrangement of! while walking from the door to the bed, cither. And she can’t put it on between the ringing of the breakfast bell and the asking of the blessing, cither. And yet she thinks there are some things in politics that she can reform. She thinks she can make the men believe she can do some things far better than they can. And still it is a lamentable fact, patent to all men, that when there arc three women in a sleeping car, and only two dressing rooms for ladies, these women have to arise at 4 o’clock in order to permit two of them to dress in time for the 8 a. m. breakfast. There arc some things that woman— God bless her—can’t reform, and some things that she can; some that she tries to, and some that she just won’t. Now, if she will only straight en out the problems and possibilities, she can work wonders. And if she keeps them gnarled up, why, she can work wonders also. But the wonder will be why she works.—Burdette in Brooklyn Eagle, Under New Management. George A. Farnham, owner and manager of the American hotel at Sar atoga, has leased all the railway res taurants of the Plant system, and will conduct them this season. He has had control of the S. F. & W. restau rant at Jacksonville for three seasons, and now that those of Savannah, Way- cross and Sanford will be under his management, the patrons of the coast line will find most excellent fare and service at every eating house on the entire route from New York to Tam- PA- Extensive improvements are dicing made at Savannah and Waycross.with the intention of bringing the dining rooms at those places in line with the one in the S. F. & W. station here, which is really a very tastily and con veniently arranged apartment. At Sanford a new brick restaurant building lias been erected by the Plant Investment company. Mr. Fish, for several seasons steward of the St. James hotel here, will have the immediate supervision ot the res taurants, assisted by a competent .steward at each station. Mr. Farnham himself will spend the winter south, and can be depended upon to look after the interests of his patrons.—Timcs- Union, Jacksonville. How to Escape Lightning. Ordinarily person* exposed to a thunder storm lire to the nearest shel ter to escape wetting. If a man is thoroughly wet it is impossible for lightning to kill him. Tfie great scientific lecturer, Faraday, once de monstrated to his audience at the Royal Institution that with all the powerful electrical apparatus at his disposal, it was impossible for him to kill a rat whose coat had been sat urated with water. It would he well, therefore, for any person in a severe thunder storm and liable to a lightn ing stroke, to allow himself to he drenched with rain at the earliest moment possible, and in the absence of sufficient rainfall to avail himself of any other means at hand to wet his outer apparel.—X. Y. Herald. Ice in tho Sick Room. * A saucerful of shaved ice, says the New York Medical Times, may ho preserved twenty-four hours with the thermometer in the room at 90 de grees F., if the following precautions are observed: Put tho saucer con taining the ice in a soup plate aud cover it with another. Place tho soup plates thus arranged on a good, heavy pillow and cover it with au- other pillow, pressing the pillows so that the plates arc completely imbed ded in them. An old jack-plane set deep, is a most excellent 'thiug with which to shave ice. It should be turned bottom upward, aud the ice shoved backward aud forward over thu cutter. | LEVY’S Latest Success, FOR READ, READ!* And Profit by the Same. GUARANTEED,“EVERY PAIR, Or Money Refunded. BLACK HOSIERY. THE GREAT SUCCESS Which our “Onyx” Dyed Hosiery met with last season, and the uuiver- sal satisfaction given by these abso lutely fast dye gooils has stimulated us to still further improvement for this season, by producing the goods from Ingrain yarns, thus giving greater strength and wearing qualities to the fabric, aud at the same time re taining all tho excellent qualities of dye, which have been so thoroughly tested and approved in previous sea sons. Try a pair of Onyx, and you will never wear any other stocking, for cverv pair is warranted not to stain the feet and clothing, and to withstand the effects of perspiration as well ns repeated washings. Furthermore, any pair not found as represented, re turn them and your money will be refunded. , None genuine unless stamped with above trade-mark. FOR SALE ONLY BY L Lev; 2 Co., Mitchell House Block