The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 26, 1889, Image 1

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ntttpri VO!. 1-NO lH! THOMASYILLE, GEOEG1A, THURSDAY MORNING. SEPTEMBER 20, '881) $5.00 PER ANNUM AND Fancy Dress • GINGHAMS Arc acknowledged to be the handsomest in the city. They arc selling rapidly, especially those splendid patterns we offer at 8c a Ya,rcL. Make your selections before they are picked over too much. Our Fancy Ribbons 3 INCHES WIDE, Which we are offering at the marvelously low price of SSc a, Yai'd, Are the talk of the town. If you have not seen them yet, it will pay you to call at once and inspect them. For lO otp. We will sell you a beautiful Ladies’ Union Linen Ilem- * stitched Handkerchief, which is certainly the best value ever offered in Thomasvillo. For 5 cents You can buy a nice colored bordered handkerchief, plenty good enough for the children to lose at school. Wo have an'elegant all wool Saxony wove Jersey at the as tonishingly low figure of #1.00, Never before sold for less than one dollar and fifty cents. These arc but a few of the plums we have in stock for our friends: and lots more to show, if you will just take the trouble to come and look at them. We intend to make things lively this season, and we have the goods and prices to do it with. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to visit our establish ment, whether you buy or not. We are always glad to see you and show you what we have. I i LMill > BROAD. ST. THE STOCK BREEDERS’ FAIR, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15th, 1889. A GRAND GALA DAY. FEATURES OF THE OCCASION. Exhibition of Stock—Running and Trotting Races —Shooting Match —Organization of Old Oonfcds — Spoehos by Distinguished Gen tlemen—An Old-Fashioned Bar becue—Everything Free and Ev erybody Invited. City Ham., Sept. 24, 1889. In response to a call of President Hopkins, a meeting of the Thomas County Stock Breeders’ and friends of the Association was held in the city hall at 8 p. m. to-day. The President stated that the meet ing had been called to devise' means to make the fair, fixed for the 15th of November, the greatest possible suc cess. The objecls of the association were explained and shown to be solely lor the good of the county and section, and ascertain what would tend to enlist the interest and co-operation of all our citizens in this laudable enterprise, was ihe special business of the meeting. The expression of opinions and a dis cussion of the subject was invited. A general call was made for Mr. K. T. McLean, who responded in a brief speech. He heartily endorsed the association as moving in the right di tion, and spoke of its predecessor, the old South Georgia Fair Association, and the incalculable good, not only to Thomas county, but to the whole sec tion, which resulted from its annual exhibits and the assembling together ot our people He was anxious to see our people again united and interested in the subject of fairs, believing they would still do much to stimulate and develop our agricultural resources. To bring the people together is the first step in this direction, and as perhaps Ihe best means to accomplish this, he offered the following: Resolved, That the Stock Breeders Association of Thomas, county hereby propose to spread a grand barbecue on Friday, the 15th of November, (the date fixed lor the annual Exhibit of stock) at ihe old lair grounds, 10 abol ish all admission lees, and cordially invite the citizens, not only of the county, but of south Georgia and Flor- ida. to meet with them on 'hat occa sion. Messrs R. G. Mitchell, E. M. Mal- lettc, M- B. Jones, II. J. McIntyre, B. A. Bass, and others spoke in favor of the resolution, and when put by the chair it passed unanimously. A motion was offered to appoint R. G. Mitchell, Joseph Jcrger and J. T. Chastain a committee to issue a call to the suryivitig Confederate soldiers of the county to attend the fair and barbecue with a view to organize a Veterans' Association. This likewise passed without a dissenting vote. Mr. B A. Bass moved the election of Messrs II, W. Hopkins, K. T. Mc Lean, J. W. Reid, W. R, Mclntyte, F. I’. Horn, J. T. Chastain, H. Wise, M. B. Jones and Sidney Howard as a committee on management, with power to add to and appoint such sub-committees as they might deem necessary to carry out the programme as adopted by the meeting. The mo tion was amended by adding Mr. Bass to the committee and passed. Mr. W. R. McIntyre moved that the committee be requested to invite and secure, if possible, the attendance ol one or more prominent gentlemen Irom abroad to address the people on the 15th. Motion carried. Meeting adjourned. H. W. Hopkins, J. T. Chastain, President. Secretary. Immediately after the adjournment of the meeting, the committees met to map out the work to be done. The general committee added to its num ber two gentlemen from each district outside of the town. The following are the names of the gentlemen chos en : Duncanville —John Ilarvin, R. P. Doss. Metcalfe—L. W. Carter, Dr. E. R Young. Glasgow—Wm. Vaughn, Geo. Par ker. * Boston—D. T. Forest, J. B. Eason. Ways—W. D. Peacock, Rev. A. C. Stephenson. Murpheys—B. E. Chastain, W. B. Dukes. Ochlockonee—J. M. Bulloch, J. J. Ragan. Sperce—P>. H. Pope, T. J. White. Cairo—Dr. AV. B. Clower, Doss Collins. This committee is requested to meet at the city hall at 10 a. m. on the 2nd Tuesday in October. The general committee also appoint ed the following gentlemen a commit tee on subscriptions: B. A. Bass, J. S. Montgomery, L. H. Jergcr, F. P. Horn and H. Wise. The committee on Confederate vet erans issued the following call: To the Confederate Veteran*: On the 15th day ol November next, the Slock Breeders’ Association will have a fair and give a grand barbecue. The undersigned have been appointed a committee to invite you to meet with them on that occasion. Thinking it an opportune time to organize an old Veterans' Association of the county, that we may renew the acquaintance and friendship ol long ago, and with a view to social reunions in the future, you are hereby cordially invited to be present on that day. All old veterans registered and badges furnished. Ad mittance to the fair grounds and bar becue free. Let all who can come - come, and br ng their families\ Rout. G. Mitchei.l, Joseph, Jergf.r, Jno. T. Chastain, Com of old Vets. •It is earnestly hoped that every cit izen in the county will he interested in the programme adopted by the stock breeders. Let us all lend a helping hand, and make the day and the occasion memorable in the history of tlm county. Bring whatever you can in the way of stock; day to recreation and reunion of old asso ciations and friendships, and show to our neighbors and friends from other comities what Thomas county is doing for herself, and what she can do in the way of true hospitality and credit able entertainment. SLANG AND ITS ORIGIN. How Some Popular Words and Phrases Came Into Being. From tlio Pittsburg Dispatch. This tuny he called in one sense the age of slang. But after all what is called slang is frequently the giving of a new meaning to old words or the invention of new words from old roots. The slang of to-day becomes the clo gant language of to-morrow. It is in teresting to note how many of the commonest words and even phrases which were oucc regarded as slangy and inelegant became part of the polite language of the times. AVords, like lives, have a biography. Many words, indeed, have histories which are histories of important personages and events in the affairs of the world. This makes the history of a word often as interesting and as valuable as that ol individuals. Dun” is a word now whose mean ing is known to every 011c who under stands the English language. Too many wish they did not know it, A’et, at the beginning of this century it was unknown as a verb. About that a constable in England named John Dun became celebrated as a first-collector of bad accounts. AVhcn others would fail to collect a badjdcbt. Dun would be sure to get it out of the debtor. Ho well known did this become, that people from all the sut- ruunding country sent him their ac counts .when they could not collect them. It soon passed into n current phrase that when a person owed money, and did not pay when asked, lie would have to he' “Dunned.’ Hence, it soon became common in such cases to say, “You will have to Dun so-and-so if you wish to collect your money.” OUTSIDERS AND I’OMTU AI, ROOMS. Until the nomination of Franklin Pierce for the presidency the word “outsider” was unknown. The com mittee on credentials came in to make its report and could not get in to the hall because of the crowd of people who were not members of the convention. The chairman of the convention asked if the committee .was ready to report, and the chair man of the committee answered: “Yes, Mr. Chairman; but the com mittee is unable to get inside on ac count of the crown and pressure of these outsiders.” The newspaper re porters ever ready to appreciate a good word or phrase, took up the word and used it. Since then it has been a common word, and we could uot do without it. “Boom,” in its new sense of meaning a popular cla mor for a man, or for any question or movement, is a recent word—being first used 'as such in 1880. Grant was being run for a third term. This brought out a bitter opposition, even among the republicans. One paper said the movement was like a boom across a swollen stream, taking in all that was worth having. A St. Louis paper took it up, and said the third-term movement was properly called a boom, ns it raked in every thing on the top of the muddy stream of politics, mostly trash and scum. This gave a new meaning to the word.' Since then it has been in common use as such. HOW CTIKKTNUTS CAM!-: INTO BEING. “Chestnuts,” in reference to repeat ing stories which nrc old, is a new word, and not much can he said in its favor, except thnt, being a word that is not-inelegant either in sound or origin, and expressing so much in two .syllables, it 1ms probably come to stay with 11s. Its origin is not positively known, and only two probable sources arc given. One is thnt some shrewd wit, seeing an analogy between the propensity of a joke to become stale and flat quickly and the chestnut to become wormy in a few days, applied the word “chestnuts” to a joke when repeated too often and palmed ofl as new on a company which had heard it so frequently as to become bored. This may be its origin, but I am in clined to attribute it to the other alleged source, to wit: That a theat rical party, traveling on a train, and trying to beguile the weary hours by reading*and tolling stories, bought a lot of chestnuts at a station to help pass, the time. A member of the company proposed that they tell stories, ami that whoever told a story which had been told recently should be pelted with chestnuts A little hell in the party was to lie rung whenever a stale joke was perpetrated as a signal that all were to fling a chestnut at the offender. This is said to he the origin both of the phrase and of the chestnut hell craze which raged over this entire country four years ago. DAVID (OPRERFIELI) CALLED A DAISY. “A'ou are a daisy,” is considered very slangy by those who use it indis criminately and ofteu times it is. But, if used in the sense in which its in ventor, if I may so speak of a word, Charles Dickens, .intended it, it is a good and forcible word. In “David Copperficld” it is first used in the sense of calling a person a daisy in a way to express admiration, and, at the same time, to laugh at one’s cre dulity. Steerforth says to young Copperficld : “David, my daisy, you arc so innocent of the world. Let me call you my daisy, as it is so refresh ing to find one in these corrupt days so innocent and unsophisticated. My dear Copperfield, the daisies of the field are not fresher than you.” Hence, when conveying the idea that a person is artless nnd innocent amid a skeptical and scheming condition of society, to say “You arc a dnisy” is not slang. It is forcible and elegant The same passage gave us the other word, meaning the same thing, though sounding a little harsher, “fresh.” A\ r e often hear the expression, “You’re too fresh.” This, too, was originnlly meant by Dickens to mean an inno cent iguorauce of the ways of the world. It was so used by Steerforth in reference to David Copperficld. But when used to mean that a person is impudent or forward, as is too fre quently the case now, it becomes slang, as such a meaning is in reality sense less. TOO THIN NOT SLANG. “Too thin,” is a two-worded phrase heard in all classes of society. By some it is used in a vulgar sense, and is objectionable slang; by others it is used in the manner which gave to us as a good word. To say, when speak ing of an ’action, “Oh, that is too thin,” is vulgar slang, because an ac tion cannot be thin. But to say, when a person makes a statement which is calculated to mislead, “Oh, that is too thin,” is not slang. It was given currency by the II011. Alexan der II. Stephens of Georgia,in the United States congress in i^70. Some member had made a reply to Mr. Stephens, and the hitter had his clmir wheeled jo lit in the aisle and said in that shrill, piping voice which always commanded silence: “Mr. Speaker, the gentleman's arguments arc gratuitous assertions made up of whole cloth. And cloth, sir, so gauzy and thin that it will not hold water, It is entirely too thin, sir. SEEKING BROTHER JONATHAN’S AjjD. “Brother Jonathan,” as a name for the United States, is much older than this, and was given by AVasliiugton himself, though that individual had no idea of making a slang phrase for a name to his country at that time. Jonathan Trumbull, governor of Con necticut, furnished the struggling colo nial army with funds and supplies on many an occasion. One time the army was in sore distress and a con sultation was held. In the midst of it some one wondered what would ho done. AVnshington enswerod : “AVell, we’ll have to put it oil till we can sec Brother Jonathan,” ns Gov. Trumbull was called, “he will help us out, I guess.” And he did, nnd gave his name to the country his zeal nnd patriotism helped to save. AN INVENTION OF PROF. TYNDALL. Thus it is that words are made and phrases take on a new meaning. In this manner the language progresses by accretion, as it were. Such words as take new meanings Irom a custom arc usually from the common people; that is, those who are not scholarly. It is in this way that old words drop out or take new meanings and lose their old ones and new words take their place. At first most of them arc slang. One of the best words we have is “ag nosticism,” yet its inventor, Prof. Jno. Tyndall, the great scientist, says that when he used it he had no idea it would be used again, or that he would be understood in using it. He could find no other, he says, to convey an idea of his religious belief in answer to the request of some churchmen that he tell what he did believe. Hence he invented “agnosticism,” meaning ‘ the unknowable.” It is only about 15 years old. Several cotton planters in Georgia have gone crazy trying to solve the riddle concealed in the late action ot the cotton exchanges of the United States at New Orleans, on the subject of tare on cotton. Unless there is an early solution to the problem, an ad dition will have to be built to the State insane asylum, and set apart especially for this unfortunate class. . Louis has raised $5,000,000 for the great exposition of 1892. New York, Chicago and Washington city have yet to be heard from. LEVY’S Latest Success, -FOR- ties, ivusses anti unu HEAD, HEAD! And Profit by the Same. GUARANTEED,JEVERY PAIR, BLACK HOSIERY. //V G R THE GREAT SUCCESS Which our “Onyx” 1 Dyed Hosiery met with last season, and the univer sal satisfaction given by these abso lutely fast dye goods lias stimulated us to still further improvement for this season, by producing the goods from ingrain yarns, thus giving greater strength and wearing qualities to the fabric, and at the same time re taining all the excellent qualities of dye, which have been so thoroughly tested and approved in previous sea sons. Try a pair of < >nyx, and you will never wear any other stocking, for every pair is warranted not to stain the feet and clothing, and to withstand the effects of perspiration as well as repeated washings. Furthermore, any pair not found as represented, re turn them and your money will be refunded. 1 None genuine unless stamped with above trade-mark. FOR SALE ONLY BY L Levy & Co, Mitchell House Block