The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 28, 1889, Image 4

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Our Ilappy Henson. From the Washington Capital Cool weather comes, bald-headed men Observe the fact with glee, For each may say and say again. ‘ There are no flies on in *. ’ Whens. When a man tells me that lie would not do such a mean act as 15ro. Wank was guilty of, I keep my eye on him to see. When a pessemist tells me that every thing is going to' the dogs, I do not need to see in what direction he is traveling. When a man seeks notoriety and sympathy on the score of what ho has been, I am at once led to question closely what he is. When a man adopts abuse instead of argument for the" advocacy ot a cause, J am sorry for the cause and suspicious of the advocate. When a young minister says he finds it much easier to preach extem pore than to write his sermons, I have sympathy for his congregation. When a person tells me he can’t render Christian service, I spell it “can’t,” and then substitute in its place the truth, “don’t want to.” When a man protests that ho is innocent of an act before lie lias been charged with it, “methinks lie doth protest” too soon, it' not “too much.” When a layman tolls pie that he can preach about as. well as his pas tor, I argue that he either under esti mates the preacher or over-estimates himself. When a merchant advertises that he always gives honest measures, I deal with somebody else. Honesty that has to ho advertised may well be suspected. When a pastor becomes a perpetual scold and critic, I know his own heart needs sweetening. Things in general look wrong when there is dust on one’s spectacles. When a minister constantly tells his people what they should not do and rarely tells them what they should, I expect to find them doing what they should not. When a church gets clique cursed or exclusive, I know Christ is not a member of it, for ho belonged to no' set, no caste, hut to the world. “Whosoever will, let him come,” is the motto of his church. When the deacons of a church are to be found in the vestibule before and after service, welcoming stran gers and smiling everybody into good spirits, I congratulate the pastor, and perhaps envy him a little When a man tells me that he be-1 lieve Shakespeare has done the world as much good as the Bible. I do not know how well lie is acquained with Shakespear, hut I do know lie must he vastlyjgnorant of the Bible. When a politician says lie seeks no office, and is visiting Washington purely for pleasure, I look in the newspapers each morning to find out if he has yet received the appointment to something he professedly does not want. When a young Christian continual ly wants to know why it is wrong for lrim to do this and that doubtful thing, and if it may not he all right in case his conscience approves, 1 am sure it will end by his doing all the desired tilings, right or wrong, con science or no. Moths play around the light until they get fatally burnt. When a man tells me he is an infi del, and then asks me for a few dol lars to save him from starvation, J answer by recommending him to the charitable organizations founded and maintained by infidels. And when he replies ifi bewilderment, that he does not know of any, I assure him that he has uttered one of the stron gest arguments against infidelity and for Christianity. When a member of another denom ination says he has changed his views of doctrine and wants to ui^fe with mine, at the same time seeking a small loan to help him out of immediate necessities, I look into his letter to discover how many other churches he has belonged to and borrowed from. A Christian should not be suspicious overmuch, neither should he squander overmuch on church tramps.—The Standard. IF A nonv MEET A BODY the result is a collision, whether “romtngr thro’ the rye,” or not. Life is full of collis ions. We are constantly colliding with some body or something-. If it isn’t with our neighbors it is with some dread diseases that ” knocks us otT the track ” mid perhaps dis ables us for life. Women especially it seems, have to bear the brunt of more collisions and nlllictions than mankind. In all cases of nervousness, benrinjr-down sensations, ten derness, periodical pains, sick headache , con gestion, lntianunation, or ulceration and all ‘•female irregularities” and “weaknesses,” Dr. Tiorcc's Favorite Prescription comes to the rescue of women as no other medicine does. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under n positive guarantee, from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will be refunded. See guarantee on bottlo- wrapper. Copyright, 1SSS, by World’s Dis. Med. Ass’x. Dr. PIERCE’S PELLETS regulate and ole.i bowels. They art fcctly harmless. One druggists. 25 t Dose. Sold by MARVELOUS DISCOVERY. Only Genuine ftvatem of Memory Tralniu*. i-our Jlonks I 4 t;«rpe:l in eiiu reading. Itliu 1 vi rimtei ing cured, livery child and iniuU fitvn!<y hcnoflttcd. • Grunt inducomvu’d to C ;rrv«puiiJcnce Classes. Pruned us, wi'h of Pr.Wm. A.IInm. inond, the world-fa .• I ••.-•.•iilmt In -br.d Disease*. I) 'ill i cl G rocilf"'* 1 Tl*no? the groat Psychol ogist, .1. HI. Bmtkicj . »■* y- : '• Utorof the Christian —CARBON ATED^WITH— NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. 1)1(1 XK Glen Springs Mineral Water For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. SCHMIDTS. It is a singular coincidence that Mrs Jessie Boring, of Oxford, Ala., and Mrs. Gen. My rick, of Baldwin county, Ga., should have died the same week. Both were members of the first class that graduated at Wesleyan Female ‘college, Macon, Ga. FRESH MEATH. We will open, Monday, April 1st, ut the place lately occupied by Mr. I*. 11. Bone u fine stock of fresh meat3. Beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from our own farms, fat, uicy and Bvveet. We will be glad to receive our patronage and will serve you with the eat meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. Horn k Ba PASSENGER SCHEDULE — AND — FREIGHT SERVICE In effect l’F.n. 20, 1889, via Tiie KAIV.KOAU. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. Suwance River Route to Florida. Standard Time same as Macon city time.. GO I NO SO UTIL | OOI N O NOllTH _ ..4 W> pmiLv Valdosta. ...5 15 am .4 10 pm " " rt '* * ; Macon.. Solkoe.. Avondale . Wollston ... Unadilla G07 pm Piuehur»t...6 20 pm Findlay 0 ‘.'8 pm ,..S01 pm ...8 17 pm ..8 25 pm Mil Ar Valdo Pas sen go: ...0 10 pm -0 10 pm ..inoo pm .10 12 pm ola H Id pi ..11 :j Mineola 5 30 am 1 Hahira 5 54 am " Oxmoor 0 09 am “ Adel 6 49 am Sparks 6 57 am ** Laconte 7 09 am “ Eldorado 7 at) am “ Tifton 7 59 am " Chula 8 17 am “ Inaha 8 33 am “ Syeamoro....* 44 am “ Ashburn 8 52 am “ Dakota 9 08 am " Arab! 9 22 am “ Wenonn 9 30 am " Cofdele 9 47 am “ Itlchwood ..10 00 am “ Vienna 10 09 am •• Findlay 10 21 am “ Plneliurat..l0 29 am “ Unadilla. 42 am “ Elko 11 02 am “ Grovaoln ...11 10 am “ Tlvola 11 31 am ‘ Kathleen... 11 42 am “ Benalro 1151 am “ Well8ton....l2 05 pm “ Avondale ...12 18pm *• 8ofkee 12 28 pin \r Macon 12 45 pin train a-rive and dopart from pot at Macon dally. Freight received and delivered at Central Railroad Warehouses. Local freight trains leave Macon daily at 0:00 a. mand arrive daily at 8:30 p. m. For further information apply to your sta tion agent or to A. C. KNAPP, TrAfllc Manager. Macon, Ga. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula Railroad. Formerly I lie F. II. & IV* Co. Stan da k d T i m e U sed—J u n c 2,1889. 3 1 500 p 1005 a Lv 7 00 p 11 45 a Lv 0 30 p U 27 a Lv 8 30 p 12 42 p Lv 9 25 j. 127pAr 9 55 p 142pAi* 2 27 , Ar tiTUEUN DIVISION 1 8 J 4_ Fornandlim Ar; 3 05p 8 30 a Jacksonville Ar 150p‘ 6 10 a Callahan Ar 153p 6 40 a Baldwin Ar l242p 5 00' T n.rrtr,,, Is II Un ft SS JO 30 P 1120 a 1 10 a 3 50 a 5 10 ft Lawtey Arjll58a 3 55 a Starke Ar il 28a 3 30a Waldo Ar|l0 52 a 2 50 a 302 p Ar Hawlhorno Ar 10 2.3a 2 00 4 29 i;- P Ar 610 p Ar c. 40 I» Ar 8 22 p Ar Ocala Ar; 9 07 p 12 01 p Wildwood Ar. 8 (:0a 9 20p Leesburg Ar 7.35 a 7 55p 1 TAMrA DIVIS 30 Lr Jacksonville Ar Lv Wildwood Ar Ar PanasolTkoo Ar .Vr Suintorvlllo Ar VrSt. Catliorluo Ar j.Vr Lacoochco Ar .-r Dado City Ar . Ar Plant City Lv “cedar key di v. 610ft 8 45 p 800 p 7 30 p 6 40p , COOp i 5 45p 4 00 p 14 | 24 7 00 n 1145 a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150p 610a i wu y ** * i _ ,/i-ir 1 in n 00 a 5 ID a 10 45 3 4 10 p Lv Waldo ..., 4 53 ]»Ar Galnesvillo Ar 5 42 p Ar Archer Lv c 12 p Ar Bronson Ar Ar Cedar Key _Ly 1035 p 3 40 p 9 40 a! 2 30 p 8 ‘25 a 1215 p 7 48 a ... "I l | wLsters division l 10 ■7 BO PI 7 iH a'Lv Jacksonville Ar- 3 20 pi 2 45p S05D 800a:Ar Baldwin Ar! 235 p| 1 46p 1040 p! 9 3d a Ar LakoCity Ar 108 p 1123a 11 58 i> 10 ‘27 a A r Live Oak Ar,12 23 p V 55 a l04aU28a'Ai MaUlson Aril 15a 815a 4 10 a 12 32 pi Ar Montlcollo Lvlo30a 5 25 a 0 10 a! 2 02 pi Ar Tallahassoo Lv 9 50 a 3 20 a u 00 al 3 03\> Ar Quincy Lv 857 a 1 60 a 9 ‘>0 a! 4 00 p A r River June. Lv 800 a 12 03 a 1,2,7, 8,9. ID, 13, 14 Dally. &2, and 03 Dully. 3,4, 23, 24, Dally, except Sunday. 30 Dally ox-Opt Sunday. 31 Dally except Monday, 00 1 C 1005 p-f 61 lus p-130 a Lv Jacksonville ArS50a-G 00 ' 00 a Ar Fernand lna Lv715a-4 30 l C dally, except Sunday. 00 and 61 Sundays only. 7 :15 a. in., New Orleans Express. Shortest and quickest lino to all Middle and West Florida points, Pensacola, Mobilo and Now GrU'&iLS. 7 :15 a. m. an A 7:30 p. m. trains con nect through to Thomasvllle, Montgomery, Nashville, St. Lmils. Clnclnuatl. Chicago, and all points North and Wowt. ^rrlvo at 2:45 p* m. and 3.45 p. m. 11:45 p. m. Mail and Express for nil points South, Galnesvillo, Ocala, Leesburg, Tavores, Apopka, Orlando, PanasolYkeo pSt. Catharine) Dado City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:50 p. in, 7 :00 p. m. Local, connects through for all poluts South, Ocala, Gainesville, Lecsburff, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, Souther? land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at 0:10 a. in, 11:45 a. m. Cumberland Routo Express, nects at Fornandlna with stoamer City of Brunswick, daily, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati St. Louis and Chicago. Arrives 1:50 n. m. 4 .no p. m. FornainUna MaP and Express, dallv, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nicholas for Savannah and way land ings. Thursday with Mallory Steamers for New York. Arrives 8:50 a. m. Suuday train leaves Jacksonville 8:43 a. This new service gives perfect connections at Baldwin for alLpoints North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East nnd Wost. Via Fernandlna, connecting with Str. city of Brunswick, forllruuswlck, Macon, Atlauta and all points North P,pd West. D. E. MAXWELL, A. 0 MACDONELL, (ten. Manager. G. P. h T. A. X. S. FENNlNGTON, Traffic Mnnagsr. J. W REID. Agent at Thomasvllle, Ga. DR. M. M. T. HUDHINGSON, of Lake City, Fla., 30 Years in the Practice of Medicine, Offers bis profess'onal services to the citi zens of Thomnsville and surrounding coun try. Office, 2nd door over A. G. Brown’s store, and A. C. Brown’s residence on Daw son street. d&w6m Sept 17. I)R. A. B. COUCH, - Hew - DIRECT TREATMENT, Offers his professional services to the eiti- iens of Tljomasville and surrounding coun try. Office oyer Steyerman’s store, Broad street, Tliomasville, Ga, 0-:t-d<fc\vly W. C. SNODGRASS. B. F. HAWKINS gXOHGRASS & HAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. Offlco. Formerly occupied by Entorprlso of- IJ1 M McINOTSH, Pliysiciiaia <& Surgeon, Thomasvllle, Georgia. jgyOFFICE over Stark’s, corner Broad and Fleteher Streets. J}R. JOEL. B. COYLE. DENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, HroaillSt.. ovcril’ickctt’s. s. fj. McLENDON, Attorney-at-Law, TO THE NORTH AND NORTHWEST —THE— Li. & JN". LOUISVILLE & NASHVILLE RAILROAD, —IS THE— SHORT LnSTE, —WITH — THROUGH SLEEPING SARS, FROM ALBANY TO HAKIIVILLE, EVANSVILLE, UT. I.Ot/ltt And but one change to IjO Uf *4 VI LI* E* (IIUlNiUTI, VIIICACSO. And other northern cities. Always ask for tickets via the Louisville k Nashville R. R. For anv information, write to C* P. ATMORE, Gen. Pass. Agt, Louisville, Ky. Parties haying friends in the North should advise them to take this route to jTUoraaB- villc during the coming season. Prompt attention’’givcnIto all ^business en trusted to him. Office—Over Watt’s storo, corner. Broad and Jackson streets. J II. COYLE, l). D. S„ Resident Dentist, Thomasvllle, - Georgia. OfTors hia sorviccs to th citizens of Thom* asvlllo and vicinity. Office hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from 2 to 6p. ra. Office—On Jaekson street. Vi. D. MITCHELL, K. G. MITCHELL. JyJITCIIELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Linv, Thomasvllle, • • Georgia. w. dkuct; m. d. Office, up-stairs. Coinor of Broad and Fletcher stroots. [aug 15-’85-3y] S. DEKLK* M. n M Office in Hayes Building. Besidonco—Corner College avenue and Mag nolla street. Telephone communication, No. 23 for night T. BY jFAIB THE ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK OR BOSTON SAVANNAH —AND TnE— OCEANSTEAMSHIPLINE —or THE— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMIklER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on snlo nt reduced rates. Good to return until October 31st, 1880. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from the heat and dust incident to nil-rail routes. If you are sick the trip will invigorate and build you up. Go east by sea and you'll never regret it. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may be had by apply ing to the Agent nt your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, W. F. SIIELLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manage [E, T, CHARITON, CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. i\gont. Trav. Pass, Agt., Savannah Ga, THE PEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEfSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. Wo through oxpross trains dally, with Pull man Palaco BuffetSlcepingCara by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cin- clnnatti and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also bo twoen Loulsvillo and Chicago, whore close con nections aro made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points intermediate— New Fast Mail, Loavlng Louisville, Daily except Sunday, at 7 -30 a. m. Clnclnnattl, Dally, except Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicngo at 0:55. Tlio most rapid service ever attempted be- twoen tho Oreat Commercial Cities on the Ohio River and Chicago, hrough Coupon Tickots, Baggage chock ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, aro among the points that have made the Morcora ROUTES Universally and dosorvedly popular. OHN B.OAR30N, Vlco-pros’t and Oen’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Oen’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passongor Agent. B W. GLADINO. Passengor and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thomasvllle Ga. Whiddon House (Opposite Plney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GA E. B. Wliiddon, Prop. This house, located In tho most desir able and central part of tho city, is now and complete in overy particular. Fur nished in the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, and tho scrvlco rendered by trained andipo- llte servants. Terms reasonable, and pricos graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages Jrom the house meet all trains. dec 10-1 y B. D. FOT&S, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, PRETTY Paying Farms For Sale GrlfiULGYicX Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. Wo will bo glad to make contracts for, superintend, all classes of buildings, public or private, In either brick or wood. Will fur- nisn plans and specifications if required. If you want any building done call on us, and we will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantee satis faction in nil our work. Wo refer to tho many buildings erected by us In Thoiiiasvllle, and to all parties for whom wo have worked Shop on Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. Tbomaavlile, Oa-i Apyll 3, 1889. • N. S. Eaires, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasvllle, Georgia I will bo glad to mako contracts foi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, In either brick or wood. I will guarantee In overy Instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn anil careful estimates mado. MY Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want buy building done call on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomasvlllo and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I hare worked • Tin and Hollow Ware, Geos li Siortii Goods of all kinds, and'agent for King’s Powder Co. GEORGE FEARN, REAL ESTATE AGI \T, OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK, Citj and Conirj Proper!; (or Sale. HOUSES ItE NTEI > And rotn 1’, lit. LOANS! NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description 01 your property I will sell the Henry McLendon place, 3 miles out on the Mag nolia road to a good man on easy terms, at $2,5oo. This is the best small farm, all things considered, in the county. 7 acres in pears, other im- provementsmoderate. Open land for 2-horse farm, admirably ad apted to fruit and vegetables, dairying etc. Ill 1-2 acres, good water and neigli borhood;worth $5,000 but will sell at $2,5oo. Also the Pittman- Thomas place, con sisting of 77 1-2 acres 2 1-2 miles from court house on right side of Magnolia road. No waste land, level and clay soil ; about half open land, balance in beautiful woods, good ten acre pearorchard, just beginnineto bear, small house,fine crops raised this year. Will throw in a good mule and one-liorse wagon, farming implements, etc., and plenty of feod and seed to raise next crop. Better worth $Gooo than most places about town for which that sum is charged, but can be bought at S3,000 on easy terms. To a man who wants little farm conve nient to Thomasvllle, on which he can easi ly earn a good living, I unreservedly and honestly recommend either of these places. Tliomasville Variety WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave^ Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ItOUGTII & DR FED LUMBER. LATIIK8, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS" STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS. Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Door3 and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE j HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. (©•CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. L 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20,00 per month. No children wanted. 5 room house on Washington st., near Broad st., at $15,00 per month, by the year, Large 7 room house on Madi son street, near center of town, at $20.00 per month. This is a desirable and cheap house. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. 11. Mallette, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomaaville. O-eoro-ia