The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, September 29, 1889, Image 3

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THIS REMINDS YOU THAT A Change of Wearing Apparel If Sot Iready Necossary. SOON WILL BE ! Aiul Every Saul}' NATURALLY ASKS THE QUESTION: Where Shall I Buy my Dress Goods? We will answer this for you lure, and Where we will assist you, if we can, to decide what style of Fabric and Trimming would suit you, —FOR WE— PO SITIVELY Have Everything that is NEW & STYLISH -In DRESS GOODS this Season, With the Very latest TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. Robe Suits. Lovely ones, $15'. 00, $10.00, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00. Beautiful Combinations, In the newest Imported Materials. Exquisite Plaids and Stripes, Which are very stylish again this full. In Plain Materials, We have all the new shades, both in fine, nil wool and silk fcarp goods. Ladles’ Cloths, 52 and ad inches wido in a dozen shades. Black Goods. We would rail your special nttent : on to our Black Dress Clouds Stork, which really needs no mention, for wc have earned the reputation of keeping the only complete stoek of Fine Black Dross Clouds in the city, and anyboly contemplating the purchase-of a Black Dress will do herself an injustice to buy before seeing our magnificent stoefc. Black and Colored Silks. All endless variety, in (inis drain, Faille Franeasse- India Faeone, Ifurgalinc Surahs he., &c. In Lovely, Stylish Dress Trilling No one can show >uch a variety. Black & Colored FRINWES, STRIPED.'. SILKS, NEW PERSIAN SILKS, SILK AND VELVET PLUSHES, Persian Bands, t c., &c. Everythingto Match We Invite Ton To call at oiu store ami inspect the loveliest stoek of .Dress Goods ever shown over a Thomasvillc Dress Goods counter. A Pleasure to Show Them. ! THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, 1889. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU K. Thomas Jr's- 12G Broad Street. C. S. Bonduraut Vountoor Observer Weather Bulletin for the 21 hours ending at 7 o’eloekP. M, Sept. 28, 1889. TKMI EIIATeim. 7 a. m h9 2 p. 82 7 p. 12 Maximum for 24 hours 81 Minimum “ “ “ Rain-fall CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church, Rev. Geo. G. N. MacDoncll, Pastor—Prayer meet ing at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Presbyterian Church.—Services in the lecture room—Pastor J. II. Herbencr—services at 11 a. m. and and at night. Prayer meeting Wed nesday night at 7:30. Sunday school 9.30 a. ni. Episcopal Church:—Rev. C. I. LaP.oche, Rector. Services at Library Sunday morning 11 o’clock; afternoon 5 o’clock; Friday afternoon 5 o’clock. Catholic Church:—Mass on sec ond Sunday at 8:30 o’clock a. m.; sermon at 11 a. m. The weather could not be better tor cotton picking. Electric lights have been put in the market. Miss Mattie Williams went up to Camilla yesterday morning. Cotton rolled in yesterday from all directions of the county. Mr. Jno. A. Scott has returned from Marianna, Fla , and will push work on the new jail. Messrs. J. B. Norman and John T. Register, of Colquitt county, were in town yesterday. There are some expert bicyclists here. Why not get up a bicycle con test at the Stock lireedets’ Fair? Reserved seats will be placed on sale’at keid & Culpepper’s drug store on Monday, for the Cleveland-Havcrly minstrels. Secure your seats. Amos Lester, the popular head waiter of the old Gulf, lias, returned from Tate Springs, Tcnn., where he was employed during the summer. Since cool weather has begun riding couples and parties arc out every morning and alicrnoon enjoying ihe healthful exercise. H. Wolff & llro. come before our readers this morning with a new ad vertisement. Read it. You may !>e profited thereby. Mr. J. I.. Humphreys, of Brooks county, was in the city yesterday to consult Dr. T. M. McIntosh in regard to an affection of one of his eyes. Dr. J. G. Hopkins has recently bought a handsome little Orlando car riage for his children. It comfortably seats five little fellows; and is easily drawn by a Shetland pony. A petition is being circulated and numerously signed for arc electric lights on Broad and Jackson streets. It will be laid before the council at its meeting on Monday night, and will receive the attention of that body. Mr. Harry Toner and mother, Mrs. Janette Toner, of Shelbyville, Ind., have arrived, and arc stopping at the Whiddon. Mr. Toner has come out for his health, and will probably stay all winter. it Leadeiytf Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST Miss Fannie Blackshear, who has been spending several weeks with relatives and friends in town, left for her home near Duncanville yesterday afternoon. Several young men arc looking rather blue this morning. Would it not be a good idea to offer’ a number ol special premiums, for the Stock Breeders’ Fair? It would in crease and make the exhibition more interesting. Who will be the first to offer a special premium? We will take pleasure in publishing them. Once more, wc presume to call at tention of the powers that he to the propriety of constructing a sidewalk across the railroad, on the west side of lower Broad street. We uuderstaud that Mr. Horrocks proposes to build several cottages to rent on his recent purchase on flic Boulevard. Mr.Horrocks is a hustler. Ho lias already built one house since his arrival. CURTRIGrHT & DA.N1EL Are now receiving a large and elegant assortment of the celebrated Zeigler and Reed’s fine Ladies Shoes. J. S. Turner’s, Stacy Adams’ and Bannister’s Men Shoes. Boys’ and Misses’ School Shoes a Specialty. Sign of tUe Big Boot. John Washington. John is no relative of the late George/ Washington. A fellow who would steal a pair of pants, would have lied about that cherry tree. John is very much colored. He has hccu wanted in Tliomasville for sometime, and now he is wanted in Cairo. Last Saturday John concluded that he must have a new pair of pants to wear next day—Sunday, so he stole them from a merchant of that thriving town. But lie was caught. ’Squire Singletary set on him and hound him over to the superior court for larceny. The Marshal stored John away in the calaboose for safe keeping, expecting to bring him to Tliomasville on Mon day, where he would live in a brick house. While the pious people of Cairo were at church on Sunday, and a restful quiet brooded over the town, John concluded it was not good for him to he there. The Marshal found the hole through which he crept. It was all that was left to remind him of John Washing ton. In the quiet hush of the Sabbath— even while Sabbath bells were ring ing—John left, left for parts un known; left the town far behind him, going out into the broad open coun try, where he could commune with nature undisturbed, hear the birds sing, and pluck the wild flowers as he wandered through nature’s grnnd cathedral. He is wandering through naturo’s grand cathedral yet, loitering, per haps, beside somo rippling stream as it merrily sings on its way to tho sea; resting, anon, in some sylvnn glen, where the vulgar eyes of the law reacheth not; watching, maybe, the fleecy clouds as they shift and sail ncross the azure blue; catching the music of the sphorefe by night, study ing tho heavenly bodies as, in.. pbedi- cnce to the Divino command, they move in their fixed orbits; humming, at times: . “1 lovfe to steal away.” Thus, in the calm contemplation qf nature, away from tho busy marts of men, undisturbed by the minions of the law, untrammclcd by the convcu tionalities of life, this son of Ham breathes the fresh, pure air of Heaven. And the Marshal of Cairo is ex ceeding wroth. The Minarets Aro Coming. The season will open at the opera house, with Cleveland and Ilaverly’s minstrels, on the evening of the 7th of October. This troupe played in Atlanta the other-night. The Con stitution, says: Nine-tenths of those who saw the Cleve land minstrels last night will say that it it the best company ever seen in the south. Tltc only unfavorable criticism that has been made on the show is that it is not old- time minstrels. But witii Billy Emerson nnd Hughey Dougherty ns its representa tives, minstrelsy pure nnd simple certainly plays a trig part In the programme. Then the newer features nre undoubtedly ln-tter than tile worn-out old ones, and the whole makes probably the best ever scon in the south. Tire “Venetian Knights" stage setting is lie most elaborate ever put on DeOive's stage. Billy Emerson ami Hughey Dough erty nre among tire very greatest ol the artists who put burnt .cork on their faces, and were responsible for most of the laugh- making. But the wonders of the show are tho im perial Japs. To describe all of their feats— to tell of half they did—would stretch out tins notice to an ahnorrri 1 length. The jug gling of one little fellow, the top-spinning of another, the walking on a sword ladder of another, and then the gymnastic feats of all surpass anything ever seen In the south. This feature of the show alone puts it away ahead of any ot its rivals and makes it well worth anybody's mite to sec. See advertisement elsewhere. Mr. F. J. Wind is fitting up a res taurant in the rear of his store, on Jackson street. He says he is going to make a first-class thing of'it. It will b£ opened to tpe public next week, Did you know that the box-sheets will be open to-morrow for the min strel show ? Who will reserve the first seat for the seasoir. - We mean (Wo seats, for of course you are going to take your best girl. “Gordon.” Guests of the Stuart have noticed a splendid specimen of a Newfoundland dog about the hotel, and whoso big shaggy form, good natured, intelli gent ways, and kindly disposition, have made him a general favorite with all who frequent that popular hostelry. Gordon has a good memory. He was just emerging from the puppy state when the Waverly house was burned. He was a guest of the house at the time, and while many others lost al most everything, he saved his ward robe. This may he explained by stating that Gordon slept on the first floor. .He did not have to throw his trunk or grip out of the windows from the second or third story, as many of the guests had to do. The dog seems to retain a vivid recollection of that fire. The loud clanging of tho fire bell, the rush of the firemen, the sharp, quick commands of the officers of the department and companies; the puffing 0*' the steamer, the streams of water, the hurrying to and fro, the escaping guests, the flaming building, and the scenes incident to that fire, made an impression on Gordon. Ever since, whenever the fire bell rirgs, no matter at what hour of tho night, Gordon lifts up his voice and contributes its volume to tho general alarm, barking and chasing up and down tho halls, as if ho would wake every body tip, in order that they might escape. You see, he doubtless thinks the hotel is on fire, and wants to do his share toward arousing the sleeping inmates. This is a remarkable instance of the intelligence ot the Newfoundland dog. Gordon ought to be a good, intelli gent dog, for he is named after Geor gia's Governor—John 13. Gordon. His eyes were hardly open during the Governor’s race with Major Bacon. He was young, very young; knew little of the world,, and less of politics, but he flatly refused to cat any bacon .during that exciting campaign. Eloctric Wiros. As electric lighting is being intro duccd in Thomasvillc, anything touch ing the new system, and its wires its advantages and dangers, is of in terest to our people. In Atlanta, where the telegraph, telephone, fire alarm and electric wires are becoming numerous, the question of how to best arrange this multiplicity of wires is claiming the attention of the city au thorities. It has been suggested there that wires be not allowed to cross or run anywhere except by • permission of the city engineer. While we have not as many wires to contend with in Thomasville as they have in Atlanta, it is tn order, perhaps, to suggest to our city authorities that at the start is the best time to take hold ol this mat ter, for the purpose of properly pro tecting fife and property. There is no danger from these wires if they are properly hung aud arranged. The company here would readily follow any suggestions, or promptly comply with any municipal regulations. There will be no services in the Baptist church to day. Don’t fail to read the locals of T. J. Ball & I3ro. The soliciting committee for sub scriptions to the picnic and barbecue of the Stock Breeders’ Association, will cull on the citizens of Thomas ville next Monday for their contribu tions. A big crowd will be present, and a liberal contribution is necessary to meet the demand. We hops and believe the good people of our com munity will heartily respond to the call. Respectfully, B. A. Bass, Chairman. J. S. Montgomery, Secretary. The Connecticut Industrial School will open on next Tuesday. We are pleased to learn that the prospect for a large attendance during the coming session is very flattering. Mrs. Gor don, the accomplished and popular Principal, will be seconded by an able corps of assistants. The articles of ‘-Experience” have been read with interest. There is a quaint humor, and a thread of philos ophy running through them. Another of these articles on the fence question will appear next week. Mr. George Harrod, an old citizen of the county, died from heart disease yesterday morning. Every one stops and admires that handsome display of handkerchiefs in Lohnstem's window. Mr. C. S.Johnson, of the Piedmont Exposition Company, is in the city, advertising the exposition. Three of the lady teachers of the Connecticut Industrial School, arrived from the North yesterday. Mr. E. K, Lumpkin, a prominent lawyer from Athens, is in the city visiting his brother-in law, Mr. Alex. R. Jones. Lots tor business purposes aro get- tiug scarce, but there nre a few good ones still left on lower Broad and Jackson streets. Sheriff Pearce, of Leon county, Fla., and party, passed through here yesterday enroute home to Tallahassee from South Carolina. Mr. E. M. Mallette says he will exchange town lots for country laud. Mr. Mallette certainly docs not believe the country is going to the dogs. Mrs. John Rogers, of Faceviilc, nee Miss Minnie Jeter, of this place, re turned home yesterday afternoon, af ter a short visit to relatives here. Several visitors have already arrived for the season. These are only the forerunners ot the thousands who will take Thomasville in during tho com ing season. We have room and a hearty, old-fashioned welcome for all. Col. Bowden is pushing his im. provements vigorously at his place on the Magnolia road. This has started Mr.-Rhct Pringle, who owns land opposite Col. Bowden, and he will put up a wire fence around his prop erty. Mr. James L. Grant, of Canada, who has been on a visit to friends here, a guest of Mr. K. T. McLean a portion of the time, will leave for homo on Monday. Mr. Grant is a well-informed gentleman, and a close observer. He has made friends “Away Down South in Dixie” who wotdd lie pleased to see him here again. Mr. II. M. Avery and family, for merly of Massachnsctts, but who have been living in Atlanta some years, ar rived on Friday night. They nre at the Stuart, Mr. Avery spent a sea. son here eight years ago, and was very much benefitted. The gentle man and his family will spend the winter here, and probably longer. We arc pleased to learn that Mr. Sam J. Cassels, Jr., and Mr. Anton P. Wright, both passed a most credi table examination at Athens for en tering the junior class in the Univer sity. There are not two brighter or better boys in the junior class. The Senate has passed the bill iu- corj>oratiug the Thomasvillc and Su burban railroad. Wheat Granules, at T. J. Ball & Bro’s. 0-29 3t. Now cane syrup just arrived, fresh and line, at the Red Front Uapceiy. New Buckwheat And fresh syrup, in sealed cans, at T. J. Ball & Bro’s. 9-29 3t. If you want s good shave call on C. II* Simpson, at S. Fleishcr s ltarber Shop. sep28-lw Cranberries, at T. J. Ball & Bros. 9-92 3t are daily receiving -OF- Fall -AND- Winter CLOTHING! and our line ol Light MUST 60! Call and get HOUSE FOR KENT, A good 0-room dwelling house on .Magno lia street for rent, $10 per month. Apply at Gas Works. 1-w. Ftcsh Salmon, 18 cents a cau, at Pickett’s. Gin House Insurance —WITH— Mansell «& Merrill, Thomasville, Ga. d&wto octl-lc Prices "before buy ing at aniiufs Cost Prices, and we t will S-A.’VES YOU M0HEY Clothier? andiiFurnisiiers, 100 tr St., ThomaavUle, Ga