The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 05, 1889, Image 3

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REMINi YOU THAT A Change of Wearing' Apparel If Not Already Neccnary. SOON WfLL BE ! Ami Every fi»ui,y NATURALLY ASKS THE QUESTION: Where Shall I Buy my Dress Goods? We will answer this for you here, and Invite .You io our Store, Where we will assist you, if we can, to decide what style of Fabric and Trimming would suit you, —FOR WE— POSITIVELY Have Everything that is NEW & STYLISH 1 In DRESS (i(t'OI)S this Senson, Walls the Very latest • TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. Robe Suits, Lovel.v ones, $13.00, ?Ui.:,0, $18.00, $20.00, $25*00. Beautiful Combinations, In the newest Imperial MnUrints. Exquisite Plaids and Stripes, Which tire very stylish again tliis full. ,ln Plain Materials, We Lave nil the new slnoles, both in line nil wool anil silk warp gooils. Ladies’ Cloths, 52 and 54 inches wide in a dozen shades. Black Goods. \Ve would call your special attention to our ninck Dress Goods Stock, which really needs no mention, tor we have earned the reputation of keeping the only complete stock of Fine black Dress floods in the city, and any lady contemplating the pure base of a Hindi Dress will do herself an injustice to buy before seeing our magnificent stock. Black and Colored Silks, An endless variety, in tiros drain, Faille FrancaiSc, India, Fatone, Hcngaliuc, Surahs Ac., Ac. In Lovely, Stylish Dress Trimming No or.c can show such a variety. Black & Colored FKINCtES, STRIPED SILKS, NEW PERSIAN SILKS, SILK VELVET AND PLUSHES, Persian Bands, <Scc., <Sce. Everythingto Match We Invite You To call at oar store and inspect the loveliest stock of Dress (loods ever shown over n Thomasville Dress Good's counter. A Pleasure to Show Them. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1880. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT B. Thomas Jr's 1 126 llriwl Street C. S. Bondurant Vounteor Observer 7 a. 2 P- 7 p. m ; Maximum for 2d hours Minimum “ “ “ Rain-fall Weather Bulletin for the 21 hours ending 7 o'clock P. M., Oct. 4, 1883. TeMI'KIIATUIIS. Mr. J. C. Pendleton, of Cleveland, O., is at the Stuart. John A. Murray, of Buffalo, N. Y., is at the Whiddon. , . Mr. G. H. Wilby, of Aclel, was at the Whiddon yesterday. The hose of the Ncptunes was fixed yesterday so that it will not leak. Mr. Ben Comfort went down to Boston yesterday, to visit home folks. Miss Carrie Branch is visiting Miss Belle Mitchell on Remington •avenue. Electric lights illuminated Warren street Thursday night for the first time. There has been very little travel among the home people for the past few days. Only one more day in which to secure seats for the opera house next Monday night. Mr. T. E. Blackshear shipped two barrels of pomegranates to New York by express yesterday. Conductor Ward has been appoint ed inspector of trains for one month. He went on duty the 1st. Dr. Culpepper got away with most of the first money in the shooting match yesterday afternoon. The Mitchell fire company was out yesterday afternoon testing the hose to find the weak places and leaks. Mr E. D. Rainey, railroad agent at Titusville, Fla., passed through yes terday on his way to Baiubridgc. Mr. Joseph P. Snjith, the newly appointed postmaster, lias been noti fied officially of his appointment. Messrs. W. T. Davis, of Madison, Fla, and C. E. Davis, of Cleveland, ()., were at the Stuart yesterday. Jack Curtright says the governor has called in straw hats, and invites his friends to call and see his new fall stock. Johnnie Joucs, at Eohnstein’s, has a couplet elsewhere addressed to wise men. Of course only wise men will read it. Rev. P. H. Crumpler passed through yesterday eu route to Macon, from a visit to old friends in Bain- bridge Quail are too young to shoot yet. The™ 5th. or even a week or two later, is early enough to begin slaughtering the birds. Rev. E. H. McGehee was in town yesterday for a few hours. No man receives a more cordial welcome in Thomasville. Let every citizen, white and colored, be on the lookout for burglars and fire bugs. The latter are the more dan gerous of the two, Mr. D. I,. Butler, of the .firm of Butler A Turner, Camilla, was in the ’city yesterday on his return from the reunion at Quitman. Mrs. H. N. Rawls, of Jacksonville, Fla., a sister of Rev. G. G. N. Mc- Doncll, arrived yesterday and is visit ing her brother and family Revenue Inspector T. J. Wardell, ot Atlanta, passed through yesterday en route to Baiubridgc, accompanying his mother, Mrs. M. S. Wardell. Hon. Levi Knight, ot Lowndes, and Hon. Jno. A. Alderman, of Colquitt, members ot the legislature, were in the city yesterday, en route to Atlanta. The police are going to be more particular and make out cases against the loungers who so frequently obstruct the sidewalks at Pringle’s and other corners. Ellen King, the negro woman who is in jail, charged with setting fire to vir. Beebe’s stables on Thursday, will prebably have a preliminary hear ing to-day. Capt. Hammond will represent the prosecution. CURTRIGHT & DANIEL AftE SOLE AGENTS FOR Tla.e OeleTosrs-ted. I&a-oss: ECa/ts! a ico uHa finfist. line of shoes to be found 4*1^ /li+TT are daily receiving 108 BROAD STREET, !- Take Care of the Hose and Fire Apparat- US. # We alluded, yesterday, to the defi ciency in the hose of the fire depart ment, and in some instances,to the de fective character of what is on hand. Hose is ’ costly. We understand it costs trom ninety cents to one dollar per foot, for good hose; and it does not pay to buy any otherjjtind. But the cost would naturally singest that it be carefully cared for. Perhaps this is not always done. Some responsible and competent officer of each company should, after fire or drill, see that the hose used is carefully dried, otherwise the town will have to replace hose oftener than it should. The council should furnish everything necessary for fighting fire, but they should re quire the companies to take good care of their engines, hose and everything connected with the apparatus. Camilla Baptist Association. Agents at the following named sta tions will, on October 16, 17, 18 and 19, sell tickets to Baconton for above occasion, at one fare for the round trip; limited to return not later than Oct. 22, 1889. Bainbridgc, Bainbridge Junction, Whigham, Cairo, Thomasville, Och- lockonee, Meigs, Pelham, Camilla, Hardaway and Albany. TI10 Thomasville National Bank. Elsewhere will be found the sworn statement of the condition of the Thomasville National Bauk. It is a very flattcriug one. A surplus fund, ot 822,250 is shown, while the indi vidual deposit account runs up to 8119,432,01. This is certainly an ex cellent exhibit, nttd shows, not _ouly that the bauk has the confidence of the public, and is being well managed, but that the citizens of Thomasville and Thomas county liavo money, and a good deal of it, on deposit. The showing speaks well for tho brink, and, also, for tho financial condition of the people hereabouts. For further particulars see statement in another column. Mr. 11. M. Colbert, formerly assis taut in the Express office here, but now ot Albany, passed through yes terday en route to Bainbridgc. Mr. Colbeit had his coat and forty dollars stolen from him in Savannah Tlturs day night. The Red Front Grocery is in the ring. Look at their advertisement and you will be convinced. They stand ready to meet all competition. The Red Front Grocery generally gets thorc. John Calhoun, who is employed at the cotton seed oil mills, had two fin gers badly broken night before last by some of the machinery. He is on the night force. The cotton seed oil mills in Tliom- nsvillc, purely a home institution, are buying cotton seed and paying the very top of the market. If you have any cotton seed to sell, carry it to those mills. They will pay you cash, aud as much as any other mills. Patronize home institutions. Mrs. Mattie Davis and daughters Misses. Mattie and Marion, returned yesterday morniug from New York where they have been spending sever al months. Every one is pleased to see them at home again." Mr. Frank Winn went up to Smithvillc yesterday morning to meet bis daughter, Miss Hattie, who re turned last night from the North and West wheTe she has been-all summer. Col. P. McGlashan gladdened his numerous Thomasville friends by his presence for a few hours yesterday. No man stands higher in the estima tion of the people ot Thomasville. He is the very soul of honor, and will al ways be held in the highest estiem by the people among whom he has lived so long. They learned, during these long years, to appreciate his many sterling Scotch qualities. We but ex press the wish of every ex confederate of Thomas county, when we say that we hope Col.McGlashan will attend the reunion on November 15. He Kioked a Hole in the Big Fiddle. Very little is going on in police circles. Only four cases were on docket yesterday. Walter Evcritt was fined $2 for obstructing the side walk. Wash. Jackson was up for disorderly conduct, hut was discharg ed. Case against Jell Scott was con tinued. Dan Huguson was up for disorderly conduct. The evidence showed that at the ball the other night, the string band, of which Dan was a member, had been requested to play a march for the cake walk. Dan refused to play the march and started to leave the hall,taking the big violin with him. Other members djsputed his right to carry off what jointly belonged to them all. This angered Dan to tho extent of his dis solving copartnership then and there, by kicking the instrument into splin ters. Ho was let off with 80. A Thomasville Young Lady Compliment ed in Eufaula, Ala. We take the following from the Eu faula Daily Times of the 1st. There was a pleasant german given last night in the hall of B. B. Young Fire Com pany, complimentary to Miss Goodwin Sapp, of T&omasville, (in.,who is visiting relatives in the city. When the reporter looked in upon the participants at a late hour, all seemed happy and enjoying the occasion to the fullest extent. Miss Sapp leaves us Wednesday for Columbus, Gn., where she will visit relatives and friends. A Successful Season. Mrs. Feet has been running the well known Sea Cliff House, on Long Is land, N. Y., during the summer. Her Thomasville Iriends will be pleased to learn that she has had a successful season. We take the following from the Sea Cliff News: “The season at the Sea dill" House is just closing, although the house will be kept open for the few who wish to remain until the 1st ot October. The proprietors, Peet Dailey, consider this one of their best seasons. Tho house has never been so popular, especially with the young people, who have danced, sailed, fished 1 bowled and enjoyed themselves as only the young can. Many of the guests have rooms for the next summer. Thcgjnnnngemc.-.t tendered the guests two progressive euchre parties, in which about eighty participated. The prizes were ele gant, and refreshments choice. The season closed with a complimentary german, which was a very brilliant affair. It is needless to say the ladies all looked lovely, and vied with each other in favoring the handsome officers from the schoolship “St. Mary s, ’ which was anchored in the harbor." Mrs. Peet, who owns the handsome Arnold house in Fletcherville, will be here by the time the season opens. And she will doubtless do an equally good business here the coming sea son. Rev. Mr. Williams, pastor ol the Baptist church, is expected home to day. If he arrives service will be held in the church Sunday, otherwise, there will be none. To-morrow a cavalcade of Thomas ville lawyers will leave for Colquitt court. These trips are pleasent breaks in the journey of a Thomas ville lawyer's life, and are always en joyed. We understand that Capt. Henry G. Turner, Capt. J. G. McCall and Col P. McGlashan made speeches at the Confederate reunion in Quitman on Thursday. Two prominent gentle men fiom Thomasville, Messrs R. G. Mitchell and W. M. Hammond, were called for by the large crowd, but mod estly declined. Thomasville lawyers and politicians are noted for their modesty. If Peter McGlashan speaks as well as he lought, he made the speech ol the occasion. Parties desirous of investing in pine lands should read the advertisement ‘of the sheriff of Colquitt county else where. He will sell, on the first Tues day in November, fifteen lots it) the eighth district of Colquitt county, at public outcry, in the town of Moultrie. The time will come, even it it is not already here, when investments in this character of property will prove a bonanza.The pine lands of southGeor- gia are growing more valuable every year. THOMASVILLE, GrA .From tho Heart. Thomasville, Ga., Oct. 4, 1889. Ed. Times-Enterprise— Dear Capt. Triplett: From the depths of a most grateful heart, I thank you, and all my dear kind friends of Thom asville for your manifest sympathy in behalf of Mrs. Lloyd and family,in our deep affliction. The noble life ol my darling boy, and the submission and bravery he displayed, is an .example that we, with God’s grace, will emu late. In the loved land of his adop tion we have laid him, knowing that in the last day he will rise again, re splendent in the glories of his Lord. He is indeed at rest; and while we mourn him, we can truly say, “God’s will be done.” I would especially thank Mr. I. Levy and his staff for their uniform and un tiring kindness to, and interest in, my boy during the years of his labor with them. I am, Very sincerely, Virginia V. Jacques. OF Pall Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot REPORT OF THE CONDITION The Thomasville National Bank, AT Thomasville, in the State of Ga., at the closo of business, Mon day, Sept. 30, 1889. HESOVRCES. Loans and discounts $197,933.34 Overdrafts, 17,293.03 F. S. Bonds to secure circula tion 25,000.00 Due from approved rcservo agents 11,182.43 ,Duc from other National Banks.. 0,438.40 Due from State Banks and bank ers 23,579.84 Real estate, furniture, and fix tures 1,088.20 Current expenses and taxes paid 1,504.97 Premiums paid 1,312.50 Checks ami other cash items 224.91 Bills of other Banks 800.00 Fractional paper currency, nick els and pennies 37.02 Specie 10,528.30 Legal-tender notes 3,733.00 Redemption fund with 17. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, of circulation) 1,125.00 Due from V. S. Treasurer, other than 5 per cent redemption fluid 100.00 Tot a i. §301,881.00 L l MU LIT IKS. Capital stock paid in $100,000.00 Surplus fund 22,250.00 Cndiviilcd profits 2,887.88 National Bank notes outstand ing 22,500.00 Individual deposits subject to check 119,432.01 Demand certificates of deposit.. 1,358.09 Time ccrtificites of deposit 2,725.00 Due to other National Hanks 281.91 Due to State Banks and Bankers 110.72 Notes and Bills rc-discounted.... 30,325.25 Total $301,881.00 State of Georgia, County of Thomas, hh: I, Jas. A. Brandon, Cashier of the above named bank, <lo solemnly swear that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. JAS. A. BRANDON, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3d day of October, 1889. A. C. DAYF.NPORT. Correct—Attest: T. J. BALL. | D.J.Siucffikm> [• Directors, S. L. Hayes, ) The wise man who would Be well dressed, Sees Joucs (.it Lohustciu’s). st ves money, And puts on the best. •it.i. Home Again, HITS MIST Ilf! Call and get OTTPt Prices before buy ing at unom Cost Prices, and we will QNLOWERBROAD SAVE Have just returned from the north. Glad to get back, too. Thomasville really feels like home, and there’s no place like that. But the goods! they are coming; be here next week. A big stock ? Well, no. Mine is not the largest. The others have that size, but it is large enough, and still better, all personally selected, choice goods from the cream of New York and Baltimore markets. They % aro the latest styles, bought low down,ami will be sold tho same. This means that I want to do a good share of the millinery trade this season. It is said to be impossible to pleaso everybody ; maybe so; but there’s nothing like trying, and if I get tho chance the effort will not he wanting. Think over the matter, and decide if it is not well to give at least a share of your trade to one who is anxious for it,and will do her best to please. Yours, for trade and low prices, Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. YOU MONEY Clothier* andiMshers, 103 Br st., Tbomasvillo, Ga;