The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 06, 1889, Image 1

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ntarjwtat VOL 1-NO t:'.s>. THOMA8VILLE, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER G, 1880 AND ! wish I nvjw in 'Ip land oh cotton, Old times ilar am not forgotten, ; away—look away—look away—Dixie Land. In Dixie Land wliar I was born in, Karly on one frosty mornin’, Look away—look away—look away—Dixie Land. (/Honrs— Den I wish I was in Dixie, Hooray ! Hooray ! t In Dixie Land 1 took my stand, To lib and die in Dixie, Away, away, away down south in Dixie. Ole Missus many “Will dc Won her.” William was a gay deceabcr, Look away, Ac*., Hut when he put his arm anund ’er, He smiled as licrce ns a forty pounder, Look away, Ac. ginghams Arc acknowledged to be the handsomest in the city. They are selling rapidly, especially those splendid patterns we offer at Sc a, Y ard. Make your selections before they are picked’over too much. Our Fancy Ribbons 3 INCITES WIPE, Which we arc offering at the marvelously low price of 25e a Yard, Are the talk of the town. JL£ yi.ujjhavc not seen them.yet, it will' pay you to call at once andiinspoet them. For lO cts. Wc will sell you a beautiful Ladies’ Union' Linen Hem stitched Handkerchief, which is certainly the best value ever offered in Thomasvillo. For 5 cents You can buy a nice colored bordered handkerchief, plenty good enough for the children to lose at school. Wcjhave an elegant all wool Saxony wove Jersey at the as tonishingly low figure of #1.00, Never before sold for lessjjthan one dollar and fifty cents. These arc but a few of the plums we have in stock for our friends; and lots more to show, if you will just take the trouble to come and look at them. We intend to make things lively this season, and we have the goods and prices to do it with. We extend a cordial invita tion to all to visit our establish ment, whether you buy or not. We are always glad to see you and show you what we have. Till! OI<IKIPI<II< DIXIE. Don I wish Iwn in Dixie, Ac. sharp as ft butcher’s SOUTHERN TIMBER LANOS. They Are the Best Thing to Put Your Money In. *LE REVE.” Ilia face was a cleftber, Hut d.itjlid not seem to grieve ’cr, hook away, Ac. Old Missus acted de foolish part, And died for a man dat broke *er heart, Look away, Ac, Den, I wish 1 was in Dixie, Ac. Now here's a health to de next old Missus And all de gals dat want to kiss us, Look away, Ac. But if you want to drive ’way sorrow, Come and hear dis song to-morrow, Look away, Ac. Den, I wish I was in Dixie, Ac. Dar's buckwheat cakes and ingun hat ter, Makes you fat, or little fatter. Look away, Ac. Den hoc it down an' scratch your grab ble, To Dixie’s Land I’m bound to trabble, Look away, Ac. Den, I wish I was in Dixie, Ac. i ll. lavniiMvviii, 132 BROAD ST.; THEY SPEW OUT MAHONE. Decent Virginia Republicans Can't Stand Harrison’s Pet. Richmond, Oct. 2.—The following report was adopted by the anti-Ma- hono conference this morning • before adjournment: We, republicans from all parts of Virginia, in- conference asse dcclbrc that William Mahonc, first, made it impossible for the Norfolk ticket to be elected. Second—He has deceived the na tional committee by pretended com promise, conditions which he has not only made no effort to carry out, hut violated, both in letter and spirit Third—He has taken from the Re publican party their plan of organiza tion, which was founded on the will of the people. maiione’s hateful Fourth—He has adopted a plan of organization of his own, which is both hateful and tyranical. Fifth—He lias driven from the counsels ot the party the best and most popular men in it. Sixth—He hns removed a county chairman in order to pack a conven tion to do his will. Seventh—He has tried to force the unit rule to carry delegations to na tional conventions to represent him. Eighth—He has refused to abide by the decisons of the national Republi can party in convention assembled. Ninth—He has refused to hear our grievances, aud treated our overtures for peace with contempt. MAIIONE IIAS DEIIAUCHED THE PARTY Tenth—He has placed himself at the head of the ticket and labelled it republican without the consent of the republican masses. Eleventh—He has debauched the party and made loyalty a matter of merchandise. Twelfth—He has meddled with, and in mady instances, dictated, coun ty nominations. Thirteenth—He has forfeited his right to the confidence of the people of Virginia. Fourteenth—That the defeat of William Mahone is essential to the salvation of the Republican party REMEM11ER MAIIONE ON ELECTION DA Y. Fifteenth—That it is the sense of this conference that no recommenda tion be made as to the course to be pursued either by the members them selves, or those throughout the state who arc iu sympathy with us, but that each voter on election day be ad vised to take the action his individual judgment approve, looking to the end we nave in view, “If I had a hoy a year old,” said a merchant to a Times reporter this morning, "I would like to purchase 10,000 acres of Georgia woodland, at the low rate at which such property can still be secured, and hold it for him until he bccameof age. I sincerely believe ho would then bo indepen dently wealthy.” He probably has the correct view of the situation. Georgia’s forests are among its most valuable material possessions and present a field for in vestment, yielding rich returns that were never surpassed. “It will not be manv years before the lumber belt of this section will become the chief source of supply,” said a lumberman, and those who then own them will be made rich thereby. Itjis not to my interest to ray so, but if I were some of the men who are giving up their lands for a song, I would hold on to them, suffer a little privation if necessary,and put them in the mar ket ten years from now, when they will bring .figures that scam out of reason now.” Tho New York Herald recently said: “The timber of the South is in the market in competition with tho pro duct of Northern forests. “This might he a mighty dry sub ject to talk about, but a great propor tion of human happiness after all rests on a lumber foundation. • “When a conflagration destroys Portland or Chicago, or 1 an earth quake fells a city like Charleston, the whole nation grows sorrowiul over the huge disaster_. But wbi lious of marketable timber" Tn the West, wo somehow feel that tho trees can easily he spared and hardly give the subject another thought. “Outtiug timber is, however, one of the colossal interests of this coun try. A well wooded tract of land is a bonanza, and now that the South enters the field with two hundred varieties of wood, aod enough of each kind to satisfy the demand for two or three generations, there is cause for public rejoicing, “These woods are adapted to every branch of manufacture in which that material enters. Black walnut, yel low poplar, white oak, hickory, ash, live oak, juniper, and yellow pine arc to he found in abundance, and fill a very important place in our diversi fied industries. They ore valuable for furniture, shipbuilding, hollow ware, agricultural implements, rail road tics, car building, and the thousand and one other purposes for which special woods are necessary. “Yellow pine is as salable ns cotton or wheat. The demand for it is always on the increase. It is strong enough to bear the heaviest weights, and is used everywhere both in the construction of houses and in the shipyard. Of this there seems to he an inexhaustible abundance in the South. “The cypress is made into shingles, the black walnut and the gum tree are useful for cabinet -puposcs, the cottonwood of the Mississippi Valley is converted into a thousand useful forms; the white oak of Kentucky, Louisiana aud Tennessee, is made into staves. ‘‘Northern lumbermen have been quick to use their opportunities, and (luring the last ten years have bought a score of million of acres as an in vestment. Southern enterprise is by no means behind band, for iu every state the rhythmic swing of the woodman’s axe bears testimony to the enterprise which is bound to de velop all the rich resources.—Savan nah Daily Times. Gus—What’s the matter, Jack. You look ah worn out. Jack—I've been visiting a young couple with their first babv.~New York Weekly. THE DAY OF ATONEMENT. Tho New Waltz That Is Winning So Much Popularity. The style in dancing varies as much as the style in bonnets or bustles, or the way the hair is worn, and goes through as many transitions. But all these transitions may be classed under these heads : the hop; the skip and the jump. At one time it will be the fashion to oscillate up and down like a china figure or an india rubber string. This may be called the hop season. At others, dancers to be regeie must glide about without removing their feet from the floor, like roller skaters This is the skip. The jump comes when the raquet and oilier such dances are in vogue. The skip style is now the thing among those who are devoted to what may be called, for want of a better name, leg culture; and apropos ot the prevailing mode, a new dance is com ing in which is especially adapted to it. This is ‘-Le Revc.” It is one of those soit'.y gliding, sofily starting dances which reminds one of the bashfulness of maidenhood. There are certain dreamy movements which now and then halt, just enough to give evidence of ecstasy; then some more gliding, and another halt or start, while the music seduces the pair to prolong the dance ad infinitum. First, there are three glides, the last made to a half measure note from the orchestra, a step spasm thrown in where a full glide is expected. Then the foot is thrown forward and instantly withdrawn behind the other foot, as though the dancer was shocked for fear of having done something naughty; then a little jump with the forward foot, bringing the other at ”61 ot which the dance is composed, and all the dancers have to do is to do it all over again hundreds of thousands of times, and thus “dream the happy hours away." The dance is very pretty, but like all other new dances, it is impossible to tell how great a hold it will take. Perhaps so many will hesitate to try it that it will only endure for a season, with here and there a couple more confident than the rest to dance it, while the rest look on green with envy. It is the simple dance that lasts, and "La Waltz,” will doubtless say to "Le Reye,” with the brook : "You may come and you may go, but 1 go on forever.’’ Yom Kippur, the Most Sacrod in the Jew ish Calendar. $5.00 PER AOTUM Bad For Vermont. It is astonishing to hear that good fanning lands in Vermont are being deserted. Here is an old and well settled section, convenient to seholls and good society, with home markets in easy reach for agricultural products with good roads and all that make lite attractive, being deserted—her farming lands passing out of occupa tion. It is said that full and fruitful fields in tho West have allured the planters away, or that the cities have decoyed the boys. Whatever the cause may be, the stale commissioner has issued a circular to attract immi gration, showing where unoccupied laud can be had for low prices. The showing is a bad one for Ver» mont.—Augusta Chronicle. The Macon Telegraph says that the negroes of Georgia would do well to shun those "professional negroes” who are trying to make capital for them selves out of troubled between the races. These fellows have been a source of frequent trouble and have done most injury to the very class whom they pretend to be serving. There are sensible and conservative negroes in every community in this state, whose advice and influence do much to counteract the mischief set aloot by the agitators. The negro masses have for years been supporting a lot of negro politicians, who are too lazy to do honest work, and to mean to use their influence to maintain friendly relations between the races. Yesterday was observed by the Hebrew race iu a most solemn manner throughout the world. The Savan nah Daily Times, in alluding 'to the day,says: By the Mosaic law, the Day of Atonement is fixed on the 10th day of tho Hebrew month, Tishri. The preceding ten days are observed as “penitential days,” and are devoted to prayer and penitence, culminating in the solemn services of the fast day, which in Leviticus is termed “Shabat shabbatone,” a Sabbath of Sabbaths. It wa3 on this memorial day that Mo ses descended from the mount with the second tables of the law. On this day the colien agadol, or high priest, purified in soul, body- and vestments, entered the Holy of Holies, and in voked Gods blessing for the children of Israel. Two important dogmas are taught by the observance of this festival, the weakness and power of man, the pronencss to sin, to which ho suc cumbs, and his spiritual and higher nature, by which he is enabled to ar rive at the kuowledge of his weakness and frailty, and by that knowledge free himself from the galling yoke of sin. The means fixed by Holy Writ to secure this end are total abstiuencc from worldly pursuits and enjoyments oil the one hand, and on the other fervent devotional exercises, founded on sincere rcpcntence and heartfelt contrition. The fast is strictly observ ed by the Jewish people, wherever their scattered remnants fiud an abid- ee amongthe nations of V arth; Every corporal' pleasure an all physical labor are strictly forbid den on this day. Both vexes rigidly observes the fast and abstain from the use of water for tho twenty-four hours, most of which timo is devoted to pray er and atonement. The Jewish sages, commenting on the Kith ehnpter, 110th verse of Lev iticus, “From all your sins before the Lord ye shall be clean,’’expound that text as meaning that a transgression of which man has been guilty towards God (and for which he is truly peni tent) can be expiated on’this day ; but those offences of which he has been guil ty to his fellow-man cannot he atoned for unless he shall, in a spirit of hu mility, ask forgivness of his brother or neighbor Hence, it is an established custom among Jews to practically illustriatc this beautiful precept of the Rabbis, in order to obtain the recon ciliation of man and the approval of God. - The Synagogue service is very solemn and impressive. The Psalms of David, so full of supplications for mercy and pardon, the poetic thoughts of the prophets rehearsing in eloquent tones the sins, sorrows aud joys of Israel, coupled with penitential pray ers, are read and chanted by the min ister and congregation. One For Honor. A sarcastic lawyer, during the trial of a case, made use of the expression : “Cast not your pearls before swine.” Subsequently, as he rose to make the argument, the judge facetiously re marked : “Be careful, Mr. S., not to throw your pearls before swine.” “Don’t be alarmed your honor, I am about to address the jury, uot the court.”—Irish Times. LEVY’S Latest Success, -FOR- Udies, Misses nd Chldren READ, READ !| And Profit by the Same. The Trust is Now Absolute Boss. Baltimore, Md., Oct. 4.—The Maryland White Lead Company has been absorbed by tho National Lead Trust. It was the last of any magni tude to yield. A woman in Maine, speaking of the death of her husband, is reported to have said : “Before he died, he ate a gallon ot oysters tor $ ioo, and cleared $85 for the family, his funeral costing $«5-” GUARANTEED, EVERY PAIR, BLACK HOSIERY. //lf/ G R TEE GREAT SUCCESS Which our “Onyx” Dyed Hosiery met with last season, and the univer sal satisfaction given by these abso lutely fast dye goods has stimulated us to still further improvement for this season, by producing the good* from Ingrain yarns, thus giving greater strength aud wearing qualities to the fabric, and at the same time re-' tabling all tho excellent qualities ot dye. which have been so thoroughly tested and approved in previous sea- sous. Try a pair of Onyx, and you will never wear any other stocking, for every pair is warranted not to stain the feet and clothing, and to withstand the effects of perspiration as well as repeated washings. Furthermore, any pair not found as represented, re turn them and your money will be refunded. Nouc genuine unless stamped with above trade-mark. FOR SALE ONLY BY I. Levy Si Co., Mitchell House Block