The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 06, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - - - Editor, S. B. BURR, - Business Manager. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 0, U«8f. Daii.v Timks-Entkri'iiisr ii published every morning (Monday exempted.) The Weekly Timks-Ekterprisk is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Times-Enti?bpiuse, Wisely “ $5 00 , 1 00 Daily Rates Transient Rates.—$1.00 per pqnute for the first insertion, and 50 cei ts for ea ii subse quent insertion. One Square, one month, - - ■ 1 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three month t, - - - 12 00 One Square, six months, - - - - 20 00 One Square, twelve months, - - - 25 00 Subject to change bv special arranf °ment. N. XI. BI'IIK. lliisIncMi .11 ii linger. The Episcopalians are revising their prayer book in New York. The corporation of Savannah is a borrower to the tune of $io,ooo. The betterments question will be settled some time in the "sweet bye and bye.” The Georgia legislature will attend the opening of the Piedmont exposi tion to-motrow. The "Guess Who?” column fiend hasn't struck the legislature yet. When he does, there will be an early adjourn ment. The city of Atlanta knows how to blow for an exposition. The Pied mont exposition is just now the text of every true Atlantian. Will Wilkie Collins’ "Woman in White” put on black and go into mourning, on account of the death of the author of her being ? The article on the death of the late Col. Andrew Young, which appeared yesterday morning, should have been credited to the Morning News. The house has defeated the Foute bill to change the present system ol selecting juries. It proposed to do away with any distinction between grand and petit juries. Give tl\e North Georgia and Mari etta a chance to come into Atlanta. The state cannot afford to shut off healthy competition, simply because she owns the W. A - A. R. R. It would be a very little thing for the state of Georgia to do. The Flint, otherwise the Thronctec- ska, is now open for navigation to Albany. Albany will be a seaport town yet. The opening of the,rtver ought, and doubtless will, bring great prosperity to the growing town of Albany. It would be a terrible calamity to the large number of American finan ciers, who have, for the last few years, taken up their abode in Canada, if the provinces were to be annexed to the United Stales. The financiers would have to cross the water. The republican congress will meet in December, and if they carry out their views on the situation, they will remove the tax on whiskey, while our necessities will still be taxed to the utmost. What a blessed country we will have then. If you can’t eat, you will be able to drink.—Albany News and Advertiser John J-. Sullivan made his appear ance in a Boston saloon the other night, in a high state ot hilarity and bankruptcy. His eyes were tangled and his hair was disorderly. In a word, he was drunk, and wanted more liquor. Although he had no money every man in the room was willing to foot his bills to avoid trouble.—Con stitution. Still in the Ring. Editor Underwood, of the Clarion, is a hard man to down, lie never loses his grip. The defeat last year doesn't appear to have dampened his ardor or impaired his confidence the final success of the democratic party. And, like a sturdy, true dem ocrat, he stands close by Cleveland in the hour of the latter’s defeat, as the following, which floats at his mast head, will show: OUR NOMINEE KOK PRESIDENT I 892 GROVER CLEVELAND, Of New York. BRIDE AND GROOM KILLED AT THE ALTAR. Ex-Son a to r Bruce Says Emi grate North Dakota Goes Dry— Ool. Buck in Washington Wait ing for His Commission—Goorgia Pensions -No Dog Tax for Goor gia—Making it Hot for Mormon Elders—How Stands Montana. Washington, Oct. 4.—Ex-Senator Bruce, in au interview, says the ne groes of Mississippi must emigrate. St. Paul, Oct. 4.—A special to the Pioneer Press from Fargo, N. D., says: "The Republican this evening publishes an estimate of the vote on prohibition in thirty counties, which shows a net majority for prohibition of 1,790. Washington. Oct. -1—Col. Buck, who lias liecu visiting in Delaware, returned to-day. His appointment as marshal of the northern district of Georgia is expected daily. He will probably see the Attorney-General to-mprrow. Atlanta, Oct. 4.—The house passed the hill to amend the act ap proved Oct. 24, 1887, in reference to confederate soldiers, so that such vet erans as were citizens of the state prior to Oct. 20, 1886, and who re moved from the state thereafter, but returned twelve months prior to the filing of their application, may be en titled to draw a pension. The bill also provides pensions for those dis abled by wounds in the arm or leg without actual loss of the limb. The House had up the dog law bill, this afternoon, and of course killed it. Chicago, Oct. 4.—A dispatch from Jamboree, Pike county, Ken tucky, says: "The old Hatfield- McCoy feud lias •broken out again, and at least three more lives have been sacrificed in the bloody vendetta, which has now lasted over seven years. The shooting occurred at a marriage at a farmhouse at Peter McCoy’s. His daughter was to be come the wife of John Hand, a rela tive of the Hatfield gang, and mem bers of both factions had sworn to prevent the union. Hand had never been connected with the disputes of the factions and refused to recognize the leaders. “Tuesday night the bridal party assembled in McCoy’s house, and just as young Hand and Miss McCoy stood before the minister a volley was poured through the window, which killed both of them and fatally wound ed the clergyman. Report sfiys that the farmers and mountaineers of the locality arc hunting for the murdcr- rs, but no trace of them lias been found.” Nashville, Tuns., Oct. 4.—News comes from Wilson county that Mor mon elders have been driven out by White Caps. The elders disappeared some time ago when the agitation was hot against them. A few days ago they returned, believing that the storm had blown over. However, the people who warned their) proposed to make their threats good. Forty or fifty masked moil, robed white, last night visited the bous:es of William Barrett, Theodore Smith and Lee Barrett, where the ciders have been, searching for them. Helena, Mont., Oct. 4.—There has been no material change in the legislature situation in Montana to day. The republicans still claim it on a joint ballot by three, while the democrats claim it by seven. The election of Toole, for governor is ad mitted by the republicans, as far as the returns show, but they claim that the full returns will give the office to Power yet. The contest for control of the legislature promises to be very hitter. The state officers, except the governor, are all republicans, and the .Senate also, but the House is still in doubt. All the county officials are elected by the republicans. A Lean Legislature- It is v<»ry unfortunate that a quorum so hard to get in cither House of the Gener al assembly. One day this week the presi dent of the senate was forced to close his doors and send out messengers to bring in stray senators. • On Tuesday the university bill received a clear majority of twenty-six votes in the House in a vote of one hundred and twenty- four members. Here, in one house, was an absentee list of fifty-one members. Where were they? lias the House granted so many leaves of absence or were the mem bers absent without leave? Several im portant measures have been imperiled on account of this inattention to business on the part of members. Other measures have been lost for this very reason. It would he a good idea to publish each day a list of members of the House and Senate absent from their desks. They could explain at leisure.—Augusta Chroni cle. The Times Enterprise lias, fre quently, suggested the propriety of the publication of the names of absen tees. It would go very far toward checking the evil. Another Bagging Combine. C'lticAco, Oct. :i.—A dispatch from St. Louis, Mo., says: The Missouri anti-trust law has precipitated the formation 6f an other great national combination. All the bagging interests of the United States will shortly consolidate under the name of the American Manufacturing company of New York. Warren. Jones&.Gratz, of this city, h°ad of the jute bagging trust, are the prime movers in the new organization. It was stated to-day that about twenty differ ent factories at various points were to be absorbed into the American Manufacturing company in carrying out the present scheme. And now the rapacious trust will giVe the farmers another squeeze. A New Combine. Once more have the jute men come together, and once more has this re morseless combine snapped its fingers in the face of the Southern farmer. This was done in the face of probably failure of cotton bagging. But cotton bagging will not fail. It will be a dark day and a cold one when the Southern farmer has to fall back on jute. It will uot be done this year. The re newed combination of the jute men is very unfortunate at this junction. Augusta Chronicle. The Weekly News. Attention is directed to the an nouncement elsewhere, of Tho Weekly News, Savannah. The News is one of the cleanest and best weekly news papers published in the South. It is thoroughly identified with this section of tiie state, and should receive, as it docs, no doubt, a liberal patronage at the hands of the people of South Georgia. Col. Estill has made the paper a model one in every respect. GOTTWALS Photograph Gallery, over* Reid k Culpep per’s. I am now prepared to make fine Pho tos., and all arc invitcihto call and examine my work. ocGtf VI KWH esidenees anti family groups taken at Tin Types and Photographs en larged to any size. GOTTWALS, Photographer, octtitf Over Reid k Culpepper’s. our platform: TARIFF REFORM. our Mono: TRY AGAIN. An Epidemic of Diptheria. Carbon-dale, Pa., Oct. t.—An epidemic of diptheria has prevailed in this city lor the past two weeks and causes much alarm. A lot of revenue officers raided Butts county the other day. They found 20 barrels, one thousand gal ops, of peach brandy. Ten barrels of the “enticin’juice” was found in a haystack. This was a big haul. Just think of it; one thousand gallons of peach brandy, with the various ac companiments, honey, mint water, &c., however but little of the latter i« necessary. TO It KMT. A liuiisi- on upper liroait, containing ten rooms, comfortably furnislicil. Good loca tion lor boarding liouso. Possession given at once, Prefer renting by the year. Ap ple this week to MRS. T. Ii. REUSE, Ooctdit 1st door above West Knd. American Rambler Bicycle, latest patent, for sale cheap. Inquire at (las Works, Ooctdlw .NOTICE. All parties owing box rent, will call and settle for the same on or before the 10th inst., or their boxes will he closed. 11. M. Naff, P. M. Furniture, Carpets, Bedding, Children’s Carriages, Wall Paper and Window Shades, Straw mattings, Rugs, etc. The host styles and lowest prices in the city. GEO, W. FORBKS, C-l i-w2t d'.l Masury Building. Imported sardines 15 cents a can, at Pickett’s. Atlanta Exposition. During the exposition good nccoramoda tions can he had in private family No. 159 Courtland street. Kltctric car passes the floor. 4oct3tdltw Natural LcnfTobacco ■Joctlw S. J. Cassels, US Broad Street. Pickett has special figures for parties buying in quantities, and hoarding houses. NOTICE. Saturday, Oct. 5th, being Day of Atone ment, our two stores will lie closed, and no business whatever will he transacted by us during that day. II. Wolff & lino. Magnolia Hams keep through the summer better than any other brand, and Pickett’s is still headquarters for them. Private Daizcll has telegraphed to Corporal Tanner that the latter’s let ter was uot stolen from his (Dalzell) possession, but that he furnished it for publication in vindication ot him self. He says : “With the question of veracity it raises between Sherman, Taylor, Harrison and others, I have no further concern, except to offer to publish their letters to me.” He con cludes : “You have more than repaid my services by exposing to public contempt the intriguers, who, by treachery and falsehood, betrayed us both, and with us the entire comrade ship who raised them from the dung hill to the throne of power.” Skins on Fire. Agonizing, itclilng, burning an«l bleed ing Eczema in its worst singe*. A raw ■ore from bend to feet. Hair gone. Doctor* and hospitals fall. Tried ev erything. (Cured by the Ciiticurn Remedies lor 90. Cured by Cuticura. I am cured of a loathsome disease, eczema, In its worst stage. I tried diirercnt doctors and been through the hospital, but all to no pur- posh. Tho disease covered my whole body from the top of my head to the soles of my iect, My hair all came out, leaving mo a complete raw sore. After trying everything I heard of your Cuticura Remedies, and after using three bot tles of Cuticura Resolvent, with Cuticura and Cuticura Soap, I find myself cured at the cost of about $6. I would not bo without the Cuti cura Remedies in my house, as I find them use ful in many cases, and I think they are the only skin and blood medicines. ISAAC H. GERMAN, Wurtsboro, N. Y. Burning and. Itching. . I was sick in the fall of 1888 with a burning and itching so bad that in three weeks I was covered with a rash, and could not sleep nights or work days. Somo doctors thought it might be salt rheum (eczema), and said they bad nev er seen anything like it before. I received no help from any ol them, or from any medicine that 1 could get hold of until I tried your Cuti cura Remedies. After three weeks' use I was able to work, and kept gotting better, until I am now entirely cured. I recommend them to all suffering with skin diseases. C. E OSMER, Taftsville, Yt. Most Intense Itching. i hare used the Cuticura Remedies success fully for my baby, who was afllipted with ecze ma, and had such intense itching that lie got no rest day or night. Tho itqliing is cone, and my baby is cured, and is now a healthy, rosy- cheeked boy- * . „ MARY lvELI.ERMAN, Beloit, Kan. Cuticura Resolvent. The new Blood Purifier apd purest and best of Humor Cures, internally, end Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, and Cutfcum Soap, an exquis ite Skin Beautifler, externally, instantly and speedily and permanently cure the most ago nizing, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crust ed and pimply diseases and humors of tho skin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pim ples to scrofula. Sold everywhere. Price, Cuticura, 50c.; Soap _Jc.; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared by tho Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. jy-Scnd for “How to Cine Skin Disiases,” 6-1 pages, 50 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials, Headquarters tor Drugs! REID & OULPEPFE&’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga ;School and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. <1 BEAR IN MIN'D THAT THEY HAVE THE Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store IJST GEORGIA. Where you can find fresh and pure drugs and get prescriptions compounded at all hours day or night, by competent Pharmacists. They use only Squibb'? preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. REID «& CULPEPPER, 180-133 BSroud HI ATTENTION! OESMTIjEMBM. If you want to get a stylish neck-tie you must go to L. Steyerman & Bro. If you want to get a nice suit for little money go to L. Steyerman & Bro. They are Headquarters for Stylish Goods. Their rush for goods was so great that Mr. L. Steyerman left Sunday night for the sec ond stock for this season. He will now have a chance to get the latest novelties in all kinds ol Dress Goods and Trimmings. L. STEYERMAN Is BROTHER, LEADERS OF FASHION. JPLES, black heads, red, rough, chapped, f| and oily skin prevented by Cuticura Hoap. ft MUSCULAR STRAINS and pains, back aolie, weak kidneys, rheumatism, and chost pains reliev ed in ouc minute by the Cuticu- rn Anti-Pain Plnelor. 25 cents. Newspapers Free!> Yopr Own Name and address and those of 5 to 10 of your friends or neighbors, on a postal card, or otherwise, and a ropy of the Savannah Weekly News will be scat to each address free. THE WEEKLY NEWS Is ft Business iiml Family Newspaper ior Country renders. It is the largest weekly published in the south—If. large pages. It is splendidly gotten up and carefully edited. If you hftve never seen a copy of it send for one and you will pronounce it to be the big gest nnd best newspaper you ever rend. Address The Weekly News, Navnnnali, (In. WANTED i SECOND HAND -Carpets &nd Mattresses.- Can be sold to Good Advantage, —AT- B. GOLDBERG’S Auction nnd Coniimmdou House. Mercurial Poison. Mercury is frequently injudiciously used by quack doctors in cases of malaria and blood poison. Its after effect is worse than the original disease. I). 11, I!. (Botanic Blood Balm) contains no mercury, but will eliminate mercurial poison from the system. Write to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, (la., for book of convincing proof of its curative virtue. A. F. Britton, Jackson, Tcnn., writes: "I caught malaria in Louisiana, nnd when the fever at last broke, my system was saturat ed xvith poison, nnd I bad sores in my mouth and knots on my tongue- I got two bottles of B. B. B., which healed my tongue and mouth and made a new man of me. ’ Wm. Richmond, Atlanta, tla., writes: “My wife could hardly see. Doctors called it syphilitic iritis. Her eyes were in a dreadful condition. Iler appetite failed. She bad pain ill her joints and bones. Her kidneys were deranged also, and no one thought she could be cured. Dr. Gillum recunmendcd B B. B., which she used until her health was entirely restored.' 1 K. P. B. Jones, Atlanta, Ga., writes: “I was troubled with copper colored eruptions, loss of appetite, pain in hack, aching joints, debility, emaciation, loss Bf hair, sore throat, and great nervousness. B. B. 11. put my system in fine condition.' la Consumption Incurable? Read the following : Mr. C. II. Morris, Newark, Ark., says: “Was down with Ahcess of Lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. Kinn’s New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle, and able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the best medicine ever made. ’ Jesse Middlcwart, Decatur, Ohio, says "Ilad it not been for Dr. King's New Dis covery for Consumption I would have died of Lung Troubles. Was given qp by doctors. Am now in best of health;'’ Try it. Sample bottle free at S. J. Cassels’ Drug Store, Young Female College, Th.omasville, Ga. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4th, 1889. Full Collegiate course, affords every facility for a thorough education. Location healthful, grounds extensive and attractive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, - - - $15.00 Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, - - 10.00 Music, per month, 4.50 Drawing, per month, ----- 3.00 Painting, “ i‘ - 4.00 Board in College per month, .... 15.00 Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance at expiration of first quarter. JNO. E. BAKER, au"23- President. OPERA HOUSE MONDAY, OCTOBER 7. OlTE N16UT ONLY W. S. CLEVELAND’S MAGNIFICENT Haverly Mastodon MINSTRELS. Christendom’s Champion Conquerors! Led by the highest salaried prince of artists, BILLY EMERSON AND MERRY MIRTHFUL Hughey Dougherty. E. M. Kayne, John Queen, Banks Winter, The 2 Virtos, J. Marcus Doyle, Bert Sheppard. Sumptuous Spectacular Scenic First-rart. The most Gorgeous and Elaborate Ever Produced. VENETIAN NIGHTS. ORIGINAL ORIENTAL PATROL-MARCH. THE EGYPTIAN PHALANX. Amazing Added Antipodean Annex, The JiiPS GUAM. E. CLEVELAND. Business Manager. HARRY W. SEMON, - - General Agsnt. Grand Parade of this powerful organi/.a- tion on the day of performance, starting at 2 o’clock I'rum the Opera House tip Broad street to Jefferson street, counter marching to Kent & Culpepper's Drug Store. Sere nade ; thence to Opera House. Pickett’s Hamlet Flour is the finest goods on the mnrket, and costa you only 85.65 per barrel. # I —WITH THE Biggest and Best Stock OF DRY LUMBER IN SOUTH GKORGU. I have five hundred thousand feet of Standard Mouldings, Which I will sell at a rare bargain, in fact it will save purchasers money to sec me be fore placing their orders for lumber of any kind. Jos. L. Beverly, (Successor to Fife & Beverly.) MEIGS - - GA.., J. s. Real Estate Agent, THOMASVUiliE, GA. Office over Reid k Culpepper's Drug Slorc,Jji!roaJ SI. I am now prepared to buy or sell, for other parties, all kinds of town or country real estate, and have on my list a good assort ment of both kinds. Strict nnd close atten tion to the business will be my aim, and I respectfully solicit a share of the business of the community. aug?8tf Ituclilcu’N ArnicnJialrr. The Best Salve in the World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, ami positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by S, J. Cassels, Drug Store. Calhoun Tobacco 2octl w S. J..Casskls, 118 Broad Street,