The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 06, 1889, Image 3

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BEMfNi'fi YOU THAT A Change of Wearing’ Apparel If Not Already Necessary, SOON WILL BE ! Ami Every ■.ally NATURALLY ASKS THE QUESTION: Where Shall I Buy my Dress Goods? Wo will answer this for you here, and Me lento our Store Where we will assist you, if we can, to decide what style of Fabric and Trimming would suit you, SUNDAY, OCTOBER G, 1880. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU R. Thomas JrV 126 Broad Street. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. M, Oct. 5, 1889. TEMrEnATone. 2 P- *1 Maximum for 24 hours Minimum “ “ Rain-fall □Tlb-e Oele“bra/tecL SSIm-oss KlsutsI Also the finest line of shoes to be found in the city. 108 HltOAD STREET. - • THOMASVILLE. OA- CHURCH DIRECTORY. Methodist Church, Rev. Geo. G. N. MacDonell, Pastor—Prayer meet ing at 9.30 a. m. Preaching at 11 a. m. aud 7.30 p. m. by the pastor. Sunday School at 3.30 p. m. Presbyterian Church.—Services in the lecture room—Pastor J. H Herbcucr—services at 11 a. m. aud and at night. Prayer meeting Wed nesdav night at 7:30. Sunday school 9.30 a’, m. Baptist Church—Services by the pastor, Rev. Mr. Williams, at the usual hours. —FOR WE— POSITIVELY Have Everything that is NEW & STYLISH In DRE8S GOODS this Season, With the Very Imtcrt TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. Catholic Church:—Mass on see oud Sunday at 8:30 o’clock a. m. sermon at 11 a. in. See notice of a bicycle lor sale. Most of the Jewish closed again yesterday. stores were Mr. B. M. Walker, of Atlanta, was at the Whiddon yesterday Mr. J. H. Mrs. Charles P. Hansell Dead. Thomasville heard yesterday after noon of the death of Mrs. Rhetta Hansell. The news carried sorrow to every household in the town. The rich and poor will mingle their tears together. The humblest and poorest will, perhaps, next to those allied to her by the closest and dearest ties known, feel her loss most. She was a ministering angel among these unfor tunates for years, quietly and gently going about doing good, relieving the distressed and comforting those whom the world too often passes by. Sad faces were everywhere seen as the news rapidly spread. And it was gen uine heartfelt sorrow. The remains will reach here at S ; 3° *his afternoon, and will be conveyed to the residence ot Judge Hansell. Notice ot the hour and the place from which the funeral will take place, will be sent around in the morning. One of the purest, noblest and the best of women is no more. Her re ward in heaven will be exceeding great. Davidson, of Metcalfe was in town yesterday afternoon. Mr. R. A. Lytle,' a prominent merchant of Bainbridgc, passed I through here yesterday. Robe Suits. Lovely ones, $15.00, $10.50, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00. ; Sam Hayes, Jr., was elected a mem- ■ her of the Mitchell Fire company at ! their meeting Thursday night. Beautiful Combinations, In the newest Imported Materials. Exquisite Plaids and Stripes, Which nrc very stylish again this fall. In Plain Materials, You can buy a limited ticket to Atlanta and return, good for five days, every Tuesday iu this month, for 83.55. The Rev. Mr. Williams and wife arrived yesterday afternoon. Mr. Williams will preech to-morrow in his church. We have all the new shades, both in fine all wool nnd silk ivnrp goods. Ladies' Cloths, 52 and 54 inches wide in a dozen slindes. Black Goods. We would call your special attention to our Black Dress Hoods Stock, which really needs no mention, for we have earned the reputation of keeping the only complete stock of Fine Black Dress Goods in the city, and any lady contemplating the purchase ot a lllnck Dress will do herself an injustice to buy before seeing our magnificent stock. Black and Colored Silks. An cmllcss variety, in Gros Grain, .Faille Francaise, India, Faconc, llengalinc, Surahs &c., &c. , In Lovely, Stylish Dress Trimming No one can show such n variety. Black & Colored FRINGES, STRIPED:. SILKS, NEW PERSIAN SILKS, SILK VELVET AND PLUSHES, Persian Bands, &.C.. <!tec. Everything!!) Match We Imrite .You o call at onr store and inspect the loveliest ock of Dress Goods ever shown over a hoimisville Dress Goods counter. A Pleasure to Show Them. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices 09 & 111 BROAD ST The Opera House was opened up yesterday and everything about it put in trim for the opening performance to-morrow night. Miss Jennie West, of Chicago, who passed last winter here, returned again yesterday. Miss West will be cordially Welcomed to Thomasville again by her many Southern friends. Conductor J. R. Vason took down flic Monticello train yesterday, while Capt. Tom Lake went up to Camilla. Capt. Lake has rented a house on Jcflcrsou street and will move his family from Camilla here at an early day. The council completed their work on the returns of the white tax payers Friday night. Last night they took up the colored contingent. The work will be completed on Monday night. We understand that the rc turns will show an excess over those of last year. Attention is called to the advertise ment of a ten-room house, comtorta bly furnished, for rent. It is very desirably situated foraboarding house, and will be rented for the year on very easy 4erms. Apply to Mrs. T. U. Reese, on the premises, during this week. . ARE SOLE AGENTS FOR- are daily receiving Another Burglar. The residence of Miss Mollic Rush, who resides in Fletcherville, was entered by a burglar yesterday morn ing about 1 o’clock. The first knowl edge she had of his presence in the house was being aroused by hearing him searching her bedroom for valua bles. She called for her brother, who w : as rooming upstairs, and Squire Bibb, who lives next door. These gentlemen responded and chased the follow, (who jumped out of a window as soon os the alarm was given,) all around the house, but lie mauaged to escape. He had not had time to se cure anything. The lady recognized the burglar as a negro. Bound Over. KUen King, who is charged with the crime of arson, had her commit' ment trial before Squire Mardre, yes terday. Enough evidence was found to hold her to await the action of the Grand Jury. Capt. Hammond rep resented the, prosecution and Judge Alexander appeared for the defendant They are Coming. Mr. C. W. Lapham, writing to Mr R. W. Gladding, says: “Regarding our intended trip South this year I think the family will go as early as Nov. 25th, and perhaps before, and there will be more in the party thipi last year. I hope the Monon Route will be able to run through cars from Chicago to Thomasville without change. Anything I can do in the way of advertising I will tnke pleas ure in doing.” Mr. Lapham expects to come down himself later in the season. No Sorvlccs at St. Thomas Church To- Day. On account ol the absence of the Rector, Rev. Mr. LaRochc, there will be no services in St. Thomas’ Church to-day. To-Morrow Night. All Thomasville will be out at the opening of the season at the opera house to-morrow night. The minstrels played in Jacksonville on Friday night. We have only space to take this brief extract from the Times Union : “The expression, 'a crowded house,’ is very elastic. It doesn’t always mean exactly what the words would imply. But the expression fails utterly to de scribe the audience which greeted the Haverly minstrels at the Park opera house last night. There was not a vacant seat in pit, parquet, circle, box, or balcony, and standing room was at a premium long before the curtain went up. The audience waif a repre sentative one for . Jacksonville, and it enjoyed the entertainment thoroughly It was more liberal in its applause than usual, and if it wasn’t in good humor at the start, it fairly overflowed with it when the curtain went down for the last time.” A Projeotod Railroad. While Thomasville is cogitating over the situation—seeing her busi ness drift away for want of compel! tive rntes here, Albany, not satisfied with three roads, and a navigablo stream besides, led on by that tireless worker, Col. NelsOu Tift, is reaching out for another road. The last issue of the Cordelcan, says: “The road from Albany to Hmvkinsvillc, which tyill run through t’ordclc will add a great ileal to the trade and development of Cordete. Col. Nelson Tift has got as much dogged perseverance as any man in Georgia, and will certainly make it success of this road. Our people will do all in their power to secure its curly completion. Haw kinsvillc and Albany both wish connection with Cordele, because at this point compe tition is always secured, as two independent lines make cheap freight rates.' 1 Col. Tift was shrewd enough, when the road was built from here to Alba uy, to get his town made the eonipc titivc point, leaving Thomasville a way station—and which she has been ever since. This section will soon be covered with all the railroads which it can support, and then, as a matter of course, capitalists and others will stop putting money in new roads; and it looks very much ns if tho demands of this section will be satisfied, and its capacity to sustain additional roads reached, without Thomasville ever being touched by competing steel rails. Fall Cotton Shipped 300 Miles, at 55 Cents per Bale. They arc shipping cotton from Col umbus to Savannah, three hundred miles, at 55 cents per bale. Cannot Thomasville see in this what competi tion would do for .her ? And yet the merchants, business men, property holders, and all others who are sup posed to be interested iu building up the trade of the place, hesitate, hold back, and act as if there was nothing to lie gained by a competing line of road. When will Thomasville wake up, on this subject? The awakening will be too late, when warehouses and stores are dosed, and the trade of the town diverted to other places. Wo have tried, faithfully, earnestly and persistenly tried, for years, to show the business men of Thoinasvillo the danger which menaces them. Aud this danger is more apparent every year. To say that we have not enough capital here, to do something in the way of securing competition in rates, is saying what every one knows is not true; and to say that there is no man, or number of men, who arc, by their ability and business qualifications equal to the task of grappling with the situation, is a re flection on dozens of men in Thomas- villc. Then why, may w<? not well ask, has not something been done here before? And this question is pointed and direetod, not at one man— nor two or three men, but to the leading capitalists, business men nnd property holders of the town. If over a town needed some hold, but sagacious mnn, to come to the front, to disenthral the place from the leth argy and fatal inaction which has—up to this hour—characterized it, that town is Thomasville. Is there a Mo ses here? You should try Pickett’s Royal Baking Powder. Every cau guarnm teed to give satisfaction, or money re funded. One pound cans 25 cents. Dissolution. The firm of West k Feiim is this tiny dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. Iv I’. Fearn retiring. John T. West will continue the business, nnd assumes all liabilities and re tains the assets of the late firm. JOHN T. WEST, K. P. FEARN. Thomasville, Gn., Sept. 17th, 1889. A CARD. In retiring from the late firm of West k Fearn (as l purpose removing from the city) I desire to return my thanks to the public for the liberal patronage bestowed on us v and to ask a continrtancc#of the same to my former partner ami successor, Mr. John T. West, who is enlarging his facilities, and will he better prepared than bef»rc to serv the public with anything in his line. Respectfully, E. P. FEARN. Thomasville, Sept. 17, 1889* 1-mo TAILORING. Tlioro is an ond to all things, so tho pooplo say, but thoro Is no ond to tho splendid fitting clothing mado at 81 Broad street. Cleaning nnd repairing done in the neatest mannor. Givo mo a call JonN Kenny. -OF- -AND- Winter CLOTHING! and our line ol Light PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, the Jeweler, has se cured the agency for all the llrst-class Pianos and Organs, which lie is soiling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring to purehoso will do well to learn his prices nnd terms. MUST 60! ivould Jury for Ootober Term, 1889, County Court. C. Davis A C Davenport, S. Mallard John J. Paulk M. Barrow J. K. I’. Martin L. J. l’ugh C. B, Thompson D. A. Singletary W. W. Alexander, D. N. McKinnon E L Sanford. Colquit Court Postponed. On account of the death of Mrs. C. P. Hansell, which sad event occurred in Atlanta yesterday afternoon, Judge Hansell has adjourned Colquit court over until Thursday, the 10th inst. Members of the bar, litigants, wit nesses and others, will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. ARRIVED THIS A. M. ANOTHER cargo FIVE CENT SARDINES. The wise man who Rc well dressed, Sees Jones (at Lohnstein’s). i .ml puts on the best. I money, Some Again, ONLOWERBROAD Have just returned from the north. Glad to get hack, too. Thomasville really feels like home, and there’s no place like that. But the goods! they arc coining; be here next week. A big stock ? Well, no. Mine is not the largest. The others have that size, but it is large enough, aud still better, all personally selected, choice goods from the cream of New York and Baltimore markets. They arc the latest styles, bought low down,aud will he sold the same. This means that 1 want to do a good share of the millinery trade this season. It is said to he impossible to please everybody ; maybe so; but there’s nothing like trying, aud if I gel the chance the etiort will not he wanting. Think over the matter, and decide if it is not well to give at least a share of your trade to one who is anxious for it,aud will do her best to please. Yours, for trade and low prices, Mrs. aBcniiic Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. NEW TURKISH DATES AND PRUNES. BURBANK POTATOES ANl) BERMUDA ONIONS, at A. C. Brown’s, 50ct3t The Jackson St. Grocer We absolutely defy competition on cash groceries. M. P. Pickett. Electric Bitter*. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters sing the same song of praise, A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys, will remove Pimples, Boils, Salt Rheuiu and other affections caused by impure blood.— Will drive malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers.— For cure of Headache, Constipate and In digestion try Electric Ritters—Entire satis faction guaranteed, or money refunded.— Price 50cts. aud $1.00 per bottle at S. J. Casscls, Drug Store. New Buckwheat And fresh syrup, in sealed cans, at T. J. Ball & Bro’i •J.29 3t. Call and get Prices before buy ing at myps Cost Prices, and we will IS.A.'V'IES YOU MONEY Clothier? and^Furnishers, a*.