The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 08, 1889, Image 4

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I WiM, RE WORTH Y OF IT. I may not 'cacti the heigh;s I freh, My untticil 6.'engih may fail me ; Or, hill-way uj> the mnuatva ; Fieice tempests may ;i.--..i: an Bat though that place 1 rer gain. Herein lies com o-. or my jia'n— i ' I will be woiihv nf ii. IOay not triumph insnm.o. Despite my earliest labor ; Ltnay not grasp results that bless f 'the efforts of my neighbor. t j^Qt though my goal I never Fee, i^his thought shall always dwell with m I will be wo)thy «.i ii. The goldc-u glo'y of lore's May never fall on lav way ; My path may always lend through id;.:’.; Like some deserted by-way. But though life’s denied joy I mi-” There lies a nameless jo.v in this— I will be worthy oi it. Identifying Mr. Johnsc?; From tile New York rbiM. “Is there a Mr. Johti.-'»i> ihi- car?" Called the con.hit-tor, a- entered a coach on a Lehigh \V.!i train and held up a telegram ■vi- ... ‘There's!' replied three chorus, r3 they rose up. “That's mo!' replied t;v-> ib- wljile the third looked r.jii vt ! sat down. “Which of yon is marride tinued the conductor. “I am ?” both answered. “Well, I think this dbi-a!. h r- lates to the .birth of twins at '■ and is congratulatory." “This lets me out, thank heavi-n 1 exclaimed one Johnson, as he down, to wipe his hrow, while other flushed red and white for moment, and then received the di patch. Made the Attempt From the St. Louis Itcp-.ii.iii-. Judge Underwood, of lloib-vd'. Ill,, was a gallant soldier in the C -' • federate army. lie was on the tertainment committee at the r - i soldiers’ reunion in that city, a: J di charged bis duty so well that > very- body took him for an old G. A. it. veteran. On the second day he eras approached by a soldier who asked : “What regiment we e you mV' “The Thirty-seventh Georgia,’' re plied the judge. “Georgia! Georgia I”, 1 inus-i-J the the veteran; “didn’t that state go c i of the union ?" “No, sir,” was the jn-r-mpt reply. The veteran looked puzzled for a moment, and then moved oil' to bead- quarters. lie soon returned with triumphant expression <•! e .uu!--' i n-.. saying: “Why, colonel, you're niie-; Georgia did go out of the union." “No, she didn’t," rcpli-i l'a j-A c-; "but she tried hard to do it.” ° Mrs. Cleveland in Mat h’o. A beautiful white nmr'A- hu.-t of Mrs. Cleveland, upon a ped tal of black and white marble, is at sent occupying a corner of Mrs, Wilson', drawing room. It was left in the ex-marshal’s charge when Mr. Cleve land went to New York. The lea- is l'fc-size, and is the work of (I Scanki, Genoa, and bears dati ofi t-'n It was made from impressions taken when, as Miss Folsom, slit- travellei in Europe. The marble ieprcs"ut the head and shoulders, showing ii. chest midway. The hair is dves.-ei in the style that is now familiar t< the public as that worn in the pi, t v giaphs extant of this popular holy, in a coil on the top of the head. Tl e features are Idealized, and the form t is slight. The drapery is a Imiio U under-garment made with .- oar. opening at the neck edged with Ham burg trimming, and a knitted shawl falling from the shoulders in a rod forms the edge of the bust. The statuary will he sent to Mr. and Mrs. Cleveland as soon as they are located in their Madison avenue house, near 69th street, New York city.—Louis ville Courier-Journal. Ex Senator Jones, of Florida, is be fore the public again. He lias had a row with his benefactor in Detroit, and when last heard from was v.i h ,>i a home. His is the most remarkable case in the records of the insane, and his infatuation for Detroit is inexplica ble. O'Neil, his benefactor, who has provided for him for the past tivo years, offered him a purse of $500 if he would return to Florida, an offer »hich the ex senator declined with an air of insulted dignity, as he went wandering homeless in^he streets. > an toed which it 1 it will (lam. ■ I "!. :n f J Uhh ii all in Sp-.- tin- iLr GAS . • M iiierai i i 1: i 11 , Ger- 1? : A"-; 'if VS f! 9 ti r g ft s sd -a ft • ^ .. - • JLY1XI1U :^cbX Ad* M EATS. \V« will cp.-ri, Monday, A j: A lat.!v occiij.i. -i by Mr fii:'* .-tut i of fVf’ meat.;. Ib il 1 >t, at the P. H. Ron f, Million nn< \N * ft meats at the low ) our pa n farms, fat, rri I! be j;!;id to receive ill p«*rve you with the t» j»o«siule prices. F. P. IioiiM & Bb PASSENGER SCHEDULE — AND — FREIGHT SERVICE In Effect Feb. 26, 1889. via The PROFESSIONAL CARDS. RAII.R04D. Suwanoc ltiver Route to Florida. i Macon city time. :i OI SO SOUTH. l GOINON ORT H Macon 4 00 pm;Lv Valdosta. S-dkce.. 4 19 ji pm ,7 22 pm .7 33 pm 5 IP am Mlneola 6 36 am Hahlra 5 54 am Ox moor 6 09 am Adel 6 49 am Sparks.. 57 t ‘ Laconic 7 09 a 1 Eldorado 7 29 a 1 Tlfton 7 59 a 1 Chula 8 17 a Inaha.... Sycamor 1 Ashburn. Dakota... Arabi Wenouu. 1 Cordele. ,...8 62 A ....9 08 a ....9 22 A ..9 86 i ..9 47 f Ar Valdo Pasaen Ulchwood ..10 00 am 1 Vienna 10 09 am Findlay 10 21 am Plnehurst..l0 29 am Unndllla. ...1>»42 am Elko 11 02 am Grovaula ...11 10 am Tivotti 11 81 am Kathleen ...11 42 am Bonaire 1151 am 1 Wellston....l2 05 jim Avondale ...12 18 pm «• Sofkee 12 28 pm Ar Macon 12 45 pm ■(land delivered at Central ■nail Warehouses. •al freight trains leave Macon dally at i. m ..and arrive dally at 8:30 p. ni. r further Information apply to your sta- agent or to A. C. KNAPP, Traffic Managor, Macon, Ga. Florida Trunk Line. Florida Central —AND— Peninsula Railroad. Formerly flic F. It. A IV, Co. Standard Time Used—June 2,1889. y | 7 | SOUTHERN DIVISION I 8 | 4 6 00 p loo:, a I.v Fernandlna Ar| 3 05p; 8IO1 ) p 12 42 p Lv i p 1 27 p Ar ' *42 p Ar Callahan Baldwin Lawtey 2’2( | Ar 153p; «40a Ar 1242p 6 00a Ar 1158 a 3 65 a Ar 11 28ai 3 30 ArllO 52 a 2 50 ll 20 a' 3 02 p Ar Hawthorne ArllO23 ai 2 00 110 a 4 29 i 3 50 a 5 42 pAr 5 10 a C 10 p Ar i>40p.\r 5 22 p Ar Ocala Wildwood Leesburg 0 Ur 31 23 Orlando I TAMPA DlVItf | Lv Jacksonville Ar Lv Wildwood Ar: Ar Pauasoffkee Ar Ar Bumtervlllo Ari I Ar St. Catherine Af; Ar Lacoochoo Ar| r Datle City Ar Ar Plant City Lv Ar 9 07 p 1201 p Ar 800a 1 9 20p Ar 7 85* 7 55 p Lv 710 a 7 00 p Lvj 5 45 aj 4 OOp 30 i 8 00 p 7 30 p C 40 p 6 00p J 5 45p 4 00 p 13 l CEDAR KEY DIV. j 14 | 24 TOO n 114"> a Lv Jacksonville Ar 150p 610a c no 4 10 p Lv Waldo ArllO35 pi 8 40 p 5 10 V. 4 53 p Ar Galnesvlllo Ar 9 40 a| 2 30p 0 45 '! 5 4’2 p Ar Archer Lvj 8 25 a|V216 p \ fi 12 pi A r Bronson ArJ 7 48 \Ar Cedar Key Lvl 5 30 e VI.STERN DIVISION j 2 j 10 00«!Ar Baldwin I 2 35 p Lake City Ar I 1 08 p 1 l 58 j. 10 27 a A r Live O ik Ar 12 23 p 1 »i a ll 23 ai A r Madison Arjll 1,7 a j in « 12 52pi.\r Montlcello Lv lo30a •2 02 p Ar Tallahassee Lvj 9 50 a 3 0Jp|Ar Quincy i 00 pi A r lUver Ju 7 051 1 46 p 11 22 a 9 55 a 8 15 a 5 25 a 3 20 a 1 50a 12 05 a 1,2, 7, h, 9.10,13, 14 Dally. G2, and 63 Dally. 3,4, 23, '24, Dully, except Sunday. 30 Hally except Sunday. 31 Dally except Monday, l AND CO I G I JACKSONVILLE BRANCH | 5 | 61 845 p-1 30 a Lv Ja-ks-.iiville Ars50a-C00 1005p-t>00a Ar Feruandina Lv715a-430 5 and C dally, oxcopt Sunday. 60 and 61 Sundays only. 7:15 a. m., New Orleans Express. Shortest ami Quickest line to all Middle and West Florida points, Pensacola, Mobile and New Orleans 7 :15 a. rn. anl 7 :30 p. in. tralnScon- nect through to Thomasvllle, Montgomery, Nashvillo, Se. Louis. Cincinnati. Chicago, and all points North and West. Arrlvo at 2:45 p. in. and 3.45 p. m. 11:45 p. in. Mali and Express for all points South, Gainesville, Ocala, Leesburg, Tarores, Apopka, Orlando, Pannsoffkeo (St. Catharine) Dade City, Plant City. Arrives at 1:50 p. in, 7:00 p. m. Local, connects through for all points South, Ocala, Gainesville, Leesburg, Tavares, Orlando, Tarpon Springs, Souther land, St. Petersburg, and Tampa. Arrives at C :1U a. m, 11:45 a. m. Cumberland Route Express, con ne.ets at Feruandina with steamer City of Brunswick, dally, for Brunswick, Macon, At lanta, Chattanooga, Louisville, Cincinnati .St. Louis ami Chicago. Arrives 1:30 p. m. 4:30 p. m. Fernandlna Mall and Express, daily, connecting Tuesday and Friday with Str. St. Nicholas for Savannah and way land ings. Thursday with Mallory Steamers for New York. Arrives 8:5ua. m. Sunday train loaves Jacksonville 8:45 a. rn. This new service gives perfect connections at Baldwin for all points North and West, Via Callahan to all points North, East and West. Via Fernandlna, connecting with Str. City of Brunswick, for Brunswick, Macon, Atlanta and all points North and West. D. E. MAXWELL, A.O MACDONELL, Gen. Manager. G. P. & T. A. N. S. PENNINGTON, Traffic Manager. J. W REID. Agent at Thomusvllle, Ga. TO TI1E NORTH AND NORTHWEST —THE— L.& JNT. LOUISVILLE « NASHVILLE RAILROAD, —IS THE— SHOUT LINE, —WITH— THROUGH SLEEPING SARS, FROM ALBANY TO E, NT. LtfUIS. Ami but one change to ‘bmeiGo. And otktr northern citu-8. Always njk for tickets ria the Louisville H Nashville R. R. For -any information, write to C. P. ATMORK, Gen. Pats. Agt. LosisvilU, Ey. Parties haring friend! in the North should advise thereto take this route to ,Thoma»- ville during"the coming seaton. DR. M. M. T. HUCHINGSON of Lake City, Fla., 30 Vears in the Practice of Medicine, Offers bis profess'onal services to the citi zens of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Office, 2nd door over A. C. Brown’s store, and A. C. Brown's residence on Daw- ion street. d&wGm Sept 17, DR. A. B. COUCH, Modern - Pathology, - Hew - Remedies DIRECT TREATMENT, Offers his professional sorvices to the eiti- ecus of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Office over Steyerman’s store, Broad street, Thomasville, Ga, J-fLd&wly W. C. SNODGRASS. B. F. DAWKINS glXOIHiHASS & HAWKINS, Attorn eys-at-Law. Office. Formerly occupied by Enterprise of- iji M McISrOTSH, Pliyfiiciaii <i& Surgeon, Thomasvillo, Georgia. ^-OFFICE over St.ark'8, corner Broad and Fletcher Streets. JOEL B. COYLE- dentist THOMASVILLE, ^GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St., ovcrjl’Ickctt’a.l s. G. McLENDON, Attorney-at-Law, JlThomasvillo, - I- I* Georgia. IITrompt attention;'givenIto all business en trusted to him. . Office—Over Watt’s store, ;corner, Broad and Jackson strocts. J II. COYLE, D. D. S., ■ . Resident Dentist, ^^Thomasville, • Georgia. Offers his services to th cltlzen^of Thom- asTlllo and vicinity. Office hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from2 to 5 p. m. ‘Office—On Jackson street. W. D. MITCHELL, ; It. G. MITCHELL. M 'ITCHELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thomasville, • - Georgia. w. W. BHUCE,, M. D. Office, up-stairs. ^1 S. DEKLE, M. I)., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Corner College avenue and Mag nolla street. Telephone communication, No. 2$ for night BY FA® TIDE ROUTE —TO— NEW YORK OE BOSTON —IS VIA— SAVANNAH —AND THE— OCEAN:-: STEAMSHIP:-: LINE —OF THE— Central Railroad of Georgia. SUMMER EXCURSION TICKETS Now on sale at reduced rates. Good to return until October 31st, 1889. Magnificent Steamers and elegant ser vice. Free from the heat and dust incident to nil-rail routes. If you are sick the trip will invigorate and build you up. Go east by sea and you'll never regret it. Passengers, before purchasing tickets via other routes, would do well to inquire first of the merits of the Route via Savannah. Further information may he had by apply ing to the Agent at your station, or to M. S. BELKNAP, W. F, SHELLMAN, General Manager. Traffic Manager E. T. CHARLTON. CLYDE BOSTICK, Gen. Pass. Agent. Trav. Pass. Agt., Savannah Ga. drlEB & Lfflcl Contractors & Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. We will bo glad to make contracts for, or tuperintend, all classes of buildings, public or private, In either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans aud specifications If required. If you want any building done call on us, and we will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded us or not. Wo will guarantee satis faction In all our work. We refer to the many buildings erected by us In Thouiaaville, and to all parties for whom wo have worked. Bhop en Fletcher st., 2nd door from Broad. . Thomasville, Ga., April 3,1889. N. S. Eaires, CONTRACTOR’and BUILDER Thomasville, Georgia I will be glad to make contracts foi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, in either brick or wood. I will guarantee in every Instance to (<ve satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates made. Mr Motto—Good, honest work at fair prices. If you want any building done call •m me. 1 will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. I refer to the many public buildings erocted by me In Themasvllle and elsewhere, and all parties tor whom I hare worked' THE PEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEfSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, £ and Chair Cars by day, between Cln- cinnatt! and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tween Louisville and Chicago, whero close con* prTG noctlons are made for St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land,' Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and points Intermediate— New fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dallyexcept Sunday, at 7*30 a. m. Clnclnnattl, Daily, excopt Sunday, at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6:55. The most rapid service ever attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on th< Ohio IB cer and Chicago. gS*! hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage chock ed to destination, and your safoty and com fort provided for, are among the points that have made the Mcmoiff route; Universally and desorjedly popular. OHN B. CARSON, VIco-pros't and Gen’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gen'l Traffic Manager, E. O. McCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent- R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt., 158 Broad St.. Thom&svllle Ga. Whiddon House (Opposlto Plney Woods Ilctol.) THOMASVILLE, - GA, E. B. Whiddon, JPt'op. This house, located In the most desir able and central part of the city. Is now and complete in ovory particular. Fur nished In the most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, and the servico rendered by trained andipo- lito servants. Terms reasonable, and prices graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from the house meet all trains. dcelO-ly B. D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DEALER IN HARDWARE Stoves, Iron, Tin and Hollow Ware, Gis ii Sift Goois of all kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. GEORGE FEARN, REAL ESTATE AGI \T, OFFICE IN MITCHELL HOUSE BLOCK. Citj ud Coiilrj Propert) (or Salt. ".HOUSES RENTED And Taxes !•» la. TADATSTSi NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your property Thomasville Variety PRETTY Paying Farms For Sale I will sell the Henry McLendon place, 3 miles out on the Mag nolia road to a good man on easy terms, at $2,5oo. This is the best small farm, all things considered, in the county. 7 acres in pears, other im- provementsmoderate. Open land for 2-horse farm, admirably ad apted to fruit and vegetables, dairying etc. Ill 1-2 acres, good water and neigh borhood;worth $5,ooo but will sell at $2,5oo. Also the Pittman- Thomas place, con sisting of 77 1-2 acres 2 1-2 miles from court house on right side of Magnolia road. No waste land, level and clay soil ; about half open land, balance in beautiful woods, good ten acre pear orchard, justbeginninirto bear, small house,fine crops raised this year Will throw in a good mule and one-horse wagon, farming implements, etc., and plenty of feod and seed to raise next crop. Better worth $6ooo than most places about town for which that sum is charged, but can be bought at $3,ooo on easy terms. To a man who wants a little farm conve nient to Thomasville, on which he can easi ly earn a good living, I unreservedly and honestly recommend either of these places. WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DR 1 ED DUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS* STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FllONTS. Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDEJ HARDWOOD FINISH A SPECIALTY. (^-CORRESPONDENCE SOLICITED. t Four furnished rooms, up stairs, parlor and kitchen privileges down stairs, elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, for rent at 867.50 a month. This is a bargain. Nice, new, furnished cottage on Monroe street, close in, 4 rooms and kitchen, $300 tor the season. 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00 per month. No children wanted. Furnished House in Eist End - on Colton avenue; 4 rooms, diuiug room, and kitchen. Price, S6o,ooo. per month. Large Furnished House, close to Jackson street; 8 1-2 rooms. Price, $500 (or the season. Large 7 room house on Madi son street, near center of town, at $20.0(3 p er month. This is a desirable and cheap house. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Furnished house in East Epd, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. E. M. lllette, REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. G-eor-na