The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 11, 1889, Image 3

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THIS EEMIN ■ Si YOU THAT A Change of * Wearing’ Apparel If cfot Already Necessary, SOON WILL BE ! Aiul Every Lady NATURALLY ASKS THE QUESTION: Where Shall I Buy my Dress Goods? We will answer this for you here, and Me Mo rnr Sta, Where we will assist you, if we can, to decide what style of Fabric and Trimming would suit you, —FOIt WE— POSITIVELY Have Everything that is NEW & STYLISH In DRESS (1O0IIS this Season, With the Very Latest TRIMMINGS TO MATCH. Robe Suits. Lovely ones, $15.00, $10.50, $18.00, $20.00, $25.00. Beautiful Combinations, In the newest Imported Materials. Exqu site Plaids and Stripes, Which are very stylish again this fall. in Plain Materials, We have all the new shades, both in fine all wool and silk warp good?. Ladies’ Cloths, 52 and 54 inches wide in a dozen shades. Black Goods. We would call your special attention to our Black Dress Goods Stock, which really needs no mention, for we have earned the reputation of keeping the only complete stock of Fine Black Dress Goods in the city, and any lady contemplating the purchase of a Black Dress will do herself-an injustice to buy before seeing our magnificent stock. Black and Colored Silks. An endless variety, in Gros Grain, Faille Francaire, India, l acone, liengaline, Surahs &c., &c. In Lovely, Stylish Dress Trimming No one can show such a variety. Black & Colored FiinsrcTidy. STRIPEDSILKS, NEW FERSIAN SILKS, SILK VELVET AND PLUSHES, Persian Bands, &c., &c. Everythingto latch We Invite You To call at our store and inspect the loveliest stock of Dress Goods ever shown over a Thomasville Dress Goods counter. A Pleasure to Show Them. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. ll>9 & 111 BROAD ST THE DAiLY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 11, 188E. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU AT R. Thomas Jr’s - 126 Broad Sired. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock P. M., Oct. 10, 1889. TEMrKB'AToa*. 7 47 2 p. 81 7 p. 64 Maximum for 24 hours a 81 Minimum 11 “ “ 43 Rain-fall 00 Fair, warmer. Manny Eugle was in the city yes terday. Dr. Culpepper went over to Boston yesterday on business. Mr. A. J. King, of Thomaston, was lit the Stuart yesterday. The farmers and gardeners would appreciate a good rain. The inside of the Pearl Saloon is being handsomely fixed up. Mr. L. D. Noble, of Savannah, was at the Whiddon yesterday. The chain gang was put to work cleaning up East End yesterday. Mr. Wm. Campbell went over to Bainliridge on a special yesterday, Mr. T. J. Neacy, of Milwaukee, was,at the Whiddon House yesterday. Electric lights have been introduced in the express office on Jackson street. Mr. H. G. Iloyal, telegraph opera tor at Waycross, was in the city yes terday. Misses. Lillie and Lula Stuart have returned from a short visit to Valdosta. Mr Walter Hawkins, of the E. T., V. & G. Ry, wits in the city on busi less yesterday. The cool spell has subsided, and ires in the early mojming are no lou ver necessary. Mr. Louie Steyerman returned yes- erday from New York, where ho vent to buy goods- That new railroad and the capture >f a few more burglars arc among rhomasville’s chiefest needs. See the new locals of Messrs. T. J. Ball & Bro. They are prepared to ill all orders in the grocery line promptly. The smiling face of Mr. Will Ste- jall was seen on our streets to-day. He reports Metcalfe as peaceable and lourishing. Miss Kate Wyrick, who has been visiting Miss Emma Carroll for sever- vl weeks, returned to her home in Lloyds, Fla., yesterday. Miss Eva Morehouse, of Talbotton, who has been visiting her brother, Mr. Ward Morehouse, left yesterday for home, Mr. C, C. Pearce and wife, mid Hon. R. A. Connell, ot Whigham, were in the city yesterday. The party stopped at the Stuart. The wire netting for the deer en- do.-ure at Mr. J. Wyman Jones’ handsome park, Glen Arven, is being hauled out to the grounds, from the Depot. The new residence of Mr. V. A. ilorrocks, on the Linton road, is ap proaching completion, and will be ready for the family to occupy it next week. • A fox race is reported for Saturday morning. The meet is to he at Mr. J. Wyman Jones’, two miles from town. The fox has already been caught for the occasion. All are invited. CURTRIGHT & DANIEL -ARE SOLE AGENTS FOF T’la.e CeleToars/fced. Hats! Also the finest line of shoes to he found in the city. 108 BROAD STREET, ... - THOMASVILLE, GrA are daily receiving Capt. C. P. Hansell returned yes- day, his clerical duties iorbidding a ager stay. Hon. A. T. McIntyre Duld have returned with him, but re fined to attend the railroad meeting it night. Died. We regret to learn of the recent ath of our friend,Mr. Owens, ot East range, New Jersey, who spent sever- winters in our city for Ins health, id expected to return here on the si inst, but Wjis not spared to do so. e has many friends here who will iss him during the winter months. Railroad Meeting. A large number of our most promi nent citizens met last night at the court house to discuss the subject of a railroad from Augusta to Thomasville, as suggested in our last issue. Judge Hopkins announced the pur pose of the meeiing, and on motion W. R. McIntyre was called to the chair and B. F. Hawkins elected sec retary. Mr. Smith, the president of the Augusta & West Florida railroad, stated the conditions upon which the stock should be subscribed,which were, in substance, that upon a subscription of $£o,ooo to the capital stock of the road, the company agreed to build to Thomasville and seek no competing route, that lands would be taken at fair valuation in subscriptions; that the stock would not be called for and was not due until the road was built, from Augusta to Thomasville, and would be void if work was not commenced within one year from date and completed within three years. Hon. A. T. McIntyre endorsed the movement and stated how he had looked into the matter' and had placed safeguards around the charter to pro tect Thomasville. Col. A. P. Wright spoke on the sub ject and explained the great benefits of-t’ne road and the feasibility of the project. Mr. T. C. Mitchell made an ex haustive review of the incipiency of the movement, explained how he had looked carefully into it, knew its prac ticability and give it his hearty en dorsement and aid. He made a stirr ing appeal to the audience to go to work to secure the road. He was hear lily applauded. Dr. Bower, Judge * Hopkins and others spoke on the subject, and after many questions and satisfactory an swers from Mr. Smith, Judge Alexan der offered the following resolutions, which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the proposition o 1 C. E. Smith, president of the Augusta & West F orida railroad, is fair, liberal and just, and that the sense of this meeting is that his proposition ought to be accepted, and that the citizens of the town and county ought to come to the aid ol the enterprise as liberally as they can. After further discussion, on - motion of Judge Hopkins, the subscription was opened and .$20,000 was subscrib ed in the meeting. On motion, E. M Mallette, B. F. Hawkins and J, S. Montgomery were appointed as a committee to assist Mr. Smith in a canvass of the city, for the remaining subscriptions. On motion the meeting adjourned. Another Burglary. Shortly after dark on Wednesday night Mrs. Sampson, wife of Mr. S. Sampson, the fruit dealer, captured Edward Mitchell, a colored youth some 15 or 10 years old, who had just burglarized her residence, corner Cal houn and Dawson streets. During her absence Edward had effected an entrance into the house through a rear window aud had secured sundry articles of provisions and some jewelry, but had not gone when she returned. Seeing or hearing her coming lie threw the articles under the hou aud was making off, hut her quick eye detected the raised window and immediately she suspicioned foul play. She ordered him to halt, and by pre senting a pistol persuaded him to re main until her husbaud could be sent for. The barrel upon which he reach ed the window, the open window, the missing articles from the house and | Edward’s presence told the story too j plainly and he was lodged in jail. J Mrs, Sampson’s coolness and deter- | mination were most opportune aud will result, it is hoped, in Edward becoming a better and a wiser boy. A pony attached to a cart, ran away r on Carioll Hill yesterday, throwing the driver, Jefferson Griffin, colored, and another man who was with him, in a ditch. Griffin was slightly hurt. Dr. A. D. Bender, Mrs. I. Titus aud Miss J. Miller, of Cincinnati, O., arrived last uight for the winter. They are guests of the Stuart. Tribute to Mrs, Hansell. Whereas, it has pleased cur Heavenly Father, in His all wi»c providence, to re move by death Mrs. Margaret Charlton Hansell, we, the surviving members of the Ladies’ Memorial Association, would offer this tribute of affection to our deceased friend and co-laborer. Af the close of the late war, the ladies of Thomasville, in common with the women of the South, organized a society under the name of the Ladies’ Memorial Association, for the two-fold purpose of assisting disi bled Confederate soldiera, and of erecting a mon ument to the memory of those noble sons of Tliomns county who died in the defence of a principle which they held ns dear as life itself. This society was organized in the spring of 1874. The following were the original members and managers of this association, viz : Mrs. A. P. Wright, Mrs. C. P. Hansell, Mrs. Milner Smith, Mrs. P. W. McGlaslian, Mrs, T. S. Paine, Miss Alice Moore, Mrs. C. D. Barraltc, Mrs. 0. D. Scott, Mrs, A, G. .SheftaM, Mrs. George Parnell, Miss .Mattie Seward and Miss Etta Reid. Mrs. Hansell, one ol the lending spirits in this movement, was (lected its first presi dent. Many a confederate veteran has been the recipient of her generosity, anil will rise up in the last day and call her blessed. To her indefatigable labors and untiring zeal much of the success in procuring fund tor the erection of the beautiful monument to our confederate dead, is attributed. It was eminently proper that she, who had labored so faithfully, should have been chosen to unveil this monument, so long the cherished object of her heart. Having, herself, lost a loved one in the shock of battle, she was ever ready to lend a helping hand to all who suffered, either iu body or estate, from the ravages of a cruel war. But her benefactions are now ended, her many deeds of love and charity aro over and she has been cnllcd to reap the rewards of her labors, and receive the plaudit of "well done, good and faithful servant. We, the surviving members of this a ciation, acknowledging the righteousmu our Father in Heaven, desire to give ex pression to our feelings in the following resolutions: Resolved, 1st. That we recognize in this bereavement the hand of a kind and merci ful Father, and while bowing submissively to 11i° will, would lny to heart the solemn lesson it imparts. Resolved, 2nd. That in the deatli of Mrs. Hansell, our association has lost one of most useful and generous members—Die poor, a kind and charitable friend—and society—one ot its brightest ornaments. Resolved, 3rd. That we tender our heart felt' sympathy to the loving husband and devoted daughter, with the earnest prayer that He wiio has so sorely chastened, will pour into their bleeding hearts the balm of consolation. Resolved, 4th, That these resolutions he published in the city paper, and a copy of the same ho furnished the family of the de ceased. Fall -AND ■Winter CLOTHING! and our line ot Negro Man Shot. Just before going to press, we re ceived information that a negro was shot last night on Mr. Bob Varnadoe’s place, four miles from the city, by another negro man. Dr. J. G. Hop kins was called to attend to the wound ed man, who is said to have been shot with a load of buckshot. A Tribute. A touching and appropriate tribute to the life and labors of Mrs. Hansell, by the surviving ladies of the Ladies’ Memorial Association, appears to-day. Another, passed by the General Be nevolent Association, will appear to morrow. In both these organizations the dcceasd was without a peer as an earnest worker. From her fertile brain and generous heart emanated many of the good deeds performed by these worthy organizations. The Lost Cause, and the distressed and needy had no truer friend than Mrs. Hansell. Id perpetuating the honor and memory of the former, or in relieveing the wants of the latter, she never faltered or tired. She resis from her labors, but her good works will live on. Mrs. Launder and daughter, of Chicago, arrived last night, and .will spend the winter at Mr. R. W. Glading’s. Mr. Joe Grier, of Savannah, paid the city a visit, yesterday. The first mogul engine that, ever went down to Monticello over the new branch road, pulled out the Mon ticello passenger yesterday afternoon. Light Fresh syrup, in cans, at 11 £t T. J. Ball & Bro’s. Fresh Graham and rice (lour at 11 3t T. J. Bali. & Bro’s. Newspaper Material. The attention of parties wishing newspaper outfit is directed to the advertisement clswhere of Mr. Scar- boro, of Guyton, Ga. He offers a great bargain in a fine newspaper out fit. ‘•Held by the Enemy” will he played at the opera house on next Tuesday night. Manager Reid will admit only first class troupe* and this U pronounced an extra good play. Tickets now on sale at Reid & Cul pepper's. Secure your seats early. * Fresh buckwheat at 11 31 T. J. Ball & Bro’s. Printing Material For Sale. All the material and office fixtures of tin* Central Georgia Baptist consisting of One New Camphc’ll Cylinder Printing Press, bed 28x42 inches, witli extra bed, chases, roliers, cores, wrenches, all fixtures complete, fit ted for hand and power, will print 2 pages of an 8 column paper, or 4 pages of a 4 col. paper at one impression and run 1000 sheets per hour, does all kinds of job printing neatly and rapidly. A first-class newspaper and job press combined. In perfect order. Also One 90 inch llickock Ruling Ma chine, with pens, blanket, etc., complete. One :I0 inch wheel Paper Cutter, two lai Imposing Stones, Proof Press, Lead and Rule Cutter, Mailing Machine, Racks, Ta bles, Chairs, Stools, Stove, Furniture, etc., etc. Type: Ten fonts Wood Type, half to ten inch letters, 20 touts of Job Type, Script and assorted faces. Two hundred lbs. Minion, with double quantity of caps, figures and leaflets for book work. Three hundred and fifty lbs. of Small Pica with extra Leaders, One font 50lbs. of Long Primer, One font of Burgeois, Composing and Job Sticks. Column and Labor-saving Rules, Leads, Slugs, Borders, Ornaments, Galleys, Logo types, Labor-saving Metal Furniture, Bel lows, Planes, Mallets, Side and Foot Sticks, and other articles too numerous to mention. All type in good cases. The entire outfit U in excellent order, cost over $1,800. Will also sell subscription list and good will of the Central Georgia Baptist, a weekly paper located at Macon, Ga., having 2,500 circulation and a liberal advertising and job printing patronage. Paper and Printing Material will be sold separately if desired. The whole or part of this rare bargain »3 offered low for c:wsh or very cheap on easy terms, with low interest on safe paper. Ap ply at once, stating terms wanted, to J. A: SCARBORO, Guyton, Ga. Call and get Prices before buy ing at Cost Prices, and we will "VIES YOU MOffiSY Clothier?, andtfurnisfiers, 106 b St., Thomasville, GaJ