The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 13, 1889, Image 1

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ntennrist YOL 1 -NO 131. THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING. OCTOBER Id, '889 JSS.OO PER ANNUM :A. NE- Open Letter. ¥e have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn- stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. This question we can easily answer: The people like to trade at Lohnsteins store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention and consideration from the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than at any in town, and Last, but not least, because a dol lar goes farther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins and quick sales; These are the cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good work still goes on. Come and* see us this week. We. will divide profits with you. ' Dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in. every department. Bar gains in every line. They are waiting for you. Come and pluck them. It will pay you. WHERE DO TOV LIVE? I knew a man whose name was Horner, Who used to live on Grumble Corner. Grumble Corner, in Cross-Patch Town, And he never was seen without a frown. He grumbled at this; he grumbled at that, He growled at the dog; he growled nt the cat; He grumbled at morning; he grumbled at night; And to grumble and growl was his chief delight* o He grumbled so much at his wife, that she began to grumble as well ns he; And nil the children, wherever they went, Reflected their parent’s discontent. If the sky was dark, and betokened rain, Mr. Hornet was sure to complain. And if there was never a cloud about, He'd grumble because of n threatened drought. His meals were never to suit his taste; He grumbled at baling to eat in haste; The bread was poor, or the meat was tough, Or else he hadn’t had half enough. No matter how hard his wife might try To please her husband, wifh scornful eye He’d look around, and then, with a scowl, At something or other begin to growl. Occ day, as I loitered along the street, My old acquaintance I chanced to meet, Whose face was without the look of care, And the ugly frown it used to wear. “I maybe mistaken perhaps,” I said, As after saluting, I turned my head;’ “But it is a'nd it isn’t the Mr. Horner, Who lived so long on Grumble Corner.” I met him next day, and I met him again, In melting weather and pouring rain; When stocks were up, and when stocks were down. / But a smile, somehow, tad replaced the frown. It puzzled me much, and so, one day, I siezed his hand in a friendly way, And said : “Mi. Horner, I’d like to know Wlint can have happend to change you so.” He laughed a laugh that was good to hear; For it told of conscience, calm and clear, And he said, with none of the old time drawl: “Why, I’ve changed my residence, thatVall.” “Changed your residence?” “Yes,” said Horner, It wasn’t healthy on Grumble Corner, ncT so I moved; ’twas a change complete; And you’ll find me now on Thanksgiving | street.”/*- Now every day, as I move along The streets so filled with the busy throng, I watch each tace, andean always tell Where men and women and children dwell; And many a discontented mourner Is spending his days on Grumble Coiner, Sour and sad, whom I long to entreat To take a house on Thanksgiving street* The Christian (London). roads should imitate the Central in - "this regard.—Bainbridge Democrat. We heartily second the suggestion of Brother Russell to bring them to the “garden spot of the state.” They would receive a cordial welcome and hospitable treatment from the citizens of -all the counties named, and would, we think, be favorably impressed with our climate, soil, productions and capabilities. One thing, however, might bar the possibility of capturing any of the party as settlers by any of the lower counties named: any man or set of men' chaperoned by Col. Glcssner would naturally and unavoid ably fall so much in love with him as to become Naomic and abide in Sum ter. He is undoubtedly the right man in the right place, and being so liber- erally seconded by the Central system, is doing much towards making Geor gia and the varied advantages she offers to immigrants, known to the belter class of northern and western people. I 111 The Great Leader and Benefactor, 132 BROAD ST. Northern Visitors. Maj. W. L. Glessner, Commissioner of the Central Railroad, will leave for Ohio in a week or so,where he goes to work up and bring down a party ol Ohio farmers and business men to visit the Georgia State Fair, the Piedmont exposition, and different sections of our state, which tiiey become interest ed in, from readingldescriptions of it in the Recorder, the Southern Empire, and descriptive pamphlets that hare been distributed in Ohio. Many will come down who helped entertain the late farmers’ excursion in Ohio, ar.d|the farmers and newspa per men who participated in that ex cursion only want to show the coming visitors what Georgia hospitality is. This excursion is only the forerun ner of many others, we hope, which will tend to make the two sections belter acquainted with each other in every vvay, and will be mutually beneficial. The Central railroad is doing a great work for the state in this respect, and should have the encouragement and support of the people in its laudable enterprise.—Americus Recorder. These Ohio folks will meet with a heartfelt welcome by the people of Georgia. The Ohio people have a peculiarly strong hold upon all Geor gians since the recent excursion of farmers and editors from this state to that state. The treatment accorded to them by Ohio’s people will never be forgotten, We trust that Major Glessner will bring these Ohioans into southwest Georgia—to Americus, Albany,Thom- asville and Bainbridge, and let us show them the garden spot of the state. By the way, Major Giessncr is doing a grand work for the south through the backing of the Central railroad. Other TheyAro Not Yet States. The New York Herald says : "The two Dakotas, Montana and Washing ton, are not yet states. They are still territories. They are, however, now entitled to admission to the union, since they have elected state officers, pursuant to the act of congress. The only remaining formality necessary to admission is that the governor of each shall certily to the president the re sult of Tuesday’s election, and the president shall issue a proclamation announcing such result. Until a new apportionment is made uy congress, North Dakota, Montana and "Wash ington will have one representative each, and South Dakota, two. Each will have two senators to be chosen bv the legislature elected on Tuesday. These eight senators and five repre sentatives will be emitted to seats the coming congress, assuming, of courser that the president issues the requisite proclamation in season. That proclamation will proclaim the birth of four new states—more than have ever been entered at one time since the foundation of the govern ment. It will enlarge the union from thirty —eight to forty two states, al though, under an act of congress, the four new stars will not be added to the flag until the next fourth of July. It will increase the senate from seven ty-six to eighty-four member*, the house of representatives lrom three hundred and twenty five to three hundred and thirty, and the electoral college from four hundred and one to four hundred and fourteen. Politically, the admission of the new states will be a substantial advantage to the repub licans. They get six of the senators and fiye of the representatives. That will give them in the next congress forty-five ot the eighty-four senators, a majority ot eight. It will give them a hundred and sixty-eight ol the House, or six more than the opposition, With a republican president, this majority will make the republican party respon sible to the country tor the legislation of the session.” BANQUET AT THE CLUB. A Social Gathering of Leading Politi cians—Forecast of the New Campaign. A magnificent bnnquet was given at the Capital City club last night by Mr. Jack J. Spalding to tho delegates who attended the St. Louis conven tion in 1888. Heavy portierres, hung across the end of the hall oh the second floor, converted the two back rooms into one hall, where the table were spread. Wax candles in silver candelnbras, cast a soft light over the damask, and u beautiful chain of flowers, which was twined about tho fruit stands, pervaded the room with a delicious fragrance. At 8 o’clock Mr. Spalding’s guests were ushered into the dining hnll. They were: J. H. Butt, W. H. Willis, Pope Barrow, W. L. Glessner, W. J. Weeks, F. G. DuBignon, R. J. Williams, B. D. Erani, ,Jr., R. D. Yow, Robert Berner. T. M. Peeples, L. P. Mandevilie, Mr. Vandiver, Jack J. Spalding, T. W. Glover, John Triplett, F. II. Richardson, W. H. Lumpkin, Hon. Patrick Walsh, of tho Chronicle, Augusta; Alex C. King, Hou. Patrick Calhous. AVhile the delicious menu was being served, the gentlemen gave themselves over to reminiscences of tho great political campaign in which they had all taken part. The men naturally quiet were carried away by tho example of their fellows, and tho general conversation sparkled with bright sayings and appropriate senti ments. After the cofifco nnd cigars were served, speech-making began, and until 10 o’clock one after the other of the guests held their fellows forgetful of passing time by their eloquence. All the speeches wero of a political nature, and the general sentiment ex pressed by all was that the future issuos of the two great parties would be tariff reform. They also express' ed a belief that though Cleveland had failed in his re-election, his adminis tration had been pure, and tho next campaign would show a vast change in public sentimeut. A Substitute for Fourth of July. Charleston News ainl Courier. Two gentlemen were arguing the question yesterday as to whether all the signers ol the Declaration of Inde pendence affiixed their signature to the document at the same lime. It was impossible to settle the dispute without reference to the histories, and it was remarkable how many men to whom the question was put failed to give an answer promptly. In all prob ability there is not one man in a thous and will be able to answer it off-hand. Accordidg to "Carroll’s Catechism History,” John Hancock was the only gentlemen who signed ihe Declaration on the 4th of July. One other gentle- man signed in the following Novem ber, and the rest, the big majority, made their quill-marks on the 2nd of August. According, therefore, to one of the principles, in fact the fundamen tal principle, ot the constitution of the United. States, the Fourth July should be celebrated on the 2nd of August. Bill Arp says: Wlint would we do if we didn’t have the negro to write about and talk about? The newspa pers and magazines are discussing tho race problem continually and doing their best to solve it. The people are pondering over it at home by the fireside, nnd all this shedding light and spreading knowledge and preparing the way for whatever may happen. But still there is nothing done nor likely to be done. It is too big a thing to he hurried by anything that man can do. By slow and sure degrees it will work itself out, and I recou we had better let it alone for a while and watch the workings of manifest destiny. I think that Gen eral Stephen D. Lee’s brief reply to Mr. Grady on the subject is the most scusible thing that has been said or written. He is not alarmed about the situation, and he lives |iu the uegro country. The Appeal, to Pliaroah reads well aud is the result of thought and research, but in this age theories are rudely knocked aside by facts. Wc theorized on tho war, nnd some of our preachers said that if we didn’t whip tho fight, they would lose faith in the providence of God. We theo rized about making cotton, and said that the white man could not make it, and the free negro wouldn’t. Pliar- oah says: “NotWo dissimiliar races ever lived together in peace.” When the fact is the whites and the blacks have been living together in peace, here at the south, for a century. The last twenty-five years the negro has been a free man, aud we aro living in peace yet; about as much peace us could be expected—in fact, more peace than there is between labor and capital, in the white race. He says there would have been immigration in the south long ago, if the negro hud not been here. Then we ought to thank the good Lord for protecting us from the anarchists and communists, and the scum and paupers of Europe. Wc-don’t invite immigrants who are afraid of tho negro. Girls at the University. The experiments in educating wo men have led to the question,why can not women attend the universities ? The answer is that they do attend them. At the Ann Arbor and Cornell they attend classes with the young men.?: Harvard and Columbia col leges have put up what they call annexes for girls, having no organic connection with those institutions, but enjoying many of the advantages of a larger university. It is urged that the female semi naries are not able to hire the same talent that male colleges have done, nor have they provided the same ad vantages in the way of library or ap paratus that the older and more wealthy institutions have done. The “annexes” are said to bn cumbrous and insufficient, but the is a well- defined prejudice against the co edu cation of the sexes. This is confined to no one part of the country. It is not the established custom, and it is probable that the separate colleges for girls will continue to flourish. But the country is moving in this direction. The faculty of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania has been consid ering the matter and by vote shows a decided disposition to offer facilities to the young women of their state. Possibly they • ealize their obligation to the girls in this respect, and are making an effort to open at least a side door to the higher education of females in their state. The discus sion has come homo to Georgia. Recent Senate Jdebatcs have shown decided disposition to do something for the women. The bill opening the University proper did not pass, but her right to enter the branch colleges was established by tho bill which passed the Senate. This is probably the entering wedgo. The female colleges in Athens even now enjoy lectures from University professors, and the higher classes of a young ladies’ school in Augusta frequently attended chemical lectures with the classes of the Medical college. The world i3 moving and thinking, and the timo may come when ex peri ments in Michigan, New York and Ohio may be repeated in Georgia.— Augusta Chronicle. No Fish Story. Liliu Johnson says that Mr. John Hornsby has the finest sugar cane ho ever saw. Ho says that something diBturbe Mr. Ilorusby’s fowls the other night, and upon going out he found a largo gray ’possum in the hen-house. The cane patch is close to the lien house and the ’possum ran in the cane. Mr. Ilorusby called his dogs, and they soou struck a hot trail. After running half way through the cane pateli the dogs came to a halt as if they had “treed” something, Mr. Ilorusby went to them, and was dumb-founded to find that the 'pos sum had sought refuge in the top of a cane stalk, clear out of reach of every thing.—Albany News and Advertis- A. Now Going on -AT- LEVY’S Our Mr. Levy having closed out, while in N e w York, large lots of -IN- Aaron Jason Burr, of Griffin has been awarded the first prize at the World's Exposition, at Paris, for his superior drawings It came about in this way. General Lane of the Polytcchuical Institute, at Auburn, Ala., determined to send drawings of his senior class to the ex position. They were draughts made by hoys who were competent to make designs to guide engineers. Out of the entire class, Aaron’s draw ing took the prize, aud it was over all exhibits from America. Griffin has cause to be proud of this new victory that lias been achieved, and while youug Mr. Burr, in his modesty, seems not to feel especially proud of it, we feel that it is honor that Griffin and the Polytech nic Institute nt Auburn, should rejoice at having attained.—Morning Call. Wlmt can a woman do when a man that has won her affection refuses to marry her ? Lawyer—Is he rich ? No, hasn’t a cent. She can appoint a day of general thanksgiving and invite both families to participate. Walking Jackets, New Markets, Modjeskas, ALSO A LARGE LOT OF Misses’ and Childrens’ Cloaks & Reefers, direct from the manufacturers, we feel confident in as serting that our Prises on them are FAI BELOW the cost of manu facture. Call early before the choice ones are picked over. Levy’s Mitchell House Block*