The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 20, 1889, Image 1

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titerim VOL 1-NO 137. TEOMASVTLLE, GEORGIA, SUNDA7 MORiNTNG, OCTOBER 20, '889 5.00 PER. AKNTTM ste Open Letter. We have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn- stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. . This question we can easily answer: The people like to trade at Lohnsteins store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention. and consideration from the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than at any other place in town, and . Last, but not least, because a dol lar goes farther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins and quick sales; These are the cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good work still goes on. Come and see us this week. We will divide profits with you. Dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in every department. Bar gains in every line. They are waiting for you. Come and pluck them. It will pay you. From the Old Homestead. HELEN HE BARREE. BY A TH0MA8VILLE YOUNG LADY. CIIAPTEB I. In n grove of hickory, beech, and dogwood stands the old schoolhouse where Mr. Dramond, Mr. Vane, Ma jor Grear, and old Col. Wiserman send their children and grandchildren to a country school. We came early with our dinner- pails, and spent the whole time in honest toil after knowledge, inter spersed with an hour or two of health ful exercise. We were not disturbed by band-wagons filled with men dress ed up in red caps, blowing brazen horns, or sheriffs chasing tramps who were dodging cornersor ducking down cellars. Neither were we allowed to tell our teachers that we knew how to do all the sums in ratio, ellegation, exchange, and evolution, and we might just as well skip on to the next class. It was the good old time when boys and girls went to school together, and knew nothing of the high and mighty airs of to-day. Boys were polite, and went to the girls for sympathy, always finding them ready to tio up our fin gers bruised in rough play, or fixing seats for them under the strees. They helped us with our problems that The Great Leader and Benefactor, 132 BROAD ST. V ■ hearts were set on fixing a new play ground. A worshipful deference filled the hearts of boys—almost young men— towards girls—almost young women —girls who knew nothing so well as they did that native modesty, a pure heart and a soul with a clean record wins admiration for a plain face with neat apparel, without which neither velvets, jewels, and laces will give to beauty. Give us girls hnving no acquain tance with deception, because they have no reason to deceive ; ready to Help the weak and give a kind word to the deserving. Many such were in school here with us. In after years I have looked back in memory, and know we are their debtois in many things. Among this number was Col. Wise man’s granddaughter, Helen DeBar- ree, a young girl of fifteen, whose mother was dead, and her father a surgeon in the navy. Without know ing it, she was leader in the intellec tual battle among us. Five of us were in the same class ever since we learned our letters—four boys and that one little girl classmate. She was n student with | bright mind, a reten tive memory, a will of her own, and a tender heart full of sympathy. She kept our boyish ambition in full blast, and many jewels of thought aqd re search were brought to the surface in manly minds, from efforts stimulated by shame, when our reports were read, and she stood at the bead of our class, commended by all as'the one most worthy. Often now in quite moments I drop in thought back to boyhood, and ns often wander on our old play ground at the dear old schoolhouse, and never fail to ask myself what we boys would have been without Helen DeBarree, All four of us owe our standing to-day among men of letters, together with a beautiful memory of the pure Chris tian girl life, to her. Other girls in school were bright and worthy of all praise. Their fea tures, perhaps, were moro in accor dance witF the laws of beauty; their figures more to the sculptor’s models of perfection ; but to me, for her and hers, there was no other standafd with which to compare them. My heart at seventeen gaye her not only the maddening, jealous love of a school boy, but a depth was stirred that at times, alone in my room, I have gone to the glass to see if I had leaped, as I felt I had, through advancing years, cud was a bearded man. A strange experience this, when I saw reflected instead, the six-foot, red-headed strip ling, with no moustache even visible, Helen’s father married a French woman, and took his daughter to France. Never will I forget that lone ly Monday. She was in school Fri day. All these years her bench and table had been in the same place. Her desk was' a gift from her grand father. A vase was on one corner of her table and her desk on the other. In this vase was always something she loved—flowers, grass, autumn leaves, and mosses. Never was the earth so dreary that Bhe could not find a beauty like herself, modest and pure, to fill that vase. We had never had a thought of her dropping out of our lives. We knew nothing of her father and his plans. She herself knew nothing of his marriage until she was sent from a seaport town to join him there on his return trip . There was grief in the old gruud- parents’ home, where she had been so long and was so tenderly loved. She had the rich treasure-house of her grandfather’s mind to' gather from, and he found her an appreciative, ready gleaner. Choice golden sheaves were garnered for life’s journey, while the daily life of.her pious grandmoth er helped to mold her heart for God. But she was gone from among us, and the future only could tell what would become of us all. I would undertake by description we^o hard and tiresome when our t(J bring , )er before yoU| but „ that is impossible I hope as we go along you may get glimpses ofheraiulbe able to give a better one yourself. She was a great lover of stories, and would sit by the hour in her grand father’s library and listen to his sto ries of the earth—its mountains, its caverii rocks,"and great rainerof hid den treasures, where God had placed material for man to carry on work of improving find beautifying his home on the surface; and the waters that surround it, with its groves of won drous beauties, seen ouly by brave divers dressed in armor, who dive down where living creatures dwelt among coral rocks; and the heavens, where the controlling forces held great worlds in their places, and eter nity, the Christian home, the beauty of which uo mind could conceive— none but the good Father himself knew. I have often watched her expres sion, and thought that the old. man’s stories gave her the far away look she sometimes wore. She was a delicato looking creature—low, broad fore head; silky black hair, that grew in two waves along the smooth white temples, where you could see the blue veins. Her cheeks were thin, but the mouth was beautiful, the upper lip a little short-in the centre (noticed only when speaking,) with lovely turns toward the corners, where sen sitive muscles showed in a diflerent manner all that was passing within— joy, shame, ambition, anger, interest, and indifference—we, her classmates, read it all at a glance. Her eyes were not brown, but black, and when at rest always had a look of loneliness. Once I asked her if anything had disturbed her, and she said : “Jack, do you know my mother is dead, and I have no brother or sister?’’ Tears were in her eyes when she turned her' head away. This was when she was twelve. To show my sympathy, I cut her a badge for her desk key out of my hickory ramrod belonging to my gun, and carved her iuitials—“H. DeB.”—inlaying them with silver by cutting up the only dime I had. I carried this badge to her one evening at recess, with her head on the desk above it; the other left one, was in her lap. up softly, sat down by her knowing who was near, and slipped it in her hand between the. first finger and thumb. She closed her hand and raised her head. With a look of sur prise on eecing my face so near, her checks tuined red, os she said: “Jack, how came you here?” “Look in your hand. I came to bring that to you for your desk key.” “You are the best boy in the world and I will thank you by keeping it as long as I live.” I cut a piece of cord off a fishing line I had in my pocket and tied it to her key. This was on Friday. After a few common remarks, saying wou'.d help find the key if it was lost I said to her; “I hear you are going to the city to have your picture taken; won’t you give me one for making your badge?” “Yes, I will, if we succeed in getting good ones.” I laughed, and asked her if she was getting vain. “No, Jack; you know I do not mean pretty ones.” “All right; you have it your way Just give me one, is all I ask. I will come to the gallery to look you up, for I am going in with father.” Here our conversation ended, and 1 slipped out through the door awkwardly enough, with too much comfort in my heart to talk to the boys, who knew nothing of what I had done. But where is she now? Her chair is vacant. Her desk looks like a coffin How silent we four boys were! We had no use for our books. Some of the children were laughing. We could not laugh. Some one called us to the play ground; we could not play; had nothing to talk about. Herbert Wane sighed so heavily the teacher heard him and looked at us. The sadness grew so unbearable that I was stifling for breath. Our teacher told us we four could.puc aside our books, and go out in the grove, and he would not hear our lessons. We went to the girls' play ground and talked for two hours about.Helen DeBarree. I found her name cut in her own peculiar let ters in the bark of a young tree, cut it out and put it in my pocket. After school was out we stayed and gathered around . her desk. There were her withered flowers, and a pecu liar perfume came out of her desk. She had forgotten to lock it. The key with the badge was there. Some one wanted to upen it. Herbert Vane and Will Dramond each put their hand on the lid, and, with white faces, said: “No, no; not for a gold mine should any one of us open this desk!” [to be continued.] ———— Famine in Dakota. Chicago, Oct., 16.—A special dis patch from Sioux Falls, S. D., says: “There is great danger that the fam ine among the farmers of Central Dakota last winter will repeat itself this year. Intelligence just received here from Miner county discloses the fact that a large number of farmers in that section arc in destitute circum stances. Owing to the drought their crops were a total failure this season. In a letter addressed to parties in this city J. Q. Severs, pastor of the Con gregational church at Carthage, and E. S. Reeves, chairman of the county commissioners, say: “The people are in pressing need of clothing for the winter. There are scores of families who have no wheat, corn or vegetables, and scarcely hay enough to feed their teams and one cow through the winter. They have nothing to sell and no way to provide for the demands of a Dakota winter- They are disheartened and discourag ed. Without coloring we could re late to you several sad iustauces. What aid you can extend the poor in Miner county will be thankfully re ceived. A relief committee has been appointed to solicit aid, and many towns throughout the state are re sponding liberally to the call for as sistance." The state of Montana was settled in 1862. It did not have a judicial hanging until 1874. But Judge Lyroch opened court on Alder Gulch within fifteen months after the first settlement. At that first term of this popular tribunal there were twenty- seven hangings in fifty days. Vigi- lantes_ .inflicted the death penalty whenever it was deemed necessary for more than ten years. .“THE BLOODY SHIRT” AND ITS ORIGIN. A Phrase That May Have Sprung From an Incident In Scottish History. From the New York Tribune. A short time since my attention was attracted to nn inquiry in the Louis ville Courier-Journal, as to the origin of the popular phrase “The bloody shirt.” The answer given to the query ascribes it to the recent period of reconstruction. Contrary to the prevailing belief, this political weapon was forged and eflectively used long before any differences had arisin between certain portions of our union, and before,in fact,?a union of states existed, though to whom credit should bo given for its derisive appli cation to the republican campaign pidicy the writer is not advised. The incident which gave the ex pression birth is to some extent legen dary, and is related by Sir Walter Scott in the preface to his novel “Rob Roy,” and briefly is as follows : The Clan MacGregor possessed lands and flocks which excited the cupidity of i heir less fortunate neighbors, who, by force and other methods, gradually despoiled them of their property and drove them from their homes. The clan, thus impoverished, resisted the encroachments upon their rights, and in the frequent collisions that occurred used every temnorary ad vantage they gained, cruelly enough. Their conduct, which was perhaps not unnatural under the circum stances, was studiously represented at the capital as arising from an innate and untamable ferocity, for which the only remedy was extermination These suggestions resulted in the proscription 6f the clan by act of the privy council at Sterling, apd per mission was given certain powerful chieftains to pursue the MacGregors with fire and sword, and all persons were prohibited from affording them meat, drink and shelter. As might be expected, civilization progressed very slowly during that period, and the MacGregors, feeling all the severity of the law and none of its protection, became wilder and more lawless than ever. As the legend runs, two men of the Clan MacGregor, overtaken by night, asked shelter from a dependent of the Colquhouns, and on being refused, retired to nn outhouse, seized a wedder from the fold, and supped frugally off the car cass, for which they offered payment. The laird of Luss, hearing of this enforced hospitality, caused the offen ders to be apprehended and summari ly executed. To avenge this act the MacGregors assembled to the number of several hundred, and inarched toward Luss. Sir Humphrey Colquhoun received early notice of the raid, and assem bled an army of superior numbers to meet them. A battle took place in the valley of Glenfruin (Glen of Sor row) where, encouraged by the proph ecy of a seer, and aided by a superior position and skillful gcueralship, the MacGregors were victorious, pur suing the enemy furiously, and mer cilessly slaughtering all who were un able to escape. The battle and the fury of the pro scribed clan were reported to Kiug James VI. in a manner most unfavor able to that unfortunate clan, and more strongly to impress that im pressionable monarch, the widows of the slain to the number of eleven score, dressed in mourning, riding on white palfreys, and each bearing her iiusband’s bloody shirt upon the point of a spear, appeared before the king, at Sterling, and demanded vengeance upon those who had made their homes desolate. By act of privy council, A. D. 1613. the old acts against the clan were revived, and others of the great est severity enacted. The bloody shirt had unquestionably accomplished its purpose. Gov. Hill, of New York, is a big man, but Grover Cleveland is a big ger one. A. Now Going on -AT- LEVY’S DcyMloiiss. Our Mr. Levy having closed out, while in Ne w York, large lots of -IN- Walkinsf Jackets, New Markets, Modjeskas, ALSO A LARGE LOT OF Misses' and Childrens' Cloaks & Reefers, direct from the manufacturers, we feel confident in as serting that our Pnces on them are FAB BELOW the cost of manu facture. Call early before the choice ones are picked ‘over. Levy Mitchell House Block