The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 23, 1889, Image 4

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Council Proceedings. Continued from 1st page. “Los Angeles is ft city of from 70,000 to 80,000 people. It is almost without sewers. More than three-fourths of it has no nge nt all. The small sewers we have arc choked and overflowing, and foul matter is often forced out of them. Sewer gas from leaks and overflowing sewers floods in the business centers at night, and in the resi dence portions, the air is heavy with foul odoys t and gases from neighboring eess-pooIs. The soil of the city is in general such that it does not absorb the foul matter, and that renders the situation worse. In many parts of the city the odor at nights from ecss-pools is so strong that residents are obliged to close their windows. Children are dying with diphtheria as a result of these cess-pools.” To longer delay action will he worse than criminal. Money should not count whore the health of the people is at stake. We trust that the press of California will so arouse public opinion that this blot on the escutcheon of the gem of the Pacific coast may be removed, and Los Angeles once more regain its reputation as a health re sort. While in a subsequent number of the Journal, a member of (lie city Board of Health says : “The paragraph from a local paper is simply clap-trap, which grew out of a heated newspaper contest prior to the sewer bond election, as figures will dem strate, and publishes a favorable mortuary report for the place, yet the cess-pool nui sance and its odors was not denied, and the writer voted for the bonds.” We urge upon your honorable body, to take such stops as will prevent even tie color of foun lation, tor such reports in rc gard to Thomasville. In view, thereof, of the present financial impossibility of your city, to make a perfect system of sewerage, for the many boarding houses and hotels now built and in process of construction, we recommend that the cartage system be applied to these buildings, nnd that night soil and kitchen slops be hauled away. We suggest to the council to look into the matter of operation, cost and practicability of the purchase of a cre matory. Respectfully, T. M. McIntosh, Pres. B. of H. Wm. Camwell. S. J. Cassels, Secretary. Alderman Merrill introduced the follow ing ordinance, which was passed on first nnd second reading, viz : Be it ordained, 1st. That from and after the j nssnge of this ordinance, it shall he unlawful for any person or firm, to sell or offer for sale, second hand clothing, brought frotr points without the city. Sec. 2. That any person who shall be Convicted before the police court of a viola tion of the provisions of the first section of Ibis ordinance, shall be punished by fine, hot exceeding one hundred dollars, labor Upon the public works of the city for thirty days, or imprisonment in the common jail of Thomas county or guard house of the city for thirty days. Mayor Hopkins made a report cn lights, and the committee was continued. Following accounts ordered paid, C - P Hansel], $4,00. Alderman Hayes moved that Mr. Sheffield be paid when lie will allow the lane opened. K. T. MacLean, Clerk. CUPID’S HARNESS. Most women naturally look forward to matrimony as their proper sphere in life, but they should constantly bear in mind that a fair, rosy face, bright eyes, nnd a healthy, well-developed form, are the best passports to a happy marriage. All those wasting dis orders, weaknesses, and functional irregulari ties peculiar to their sex, destroy beauty and attractiveness and make life miserable. An unfailing specific for these maladies is to bo found in I)r. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from tho manufacturers, that it will givo satisfaction in every case, or money will bo funded. This guarantee has l>een printed the bottle-wrappers, nnd faithfully carried out for many years. $1.00 per Bottle, or Six Bottlos for $5.00. Copyright, 18S8, by world's Dis. Med. ass’w. Hurried Eating. It is a mistake to eat fast. Justifi cation performed in haste must be imperfect even with the best of teeth, and due admixture of the salivary secretion with the food cannot take place When a crude mass of inad equately crushed muscular fiber, or undevided solid material of any dis cretion is thrown into the stomach it acts as mechanical irritant, and sets up a condition in the mucous mem brane lining that organ which greatly impedes, if it does not altogether pre vent, the process of digestion. When the practice of eating quickly and filling the stomach with unprepared food is habitual, the digestive organ is rendered incapable of performing its proper functions. Either a much larger quantity of food than would be necessary uuder natural conditions is required, or the sistem sufFers from lack of nourishment. The matter may seem a small one, but it is not so. Just as a man may go on for years with defective teeth, imperfectly mas- tificating bis food, and wondering why he sutlers from indigestion, so a man may live under an infliction of hurried dinners and endure the conse quent loss of health, without knowing why he is not well or how easily the cause of his illness might he remedied —Medical Classics, r~ m- 4- mm An Iowa farmer, who believed in having two strings to his bow, put up 'in his garden this sigh : “Boys don’t touch these melons, for they are green and God sees you.” The world may owe you a living, young man, but the account cannot be turned over to an attorney for col' lection.—Jamestowu News. DR. PIERCE’S PELLETS Purely Vegetable ! Perfectly Harmless ! UNEQTJAI.ED AS A LIVER PILL. Smallest, Clienpcut, Easiest to take. Ono tiny, Sueur-coated Pellet :i dose. Cures Sick Headache, Bilious Ibwlache, Constipa tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all de rangements of the Stomach and Bowels. 25 cents a vial, by druggists. MARVELOUS Only Genuine Prstfin of ?.Icniory Training. Four B00U3 I.ettrucd ia one reading. Mind wandering i.evi of Or. Win. A. TInci. Frcrmecti mono. th_ . ..... Runic! <*rcenie.t f Tlmmit mn, thH»crrat Psychof- oKiit, J. M. Buckley, I).I).,« litorof the Christian Advocate, A% J’.. Jticlmrri Proctor, the Scientist, Hon*. W. W. Avtor. Jrtdee Gilxon. J^Jnh 1*. IJciiJnmill, nnd nthor-vaeiit po«t free b7 EB Prof. A. MUSETTE, 2U7 l illll Y- Headquarters for Drugs! REID Ss CULPEPPER’S 120-122 Broad St., - Thomasville, Ga :Scliool and Blank Books, Stationery,: Of every style. Pianos and Organs, Sheet Music, Etc. < BEAR IN MIND f> -THAT THEY HAVE THE- -OARBONATED WITH— NATURAL GAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on"draught at L. SCHMIDT’S. DE1UK Glen Springs Mineral Water For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. SCHMIDT’S. frenh meats. We will open, Monday, April 1st, at the place lately occupied by Mr. P. H. Bone a fine stock of fresh meats. Beef, Mutton and Pork. Our meats are from oar own farms, fat, uicy and sweet. We will be glad to receive our patronage and will serve you with the est meats at the lowest possible prices. F. P. H OBK & 15* Handsomest and Best kept Drug Store insr GEORGIA. \\ here you cuu find iresh and pure drugs anti get prescriptions compounded at all hours il.iy or night, by competent Pharmacist*. They use only Squibb’s preparations in the prescription department and guarantee goods and prices. KEIBP <s& riLFEPPKK, 120-122 Broad St ATTENTION! If you want to get a stylish neck-tie you must go to L. Steyerman & Bro. If you want to get a nice suit for little money go to L Steyerman & Bro. They are Headquarters for Stylish Goods. Their rush for goods was so great that Mr. L. Steyerman left Sunday night for the sec ond stock for this season. He will now have a chance to get the latest novelties in all kinds of Dress Goods and Trimmings. L 0 STEYERMAN \& BROTHER, LEADERS OF FASHION. Young Female College Thomasville, G a. Fall Session Begins Wednesday, September 4th, 1889. Fnil Collegiate course, affords every facility for a thorough education. Location healthful, gi’ounds extensive and attractive. Collegiate course, term of 20 weeks, - - - $15.00 Preparatory Department, 20 weeks, - - 10.00 Music, per month, 4.50 Drawing, per month, ... - 3.00 Painting, “ i‘ - 4.00 Board in College per month, - - - 15.00 Tuition payable one-half in advance, balance "at expiration of first quarter. JNO. E. BAKER, aug23- . President. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. DR, M. M, T. HUCHINGSON, of Lako City, Fia., 30 Years in the Practice of Medicine, Offers his professional services to the citi zens of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Office, 2nd door over A. C. Brown’s store, and A. C. Brown's residence on Daw son street. ihkwGm Sept 17. DR. A. B. COUCH, Modern - Pathology, • New - Remedies, DIRECT TREATMENT, Offers his professional services to the citi zens of Thomasville and surrounding coun try. Ofliec over JSteyennan’s store, Broad street, Thomasville, Ga, 8-3-diw 1 y W. C. SNODGRASS. B. F. HAWKINS gXODGRASS & IIAWKINS, Attorneys-at-Law. ip M. McINOTSH, PhyNlciaii & Surgeon, Thomasville, Georgia. E^-OFFICE 0Tcr Stark's, corner liroail anil Fletcher Streets. W. I). MITCIIEI.L, R. U. MITCHELL. ^|JITCIIELL & MITCHELL, Attorneys-at-Law, Thomaavllle, • • Georgia. W. BKUCE,, M. D. Office, up-stairs. Coi ner of Broad and Fletcher streots. [aug 15-'85-3yl ip 8. DEKLE, M. D., Office in Hayes Building. Residence—Corner College avenue and llag nolla street. Telephono communication, No. 25 for night colls. J)R. JOEL B. COYLE DENTIST THOMASVILLE, GEORGIA. OFFICE, Broad St.,jover Fickett’s. s. G. McLendon, Attorney-at-Law, Thomasville, :4TB - • Georgia. Prompt attsntlonj'giveulto all business en trusted to him. Office—Over Watt’s'store, :coincr|*Broad and Jackson itreeta. J II. COYLE, D. D. s., Resident Dentist, Thomaeville, • Georgia. Offers his sorvlces to th cltlzonsof Thom* asvllle and vicinity. Office hours—From 9 a. m. to 1 p. m., and from2 to 6 p.m. Office—On Jackson street. Weu&Lemk, Contractors[& Builders THOMASVILLE, GA. We will be glad to make contracts for. or superintend, all classos of buildings, public or private, in either brick or wood. Will fur nish plans aud specilcations If required. If you want any building done call on us, and we will submit estimates whether contract is awarded us or not. We will guarantee satis faction In all our work. We refer to the many buildings erected by us In Thoiuasvllle, and to all parties for whom we have worked. Shop on Fletcher et., 2nd door from Broad. Thomaevllle, Ga., April 3,1889. N. S. Eaves, CONTRACTOR and BUILDER Thomasville, Georgia I will be glad to make contracts foi the construction of all classes of buildings, pub lic and private, In either brick or wood. I will guarantee In every instance to give satisfaction. Designs and plans drawn and careful estimates mode. Mi Motto—Good, honest wort at fair prices. If you want any building don tcall on me. I will submit estimates whether contract Is awarded me or not. 1 reier to the many public buildings erected by me In Thomasville and elsewhere, and all parties for whom I have worked* Tilla, Dw llkay Xy.Oa 41V THE P EST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THE^SOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains dally, with Pull man Palace Buffet Sleeping Cars by night, and Chair Cars by day, between Cln- clnnattl and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also be tween Louisville and Chicago, where close con nections are made for 8t. Paul, Fargo, Blsm&rk, Pnl- land, Omaha, Kansas City, San Francisco and pelnts Intermediate— Now Fast Mail, Leaving Louisville, Dallyexcept Sunday, at 7 -SO a. m. Cincinnati, Dally, excopt Sunday at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 6 ;55. The most rapid service ever attempted be tween the Great Commercial Cities on '* Ohio River and Chicago. aarl hrough Coupon Tickets, Baggage check ed to destination, and your safety and com fort provided for, are among tho points that have made the MOBJOIM ROUTE Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.CARSON, Tlce-pres’t and Geu’l Mgr W. H. McDOEL, Gen’l Traffic Manager, E. O. MCCORMICK, Gen.l Passenger Agent R. W. GLADING. Passenger and Freight Agt. 158 Broad St.. Thomasville Ga. Whiddon House (Opposite Plney Woods Hotel.) THOMASVILLE, - GAj E.B. Whiddon, Prop. This house, located Ii) the most desir able and central part of the city, is new and complete in every particular. Fur nished in tho most elegant manner and provided with all conveniences of mod ern hotels. The menu is perfect, and tho service rendered by trained andipo- lito servants. Torras reasonable, and prlcos graded according to accommoda tions furnished. Carriages from the houso meet all trains. dcclO-ly H D. FUDGE, THOMASVILLE, GA., DIALER IN HAE DWAEE Stoves, Iron, HEW : OFFERS —OF- L Tin and Hollow Ware, of all,kinds, and agent for King’s Powder Co. GEORGE FEARN, BEAL ESTATE AtINT. OFFICE IN. MITCHELL BOUSE BLOCK, Git; tod Ctntrj Prtptrt; hr Sale. HOUSES RENTED *• And Taxes ra Id. LOINS NEGOTIATED. Bring me a description oi your property Thomasville Tarietj WORKS. Reynolds, Hargrave & Davis, Prop’rs. Manufacturers and Dealers ROUGH & DRE ED LUMBER. LATHES, PICKETS, SHINGLES, BMOULDINGS, BRACKETS, SCROLL WORK, MANTLES, BALUSTERS* STAIR-RAILS Newel Posts, OFFICE, CHURCH & STORE, Furniture. STORE FRONTS. Wire Screen Doors and Windows, Sash, Doors and Blinds TO ORDER. STAIR BUILDING, AND INSIDE] HARDWOOD FINISH A . SPECIALTY. J0-CORRESPONDINCE SOLICITED. The old Cooke place, on Madison street, lot 105 feet front on Madison street and runs back to S. F. & W. It. ;. A large but not new house, price $2,500. Terms easy. One and one-half acre corner lot on Stephens St., beyond Albany railroad; 2 houses, 1 2 stories, price $2,000. Terms easy. The Bill Bryant place, on Jackson st., in Fletcherville. opposite the campus and near the depot and the South Ga. College, a large lot, fronting 117 feet on Jackson street, and running back 700 feet. 0-room dwelling, nice little lear orchard, first class neigh borhood and a very valuable lot; price $2,000. Terms made to suit any bona fide buyer. A new 4-room cottage, on large lot in Fearnside; price $1,400. Terms easy. 3 beautiful vacant building lots on Ilaycs and Calhoun sts. 70x196 ft., at $250 each, On easy terms to those who wish to improve them. Elegant residence lot on Clay st., near Hardaway, 70x 207, first class neighborhood; price only $4oo. 5 small tracts of land, from lO to 25 acres in each piece, in less thai i two miles of the courthouse; price $30 per acre. Easy terms. Besidts the above, I have many city lots, improved and unimproved, for business or residence, inside or outside lots, big and small lots, lovely suburban places and farms and plantations all over the county for sale. Any prospective buyer, who wishes to get the best and most for his money, would act very imprudently to purchase at least before talking with me. t Four furnished rooms, up stairs, parlor and kitchen privileges down stairs, elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, tor rent at 867.50 a mouth. This is a bargain. Nice, new, furnished cottage on Monroe street, close in, 4 rooms and kitchen, $300 for the season. 4 unfurnished rooms, up-stairs, new and elegant neighborhood, Dawson street, at $20.00 per month. No children wanted. Large Furnished House, close in on Jackson street; 8 1-2 rooms. Price, $500 for the season. Large 7 room house on Madi son street, near center of town, at $20.00 per month. This is a desirable and cheap house. Upstais of house on Calhoun street. Furnished house in East End, 5 rooms besides dining room and kitchen, at $50 per month. REAL ESTATE BROKER, Thomasville. Georgia