The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 25, 1889, Image 3

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FRIDAY, OOTOBBE 46, 188*. -ARK 80LEJAGENTS FOl B. Tbsmas Jr’r 12$ Broad Strut. O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer -YOUR- -AND- IS INVITED TO ul'R Handsome Stock CLOTHING Men, Youths and Boys. It you contemplate the purchase of ANY-:- GARMENT Clothing Line Wo will make it to your interest to see us before buying. Our stock is New, Nobby, Stylish, Attractive WE LEAD IN Gents’ Furnishing GOODS- . . • - By far the handsomest stock of lY THE CITY. OUR LOVELY NEW NECKWEAR Just received is Simply Superb. Agents for the Celebrated CROMWELL HATS, Imported from London— The STRICT STYLE. iSt Elegant Stock of PIECE GOODS lor Suits and Pantaloons to order. Our store is open till 8 o’clock ev ery evening. Will be glad to see you, ■gnt. Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at_7 o’clock P. M., Oct. 24, 1889. Tbsipiratoju. 7 a.m 63 2 p. 74 7 p. 03 Maximum for 24 hours - 74 Minimum ■' “ “ Rain-fall 00 For Southern Georgia: Fair 'weather, nearly stationary temperature, for to-day. Mis. W. H. Rodgers has returned from a visit to Atlanta. Dr. C. Hicks, of Dublin, Ga., is in the city, visiting his brother. Mr. J. B. Bussey, of Cuthbert, was at the Whiddon yesterday. Mrs. C. T. Stuart has been called to the bed side of a sick sister in Sa vannah. Mr. John E. DonaldsoD, of Bain- bridge, passed through the city yes terday. Mr. O A. Andrews and sister, of Iamonia, Fla., were at the Stuart yesterday. Miss Etta Montford, of Miccosukie, is visiting the family of Mr. F. P. Horn, near tbo city, 1 . ! , A loose Texas pony ran down Broad street yesterday at full tilt with a long lasso dangling behind. - See notice of election for fence or no fence, in certain parts of the coun ty, on the 7th of December. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Russell, of Cuthbert, were at the Whiddon yes terday, eu route to Monticello. Mr. Joseph JohnstoD, who has been in the city for several days, left yes terday for his home in Luling, Tex. Mr. Arthur Thompson, of Savan nah, a nephew of Mr. L. F, Thomp son, is now with L. F. Thompson & Oo. . .. , ' ...... Mr. H. B. Martin, w with J. J. Stephens for n long time, has opened up a store on lower Broad street. ... Blalock Mr. and Mrs. Hardy attended the wedding oi Mr. Brown and Miss Hall, near Inmonee, Fla., on Wednesday. The work on tbo interior of L. F. Thompson & Co’s, furniture store, is nearly completed, The improvements are very marked. Dr. Nicholson, ot Attapulgus, came over yesterday, wilh Ms little son, to consult with Dr. McIntosh in regard to the little tellow. There is a good deal of interest manifested as to the authorship ot the pretty little story “Helen DeBarree,” by a Thomosville young lady; The black triangular flag beneath the white, indicating a falling tempe rature, was hoisted yesterday morn* ing at tho weather signal station, Mr. Allie Prinele, who has been in New York, buying goods lor the Red Front Grocery, returned yesterday, after having purchased a large stock. Mr. and Mrs. C. Warrall, and Mr. Jno. M. Warrall,of Bloomington, Ind., arrived yesterday to spend the winter. They are stopping at the Whiddon. Mr. I. A. Solomon, business mana ger of Cora Van Tassel Co., was in the city yesterday making arrangements for the appearance of his company here Monday night Hon. Guyte McLendon returned yesterday from Philadelphia and New York, where he has been in at tendance on tho Forestry congress, which met in Philadelphia. The woods were on fire beyond the eastern portion of town Wednesday night and yesterday. Not much fencing has been damaged, but some damage may bo done before the tire is extinguished. Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111BROAD ST Our country friends should not forget that Robinson’s circus will be here on the 31st Old John Robin son’s show has always been a favorite with the Southern people. The chances are, that one of the largest crowds seen in Thomasville for yean will be here next Thursday. Hie C©lebra/b©cL lEua-ox lEEa/bel Also the finestline of shoes to he found in the city. 108 BROAD STREET. THOMASVIE1L.E, G-A Who are Legal Voter* on tha No Fonoe Question? We republish elsewhere for the benefit of our readen included in the territory which is to vote on the stock law on the first Saturday in December, the full text of the act passed by the legislature authorizing, and ordering said election. There are some doubts as to who are the legal votera in said election. This is made plain by the act itself. In order that there may be no misunderstanding on this point we may mention briefly the pre-requi sites necessary to constitute a legal voter in this election. 1st The man must be n legal voter in the state; this requiies a twelve month's residence in the state, and six Months in the county. 2nd He must live in the territory described and designatedin the act! 3rd. He must he a freeholder. These are essential to make a man a qualified voter in the coming election. The subject of the no fence law is one which should challenge the earnest attion of every freeholder in that sec tion. It has been tried, and now is in successful operation in about half of the counties in this state, and every- whpro it has worked successfully. Even the bitterest opponents of the nofence law,when it was firstagitated in counties where it has been adopted, are now the strongest advocates of the measure. It has worked well every where else, and it will work well here. It wants only a trial to prove that it is the farmers friend. Tho enormous cost of keeping up fences in this coun ty, if correctly summed up, would' startle the men who have for genera tions footed these unnecessary bills. We take this occasion to again call the attention of those living along the line of Florida, and within a few miles of it, to the fact that under the laws Loon county, which has opted the no fence law, is not requ to fence against Georgia, and parties living in the section mentioned, will have to fence in their stock to keep them from raiding on the no fence territory across the line, whether that section of Thomas county adopts the tjo f$nce law or not. It would be well to bear this fact in mind. Read the act elsewhere carefully and give the subject that attention which its magnitude and importance deserves. B ffi are daily receiving Fall Winter and our line ol Another Fire. We regret to learn ^that Mr. Burl Mardre’s dwelling house, out-houses and store-room, together with cotton, peas and other articles on his planta tion, 12 miles from town, 1 where his son, Mr. Robert Mardre, lives, was entirely consumed by fire Wednesday night, catching from the cook room. Near the dwelling was a store house, where Mr. Robert Mardre carried on a business, and all the contents, save one bolt of humespun was burned. Mr. Mardre’s loss is about $800 to $1,000 with $500 insurance, which he had with J. S. Montgomery, in the Under writer Insurance Co., of New York. Married, At the residence of the bride’s fath er, Mr. T. T. Hall, on Wednesday the 23rd, at 3 P. M., Rev. A M. Manning ofiiciating, Mr. J. A. Brown and Miss Mamie J. Hall. Mrs. J. K. Bibb presided at the organ and played a beautiful wedding mareh. There were no attendant*. The wedding presents weie numerous, useful, and many of them very hand- some. Mr. Brown, the groom, is a brother of Mr. E. Lee Brown, of this place, and is a successful young merchant, doing business in Iamonia, Fla., while the bride is one of the most charraiDg young ladies of that section. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Copeland ten dered the bride^and groom an elegant reception at night, which was attend ed by a large number of friends of the parties. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. VanDuzcr, of New York, accompanied by Mrs. Cummings, are spending a few days in the city. The are stopping at Judge Merrill’s. Mr. VanDuzer’s numerous friends in Thomasville are delighted to see him here again. On the Fifteenth of November. We again call the attention of our readers to the Stock Breeders’ fair, Confederate reunion, basket dinner and big barbecue, to be held at the old- fair grounds, in Thomasville, on the 16th of November. Ample and elaborate preparations are being made by the general committee and the sub committees to make the occnsion a notable one. The finest exhibition of home raised stock ever seen in South Georgia will take place. This is a subject in which every farmer of the county is directly and vitally inter ested. There is no reason why Thomas county’s farmers should not raise their own stock, instead of pay- ibg ont thousands and thousands of dollars, aa they now do, to Tennessee, Kentucky and eastern stock raisers. It is estimated, by those who are familiar with the facts, that Thomas county pays out, annually, one bun dred thousand dollars for stock. This is a heavy drain, and should be stopped; and it can be stopped, if the proper course is pursued. The reunion of the ex-Confederatcs of this county will be the first since the war. It is earnestly hoped that every ex-Confederate soldier in the county will be here. A book for registration will be prepared, in which every old soldier will be expected to register his name and command. Handsome badges will be prepared for the veterans. Nothing will be left undone on the part of the man agement to fill the day with social en joyment, Everybody, his wife and family, are invited. The No Fenoe Meeting. We beg to call the special atten tion of all those living south of the railroad, to the notice of the meeting elsewhere, on next Saturday week, tho 2nd day of November. The fence law will be discussed by a num ber of prominent speakers. Each side will be heard. The discussion will bring out all the points in favor of the no fence law, as well as the objections to tho same. Let everybody come and hear the speak ing. -AND Eleotion Notice. A Lively Prisoner. Yesterday morning, wbilo Mr. Ed McRee was at the depot, en route to Albany, he recognized a negro pas senger as John Jackson, an escaped convict from his father’s convict camp in Lowndes county. The negro at the same moment caught sight of Mr. McRee, and tho recognition was mutual. Jackson ran for all he was woith, but the race, though lively, was short, and he was soon looking down the barrel of a revolver pointed in his face. As Mr. McRee wus go ing off on the Albany train and could not wait, he turned bis man over to Mr. Joe Beverly, to be placed in jail. Mr. Beverly brought him up town and summoning the assistance of Officer Kottman they started with him to jail. When in front of that place the prisoner made another break for liberty, but was again overtaken, and this time locked up. He was taken back to the camp last night by Mr. McRee on his return from Al bany. Jackson, who was sent up for stealing money,is reported to be a bad one to manage. The reporter made us say yesterday that Mr. G. R. Clark, of Richmond, Va., was a guest of Mr. Lee Brown. It should have been Mr. W. S. Brown. Mr. Clark was here list winter; says he came in December and left in April and finds he made a mistake in com ing so late and returning so early. He iU remain this season until June. An election will be held on tho first Saturday in December, being the seventh day, in the lollowing terri tory of Thomas county, viz: all that portion of tbo county east of the Ochlockonee river, and south of the S. F. & W. Ry; the northern bound ary of said tract being the northern boundary of tho right of way of said railway, and bounded aa follows: On tho north by tho S. F. & W. Ry; on the east by Brooks county; on the south by the Florida line, and on the west by the Ochlockonee river. All free holders, who are legal voters in Georgia, are entitled to vote at raid election. The election eball bo held under the rules governing elections for the General Assembly, except that the polls shall be closed at 3 p. m. The election will be held at the vot ing place in each precinct, except that fraction of the Thomasville dis trict; it will bo held at the court house. Each voter shall have printed or written on his ticket: “For Stock Law,” or “Against Stock Law.” Tho returns shall be made to the Ordinary of Thomas county, who shall canvass and consolidate the same, and declare the result by publi cation in the papers of raid county. An Attractive Window. Mr. F. N. Lohnstein, knowing that nothing is so attractive as (he Almighty Dollar (unless it is more dollars) has fitted up his handsome show windows with goods with the prices marked with green backs. For instance a $20 suit is marked “this; suit only’’ and then the greenback $20 bill is pinned on. As a consequence his show win dow is a very attractive one, being full of fine goods, with greenbacks pinned on them. This is an evidence that Lohnstein is flush of money and able to sell bargains. Mr. Allie Pringle sends us from New York, a new puzzle. It is some thing like tho well remembered “fifteen puzzle,” which racked the brains of the public a few years since. This puzzle consists of moveable blocks, with the names of Harrison and Blaine on them; and the point is to get Blaine out of the cabinet. It can be done—with the blocks—though Mr. Harrison would doubtless find it a difficult job to do, in fact. Remur McIntyre ousted the premier in fifteen minutes. Dr. Culpepper, however, says he didn’t do it fair. MUST 60! Call and get Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will v YOU MONEY Clothiers and Furnishers, 10s St-AThomaavUlo,: Ga|