The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 27, 1889, Image 1

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Si VOL. 1 -NO 143. THOMASVTLLE, GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 27, ■eA-Ne Open Letter. We have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. This question we can easily answer The people like to trade at Lohnsteins store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention and consideration from the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than at any other place in town, and Last, but not least, because a dol lar goes farther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins and quick sales; These are the cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good work still goes on. Come and see us this week. We will divide profits with you. Dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in every department. Bar gains in every line. They are waiting for you. Come and pluck - * them. It will pay you. NOME DAT ‘•They’ll come back again,” shejsaid, Thnt bygone summer day, The while we watched the goodly ships Upon the placid bay, “They sail so far, they sail so fast upon their shining way, But they will come again, I know, some day —some other day. Some day! So many a watcher sighs, When wind-swept waters moan, With tears pressed bach, still tries to dream . Of the glad coming home. Good Biros Bail o’er angry waves, ’neath skies all tempest gray, For quivering lips so bravely tell, “They’ll come again—some day.” Some day We say it o’er and o’er, To cheat our hearts, the while. We send our cherished ventures forth Pcrchaocc with sob or smile; t And tides run out, and time runs on, onr life ebbs fasfaway. And yet with straining eyes we watch for that sweet myth—some day. Fu’l many a true and heart-sped bark May ha'bor Dnd no wore, But Dope her beacon light will trim For watchers on the shore; And those who b : de at home and those upon the waterway, In toil or waiting, sti'l repeat, “Some day- some bessed day.” —Lucy Randolph Fleming, in Harper’s Weekly. THIS IS TREE PLANTING TIME. If You Propose Putting Out Any do so Now. This is the lime of year when many people having landed possessions in the suburbs of Savannah, and whose property may run from a few thou sand feet up to more generons and imposing dimensions, are vacillating in a state of uncertainty over the de batable question, “Shall I plant my trees and shrubs in the autumn or in the spring 7" ' - - A concensus of opinion of the lead ing nurserymen and tree planters would show an almost unanimous verdict favoring fall planting. If trees and shrubs could be transplanted from one spot to another without in jury to the roots or the destruction of their delicate fibres or feeding organs, it might then be immaterial at what season the operation was performed. But as these Easily injured and tender fibres, in their search for food, rapidly extend themselves to considerable distances, it is almost imposible to in terfere with them without breaking off a large portion of their substance. All this is a serious interference with the functions of the tree or plant, and the conditions under whioh these feed ing roots will best get to work again to re-establish themselves are those which are to be sought for and care fully considered in connection with this subject. The broken tree roots cannot be expected to recommence growth until they have “calloused” an expression quite familiar to those who have had any experience in pro pagating plants of all kinds. It is a process essential to the emission of new roots, and requires some little time. In the season which, by a misnomer, is denominated spring, but which is really early summer, this process is greatly iuterierred with by premature heat, such os this city had during the month of April. The young leaves, in {heir first efforts to grow, are sadly checked by the hot, dry air, and the freshly disrupted roots, in their struggle to renew them selves, are disastrously affected by this, and altogether that happy union of leaf and root growth, so essential to vigorous development, does not take place, and in time the tree dies, or requires several years to attain nor mal strength and growth. In the case of antumn planting, say in October, the broken roots find a warm soil, in which they soon “cal lous," and have ample time in which to recuperate and make ready for the first bursting of leaf, bud and blossom in the spring. The tree, to use a gardener’s expression, has "warm feet and a cold head,” and all the prime conditions for successful development have been obtained. These points are strongly emphasized, as already stated, by some of the most noted and conservatiye authorities on tree plant ing in this country, and they are worthy of attention. In time, people will better under stand these things, and even at the present time there is a marked in crease over any other seasons, in the demand for all kinds of nursery stock for fall planting. This season partic ularly is noticeable for a decided ac tivity among nurserymen. Another fact not generally understood is this; if planters are not ready to locate their tress in the fall, it is wiser to select them then, and “heel” them in, in close proximity to theplkce where they are to be permanently planted in the spring. This will prevent their roots from being dried during trans portation, and they will prove to be worth 50 per cent, more to the pur chaser. But if the planting can be made permanent before cold weather sets in, so much the better, for the heavy fall rains serves to settle the- earth around the roots, and thus pre vent the access of the dry outside air, which might sap the vigor of the youDg fibrous growth. To this favorable point may be added the fact that selection of stock in the fait can be made with greater care, inasmuch as nurserymen have more time, and, naturally, can give greater attention to the choice of good specimens than in the spring when the rush of orders North and West prevents the exercise of the maxi mum care. It may be fairly assumed that the. best time to transplant de ciduous trees and shrubs is as soon as the leaves have fallen, though it may not always be necessary to wait until the middle of October, between which time and the end of November may - -be oonsldqrad the best period for transplanting. Evergreens may be safely moved at this time, although August is considered a more favora ble planting period for this class of trees.—Savannah Daily Times. We beg to call the attention of the city fathers to the above. There are streets in Thomosville which should be lined with trees. * It costs but little to put them out. The Prosperity of the Southern States. Much has been written about the increase of mining, and manufacturing operations in the southern states, and the growth in this direction has been marvelous; but better than the new forges, factories and mines, is the report of increased production of beef and breadstuffs. The south now has the capacity to feed itself without drawing on its income from cotton. The value of the south’s agricultural products for 1888 was about 8800,- 000,000, against $471,000,000 in 1879, while 1890 will probably show $909,000,000 to $950,000,000. The value of the south’s live stock is now $575;000,000, while in 1879 it was $39^*400,000. The production of grain rose from 431,074,630 bushels in 1880, to 632,666,000 bushels in 1888, and this year willprobablyshow over 680,000,000 bushels, an increase of nearly 250,000,000 bushels. It is such facts as these that assure the prosperity of the southern states. The planters have long stood at the ’rout of all other producers in contri buting the material for covering the nakedness of mankind. If they should also be able to help feed the nations, as well os to clothe them, what more could they desire? The artisans, traders and professional peo ple would flock to such a land of plen ty as crows gather in a cornfield. They are but the frippery that adornB the garment of our civilization.— Philadelphia Record. Faith. The best word la childhood, the grandest in death.' Which lifts human life (bore mere human bieath, And conquers two worlds, Is the sellable “Faith.” I wish I was a boy and had gas much man’s sense os I have got now. It makes me right sad to see Carl ant” |hia schoolmates plotting and planning for their Saturday frolics, I want to go with them, but I can’t. I see them cleaning out their gunn And loading up their shells and pat ting the pointer dog and talking so merrily about the birds they are going to kill, but I can’t go. I want to climb a walnut tree and shake the limbs and hear the music of the walnuts rattling down. I want to go chestnut hunting and cut ofi the top limbs with a hatchet or if the trees are large and tall show my skill in knocking the burrs down with sticks as I used to do on the old academy hill. We boys used to take our bundles of sticks with us to school and hide them under the house until play Jwpe.! I want to go ’possum hunting and hear the music of the dogs on the track and the welcome bark when they had treed one of the sulky var mints up a ’simmon tree, or a black gum or under a clay root. What a glorious frolic it was to cut him down or dig him out, and them split a stick for his curly tail and shoulder him, and move on - for another victim. I want to go coon hunting and see the fight. I want to go rabbit hunting in the snow. 1 want to go in a swim ming. I want to climb a muscadine vine and hunt for black haws and May pops. I want to go to the mill and run a horse race back and cry “school butter” as I pass the country school house on the way. Then the boys would lay for us the next time and surround us and attack us with sticks and rocks and trash poles and the way are ran the gauntlet was thrilling. * I think of all these youth ful frolics when I see these boys start out and I want to go, but I can’t, I’m too old, my time’s out, I couldn’t keep up. The spirit is willing but the flesh is weak. It makes me puff and blow to run or fox-trot a hundred yards now. My legs are overloaded with corporosity but my arms are all right. I can chop wood on a wager with most any young man and win it. I was looking at the races in Pied mont yesterday and it carried me back to the good old times when we boys used to mount our nags and po nies and slip down the Covington road to the race tracks—not your round course nor an oval, but two long straight parallel tracks about ten feet apart and the bushes cut away like the right of way on a rail road. From long uso the tracks had worn into two little,narrow paths, and the horses bad nothing to do but keep them. We always rode bareback, and it made gqod riders of us. It was a rough young life in those days— rougher than it is now, for we didn’t wear shoes much, nor coats, nor un- dershits, nor drawers, and a home made cap or a sealskin cap would last two or three yeare, and then be han ded down to the next boy. Sore toes and stonebruises and burrs in the feet or splinters in the fingers were com mon to every boy, for there was no aristocracy then. Three years of nankeen and a shirt and a pair of gollusses set a school boy up pretty well for summer, and a suit of coun try jeans and a pair of shoes was mighty fine for winter. Our mothers cut our garments and made them, and it didn’t cost more than five dollars a year for a boy, all told. But now it takes about three suits a year of store clothes for the boys. Then there are tea dollars more for hats and shoes. And there are collars and cuffs and cravats and handkerchiefs and gloves and gold buttons and so forth.—Con stitution. . .. Mrs. Smithington—“Oh! Mr. Tib- kin, you are always so kind in com ing to see me off.” Little Tibkin— “Not at all; it is always a pleasure,” —Fun. The Georgia Cotton Crop. A leading cotton (actor on the Bay, who has just returned from a trip through the northern and middle part of the state, was asked yesterday by a Morning News reporter about the condition of the crops, and also of his impression of Savannah’s receipts from that part of the state. The factor was delighted with the cheerfulness of the farmers. He said that they are making the best crops ever produced in Georgia. He does not know a farmer who will be in debt when the crop is sold, and he says he met with scores of them who say they will come out ahead. “They will make money,” the factor added, “ and not only that, but they will make corn and meat enough to do them the entire year. The sugar cane crop is of the best that they have ever raised, and the ground pea crop has hardly been equalled since the war. More corn has been harvested this year than ever before, from the tact that the acreage is larger. In short, the year has been a most prosperous one for the farmers.’’ “How about the cotton?” he was asked. “Never belter.” “How does the acreage compare with last year?” “About the same. Not much more, if any more, land is planted in cotton this year ” “What proportion of the crop is gathered?” “Very little over the half of it. The cotton is better fruited this season and a longer time will be required for all the bolls to open. Nearly all of the fields that I saw were white with cot ton, and they were being picked the second time.” “How have the seasons been “for gathering it?” “Just as favorable as they could be. The pleasant weather,' devoid 1 * of storms and rain, has caused the cotton to open rapidly, and it has also allow ed the farmers to pick it out just.- as it opened, without a stain. It has been gathered in the best condition, and the markets have never had a finer lot of cotton?, “What percentage of the crop will find its way to Savannah?” “I cannot say, but it will be a great deal larger percentage than last year. The receipts at the other ports from that sectioti'are very small in com parison to the amount that comes to Savannah. The estimate of the cotton crop is placed at nearly 7,500,000 bales, which is nearly 1,500,000 bales greater than last year's crop. The estimate, I believe, is a conservative one. Georgia will furnish her share of it, and Savannah will handle x sat isfactory portion of it.” The factor said that he noticed a feature of farming that is a true sign of better times. When asked to what he reterred, he replied: “The inclination ot the farmers to increase the acreage of com.” He says, that while a large amount of the farmers are cultivating the same amount of cotton land, their corn acreage is greatly increased, and in some instances it is doubled. The alliance, he says, is inculcating this idea into the minds of the farmers, and he approves of the wisdom of the plan. In short, the gentleman says he found everything brighter and happier than he had seen it for years, and he takes it as an omen of happier and more prosperous times.—News. Now Going on AT LEVY’S DrjMHim : .M m Our Mr. Levy having closed out, while in New York, large lots of -IN- The amount which congress will be asked to appropriate for rivers and harbou at the next session is simply immense. The Missouri river com mission asks for $2,760,000 for their river; the Mississippi river commis- siou asks for $5,587.260; and General Casey, chief of engineers, in bis re port, asks for $227367,617 for other rivers and harbors. Among the ap propriations recommended by him are the following for Georgia rivers and harbors: Coosa river, Georgia and Alabama, $255,000; Cumberland cound, Georgia and Florida, $400,000; Savannah harbor, $500,000. Waite Jackets, New Markets, Modjeskas. ALSO A URGE LOT OF Misses' and Childrens’ Cloaks & Reefers, direct from the manufacturers, we feel confident in as serting that our Prices on them are FAR BELOW the cost of manu facture. Call early before the choice ones are picked over.