The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 29, 1889, Image 3

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MEETS 1 BSftg !$£- CARPETS Passenger for Savannah...» Lv... C 50 p m Passenger from Savannah. ..»<*•• At... 7 00 a m Fast mall for Savannah Ar.. .12 05 p m LV...12 35 p m ..Ar... 1 Slpm ..Lv... 200pm ..Ar... 520pm ..Lv... 950am Freight and Acom. forAJbany Lv... 5 45 P*n from “ from Savannah Passenger from Albany . Passenger for " “ lght and A——— , •V « .. from « Ar... 720am Freight and anebro. Wayc..Ar... J P m Chatt. Lv... 600pm • '• “ for Waye....Lv... 8 00»m i >• i. rrom Cinatt. Ar... 630am THOM AS VILLE AND MONTI CELLO. Freight accoro. for Montlcello Lv. ..448am “ “ from “ ....Ar...620pm Fast mall tor “ ....Lv...206pln from “ ....Ar..1210pm g | gp;- 5v - ’j£2? 1181 Moqnette Carpets, Velvet Carpels, BodyBrusselsCarpets Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Two ply Carpets, All Wool Carpets, Four-fifths w’l Carpet -Three-f’ths w’l Carpet Half Wool Carpets, One-Th’d w’l Carpets, One-fo’th w’l Carpets, Cotton Carpets, Hemp Carpets, R. Thomas JO' 126 Broad Sired. O. S. Bondurant Vountoer Observer All Kinds of Carpets One Entire Floor DEVOTED TO CARPETS! Mi Wild West show in John Robinson’s circus will attract tho boys/ i Archie The Largest Stock! The Best Assortment! The Newest Styles! The Lowest Prices Ought to give us tho Carpet trade of of this section, AND WE ABE BETTING ITI MAGNIFICENT LINE OF Smyrna, Persian, Wilton, Moqu0tte ; Velvet, Brussels and Tapistry RTJ G S. ALSO A FULL LINE OF BARK MATS; Straw Mattings, Floor Oi! Cloths, The time to btiy: THIS WEEK. The Place: THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPR1SE- TUESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 18EE. Local Sohedule. SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU Weather Bulletin for the 24 honrs ending at 7 o'clock P. M., Oct. 28, 1889. Teupebatcba. 7 a.m « 45 2 p. 87 T p. 57 Maximum for 24 houra - 87 Minimum “ “ “ 40 Rain-fall 1 inch. IAght froit. Imitations: Fair,dightlj ~ i«rf 24'hours. > warmer far nett! Stockholders Meeting. Parties who have subscribed stock to toe Times-Enterprise Publishing Company are hereby notified to attend a meeting of stockholders on Wednes day evening (to-morrow) at 5 o’clock. Business of importance, and a full attendance desired. S. B. Burr, Business Manager. Another slight frost yesterday morning. There was a colored excursion to Metcalfe Sunday, Charlie Stegall, of' Metcalfe, spent Sunday here. Mr. H. F. Sharon, of Quincy, was at the Stuart yesterday. Mr. Charley Rockwell, now of Brunswick, is visiting relatives in the city. The £ A. New Line for Thomasville! In Which Every One is Interested. We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we are ISOJBL.B AG-ENTTS. ourtriGtHT &c Daniel, 108 BROAD STREET. Police Points. A small docket greeted Mayor Hopkins in the police court yesterday morning. Sylvester Wheeler and John Well ington hod cases against them for disorderly conduct. The latter plead guilty and was fined 86 including costs, Wheeler was discharged. W. T. Avery was fined 82. Guyte Hecth was tried for disor derly conduct, and fined the cost, 81. County Court. Louis Jenkins plead guilty before Judge Mitchell in the county court yesterday morning, to stealing a pis tol. The offense was committed at Boston- He was fined 830 and costs or nine months on the gang. The re-building of Mr. Davenport’s residence on Dawson street is progressing rapidly. ■»,. county Way Down on tho Suwanee River. Mr. C. S. Beerbower, of the.F. C. & P. R. R., says they are going to whoop things up on the famous Suwannee river this winter. He says: “Already an elegant new steamer has been built at New Branford by Ivey Bros., and she will be ready for run ning on. November 1st. She will make connections with the Florida Central and Peninsular Railroad, and we expect to catch a good many tourists who will find a ride on the river made famous by music, a most picturesque trip. And besides _ this business, we will carry lots of freight, as the Suwannee River Railroad, which is also owned by us, runs through a rich section of cou ‘ ' which is.covered with timber. Stewards Meeting. To-night is the regular meeting of board of stewards of Methodist church. The stewards are requested to br on hand promptly at 7:30 o’clock. Yesterday was a perfect fall day. ho streets Thomasville and Thomas will give Gov. Gordon a-warm recep tion, on the 15th. Mr. W. H. Kitchum, of Atlanta, representing the Home Fertilizer Co., was in the city yesterday.. Mr. Arthur Patten left for Macon yesterday, where he will attend a meet ing of the Grand Lodge. Mr. R. L. Martin, ■ of Tallahassee, and Miss Carrie Martin, were guests of the Stuart yesterday. Mr. A. H.. Palin returned Irom At lanta and Valdosta yesterday after noon. • Mr. S. Loeb, wjio . has charge ol Mr. II. Wise’s branch store at Mon- ticello, was in the <Sity yesterday. ' - i .* Misses Lula and Stella Baker, ac companied by Mr. Harry Baker, went up to Macon this morning. They will remain several days. •■ . j Mr. J03 Ball, oae|of Thomasville’s most popular young men, was in the city on Wednesday aud paid us a pop call.—Montlcello Tribune. Mr. W. C. Martin, the popular representative.' of, the , Exposition Mills, of Atlanta, was in the city yesterday. Mr. J. B. Parker and wife, ot Knoxville, Tenn., are spending a few days in the city. They are stopping at the Whiddon. The delegates to the Woman’s Christian Temperance Union, which met in Quitman last week, passed through yesterday, _en route home. Misi Julia Stark, accompanied by little Mifa Effle Stark, will leave in a few days for Gainesville, Fla., to visit relatives. ~ • Miss Lula Murphey, one of the belles, and quite an interesting young lady, of Ellaville, passed through Thomasville yesterday, eu route home after a short sojourn in Quitman. . Mr. and Mrs. J- W. Butler, of Chattanooga, Tenu., who have been spending several days at Mr. B. D. Fudge’s, on Dawson street, left yes- 109 & 111 BROAD ST terday for Jacksonville, Fla. expect to make some money out of the affair.” Mr. Beerbower it a stock holder and an official of this railroad. —Tallahasseean. Some of our citizens own large tracts of land on the historie stream, and the new steamboat enterprise will help fo develop that section. Strango that the rich hammock lands along that river have never been developed. Rev. A. C. Stevenson was in town yesterday. He is doing good work for the new railroad. Pure Jersey Milk. The attention of hotel and boarding house proprietors, private families, and others, is called to the advertise ment of Mr. John T. Chastain. He is prepared to furnish pure Jersey milk in sntall or large quantities, to any aud all parties. Mr. Chastain has one of the finest herds of register ed Jerseys in this section, and his milk is delivered to customers, just as it comes from his cows. You are sure to get nothing but the pure, unadul terated milk from Mr. Chastain. See his advertisement and if you need milk during the coming season, confer with him. He will treat you right every time. Mrs. J. T. Miller, delegate to the Missionary conference at Quitman, returned yesterday on the fast mail. Mrs. R. D. Walker and Mrs. J. R. Sanny, of Savannah, Mrs. \V. D. Williams, of Macon, and Mrs. Geo. W. Mathews, of Cuthbert, arrived on the fast mail yesterday, and are the guests of Rev. Geo. G. N. MacDonald and wife. Curtright & Daniel are offering some new lines of shoes. See their new ad. Mies Fannie May Johnson, of Bainbridge, passed through yesterday en mute home from a two months’ stay in Boston, Mass., where she has been studying music. Misses Carrio Paramore and Annie Hicks, of Boston, came over yester day to visit friends, and atteiffi the entertainment at the opera house last night Mrs. Lucy Wirably, of Cairo, who has been visiting the family ot Mr. B, D. Ainsworth, returned home yester day. Messrs. Moller & Hawthorn are making some decided improvements in their gallery. The Cora Van Tassel company arrived Sunday and stopped at the Stuart Mr. E. M. Mallette sold on yester day a small farm near Patten, Ga., to Mr. Isaac Winoy. The proceedings of the Womans’ Missionary Society at Quitman, will appear to-morrow. Hon. H. E. Turner passed through here on Sunday. He will soon leave for Washington, ns congress meets the first week in December. Marshal Spair is doing some ex cellent work in Fairview. It is the purpose of council to work out all the streets, in first-class style, in that portion of the town. Tho regular monthly term of the Justice court was held at the court house yesterday morning by ’Squires Bibb and Mardre. A good deal of legal business was disposed of. Will Stegall, of Metcalfe, who was in the city yesterday, reports that Metcalfe is lively. He says that the' ground is being cleared ofl for the erection of a Methodist church, and that the work on the new Baptist church is progressing. Parties desiring board in the coun try, with a pleasant family, and at reasonable rates, should read the ad vertisement of Jersey Farm, Mr. J. T. Chastain, proprietor. The place is near town, and has all the comforts and privileges of home. It is, in fact, a veritable home lor strangers and visitors. And then the charges are moderate, the cost of living “among the pines” being within the reach ot any. Bee advertisement. A number of horses are in training for the races to come off at the Stock fair on November 15th. Every morning and afternoon there can be seen several of them speeding around the race course at the old fair grouuds. This week ought to show good work toward getting ready for the 15th of November. LOST. Lemon and white pointer dog, badge No, 22, Answers to name of “Lance.” Suitable re ward will be paid for his recovery. 29oct3t Sam M. Wolfp. ni pounds granulated sugar for$i, at Pickett’ Cash Store. Watch them follow; they can't lead. WANTS. ' Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 70 cts., Brussels at 91; wants to rc-upbolstcr your parlor furniture; wants to make orcr your mattresses. Call at Ainsworth’s Grocery. 26oct 3m are daily receiving -OF- Fall Sweet corn, all you want, for 90 cts. per doz , at Pickett’s. Watch them cautiously slide into line. Mince meat, condensed, is sold in neat packages, for convenience of housekeepers, at Ball’s. 25 3t Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut everybody’s prices this week' Groceries must get down so’s people can live. Fancy Flour called "White Silk,” at Ball’s. 25 3t 300 spare ribs just received at Red Front Grocery. oct25-3t. Buckwheat! Buckwheat! at Ball’s. Ham! Good, sweet ham,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. Stenographer and Type-Writer. Ur. Joseph M. Dreycr offers his services to the public es a stenographer and type-writer. All work promptly done and satisfaction guaranteed- Apply to or address, JOS. M. DREVKIt, At McIntyre & McIntyre's office. 131} Uroad Street. CITY TAX. The time for paying your city taxes is nt hand. Please call nt my office at the cotton ware house and scstlc before execution is issued. Office hours C a. m. to 0 p. m. - Jas. F. Evans, City Tr. Tax and Registration Notice. Third and Last Round. I will be at the following places on my 3d and last round, on t ie dates named below: Duncanville Monday, Nov. 4tb. Meicalfc Tuesday, Nov. 5th. East Glasgow Wednesday, Nov. Cth. Boston, Thursday and Friday, Nov, 7-8. McDonald Monday, Nov. 11, forenoon. Ways Monday, Nov. 11, afternoon. Kilby Murphey’s Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Ocklockonce Wednesday, Nov. 13tb. Meigs Thursday, Nov. 14th. Spence Wednesday, Nov. 20th. Cairo Thursday and Friday, Nov. 21-22. P. Sr IIeith, T. C. , - Registrar. PIANOS AND ORGANS W. S. Brown, tho Jowolor, has se cured the agency for all the first-class Pianos and Organs, which ho is selling at the lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those ueslrtng to purchase will do well tq learn bis prices and terms. Hackles’* Arnica Salve. The Best Salve in tho World for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt BheUm, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Bands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cares Piles, or no pay required. It it guar- rnteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For tale by 8, J. Casscls, Drag Store. Spare ribs, cot the extreme spare, bat juicy and tweet at Red Front Grocery. oct25-3t. -AND- Winter and our line ot Light -AND- MUST 60! Call and get OUR Prices before buy ing at ANYBODY’S Cost Prices, and we will YOU MONEY m . biothierr. and Furnishers, XOO St.jJ.ThomeavUlo,; G» 03