The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 30, 1889, Image 1

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-EA. N: Open Letter, We have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. This question we can easily answer: The people like to trade at Lohnsteins store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention and consideration from • the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than any other place in town, and Last, but not least, because a dol lar goes farther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins and quick sales; These are the - cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good yrork still goes on, Come and see us this week. We will divide profits with you. Dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in every department. Bar- f ains in every line. hey are waiting for you L Come and pluck them. It will pay you. See how the great old forest vies With all the glory of the skies, In streaks without a name; And leagues of scarlet spires, And temples lit with crimson fires, And palaces of flame! And domes on domes that gleam afar, Through ninny a gold and crimson bar, With azure overhead; While forts, with towers on towers arise, As if they meant to scale the skies, With banner, bloody red! Here, orange groves that seem asleep; There, stately avenues that sweep To where the land declines; There, starting up in ptoud array,, With helmets flashing to the'day, Troop upon troop of pineal Here evergreens that have withdrawn, And hang around the open lawn, With shadows creeping back; While yonder girdled hemlocks run Like fiery serpents to the sun, Upon their gleaming track! And, in the distance far apart, As if to shame man’s proudest art, Cathedral arches spread; While yonder ancient elm has caught A glory, ’yond the reach of thought, Upon his hoary head. But every object far and wide— The very air is gloilfled— A perfect dream of bliss! Earth’s greatest painters never could, Nor poet inspired mood, Imagine nught like this. —Alexander McLachhn. Stock Breeders’ Association. The commiltees, called to meet to confer about' the business arrange ment for the coming fair and barbecue of the Thomas County Slock Breeders Association, met yesterday morning at the library, quite a number of ladies bein;4 in attendance. . Mr. N. R. Spen- gler, chairman, and J\ S. Montgomery, secretary, were In place. . it. uumiMiviu, The Great Leader, and Benefactor, 132 BROAD ST. finance reported fair contributions, but stated that there was still a deficit which they would supply by further efforts for contributions. A number of individual proffers of assistance were made, and the idea generally prevailing was that the affair would be made a grand success, and that a large num ber of people would be-present. Mf. Bass was authorized to arrange with Mr. T. W. Braswel, to superin tend the barbecue of meats. Mr. W. R. McIntyre was elected treasurer of the barbecue fund, and soliciting eommittees requested to make their col'ections and turn over to him. Mr. Spengler reported that the coun try committees would do their duty and come to time with their contribu tions. Parties having subscribed fresh meats were requested to bring them in on Monday and Tuesday, Nov. nth and 12th, and deliver at the ice facto ry, where Mr. Keifer has kindly offer ed to keep it on ice. The executive committee were re quested to confer with railroad au thorities at once for reduced rates on the occasion, and make their report through newspapers at as early a day as practicable. The following ladies were added to committees already appointed.* Mesdames D. S. Brandon, N. Wolf, A. P. Wright, W. M. Reese, James Mitchell. I. jievy, % J. Young, J, L Finn, H. W. Hopkins, H. Wise. Misses Mattie Alexander, Fapnie Evans, Ida Pittman, Henrietta Yickers, Minnie Evans, Coring Chastain, Mamy Merrill, Fannie Mitchell, Cora Cassels, Bessie Blackshear, Lula Linton, Maria Coyle, Leta Pittman, C- R McLean. The ladies’ committee was, on mo tion, requested to meet at the library on Monday evening, Nov. 4th, at j o'clock, for conference. After arranging for minor details and discussing the prospects the com mittee adjourned to meet an Friday evening, Nov. 8thi, at 3 o’clock at the liDrary, and every member of the com mittee, ladies and gentlemen, are re quested to attend that meeting, at which the final arrangements W‘ll be made. N. R. Spengler, J. S. Montgomery, Chairman Secretary. Woman’s Missionary Snciety South Georgia Conference. • This body of Christian women con* mened in Quitman, Ga., Thursday night, Oct, 24th. Mrs. B. D. Wal- 1116 various committees reported progress, and were continued. The Recording Secretary—JfcSi. F. J, ker,* President Mrs. J. B.^Cobb, cor responding Secretary and Mis. W, D. Williams Treasurer, all submitted their annual reports. These reports show that the work under the care of these ladies is mak ing progress. A number of new aux iliaries have been organized daring the year, and the collections amount to over 84,500. The large audience was deeply interested in these reports. On Friday morning the society piocecdeed with its regular line of business, and in the absence of Mrs. F, J. Vaughn, Mrs.Geo. W. Mathews was appointed Recording Secretary pro tem. The district secretaries and delegates from local societies made their roports, some of. whioh are deeply interesting. At 7 p. in. a memorial service was held in memo ry of Miss Clara Chrisman, a young missionary on her way to Brazil, who was caught in the Johnstown flood and was drowned. Her body was recovered and sent to her friends in Mississippi.. Rev. G. G. N. MacDonell, Presi dent of the Board of Missions of the South Georgia Conference, made the memorial and missionary address. The regular business of the society was concluded on Saturday. The same board of oflicers was elected for the ensuing year. President—Mrs. R. D. Walker, Savannah, Ga. Vice President—Mrs. J. O. A. Cook, Waycross, Ga. Corresponding Secretary—Mrs. J. B Cobb, Macon, Ga. A New Rebellion. Editor Timei-Enterprioe: When times are critical, when dis loyalty and disaffection, gathering boldness from immunity, begin to show:themselves openly in the speech and conduct of men, the private citi zen may rise somewhat above the ordinary privilege of unofficial life, and assume for a time the office of public censor, and of the civil magis trate- For one, I conceive it to be the duty of every citizen to give prompt alarm ■ whenever ‘‘the states’ distem pers” are Been to swell and gather head and volume, as they spread, and to arouse the vigilance of those whom public confidence has clothed with official power and commanded to “see that the republic takes no detri ment.” Holding these views, I would seem Wanting in regard for the public wel fare, were I to withhold information derived from trust worthy sources, touching certain dangerous cabals, which are gaining strength and influ ence is a certain quarter of our hith erto quiet and prosperous community. As a citizen, I grieve to state that a -few restless and turbulent spirits, from long brooding imaginary wrongs and fancied inequalities in tho distribution of municipal favors and funds, and in the erection of pub lic improvements have, at last, begun to mature a scheme for openly with drawing themselves and their proper ty from the municipal control; in short, these malcontents are actually casting abouf for an opportunity to throw off their allegiance to the city government, to secede from the cor poration, and to set up an indepen dent establishment for themselves. Vonghn, Thomasvfllo, Oa Sandersvllle was chosen as the place for holding the next annual meeting The annual sermon was delivered Sunday in the Methodist church by Rev. D. F. Riley, of Albany, Ga. A large number of the members of the society prssed through here Mon day piorning cn route to their homes. Grover Cleveland. From the ShelbyrllU- Gazette. As time wears on the name cf Grover Cleveland grows brighter, and as the present administration becomes fully established, that broad, honest and clean administration which was guided by his hand stands out the more prominently by the contrast. His name awakens an enthusiasm wherever mentioned, which no other name can awaken To-day, while other men, prominent in the party councils, are aspiring to party leader ship, plain Grover Cleveland, practic ing his profession in tho olty of New York, is nearer the great democratic hoart than any other living Ameri can. Whether he will be the demo cratic nominee in 1892, or whether, indeed he will accept a nomination if tendered, we do no know. But this we do know, that as impartial history, laying aside all partisan bitterness, Writes down tho record of his admin istration, it will be one of tho purest and cleanest the American nation has ever known. The Class in Spelling- The first class in ‘‘spellin’ ” was a fair sample of similar classes of the old ungraded school, comprising about forty, nearly all of them 9turdy young men and blooming damsels, old enough to vote in town meeting. Occasionally a bright boy or girl would be promoted to the first class for superior ability to handle the long, hard words. Here’s the way the children of that period were taught to spell and pronounce: “Incomprehsibility.” "I-n in, c-c-m com, incom, p-r-e pre, incompre, h-e-n hen, incomprehen, s-.i si, incomprehensi, b-i-1 bit, incom prehensibil, i, incomprehetisibili, t-y ty, incomprehensibility.”—Lewiston Jour nal. nitely determined, but some of them are talking of reviving an obsolete charter, and of resuming corporate franchises which they pretend were, at some remote period, vested in "the intendant and wardens of the town of Fletcheiville;” or, failing in this, they will seek a separate charter from the state, not later than June, 1890, and before the adjournment of the present legislature; such are, in gross, the outlines of this meeting. As to the causes that have occa sioned it, they will, I think, be found strangely frivolous and absurd. Filled with an undue estimate of the needs and importance of their own section of the city, they have grown sensitive to a degree bordering on jealousy, at the greater care and patronage which they pretend have been bt stowed on other and more eligible streets and seotions. They view with unreasoning dis content, the frequent gas jets aud in candescent lights, the cnpacious sew ers, tho smooth pavements and com fortable crossings, with which other localities are provided; and augrily contrast the splendors of Jerger street, Smith avenue, North Dawson, and other frequented and fashionable thoroughfares, with the alleged drea riness and discomfort of their own obscene, remote and neglected suburb. In groups they'gather, and rail among themselves, againBt what they are pleased to term “official neglect and municipal favoritism,” local partial ity and the unequal distribution of municipal burdens and benefits; and even go so far as to complain, that notwithstanding their liberal (though reluctant) contributions in the way of taxes, etc., to the city treasury, yet they have not in all their suburb, a single sewer, street lamp, drain pipe, bitching post, or street crossing. Not a foot of graded pavement, not a gutter-crossing, safe tor ordinary usej that they have never enjoyed one honr of police service by day or by night, in fact, that tho spectacle on their side of the railway of “Govern or Brown” or “Captain Gordon,” ar rayed in the full uniform of their rank, would produce an immediate and wide-spread panic of surprise, that drunken negroes yell and fight and swagger through these squares and alleys, with perfect impunity, their chicken coops, clothes lines, and vegetable gardens are the customary and easy prey of marauding tramps and vagrants of every degree; that the bold, fearless, noble, constant, and disinterested efforts of their only representative on the municipal board, to secure official attention and relief, have uniformly failed of suc cess, that unofficial remonstrances and appeals have either been unheeded, or made the occasion for the bitterest revilings by that stern coadjutor of the Health board, and skilful sanita rian, whose frequent domiciliary visita and lively imagination have brought to light, the dangers that lurk in im possible connections between imagi nary sinks and unreal cess pools. It is true, that a few of the less malignant among the malcontents have shown some little gratitude, at the larger consideration allowed their complaints, by the members of the Health board, who, assisted by sev eral of the most eminent scientists in local medical circles, has painted in striking colors the horuble perils to the public health, that must accrue from tho unscientific disposition of soap suds and the death-dealing quali ties of hitherto unsuspected and harm less dish water. They even admit that thpy have derived comfort from the contrast, suggested by the Health board, between their own inconve niences, and the dangers which the unclennliness of certain California cities, have brought upon their igno rant inhabitants. Against this admission, however, they recall with bitterness, how the same officials, in open defiance of principle of sanitary engineer r, and in open violation of their own health-ordinance, and in disregard of the plainest law of nature, as well as of every principle «f equality and fairness have spent tho months of July and August last, and nearly all of the city’s money, in “turning up the sod” to a depth of eighteen feet, and for a distance of two hundred yards, on Jackson street, in the bold but hopeless effort to prevent water and other fluids from flowing down hill. '* ■ With these, and other like pretexts, they have fomented discontent, and spread the infection of their own evil designs, until even official circles have been touched, and numbers are being schooled in sedition, and pre pared for open rebellion. In the language, Messrs, Editors, of a tried and faithful veteran in the municipal service “let others work for the welfare of Atlanta, Savannah, of Macon, of Americus, (or of Fletch- erville, if you please,) but for my part, count me for Thomasviflc first, last and all the tine.” “When wicked men conspire, good men should combine." Verbu.m Sai*. The funny man of the Chicago Tribune, who considers Tennyson’s Springtime ode sadly out of place for the season of falling leaves, contri butes this gem to tho chaplet of cur rent poesy: The circus is coming, the circus ij coming, I know It, I know it, I know it. llorsc again, clown again, peanuts and lem onade again. Great Scottl how we’ll go it. Ilooperup, hoopernp, everything’s new ; LaBt year you hooped her up gladly. New, new, new, new I I tell you it’s new! Then rise up and hooperup madly. What again? girl again? hoop again? jump again? Never the boys so crazy; Biff I she goes thro’ without breaking a shin. Gewhilliklnsl ain’t she a daisy. Here again, here, here, here, circus dear ; The thought of you fills me with tickles. The circus is coming, Is coming, my dear; So hustle, and save up yonr nickles. Johnny Squildig—Say, pa, what is fame? Squildig (an editor)—Fame, my son, is what a man gets for being civil to newspaper men.—Lawrence American. DrylMsHoiise. Our Mr. Levy having closed out, while in New York, large lots of -IN- Walking Jackets, New Markets, Modjeskas. ALSO A LARGE LOT OF Misses' and Childrens’ Cloaks & Reefers, direct from the manufacturers, we feel confident in as serting that our Prices on them are FM BELOW the cost of manu facture. Call early before the choice ones are picked over. Levys Mitchell House Block 1