The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, October 31, 1889, Image 1

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irff « , , * *** - ^ ,h%J (*'fa* J / <? VOL. 1-NO 146. THOMASVUIiLE. GEOBGlA, THURSDA7 MOENIN(.. OCTOBER 31, *889 $5.00 PER AimiTM ,{gj % ■^AN^ Open Letter. We have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn- stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. This question we can easily answer: The people like to trade at Lohnsteins store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention and consideration from the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than - at-any otherplace in town, and Last, but not least, because a dol lar goes farther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins and quick sales; These are the cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good work still goes on. Come and see us this week. We ’flfill divide profits with you. ~ Dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in every department. Bar gains in every line. They are waiting for you. Gome and pluck them. It will pay you. THE NEW TABERNACLE. Dr. Talmage Breaks Ground for His Third Church. Brooklyn, Oci. : 28i-r-To-day took place the breaking ground ceremony for-the new Brooklyn Tabernacle on Clinton street, one of the most beauti ful streets in America. Crowds gath ered in and around tho yard where the cremony was'observed, and neigh boring pastors took- part in the serv ices. The Rev. T. De Witt Talmage, D. D., made the address. Among other things he said : That begins right which begins with God. That begins wrong which be gins without him. From first cut of spade till last ring of trowel, from deepest foundation stone to highest pinnacle, from this hour when stand ing under the cloudy rafters, and amid the illumind walls of God’s flrat temple—the world—to lhA hour when the people shall gather for dedi cation service new Brooklyn to put all under “In the beguning,” says the opening passage of the best of books, as though to impress all ages that we ought to look well to; tho genesis of every itn. portent work. I As wo break the gronud'to day for a now ohurob, let me. state what this church -will stand for. Evangelism, liberty of conscience, Christian patri otism, charity, righteousness toward God and honest toward man. May it be a great place for the cure of heartaches I May its windows look into the next, world as well as this 1 May all the children , bantiie^ Jieto become the eons and daugfite-s of the Lord Almighty l May all the mar tial oaths taken at these altars be kept until death does them part i 1/taf there be a revival of pure religion here, which shall roll on without in terruption until Christ descends through tho wide opening' heaven! May the Lord God of Abraham nnd Isaac and Jacob, JoBhua, and Paul, and John Knox and John Wesley and Hugh Latimer and Bishop Mc- Irvaine take possession of this ground and all that shall be built upon it f And now I proceed to. the ceremony oi breaking ground for a new house of God. (Here a spade was handed by an elder of the^S¥urch" tu Mr" - JKBP ningo, who with a turn of the spade removed a portion of the sod.) In and the name of-the Father of the Son. . is begun. Now jaLttaj building rise! Blessed be the "Lord God of Israel from everlasting to everlasting, and let the whole earth bo filled with hie glory. Amen and Amen 1 Victoria's Throne. the Great Leader, and Benefactor, 132 BROAD ST. The Englisn throne, used m the cor onation of the kings and queens of Great Britian, and which is so splen did in its covering .of rich silks, velvets and gold; is, in fact, simply an old oak chair of very antique pattern. It has been used on all state occasions for the past Coo years nod perhaps even longer, many reputable writers claim--, ing that they have discovered traces of its existence prior to the eleventh century. Ages of qse have made the old oak framework as hard and tough as iron. The back and sides of the chair-throne were formerly painted in various Colors, all of which are now bidden by heavy hangings of satin, silk anfl yelyet. Thp magic powers attributed to the old relic lie in the seat, which is made ot heavy, rough looking-sandstone, 26 inches in length, 17} inches in 'width, and 19J inches In thickness. Long before it ivas wrapped in velvet and (rimmed in gold, to be used by the Tudor* and Stuarts, this old stone of stones served as a seat during the cor onations of the early Scottish Kings. And now they are trying to rob gdison pf the honor of haying first introduced the are electric light,' ’Tis said that Noah, who-, would have thought it! put the first ark on Ararat. How evanescent >s fame. Imperious Mrs. Blaine ’- A story is told of Mrs. Blaine, and people who are pretty familiar with that lady’s somewhat imperious man ner give full credence to it. A ‘etVanger in Washington, a lady, hap pened to be stopping nt the same ho tel, but was unacquainted, even by eight, with the Secretary’s wife.-Id tending to go from'the parlor to the dining room, the lady stepped into the elevator, saying to the boy “Down.” “Up!” and the first lady was con- ironted by a second one, who had im mediately followed her, !/*. ’’ f „ The stranger finubed r >but stp^d]^ ground: saying very tartly, "Down 1” “UpT interposed the sevore-look- ing, ..elderly lady, standing blandly. over the other’s bead. “Down!” “Up l” , The bewildered elevator - boy. Just here caught eight of-the clerknn called him. • ■ i-:-. j “What is it?” demanded that gen tleman, glancing from tim pale face of one lady to the burning cheek of the other. ’T stepped into the elevator, and ordered the boy to go down.' Tfi5| women followed and ordered him to f It was a cold and blushing day. ‘ A great religious convention In one of New York’s largest and most fash ionable churches bad just adjourned - Out of* the doers streamed tho piotft delegates—the famous pulpit orators, the leaders of the church, the well known philanthropists, and ft host of lesser lights. 4sfe f jj| The delegates had just finished a hard day’s work. They had been making arrangements for a distribu tion of large sums of money in Afrioa, China and India. They were in a glow of enthusiasm over their efforts in behalf of the naked heathen at the other end of the world, y It was a splendid looking body of men. Their faces bore the stamp of culture. They were sleek and portly; and their warm garments shel tered them from the raw northern Smiling, happy procession filed u out of the gorgeous church, and turn ed' aside to avoid contact with the go up.” T . The olerk turned to the boy aiid said, with gravity: “Take Mrs. Blaine upatonce, and hereafter never hesitate in.obeying her order;” A very angry and very much chagrined lady is said to have fnade an unwilling trip to the upper floor, while another, coldly triumphant, went “up” ns she had desired.' So much for social skirmishes. WKrfn thii world moves in the real 0 Art of Leaving.* Prom, the Philadelphia Reco-d. When Mme. de 8tael visited Wei mar with tho avowed intention of intellectually capturing the literary lions of tho day—Goethe and Schiller —she made one fatal mistake : she stayed too long. Goethe wrote to Scliiller: “Mme. de Stael a bright person, but she ought to know when it is time to go.” The art of leaving is: less. under stood by women than by men. The habits of burinev, the recognized fact that to a business man time is money, the throDg and press and exaotiogness ^business life, all tend to make men Who live in cities the best possible ex emplars of tho fine art of leaving quickly and neatly. A business man’s social call is usu ally a model of good manners in this respect. When he has said what be bos to say and listened to what there is to hear he takes hie hat, says “good evening” and ie ont of your presence without giving any time or chance' for the too often tedious and embarrassing common- placet ;of mutual invitations and promises to call again which seem to be a kind oi social formula with wo men. In striking contrast with this neat and skillibl method of cutting Short the parting word of un inter view or call, ie the too common social of visitors, who, oommenoingto leave, seem temporarily to abandon their purpose and then linger as though it was a kind of compliment to the visit ed party to appear loath to part. Who docs not dread the visitor who 8ta,rts,thpu tlpuka of something else to say; rises, and then thinks of another subject of conversation; nearly reach es the door, and, most probably hold ing it open, jt aroused to a degree of mental hriiiiancy that threatens his health and that of his host or hostess by long detaining of both in (V cold draught while he discourses? What a tax on tho patience and politeness of the listener, who vainly strives, by assenting instantly to every proposi tion, to end the interview tmd break the restraining bond of polite atten tion! crouching figure on the marble stops. Only a woman and her babe—a yoting woman in scant and tattered drapery,.with an old shawl wrapped around her infant. Them other's face was blue with cold, and pinched with hunger, and she gazed piteously up Into the faces of the elect. She wasted her time, and wasted her voiceless appeal. Sdch . sights we'ro too common in tho streets of the great city to attract attention. The troll fed clergymen, the deacons, and the directors of the missionary socie ties passed her by without a second look. Not one of them paused to ask a question—not one stopped to drop a penny in the outcast’s hand. The crowd passed on, and the shad-, ova off evening gathered aroui helpless woman and her child. Tho massive doors of the church closed with a clang. 'A stalwart raau was walking down the street. Ho paused in front ot the homeless wanderer- paused, bent over her, and spoke: "Move on!” The speaker was a policeman. After alb it was only an every day incident. It is hardly worth morali zing over. Juet such things happened yesterday, anil to day, and will occur again to morrow. Man’s inhumanity to man is an old story.—Constitution. There is one enigma which a never gives up—a woman. The Origin of the Term “Cracker.” G. R. P., Daytona, Fla., gives the origin of tho term os follows: “You aik some Blade reader to give you for publication the origin of the term "Cracker,” as applied to tho poor whites of Georgia. Tho term Crack er was first applied to stockman or cattle drivers, who carried a long whip, the lash of which was often as much as ten feet long and the handle eighteen inches. They prided thorn- solves on their expertness with these whips, and vied with each other in seeing who could crack them the loudest. Some of them can make a report equal to a pistol shot. From this origin tho word or name “Crack er” gradually extended until it ap plied to all natives both of Georgia and Florida. It is more common in Florida now than it is in Georgia, from the fact that there is more stock raising on the ranges in Florida than there is in Georgia. These “Crackers” are an honest, whole-hearted, hospiti- blo people, though living rough and hard lives. If you go amongst them you are made welcome to tho best they havo, without money and with out price.” J. C. N., Lake City, Fla., sends tho followiug: “Before tho war, the poor whites in the South furnished a large number of the cow-drivers and overseers, who prided tnemselves in especial ability to crack the “cow whip” to it oould he heard a mile or more. Theyoalled themselves “the Crackers,” and this name has since been given to the descendants of these people, and also to any rough, uned ucated natives of Florida, Georgia and tho Carolina*, 11 —Toledo Blade. The Wedding of Ex-Sect. Bayard. Washington, Oct. 28.—Ex-Secre tary Bayard and Miss Mary W. Clymer, will be married Thursday, November 7. The ceremony will be solemnized at the residence of the bride’s mother on H street, instead of at the parish church, St. John’s. It is iutended that the event shall be a very quiet affeir, and consequently the bride, who is simple and unosten tatious in her manners, has elected that,her mothers home shall be the scene of the ceremony. The bride’s trousseau is a rich and elegant one, chosen with the refined taste that has give its future wearer the reputation of extreme fastidious ness, and correctness of style In her apparel. After the ceremony, to which a company made np of eome of the Older and distinguished friends of the oouple will be bidden, Mr. Bayard will take his bride for a northern wedding journey, which will end at their future home, Delamere place, 'Wilmington, Del. The daughters of Mr. Bayard have long entertained a great fondness for Miss Clymer, and welcome her into the family circle with open arms. They are expected here for the wed ding, and there is intense rivalry among their friends to decide who shall entertain them during their Stay; , t Mr. Thomas Bayard, Jr., will be a graduate the coming year at Yale, and the younger brother is in a prep aratory scho9l, getting ready for college. The four daughters—Nannie, Florence, Louise and Nellie—com prise the ex Secretary’s family circle now at hoine in Delaware. His resi dence in this city has been offered for left last- spring.-- ■ A. Now Going on —at— LEVY’S Dry Ms loose. Our Mr. Levy having closed out, while in New York, large lots of -IN- The Colossus of Rhodes. Editor Enquirer-Sun: In an issue of your Journal a few weeks ago, there appeared an article on the ject of “Tho Colossus of Rhoi Will you please give the particulars as to where it is situated, etc., and oblige A Reader. [Tho city of Rhodes had been be' sieged by Demetrius Poliorcetes, King of Macedon, but, assisted by Ptolemy Soter, King of Egypt, tho citizens repulsed their enemies. To express thoir gratitude to their noble friends aud to their tutelary deity, they erected a brazen statue to Apollo. Chares of Lindus, the pupil of Lysip pus, commenced the work, but hav ing expended tho whole amount en trusted to him before it was half completed, he committed suicide, and it was finished by Laches. This statue, known as the Colossus of Rhodes, wo3 105 feet high and hol low, with a winding staircase that ascended to the head. After standing fifty-six years it was overthrown by an earthquake in 224 B. C., and lay niue centuries on the ground, and then was sold to a Jew by the Sara cens, who had captured Rhodes, about the middle of the seventh century. It is said to havo required nine hundred camols to remove the metal, and from this statement it has been calculated that its weight was 720,000 pouuds. It was tho most celebrated statue of ancient times.—Ed.]—Enquirer-Suu. One almost sighs, ns he looks upon the beautiful roses that brighten the flower gardens of city, when he real izes how soon they are to be blighted by the ruthless tread of winter. But it is the way of all the earth; beauty fades and the flowers we most love are soon to pas3 away. It is the at tributes of the mind and soul that are the immortelles that change, the ir- resistablo law of i-ature, has no power to effect.—News and Advertister, Al bany. Each square inch oi the skin con tains 3,500 sweating tubes, or perspi ration pores, each of which may be likened to a little drain tile one fourth of an inch in length, making an ag gregate length of the entire surface of the body 201,166 feet, ora tile ditch for draining the body almost 40 miles long. Mteft'fiM'j ri(r New Markets, Modjeskas, ALSO A LARGE LOT.OF Misses' and Childrens’ Cloaks & Reefers, direct from the manufacturers, we feel confident in as serting that our on them are FAR BELOW the cost of manu facture. Call early before the choice ones are picked over. Levys Mitchell House Block 1