The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 01, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. CARPETS! FRIDAY, NOVElrtBB 1, 188E. In Which Every One is Interested. We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett &. Barnard’s and E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we are SOLiEi AGENTTS. CTJRTRIGKETT & DAJNXEL, 108 HROAO STREET. PassengerforSavannah. Jit,.. 060pm Passenger from Savannah Ar... 700am Fast mall for Savannah Ar... 12 06pm “ ■■ •• “ lit...1235pm * "from “ Ar.. ,181pm “ “ from Savannah lor... 200pm Passenger from Albany Ar... 620p m Passenger for 11 Lv... 930am Freight and Acorn, for Albany Lv... 845pm " . *» from “ Ar... 7 20am Freight and ancom. from Wayo..Ar... 460pm •“ >• " for Cliatt.Lv... 6 00pm .<< *• for Wave....Lv... 800am >• » •• from Chatt. Ar... 630am THOMAS'VIIXE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Uontlcello Lv.. .8 45 a m " " from ” ....Ar...620pm Fastmallfor “ ....Lv.. ,206pm " •• from “ ....Ar..1210pm Moqnette Carpets, Velvet Carpets, BodyBrusselsCarpets Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Two-ply Carpets, All Wool Carpets, Four-fifths w’l Carpet Three-f’ths w’l Carpet Half Wool Carpets, One-Th’d w’l Carpets, One-fo’th w’l Carpets, Cottou Carpets, Hemp Carpets, ! Weather Bulletin for the 24 hoars ending at 7 o’clock P. M., Oct. 31, 1889. Tzupkbatob*. 7 a.m..... 87 2 p. m 79 a* HI Circus Point*. John Lowlow is a good one. “It was a good show”—this was what everybody said. The crowd in town was one of the largest seen here for years. And it was a good natored, orderly crowd. The concert was well patronised. Tbo fruit stands and restaurants did a rushing business. The usual number were there, who went only to see the animals. Of c-o-u-r-s-e they only went to see the animals. One lady was present who had not attended a circus, forty years. It brought up, no doubt, tender memo ries and lecollections of her girl hood days. ’ The police were efficient, though there waB but little demand for their presenco anywhere. The side shows were well patro nized. Robinson’s circus will always draw a good crowd in Tbomasville. Dr. T. M. McIntosh performed a delicate surgical operation on General Manager Fisher. Mr. Fisher had his 7 p. m........;... Maximum for 24 hours.. Minimum “ “ “ .. Rain-fall Winter Indications: For rain,with nearly stationary tempera ture for next 24 hours. GIVEN AWAY! Thoy were here yesterday. The circus went from here to Al bany. The police regulations yesterday was perfect. . The iruit stands did a fine business yesterday. Homer Young, of Metcalfe, was in town yesterday, November will bring a number of visitors to Thomasville. Mr. J. M. Clewishaa returned from a visit to the Macon fair. John Stark has erected an awning in front of his confectionery. The crowd on Broad street was al most impassable yesterday. Mr. D. J. Jay, of Cincinnati, was at the Whiddon yesterday. The circus has come and'gone. Well, we had lots of fun, didn’t we? Mr. Henry Sanford is making some extensive additions to his green house. A baulky horse entertained a crowd on Jackson street yesterday. An interesting communication will in to-morrow’s issue on the 1 Barrel Flour. l'Box Tobacco. 1 “B” Ham. 1 Box Cigars. FREE TO ALL, One Entire Floor ■AND- Monon Route. This company is spreading out for Southern travel, and has lately ab sorbed the roads from Lawrenceburg to Lexingiou and Versailles to Georgetown, Ky. The new coaches built by the Pullman company for the Monon to run between Chicago and Cincinnati are the finest ever built, the day coaches costing $9,000 each, and the coaches on the night trains roprosont $19,000 dollars each. Mr. Barker, the General Passenger Agent of the Monon, is doing every An Ancient Paper. Mr. U. A. Chilson, of Louisville,Ky., who was in our city yesterday, shows us a copy ot the Ulster County Ga zette, published in Kingston, Ulster Co., N. Y , on January 4, 1800. It was in deep mourning, and contains a full account of the funeral of George Washington, who died ou December 14th, 1799, a little over two weeks pre vious to the issue. The paper is in excellent preservation. Hon. D. A. Russell, a prominent lawyer of Bainbridge, passed through yesterday, en route to New York on an interesting mission. Editor Fildes, the junior of the Mon- ticello Constitution, came over yester day, with quite a crowd from our sister city, presumably to see the ani mals; although Fildes said he could not stay to see the performance. The small boys will be practicing all manner of acrobatic feats for a month. DEVOTED TO The Largest Stock! The Best Assortment! The Newest Styles! The Lowest Prices appear Miss Carrie Parramore, of Boston, visited the family of Dr. Culpepper yesterday. _ ? _ ' Mrs. Wiggins, of Fort Valley, is visiting her. daughter, Mrs. Arthur Palin, in this city. Mr. J. 8. Addy,.of 8enoia, Ga., a brother-in-law of Dr. Couch, is spend ing a few weeks ia the city. The Times-Entebpbisb office was a popular place during the procession yesterday. y Don’t lorget the fence or no-fence meeting at the court house to-mor row. - ~ Rev. C. I. LaRoche has T returned from Charleston. He will preach on Sunday. Mr. Frank Cook, of New York, was among the strangers at the Whid don yesterday. Several extra polite were put on special duty yesterday, and the force Outfit to give us the Carpet trade of of this section, AND WE ARE SETTING ITI here, in the person of Mr. R.-W. Glading. He keeps a good look out 'for the interests of his route. MA0NIFICBKX LINE OF Prices before buy ing at CITY TAX. The time for paving your city taxes is at hand. Pleaic call at my office at the cotton ware house and settle before execution is issued. Office hours 0 n. m. to 6 p. m. Jab. F. Evans, City Tr, Ham! Good, aweet ham,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. They Oavo Bond. Robert Golden, who was brought from Tallahassee, Fla., a few days ago, on the charges of hog. stealing and carrying concealed weapons, gave a bond Tuesday of $400 for his ap pearance when wanted for trial. Joe Walker, another prisoner, also gave bond. Walker was the one sent up from Cairo charged with forgery aud carrying concealed weapons. His bond watf fixed at $460. Mr. E. M. Mnllette sold, yesterday, a nice building lot on Calhoan and Clay streets to Mr. J. H. Quinn. Mr. Quinn is a brother o& Mr. Charlie Quinn, the popular salesman of Recso & Eason, and he will build an attrac tive cottage on this lot and make it his home. Mayor Hopkins informed the itin erant gentry connected with the cir cus that they would have to pay $60 per day for plying their vocations. This cut-ofi these gentlemen. And it saved many of our country friends from being fleeced. These circus fol lowers are mighty sharp fellows. Miss Clara Deisher, manager of the W. U. T. office here, requests us to say that on and after to-day, Nov. 1st, she will have two assistants, and the hours will be longer, viz: 7.30 a. m. to 10 p. m.; Sunday hours 8 to 11 a. m., and 7 to 9 p. m. Visitors are A HOUSE TO BENT. A new and comfortable residence, con taining four bed rooms, parlor, dining room and kitchen, neatly furnished, situated on Dawson street, opposite Young. Female Col lege. Will rent for four months or longer. Terms moderate. Apply to the under signed on the premises, or to tbit office. 2 wd. Miss Nillii Bibo. ALSO A FULL LINE OF Cost Prices, and we will Conductor Joe DesVerges, of the Bainbridge extension, was in the city yesterday. "and J. W. bandied the crowd well. Mi. W. E„ Montgomery and fami ly, of Apalachicola, Fla., are stop ping at the Whiddon. The dime museum held forth on the old circus grounds, near Davis' stables, yesterday, and drew large crowds. Mr. Charlie'Davis is building some cottages for the accommodation Straw Matting?, WANTS. O. n. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to Floor Oil Cloths Messrs. A]>e Simon, Lyman, of Monticello, were in the city yesterday. Dosh Winn’s many friends were glad to see him well enough to be out yesterday. Mr. Edward Girard and wife, of Savannah, are stopping at the Stuart They will probably spend some time here. Mr. R. W. Nichalson, of Lowndes county, had a difficult operation per formed on his eyes yesterday by Dr. T. M. McIntosh. 3k But lor the precaution of having a number of extra policeman at each entrance to the railroad yards, sever al persons might have been hurt by the shifting engines. An extra night gang was at work Tuesday night filling in the trestle west of tho depot, where the large m> recently put in, and now prices this'week- YOU MON new cottages for the accommodation of his visitors at bis popular home on tho lake. Mr. Bush Sanford was called to Macon yesterday morning by the sad intelligence of the serious 'illness of his mother at that place. Convict Keeper Turner came down yesterday and carried.back with him RED FRONT GROCERY. address, to save delay in the delivery of messages. . The committee on the stock show will collect and canvas the town to day. Meet them with prompt pay- Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. '-y. LOO & 111 BROAD ST sewer was 1 the yard has a solid road-bed.