The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 02, 1889, Image 1

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' m lit ~A_ Open Letter. We have heard people wonder why it is that at Lohn- stein’s you can al ways find more customers than at any other place in town. This question we can easily answer: The people like , to trade at Lohnsteins Store, 1st. Because they receive every possi ble attention and consideration from the proprietor, as well as from the salesmen. 2nd. Because they find a better selection of goods at Lohnstein’s than at any other place in town, and Last, but not least, because a dol lar goesfarther and reaches deeper at Lohnstein’s than anywhere else. Politeness,square honorable dealing, excellence and great variety of stock, small mar gins . and quick sales; These are the cardinal reasons for our flattering and unprecedented suc cess. And the good work still goes on, Come and see us this week. We will divide profits with you. Dry goods, cloth ing, shoes, hats, complete in every department. Bar gains in every line. They are waiting for you. Come and pluck them. It will pay you. , JLiVUUU Will) The Great Leader, andlBenefactor, 132 BROAD ST. A LITTLE VISITOR, Somebody turn to ui las’ night, The dearest little midget; He's des as wee as he tan be; He tom all by hessetf, an’ he Des laughs, an’ cries, an’ winks nt me, - An’ keeps me In a fidget. lie des lam in ? om babyland, The angels bwang him over; An' papa told me that he found The little (ellow on the ground, An' he was sleeping des as sound As I do, in the clover, ’ Touise I ain’t soiiy that he turn 1’sc glad tosee him—inly 1 wants some lore and tisses, too; For since he turn, they don't—boo-hoo I- Play wls me like they nst to do, An’ I Is awful lonely. He’s des bran new—an’ that is why They fuss about him I maybe; An' papa said I musn't cwy ’Taase he’d det bigger by an’ by, Bntain’t he Hit's now ? Oh, my I— He’s'only des a baby Dood dracious I—won’t ho ever stop 1 I tan’t hear nuifin near him. No wonder all the angels thought That they could spare th ! s little tot— He ewies so much, that’s why they brought Him wbc-c they touldn’t boar him I —0. M. Soyder in Pittsburg Bulletin. Some Good Reasons Why a No Fence Law Should Pats. Mr. Editor: As there is being much said about the fence question, I thought I would offer a few thoughts myself. Let us see what arc the facta in a nut shell: It is a fact that stock raising in our part of the county, as it is under the present system, ib unprofitable, and a curse to the farmers. Wo have not timber enough to fence our crops s° as to protect them from the stock. Plank and wire fencing is too ex pensive for the incomes from our farms and stock,the way wenow man age them. If all the cows, hogs, sheep and goats in this section were sold, they would not pay for fencing the,crops. Two hundred pounds of guano per acre, will not repay the losses sustain ed to our laud from grazing them in summer by cattle. One years rest to our lands, not fed off by stock, is worth more to the next crop, than ten bushels cotton seed, or ‘ one hundred pounds of guano per acre, or all the manure you can get from the stock. The expense and labor to land owners and tenants, is greater than all Itho profits on their stock, or, I might say, equal to the losses sustain ed by raising stock at all, under the present system. The proposed law means nothing more or less than that every man may fence his own. stock and not be troubled with his neighbors stock. One-lourth of our present fencing will fence our stock, The new law does not mean no fence or no stock, but. that every man can have all the fence and stock he wants on his owp Jfifld, Wo have not got'two acres of woods or wire-grass pasture to each cow and hog in. our section. One acre of Bermuda grass, or two acres of broom seoge, is equiva lent to ten acres of woods pasture ) and one-quarter of an acre of cat-tail millet, cut and fed in summer, is equal to ten acres, of woods pasture. So is ono acre of crab grass hay for use in winter. Ono good cow, such as most of us have, when well oared for, will give milk and butter enough for a family of five to ten persons. A cow well fed can bo milked ten months in the year. All farmere can provide for them selves and their tenants on this line, cheaper than they cap fenco all their crops, and not bo troubled with their neighbors stock. We will bo relieved of this waste of timber, the expense of rail*, cleaning and repairing fences,'guarding against fire, etc. We can cultivate our rich fenco rows. It saves the landlord expense, and wives tlje tenant much labor. . It will be better for tho poor man, because most of thorn have but little stock or none,and they do ail the fencing. Deny it if you dare. What is 'your stock worth to you now under the present system? Would not you be better off if you had but two hogs and one cow to each plow, even under the present system? It will be better for the man who wishes to buy land, because he need not bny much more land than he wishes to cultivate. Who can object to .this plan of action? But few men except those who wish to fence their own land, and turn their stock out to trouble their neighbors; and forage on their land, and force them to fence their crops for the privilege of another man’s stock. What is our condition now? We have thousands of acres of land fenc ed, or badly fenced, for the sole pur pose of turning out strips or corners of woods and lanes for poor stock to roam over and hunt mischief i many ofwhioh never did have enough to eat, but they must hare room to rove. Where ? On their neighbors land, and die of corn cholera. Could the case be worse? Scrub stock, over stocked, never know where they are—if is worth than to find them. Are there not nine out of ten fami lies in this free fenced section, who have not had enough milk to drink, or butter to cat, of their own raising, at any one time, since they came into this world ? “I mean cows milk you know.” Or do they raise enough meat to lost them three months of the year, or even three weeks ? You say you can’t have water for stock. Have it on your own land. Build dams and dig wells. Where there is a will there is a way. Now, Brother Farmers, let us go to work, every one, those who can vote, and thoso who can’t veto, and let us make a change. Let us have the new law. Landlords, draw in your fences, have pastures for your selves and your tenants. Learn the difference between a good fat milk cow, and a poor one, one big fat hog and three little shoats. Very few men among us aro suc ceeding in raising stock, who do not keep them inclosed. For these reasons and many others, I am in favor of a change. Jong 1. Parker. Robinson’s Oireus. This splendid circus and its at taches, left a favorable impression on Thomosville. Should they ever return here—especially with John Lowlow—another big crowd will greet them. It is a monster show. Hie circus is fully up to the highest stand ards attained by tho largest combine tions on the road, while the menag erie contains some of the rarest and most interesting specimens of animals in cxistance, some, the great giraffe, for instance, heing the only specimen on exhibition by any traveling exhi bition in the United States. There is enough in the combination to make two or threo big shows. The expenses of the show are enormous, amounting to about 82,600 per day. There aro three hundred attaches. Something over two hundred of these live with the show, eating and sleeping with it. The side shows embrace some of the rarest living curiosities to be found in this or any other country. The canvas for this monster combination, covers three acres of ground. The orowd, including tho agents, perform ers, various attaches and employers, conducted themselves with perfect piopriety here, John Lowlow, the Georgia cracker clown, was one of tjip principal attractions. Chaste, choice humor exudes from his every pore, His toilet act is worth the price of admission, and always bring? down the house. His personal points and bits are well chosen, and always touch a popular chord. The entire performance was exceptionally good. He was a dull churl who didn’t get his money’s worth. More than four thousand witnessed tho performance jn the afternoon, and another fine audience greeted tho exhibition at night Thomasvillo would be glad to have the show hero again, in 1890. Beating His Way Across the Continent on a $1500 Wager. A man arrived in Kansas City this morning on the California express of the Saute Fe railroad who has travel ed on railroads across the continent without having paid a penny for transportation and without having a A little over three months ago Al fred Sentcr, of Sommersville, Mass., and L. B. Griffin, of Lowell, wagered $1600. Senter to win the money if he succeeded in “heating” his way from Boston to San Francsico and back, and losothe wageHfhe paidjfare while en route. Edward F. Locke, the referee, was to accompany Senter, and his expenses were to be borne by the loser. Senter and Locke arrived in Kan sas City this morniDg. Senter is a hunchback, and appears to be abont thirty years of age. Sentcr said: “We started out on the evening of July 4,’on the Boston and Albnny railroad and got to Atbany without being put off. My troubles began on the New York Central railroad, and, of couse, Locke had to go with me. Owing to my deformity I was treated harshly. Fifteen times I was put off trains between Albany and Buffalo. Between Buffalo and Chicago, on the Michigan Southern, I concocted a tale of robbery, and on promise to pay at Detroit was not molested. In order to deceive tho officials I sent a bogus telegram to Chicago for money. Altogether I have been ousted from trains lSO times. On tho Southern roads to California I was allowed to rido long distances. Atone time I had to plead with an old lady with team in my eyes not to pay my fare, as that would spoil my chances of winning the bet. I have had several offers to have my fare paid, but Locke’s eye was on me and that set tled it. I have had a rough experi ence, and-would not undertake to do it again for twice the money wagered. It is all right being put off in a large town where there are good hotels, but to be planted down in a small village in New Mexico with no place to go is another thing.” The conditions' of the wager were that Senter was to travel in first-class passenger coaches all the way. Senter says he will writo a book when he reaches home.—Kansas City Star. Montana’s Election. Helena, Mont., Oct. 29.—In The Silver Bow county contest to-day, the motion of the attorneys for the repub lican, to quash the mandamus writ, was overruled. Objection was then made to Judge De Wolf sitting in the ease, as he is a candidate on the democratic ticket, the objection being that he was an interestsd person. The court decided that the writ should be amended so as to relate only to ^ the counting of the yotes for the county officers named in the writ. The at torneys for the republicans then inter posed a demurrer, which was overruled, and the board of canvss ers was direct ed to file its answer why the vote in ihe Tunnel precinct was not counted. The court then adjurned. Ferdinand Phinzy’8 Fortune. Athens, Ga., Oct 29.—To-day the will of the late Fcrninand Phiziny was admitted to probate in the court of ordinary in Clarke county. The testatorjappointed his two sons, Leonard and Jacob Phinizy, of Au gusta, os his executors. It is under stood that the will will be proved in solemn form at the December term ot the ordinary court. Mr. Pbinizy left very handsome bequests to Bogg’s chapel, Oconee street church and Centre church, in Oglethorpe county, on condition that these churches shall never have organs or any other musical instruments in the house. Saving these legacies, ihe estate is to be divided among the wile and children of the deceased. The estate, as yet, has not been appraised, but it will go considerably over a million. The 8enate Rejects The Bartlett Amend ment 28 to 13. The senate has passed the lease bill in better shape than when it came from the house, but without radical change. The two changes of most impor tance are these: The time of consummating the lease contract is made the 27th of October, 1890, instead of sixty days after the passage of the act. That will be six days before the next legis lature convenes. The basis of property to be turned over to the ’new lessees is mode the inventory of 1872, instead of that of 1870. The inventory of 1872 is $200,000 larger. There are many minor amendments put.on as safeguards or to perfect the operation of the bill. One gives the lessees a hearing before the lease can be forfeited. The Bartlett restrictive amendment, which caused most of the discussion, was rejected by a vote of 28 to 13. Senators Bartlett and J. W. Harris made a gallant fight for it, and Sena tor Shannon was loaded, but was cut off by the previous question. The case against Ihe amendment was ably presented by Senators Hall, Strother and Mnssengale. Senator Whitfield tried to get in an amendment providing for the sale of the Western and Atlantio road’s real estate in Chattanooga, which is not necessary to the transaction of railroad business. Ho proposed to exempt from the lease about $750,- 000 worth of property, but the senate thought that it was to Bomo extern necessary to the railroad’s business, and declined^ to separate it. So the bill passed at 4:22 p. m. The house will not much amend it Dr. Felton wishes to shorten the time. He wishes to close the contract at least before another legislature shall have been elected.—Constitution. fei me?*. 'Choosing Wives. Among the lower classes women are not prized for their beauty. It is for their strength. A lady of our party asked a Russian guide if his wife was pretty. “No,” he answered, “she is very strong and very good, but she is not pretty. She is very ugly.” We all laughed, but I must confess that I admired him for his candor. Parents choose the wives for their eons, and they have an eye to the useful as well as the agreeable. If the woman is healthy and strong she is quite an addition to the working force of the family of which she becomes a mem' her. The bishops choose tho wives for the priests, and they generally select the girls of the older priests who are burdened with the largest families, which is a very practical way of look ing at the question. —Dr. Barrett in Atlanta Constitution. A Newspaper Monopoly. Some newspaper man, who evident- ly believes in telling things just aa thoy are, says (we quote from the Gazette ot Kankakee, HI:) “Do not swear. There is no occasion to swear outside of a printing office. It is use ful in proof reading and in getting forms to press, and has also been shown to assist in looking over the paper when it is printed, but other wise it is a very disgusting habit.” Probably the smallest republioin tho world is the one which declared its independence on August 9, at Franceville, one of the isladsofthe New Hebrides, and elected M. Chev- iland its President. The inhabitants consists'of forty Europeans (includ ing a solitary Englishman, a mis sionary), and 500 black workmen employed by a French company. Tho new flog of the Republic having been duly hoisted, the French gun boat Saone landed a detachment and sainted the flag. I Now Going on -AT- 1 •LEVY'S 1 : Our Mr. Levy having closed out, while in New York, large lots of -IN- New Markets, Modjeskss. ALSOIA LARGE LOTiOF Misses' and Childrens’ Cloaks & Reefers, direct [from the manufacturers, we feel confident in as serting thatou r Prices on them are the cost of manu facture. Call early before the choice ones are picked over.