The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 08, 1889, Image 3

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m -' ip*? v - 1PS1 CARPETS I CARPETS CARPETS * Moquette Carpets, Velvet Carpets, BodyBrusselsCarpets Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, Two-ply Carpets, All Wool Carpets, Four-fifths w’l Carpet Three-f’ths w’l Carpet Half Wool Carpets, One-Th’d w’l Carpets, One-fo’th w’l Carpets, Cotton Carpets, Hemp Carpets, All Kinds of Carpets One Entire Floor DEVOTED TO CARPETS! r The Largest Stock! The Best Assortment! The Newest Styles! The Lowest Prices Ought to give us the Carpet trade of of this section, AND WE ARE GETTING IT! MAGNIFICENT LIKE OF Smyrna, Persian, Wilton, Moquettea BUGS. ALSO A FULL LINE OF BARK MATS, Straw Matting*, gap ift Floor Oil Cloths, Mat Very Lowest Frices. The time togbuy: THIS WEEK. m The Place: 1U9 & 111 BROAD ST THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1888. Looal Schedule; Passenger forSavannah...i:.....Lv.fl60pm Passenger from Savannah..;... ..Ar... 7 00am Fast mail for Savannah..... Ar...12 05 pm “ “ ** ** Lv...12 35 pm 1 “from “ ...Ar... 181 pin “ “ from Savannah .Lv... 200 p m Passenger from Albany Ar... 5 20 p m Passenger for •* Lv... 9 30 a m Freight and Acorn, for Albany Lv... 5 45 p m “ « •• from “ Ar... 720am Freight and accora. from Wayc.. Ar... 4 50 p m “ “ “ for Chatt. Lv... 6 00pm •* “ for Wave....Lv... 8 00am «« *• «• from Chatt. Ar... 6 80am THOMASVILLE AND MONTICELLO. Freight accom. for Monticello.... .Lv.. .8 45 a m m •< from •* .. ..Ax.. <6 20 p m ■ ""Ar"i210pm F “* “"from SIGNAL SERVICE BUREAU B. Thomas Jr’r 126 Broad Strut O. S. Bondurant Vounteer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o’clock P. M., Nov. 7, 1889. Teupkratob*. 7 a.m 99 2 p. 80 7 p. m.. I.................. 89 Maximum for 24 hours - 89 Minimum “ “ “ 95 Rain-fall 1 A. New Line for Tliomasville 1 t !- In Which Every One is Interested. 8 fiS a We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. ? i Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and f • E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we P 1 are . 1 u SOJLES AGENTS. = £ c u fKf(jrtri 1 & dajn ill, a r V s 108 HROAD STREET. Indications for this section are for fair weather. Warmer, followed by rain on, Saturday. Col. Dan Forrest yesterday. was in town Cora Van Tassel at the opera house to night. Mr. W. C. Bird, of Monticello, was in the city yesterday. » Mr. Anson Ball left yesterday for Albaay on business. Pretty and versatile Cora Van Tassel to-night. Mr. H. W. Hant, tho piano tuner, is at the Pine Summit. Tho weather has been simply splen did for the past few days. Mr. T. J. Burney, of the Atlanta Journal, was in town yesterday. The cisterns on Broad street were filled from the hydrants yesterday. Get your seats to-day for charming Cora Van Tassel to-night. Mr. Hardy Blalock has commenced his two story residence on Clny street. Messrs. J. 11. Boyd and J. W. Cochran, of Waco, Texas, aro in the city. Mr. C. Davis, of Texas, accompa nied .by his wife, is stopping at tho Whiddon. Funeral of Mr. O. C. Hall- Yesterday morning, at 11 o’clock, the mortal remains of the late Oscar C. Hall were laid to rest in the old cemetery, beside his kindred. The funeral services at the residence were conducted by the Rev. R. T. Goodrum, pastor of the Baptist church in Valdosta. The closing services at the grave were conducted by the Rev. W. J. Williams, pastor of the Baptist church iu Thomasville. Oscar Choice Hall was born in Florida, Feb. 5tb, 1844, died in Val dosta, Ga., Nov. 6tb, 1889, after a brief illness, with typhoid fever. The typo of his disease was not malignant, and up to within hnlf an hour of the fatal termination, his physicians and friends thought be was doing well. The immediate cause of death was heart failure. He was a gallant con federate soldier, entering the army, when a mere boy, nt tho beginning of the war and remaining in active ser vice until the close. His wife was Miss Maggie Love,a daughter of Hon. O. E. Love, who was related by blood or marriage to many of the best fami lies in this country. He was a re markably fine business man, and at the time of his death, was in prosper ous circumstances. He was modest and unassumiog in deportment, but a braver or truer heart never beat in human bosom. He was generous, almost to a fault, and of him it can truthfully bo said that those who know him best, loved him most and held him in highest regard. Messrs. G. C. Stephens and J. M. Jones, of Atlauta, were at tho Stuart yfsterday. Mr. A. C. Westbrook, ot the Cen tral Ry., was among the guests at the Stuart yesterday. The Piney Woods bus has been thoroughly re-paired and repainted at Palin’s shops. Mr. Wm. Campbell went down to Savannah Wednesday night. Ho will return to day. The Hidden Hand to night. It is one of the best plays before the pub lic. Mr. W. P. Macy, of Hartford, Conn., was among the visitors to arrive yesterday. Messrs. Joe Helms and wifo, and Berry Belz and wife, of Eufaula, Ala., are at the Whiddon. They will probably reside here. Mrs. Burbanks and Miss Delano arrived last night, and have occupied their handsome winter cottage on Remington avenue. There are some of the finest Texas ponies we ever snw at Davis’ stables. They aro large and in fino condition. Call and see them. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Hunter, of Quitman, are visiting the family of Mr. Calvin Carroll. Mrs. Hunter is a relative of Mrs. Carroll. Rood overseers in this district should heed chairman Tamer’s notice elsewhere. The roads must be put in good condition at once Mr. J. M. Scott, of the Pauly Jail Co., informs us that he has just closed a contract to build a jail at Orlando, Fla. This makes the fourth contract he has taken in that state recently. Mr. W. E. McLane accompanied by his mother, Mrs. M. J. McLane, and brother, Mr. J. A. McLane, of Fall River, Mass., arrived yesterday. Mr. W. E. McLane will only remain a short time, but his mother and brother expect to spend some time here. They are at the Whiddon. A Duty. Five hundred dollars will place a neat headstone over every one of the neglected graves of tho Confederate heroes who sleep on Johnson Island. Tho mere mention of this fact ought to be enough to place the necessary amount at once i n the hands of the gentlemen who have undertaken this laudable design.-—Telegraph. Thomasville ought to contribute her mite to this cause. As Judge W. D. MitcheU was a prisoner on John son’s Island, we take tho liberty of saying that be will receive and for ward subscriptions. Privileges. Parties wishing fair ground privi leges, that is the right to sell articles on the grounds (everything else will be free) are notified that the time for de termining who will have the privilege will close at ten o’clock this morning. Sealed bids must be handed in to Mr- B. A. Bass before that time. It has occurred to the committee that these privileges, if properly granted, would be an advantage to the crowd on that day, as offering opportunity to pur chase such articles as otherwise they would have to come to town for; hence the offer. Cora Van Tassel deserves a good house to-night. Mrs. Ella Cunningham and sons, of Naeooehee Valley, arrived recent ly. Mrs. Cunningham has rented the Pringle, formerly the McLendon place, on Jefferson street, and will open a boarding house. Col. W. E. Bowden, who recently moved here, and is building a hand some residence on the Magnolia road, left yesterday afternoon for Mari anna, Fla., to meet his family who will arrive to-day via New Orleans. Messrs. Tat Kendrick, Will and Jack Moore have been awarded the contract for the erection of a splendid brick block, in Monticello. It is being built by Mr. J. H. Perkins, and will include three handsome stores, with a modem opera house overhead. The Town Committees. Tho following ladies have been ap pointed to canvass the town for the barbecue, dinner, etc., on the 15th: Mrs. Judge Hopkins, Miss Fannie Evans and Miss Corinno Chastain. Mrs. Levy, Miss Cynthia MacLean and Miss Mattie Alexander. Mrs. Wise, Miss Mamie Merrill and Miss Bessie Blackshear. Mrs. Wolff, Miss Minnio Evans and Miss Lula Linton. The committee have been divided as follows: Mrs. Wolff and com, south of Jackson and west of Broad. Mrs. Levy and com,, north of Jackson and west of Broad. Mrs. Wise and com., north of Jackson and east of Broad. Mrs. Hopkins and com., south ot Jackson and east of Broad. Canvass to be made Tuesday next. FLOWER COMMITTEE. Misses Addie Ramsey, Leta Pittman, Ida Pittman, Annie Davis, Mattie Davis, Fannie and Annie Mitchell. They Talk About Going. Elsewhere will be found some reso lutions adopted at a colored fence meeting, held at Jerusalem chuipb, in this county, on Wednesdp.y. The no fence law will help the colored man as much as any one else. And it wi'l help al'. Their talk about pulling up and quitting, is bosh. They talked that way iu Leon, but now, after testing the no fence law in thnt county, it is heartily en- dorsedand approved by the intelligent, progressive colored people of thnt county. Wo will guarantee every land owner a good white or colored tenant, for every one who leaves that portion of the county, on account of no fence. Why, there are a number of good small farmers on this side, who will, if no fence carries, buy or rent farms for next year, in the no fence district. O, no, there is no danger about getting tenants to farm, when the tenant does not have to fence against his neighbors worthless stock. The Hidden Hand, as played by the Cora Van Tassel troupe, is one of the best plays on the boards. Messrs. H. Wolff & Bro., have sold to the new restaurant, in the Brighton, Messrs. King and Parker, a splendid body Brussels carpet, which will be put down in their elegant and handsomely furnished restaurant. It is one of the largest carpets ever put down in the place, iu a single piece, being eighteen feet wide, and sixty feet long. Wolff & Bro., carry a very large, and a very handsome line of carpets. Just As 'Twas Handed In. Thomas Co Ga Nov 6th 189 Ata- Meeting held at Jerusalem Church past Resolutions Resolved 1st that this no Fience ques tion is an agitation to the poor La bouring class, Resolve 2.. that the first section of that act cuts off all wrights of the La borers of having what he Must and ought to have to Live: on when this is taken away he Must suffer, Resolve 3.. that if such a Law is past we can & we will be compel! to Leave & go where we can have what we are industrious enought to have and of course we expect to carry our Family and our friends and all that will go with us You Freeholder are controle of the Land &and we we are controle of our Labours. E. L. James Ch er m S. P. Everett Clerk Levied on Their Trunk. Tho Gillien Novelty show, which has been giving performances in the colored Masonic Hall, is in trouble. Yesterday whi’e they were at the depot preparing to leave,officer Kottman levied on one of their trunks, at the instance of Florence McGuire who keeps arestaurantnear the depot. Florence says that one of tho compa ny owes her for board, while they claim that the member who made the debt has left them, and that they are not lesponsible for his debt. Several parties of young men were out ’possum hunting Wednesday night. The total returns amounted to ten ’possums, and one coon. TO ROAD OVERSEERS. The road overseers of Thomasville district arc he' eby ordered to put their roads in good condition at once, raking out the leaves and trash from the ditches, and repairing all bad places. The winter travel is upon ns and the work must be done at once. Make your returns to the commissioners by 25th of November. N. E. TURNER, Ch’n Ii’-d Road Corns., 637 Dis. 0. M. CHOICE MILK. Boarding houses, private families or sick persons, desiring a pure and superior article of milk, can be supplied by calling at or ad dressing Jersey Farm. An inspection of the herd is cordially invited and preferred from ail before making engagements for milk. oct29tf WERTZ & sour, WORKS. Having recently remodeled and improved oar pioco of business on Jackson street, we are now better prepared than ever to do edl kiade of repairing of fnrnitnre, trunks, va lises, keys, cutlery, mnsical instruments, guns, pistols, locks, and in fact any kind of repairing. All work warranted satisfactory la every particular, ec 5oc4t Fall I Winter and our line ol Light -AND- MUST 60! Call and get Prices before buy- s ing at ANYBODY'S Cost Prices, and we will YOU MONEY CIYmi&to Clothiers and Fumlstars, xoe St,; Thomaeviiie. . , . ■ .' W <* SsPgi* - . - : ‘ . ’ ’■ - - ' ■ a*: Mi