The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 10, 1889, Image 2

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. JOHN TRIPLETT, - • - Editor. S. B. BURR, • Business Manatjor, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1889. Daily Times-Enteupribe is published every uMMlng-(Monday excepted.) The Weekly Thirs-Ekterpbisk is published every Saturday morning. Subscription Rates. Daily Tims-Eimmrnisx, . . . $5 00 Wisely ** I 00 Daily Adykrtis no Rates (Transient Rates.—$1.00 per square for tbe Srst insertion, and 50 cents for ea- h snb3e- uent insertion. One Square, one month, - - - • J 5 00 One Square, two months - - - - 8 00 One Square, three monthi, - - - 12 00 Oho Squire,.Six months, - - - • 20 00 One Squire, twelve mont ns, - - - 35 00 Subject to change by special arranf ement H. 15. BVBB, Business SInnnser. Tease bill finally passed. Tho Legislature At Last Adjourns. Special to Times-Ekterprise. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 9.—The leg islature has fiually passed the lease bill. The senate and house compro mised their differences to-day.* Both houses adjourned at 5 o’clock this af- uoon. Alexander ■ will reach home to-morrow; McIntyre on Monday. Charles P. Hansei l. Montana Now a State. , Washington, Nov. 8.—'The Prcsi dent to-day issued a proclamation, admitting-Montana as a state of the lion. Gotham’s Fair Fund. New York, Nov. 8.—The tola! subscuptions lo the World’s far guar antee turd are now $2,516,260. To day’s suberiptions were $158,440. A Human Pillar of Firo. Brunswick, Ga, Nov. 8.—About 7 o’clock to night a human pillar of fire was seen running down Egmont street. Terrilying screams attracted a crowd, which ran lo the burning figure after it fell to the ground. With naked hands and a blanket hastily thrown from a house window, the fire was extinguished, and the unfoitunate victim was found to be Mrs. Dudley Flem'ng, formerly Mis^, Alice Jones of Atlanta; the wife of an engineer on the Brunswick and Western road. The burns are pronounced fatal and death is expected hourly. The dying wom an sent for Rev. Mr. McCook. The scene at the bedside was heartrending. The accident was the result ot light ing a fire with kesosene oil Mrs. Fleming leaves three boys. Her moth er and brother are expected from At lanta to morrow. At Last. Our special from Atlanta announc es two important facts: the final pas sage of the lease act, and the adjourn ment of tbe legislature. At 5 o’clock last evening, after having been in ses sion one hundred and thirty days, not counting the time of the first session, tbe body bade farewell to tbe marble balls of the new capitol. In the main it was an able, conservative and con scientious body of men, legislating for the best interests of Iho people—as they understood them. -Halstead’s in tbe soup. Weak kneed "democrats arc now throwing-up their hats. The.tariff is a live issue. And it will be a live one in ’92. Campbell comes lo tbe front as a vice-presidential possibility in ’92. We’re not done feeling good over, Ohio, lowl and Virginia. Whoop-e! Our esteemed democratic contempo raries have brought out their roosters. And how the roosters cro'V. It noor looks as if tbe lawyers would get tbe bulk of Tilden’s estate. This is refined irony. The people vindicated the position of Mr. Cleveland on the tariff ques tion in several states last Tuesday. Virginia democrats dug a deep grave ; for Mabone. Few tears were shed at the funeral. Wobder if Harrison thinks the Lord bod anything to do with the result of the elections on Tuesday. He has been obuming that the Lord favored his election, He will now probably charg^lhfc Lord with turning demo crat. Ot ■ 1 ’ . Thera, was a fine mess of ciroW served to a number of republican papen, last Wednesday morning, lor breakfast. Crow isn’t very good for breakfast, especially when the stom ach is somewhat sensitive from the use of stimulants taken the night be fore when the returns were coming in. Last Sunday there was quite a scene at the Congregational church in Green Farms, Conn. After most of the congregation had assembled it was discovered that the church organ was missing. Burglars bad taken it Satur day night. On Monday a reward of $75 was offered for the apprehension and conviction o( the ' theives. The organ was subsequently found in a music store, where it had been pur chased ot a stranger for $15. It is said that tbe election in New York city Tuesday settled the ques tion whether or not apart of Central park will be used for; a worlds fair. Of tbe nineteen members of the Ae- seraby elected, fourteen oppose the I9 or any part of it, lor and or' the seven sena- ! are ; opposed $ thf legislature will decide not the park'is tolbo used, probably be governed by entof the members from A Missing Correspondent. Atlanta, Ga., Nov. 8.—There arc grave fears that E. W. Barrett, Wash- intgon correspondent to the Atlanta Constitution, has been murdered by Rube Burrow’s gang. Two weeks ago he went into Alabama to get, if possi ble, an interview with Rube Burrows, and was in the posse which pursued him. lie went to the house ot Rube’s father, ard had an appointment to re turn this week. He went to Sulligent Monday night, and, getting a horse and buggy, he drove out to the neighborhood of Burrow’s house. He has not been heard of since. He was to have kept up communication with the main office, but no word has been heard from him there. The Constitu tion telegraphed to the marshall of Sulligent, to night, to investigate Mr. Barrett's whereabouts. TERRIBLE SNOW STORMS WEST. Seven Persons Known to Have Boon Frozen to Death. Denver, Col., Nov. 8.—A special to the Republican, from Dayton, N. M., says: Unless a snow storm, which has been raging for eight days, come3 to an end soon, next summer will show the country covered with dead bodies of animals as thickly as was the old Santa Fo trail in the ’60s. The depth of the snow now not less than twenty- six inches on the level, and in many places it bos drifted seven feet high When the storm struck this section seven large herds, numbering 400 to 2,000, were being held awaiting ship ment to eastern markets. The rain of a week ago was- followed Thursday morning by a blizzard of Bnow and sleet, which sent the herds in a south erly direction. In vain did the already half frozen iowboys try to check the march of tho herds, but on they went through the increasing storm until, finding it Utterly impossible to hold the cattle, the cowboys rode aside and let them pass, and when nearly dead rode ex hausted horses into canyons in partial ly sheltered places, where they passed many hours of misery without food or fire. * Five cowmen are known to have been frozen to death. Two Mexican Bheep-herders have been found frozen to death. Two men coming in this morning report drifts in some places seven and eight feet high, in which there are hundreds of dead stock, many with their horns and heads aboye the snow. In one drift tfair- tceri wore counted and in another ten. Some of these were alive, but unable to move from their frigid prison. At the Texas line, ten miles below Clay ton, two passenger trains have been snow-bound for a week.. Their provis ions ore running out, and tho passen gers are compelled to venture mit in the storm and kill cattle, quairors of which are taken into the can and roasted for food. It. is thought that a snow-plow will reach tho imprison ed trains ts-morrow and release them, and that the road will be opened in a day or two. The storm is by far the worst ever known in New Mexi co, and the exact los3 of life and prop erty cannot at present be estimated, An Amusing Raid. Madison, Fla., Nov. 8.—Fifteen United Stales marshals arrived here yesterday morning from Jacksonville in charge of J. H. Stephens,' deputy United States marshal. They came for the purpose of making arrests for alleged violations of election laws. Of couse they went back without any prisoners; in fact, mode no attempt to arrest anybody. Almost immediatelyafter the party had registered at the Central Park hotel, one of their number, John W. Brady, was arrested by the town mar shal for an old offense and taken be fore the mayor. The case was turned over to a justice of the peace, who released him on a bond with B. D. Wadsworth and Jerry McClelland as sureties. The charge was assault and battery. Brady was a Madison coun ty boy, but hns been living for somo time in Jacksonville. How They Stand on Religion. Tho Constitution says: Mr. Carle- ton, of Troup, furnishes a curious bit of information about tho religious complexion—or church complexion— of the present house of representatives. The list given is an accurate one: Primitive Baptist 7 Baptist l;48J Methodist ....Bl Presbyterian -.14 Christian Baptist :i 5 Catholic 1 Episcopal 2 Free Thinkers ,‘ : 1 No Church 58. Unknown 11 . .. V The lato Hon. Louis Arnheiqi was the only Hebrew in the house.. j Texas Fever at St. Louis. St. Louis, Nov. 8.—A report comes from East St. Louis, that eight head of cattle have died at Hunter’s Station, six miles cost of the national stock yards, or between that station and tho yards, within the past three Weeks, of Texas fever. It is also said that discasod cattle have been sent to the national stock yards, and there is apprehension that tho disease may spread. It is most likely, however, that there will be a thorough investi gation of tho .matter, nnd if any cattle have fever they will be qnarantined at once. PRIVATE BOARDING. On Seward street, 2nd. door northwest of Warren, (next door to the Misses Ulilcr.) Tho house and furnituro new. , noons COMFORTABLE AXD SUKXY, table unexceptionable, Terms moderate. Apply on the premises or at the Office :of itchcll A McIntyre. „.j • . . nov9-3m. MRS. UEJ. CARROLL. i FOR SALE. ■ One large, fine gray horse, six years old, one second hand buggy in good order, One second hand two horse surry. If you want a bargain npoly early to 11-4-Gt.d Geo. Fiabx. MEAT MARKET We desire to notify those who nro winter ing in ThomasriUe, as well ns onr Old - cus tomers, that we make a specialty of keeping the VERY BEST OF MEATS of all kinds, which we soli at reasonable prices, nnd de liver at any residence In the city, A per sonal inspection of onr market on Jackson street (tbe stand formerly kept by Mr. Bone) is invited. novStf F. P. Hons k Bio. Diicklcn’s Arnica Naive. The Best Salve in tho World ; for Cuts Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to giro perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cent* per box. For sale by 8, J. Cassell, Drag Store. Cash groceries bound to win. Watch the figures at Pickett’s. WANTS. ' G. II. Wyant, the Upholsterer, wants to lay Carpets, Wool at 75 eta, Brussels' at $1; wants to re-upholstef your parlor fOrniture wants to make over your mattresses,. Call at Ainsworth's Grocery. 24oct 3m Ham! Good, sweet ham ,at way down prices, at Pickett’s. See him. Renews Dor Tonib. Mrs. Phoebe Chesley. Peterson, Clay Co., Iowa, tells tbe following remarkable store, tbe trnth of which is vouched for by the -residents'of the town: “lam 73 yean old, hare bem troubled with kidney complaint and lameness for many years; could not drees myself without help. Now I am free from all psiu and soreness, and am able to do all my own housework. I owe my thanks to Electric Bitters for having renew ed my youth, nnd removed completely, alt disease and pain.” Try a bottle, 50c and $1, at 8. J. Cassell’ Drug Store. Worth Knowing. Mr. W. H. Morgan, merchant, Lake City, Fla., was taken with a severe cold, attended with a distressing cough and running Into Consumption in Its first stages. He tried many so-called popular cough remedies and steadily grew worse. Was reduced in flesh, had difficulty in breathing and was nnnble to sleep. Finally tried Dr. King’s New Dis covery for Consumption nnd found imme- dta’c relief, and after using about half a dozen bottle* found himself well and has had no return of tbe disease. No other remedy can show so grandn rccordof cures, as Dr. King’s New Discovery for consump tion. Guaranteed to do jnet wbat is claim ed for It. Trial bottle free at 8, J. Casiels’ Drag Store, _ almost crippled with an awful sore leg from my kneo down to my ankle, —* me, and the flesh was one An Awful SoreLimb Skin entirely gene. Flesh n Siam of dis cue. Lcgdlmlnlahodoue third laaiae. Condition hopeless. (tandbirlheVa- tienra Kcniediea In two months. Cured by Cuticura For three years 1 was _ rful sore leg from my the skin was entirely gone, and the mass of dlsoaso. Some physicians pronounced it inenrablo. It hod diminished about one third tbe size of the other, and I was In a hopeless condition. After trying all kinds of remedies and spending hundreds of dollars, from which I got no reltof whatever, I wan persuaded to try your Cuttoura Remedies, and the result was aa follows: After throe .lays I noticed a decided change for tbe better, and at tho end of two months I was completely cured. My flesh was purified, and the bone (which had been exposed for a year) gotsound. Tho flesh beg on to grow, and to-day, and for nearly t -o years past, my leg is as well as ever It was, sound In every re spect, and not a sign of the disease to be seen. S. O. AHERN, Dubois, Dodpo Co., Oa. Skin Disease 17 Year.-i. I have been troubled with akin and scalp dis ease for seven een years. My bead attlmea was one running sore, and my body was covered with them as large aa a half dollar. I tried a great many remedies without effect until I used the Cuttoura Remedies, nnd am thankful to state that after two months of their use I am entirely cured. I feel It my duty to yon and the public to state the above ease. L. R. MoDOWELL, JitmeAburg, N. J. Another Marvelous Cure. ? Tho Cuticura, Cuticura Resolvent, and Cutl- onra Soap bare brought about a marvelous cure In the ease of a skin'disease on my little son eight years old. I nave tried almost all reme dies end also the moat eminent doctors, all alike falling, except the wondorfUl Cu'leura Kcmo- ED N. BROWN, 720 N. 10 th St., Omaha, Neb. Cuticura Resolvent. The new Blood Purifier and purest and best of Humor Remedies, Internally, and Cuticura, the great Skiu Cure, and Cuticura Soap, an exquis ite Skin Beautlflcr, externally, are a positive cure for every dlseaso and humor of the akin, scalp, and blood, with loss of hair, from pimples to scrofula. Bold everywhere. Price, Cuttcurn, 50c.; Soap 25c.; Resolvent, $1.00. Prepared by the Potter Drug and Chemical Corporation, Boston. ly-Seml for "How to Cure Bkin Dlsjasos,” M pages. 50 Illustrations, and 100 testimonials. DIUPLES, black-heads, red, rough, chapped, riM and oily skin prevented by Cnticnra Soap. The first a plaster. JKSHM* „ess,Soreness, Lameness,Strains,and Fain relieved la one arlnnle by tho Cnticnra Antl-l’nin Pin.lor. it and only Instantaneous pain-killing —FOR— Two Weeks Only I offer tho business of the EGUPSE STABLES FOR SALE—Horses, Vehicles, Barnes?, Of fice Furniture and everything pertaining to the business; not because it has not paid. It is the best business in Thomarville for tho capital invested. Tho books ■ of the Stnblo will show that this stable has paid well from the start I offer it on account ot business engagements that will prevent my giving proper attention to it, which will be explain ed to purchaser. Will withdraw the offer after the time named. Terms: ono half cash, balance twelve months, with 8 per cent, interest, secured by property sold, or otl)er of equal value. "My business engagements require a prompt sale; a bargain will be giren to early applicant. I mean business; please do not apply unlesi you do. If not sold, the stables will be put ia order for the winter’s business with fiity head ef good horses,under its former successful manager, Mr. M.R. Elder. 2nov-2w-d H. W. HOPKINS. EARLY OATS. All parties to whom I engaged the early oat for seed, are notified that I am ready to deliver the same. Tho yield having proven better than I expected, I can also furnish a few other parties. Apply as soon ns possi ble, if you would be supplied. It is the best early oat that I ever planted, and yielded more than the old reliable rnst proof oat last season. J. T. CHASTAIN; OLD HOFFMAN HOUSE RYE, Pure and Unadulterated, For Sale By a lm A. F. PREY ATT. .- A DIALOGUE. UBS. H. (VIBITIHO UBS. W.) Mrs. W.—Have you bought yonr winter hat yet? Mrs. M.—No, bat I will get it next week. Where did yon buy yours? Mrs. W.—From Mrs. Carroll, on Low* Broad. • Mrs.M.—You did? Why, I thought you always traded nt-the same old place. His. W.—1 did ieel a little bad about changing,but It was a case of dollars agaimt sentiment You know which is bound to Fin* Mrs. M.—Yes, but do you really think Mrs. Carroll sells lower than others? Mrs. W.—Think! I know it The finish and style ol this hat (exhibiting hat) was said to bo cheap at $5.00 by others. I be gan to think so too, but decided to look over Mrs. Carroll’s stock,and was astonished to find that she would seU me this bat at $3, first price asked, nearly one-half less. Mrs. M.—I have heard a number of ladies speak of her nice work and low prices, find this confirms it She seems anxious for onr ^MnlT^Yesi I like that I like to help those who try to help themselves ki that w*y. I would advise yon to buy yonr hat ihfcrfet - Mn, M-—I certainly will. Am glad yon spoke of the matter, .- She came, she saw, she conquered her prejudice against tradingfor sentiment. Low prices will win, and mast win. Polite at tention and kindest welcome for alL Call and see me. Mrs. Jennie Carroll Lower Broad Milliner. - PIANOS ANi> ORGANS ; W. 8. Briton, the Jeweler, but **- cured the agency for nil the firet-class Fianos and Organs, which ho le tolling at tho lowest prices for cash or on long time. Those desiring lo purchase will ' do well to learn htt prices and. terme. Look out sharply for your interest. Pickett is going to cut everybody’s prices this week Groceries must get down so’s people can live. -CARBONATED WITH- NATTTRAIiGAS Imported from the Mineral Springs on the Rhine, Ger many, on draught, at L. SCHMIDT’S. DRUSTK Glen Springs Mineral Water For the Liver and Kidneys. For sale at L. SCHMIDTS. THE PEST Direct Route! FROM ALL PRINCIPAL POINTS IN THEiSOUTH TO CHICAGO AND THE NORTHWEST. wo through express trains Sally, with Pall man PalaceBoffetSleepIngCars by night, ondOhalrCareby day, botwcon Cin cinnati! and Chicago, Indianapo lis and Chicago, and also bo iwoon Loufsvlllo and wheroetoso’con. neotlona are mado tor St. Paul, Fargo, Blsmark, Pol- land, Omaha, Kansas City. San Francisco land points Intermediate— Hew Fast Mail, Leaving LoutsvlUe, Daily except Sunday, at 7 •» a. m. Cincinnati!, Dally, oxcopt Sunday, at 7:45. Arriving at Chicago at 5:58. Tho most rapid servlos ever attempted be* tween the Great Commercial Oltlee on the Ohio River and Chicago, r? hrongh Coupon Tickets, Baggago check- . to destination, and your safety and com rt provided for, are among the points that ive made the mONON ROUTES Universally and deservedly popular. OHN B.OARSON, VIes-pres't and Gen'l Mgr W. H. MoBOEL, Gen’l Traflto Manager, Contagions Blood Dlocases. Ulcers, sores, pimples, itefa, salt rheum, etc., aro evidences of contagions blood dis ease. It is manifestly a dnty to eradicate blood poison from the system by a nse of B. B. B. (Botanic Blood Balm), thus enabling tho sore places to heal,and thereby removing all possibility of other members ofthe family becoming likewise afflicted. Send to Blood Balm Co., Atlanta, Go, for a book that will convince. v"- J. H. Outlaw, Mt. Olive, N. C, writes; •<! bad running seres on my shoulders and arms. One bottle B. B. B. cured me .entire ly.” L. Johnson, Belmont Station,Ulsr,writes. •‘B. B. B. has worked on me like a charm. My head and.body was covered with sores, andany hair came out, bnt B. B. B. healed me entirely,” W. J. Klnnin, Hutchens, Tex, writes: “B. B. B. has cured my wife of alarge nicer on her leg that doctors and all other medicine could not care.” M. J. Bosaman, a prominent merchant of Greensboro, Ga, writes: “I know of several coses of blood disease speedily cared by B.B. B. Two bottles cured a lady of ugly scrof ulas skin sores.” W. C. Blrchmoto k Co, Maxey, Ga, writes: "B. B. B., in curing Mr. Robt. Ward of blood poison effected one of the most wonderful cures that ever came to oat knowledge.” Tax and Registration Notice. Third and Last Round. I will be at the following places on my 3d and last round, on the date* named below: Duncanville Monday, Nov. 4lh. Metcalfe Tuesday, Nov. 5th. East Glasgow Wednesday, Nov. fitli. Boston, Thursday and Friday, Nov, 7-8. McDonald Monday, Nov. 11, forenoon. Ways Monday, Nov. II, afternoon. Kilby Murphey’a Tuesday, Nov. 12th. Ocklockonee Wednesday, Nov. 13tb. Meigs Thursday, Nov. 14th. Spence t^ednssday, Nov. 20th. Cairo Thursday and Friday, Nov. 21-22. P. S- Hxitu, T. O. r Registrar, BOARD IN THE COUNTRY. A few persons desiring the quietude ofthe country and the aroma of tho pines, can bo accommodated at Jersey Farm. Gentlemen,' not sick enough to require special attention, prefiernri: - 29octf Sugar still declines. Go to Pickett’s cosh store and get 13 lbs granulated for $1. "Watch them slide.” Tbe Marshall House. THE I'RIDE AND OLD TIME FAVORITE HOTEL OF SAVANNAH. IXDER THE PERSONAL XAN16EXEM OF ISoctt 111, lu HAIINBTT. ram promt! OFFERED DY ? warn. 158 Broad St, Mitchell House Block. 2 lots on Love St., 95 feet front, 240 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., I05 feet front, 140 ft deep. 1 lot on Love St., 120 feet front, 250 ft deep. The above lots are good enough and the prices reason able. 4 lots on Crawford St., 65 ft front, 18o deep, to an alley. .These will not remain un sold long,-at the price they are offered at. Only 4 blocks from business centre. 1 lot on Dawson St., 105 ft front, 200 ft deep, to an al ley. 1 lot on Dawson St., 103 ft. front, 420 ft deep, to Young street. These are royal lots, and the only two now for sale on Dawson, the best residence street in Thomasville. 5 lots on Chestnut St., 82 ft front, 150 ft deep, to an al ley, for $i50 each. They are absolutely worth, double the money. 3 lots on north Dawson St., 88 ft front, I9O ft deep, to an alley, for $250 each. These are beauties, and very cheap. North Dawson is a beautiful street. 6 lovely one acre lots on Young St., handsomely dotted with beautiful pine trees, at a low down price, 10 acre tract, with good 3 room house on Young St, just outside corporate limits. The S., F. & W’ railroad is the west boundary, nearly all in cultivation. Some fine timber. Price low enough considering the fine location. 51-2 tract corner Magnolia ave. and Maple st, 2 tenant houses; all under fence. 200 2-year old LeContepear trees; fine oak grove for building site. This is a lovely spot, and is worth lots of money, but I will sell it right to a good man. 2 7-acre tracts on Young St., that would make beautiful homes. At a reasonable price. 10 fine lots in Fearnside, covered with stately pines, at $260 each. Worth a great deal more money. &acre lot corner Magnolia and Linnwood aves., with new 5-room cottage. The lot all set with fruit trees, < flowers and shrubbery and will make a charming bottle; ‘ 1 o-acre tract on • Magnolia aye., 250 to 3OO beautiful pear trees of different varieties, flowers and shrubbery. Hand some new 9-room house in perfect order; servant’s house, .barn and other outbuildings, all new and in first class order. This is the best and most at tract suburban home for sale around Thomasville. Best of reasons given for sellihg. Price low. ,■ All the property I offer for sale js gilt edge. I don’t deal in any other sort. Let me show it to you and be con* vinped. 5®* G2SORGB FEAH1T, 16Q Broad St., - ThomasvilJo, Ga