The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 12, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. TUESDAY," NOVEMBER 12, 1888. In Which Every One is Interested. We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett & Barnard’s and E. P. Reed & Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we are SOL.EI AGENTS. CURTBIQ-HT & DA.NIBL, 108 BROAD STREET. are daily receiving B, Thomas Jr’s' 126 Bread Slrcet O. S. Bondurant Vountoer Observer Weather Bulletin for the 24 hours ending at 7 o'clock P. M., Nor. 11, 1889. TntriUTOB*. 7 a. m . . 80 2 p. m T7 7 p. m. 61 CARPETS1 Maximum for 24 hoars. Minimum “ “ .. Rain-fall. Indications: Continued fair weather. Stationary tem perature. GIVEN AWAY! 1 Barrel Flour. 1 Box Tobacco. 1 “B” Ham. 1 Box Cigars. FREE TO ALL Moquette Carpets, Velvet Carpets, BodyBrusselsCarpets Tapistry Carpets, Three-ply Carpets, .Two-ply Carpets, All Wool Carpets, Four-fifths w’l Carpet Three-f’ths w’l Carpet Half Wool Carpets, One-Th’d w’l Carpets, One-fo’th w’l Carpets, Cotton Carpets, Hemp Carpets, All Kinds of Carpets One Entire Floor DEVOTED TO CARPETS! The Largest Stock! The B3st Assortment! The Newest Styles! The Lowest Prices Ought to give us the Carpet trade of of this section, AND WE ARE GETT1N0 Ul MAGNIFICENT LINE OF Smyrna, Persian, Wilton, Moquetle: Velvet, Brussels and Tapistry RUGS. ALSO A FULL LINE OF BARK MATS* Straw Mattings, Floor Oil Cloths, M at Very Lowest Prices. The time tofbuy: THIS WEEK. The Place: Leaders of Styles and Low Prices. 109 & 111 BROAD ST The churches were all well attend ed on Sunday. Mr. M. p. Pickett lett yesterday for Columbus. Capt. Hansell 1b expected home in a day or two. Mr. Willis Mooie is spending a few days at home. Mr. G. C Shield, of Richmond, Va, is at the Smart. Hon. A.T. McIntyre returned home from Atlanta last night. Mr. R. L. Blalock, of Concord, is stopping at the Stuart. Hon. Robert Alexander reached home on Sunday night. Much interest is beingshown in the tournament on Saturday. Young pear trees are being shipped from here in large numbers. Mrs Geo. Carroll left yesterday for a visit to relatives in Camilla. A large number of ladies were on the streets shopping yesterday. There are nearly one hundred northern visitors here already. Activo work commenced on the fair grounds yesterday morning. Mr. James L. Pringle went down to Savannah on Sunday afternoon, Thomasvillo must feed the thous ands who will be here on the 15th. Contractor J. Q. Gotlwalls, who has been quite sick, is able to be up. An improved self winding clock, for the railroad office here, arrived yes terday. Mr. Chas. C. Carroll and wife, of Lake City, Fla., are registered at tho Whiddon. Rev. j. H. Herbener returned yester day lrom a trip lo points on the E. T, V. & G. Ry. Mr. John Cochran will ride in the tournament. Now let tho other boys join in the riding. Mrs. William Butolph has returned from a visit to friends and relatives at her old home in Columbus. Mrs. C. F. McMillan and son, and Mrs. M. E. Bethey, of Bluflton, were at the Whiddon yesterday. Help the barbecuo committee. Everybody is coming. Thomasvillo must make the affair a big success. Mr. P. P. Brinson, of the Alaba ma Midland railroad, aocompanied by his wife, were in the city yester day. Judge A. H. Hansell and Col. A. T. McIntyre, left yesterday morning for Quitman, to attend Brooks supe rior court. Captain Miller, commandant of the South Georgia Cadets, is putting the boys in good shape for the parade on Friday. Messrs. J. L. Linton, C. H. Young, Rufo Eaves and John Vaughn, ore spending several days at the coast on a camp hunt. Miss Mamie Shaw, of Quincy, Fla., who has been visiting friends in the city for some weeks, returned home yesterday. Miss Pauline Ryan, of Pelham, has been the guest of Miss Katie Collins for a couple of days. She returned home yesterday morning. Her friends would he pleased to see her here again. A Handsome Present Mr. Frank Smith received a hand some gold watch Sunday, as a twenty- first birth-day present, from Messrs. C. M. Smith, P. N. Harley and D. H. Brandon. Twas quite a nice re- mcmbranee from his friends. Marriage at Metcalfe. - Sunday afternoon at 3:10 p. m, at the residence of the bride, Mr. W. H. Sanders, of Jefferson county, F]a„and Mrs. A. Y. McCree, of Metcalfe, Rev. Mr. Pattillo officiating. There were present: Dr. and Mrs. M. Young, parents of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Finn, of Thomnsville; Misses Effie Spengler, Boston, Go.; Mamie Walker, Iamonio, Fla.; Bertha Young, Metcalfe; Blanche Rnshin, Metcalfe; Mattie English, Metcalfe; Carrie Stringer, Metcalfe; Messrs T. L. Bushin, A B. Bushin, H.G.Young, C. W. Stegall, W. D. Stegall, Dr. W. A. Monroe, and others, of Metcalfe. Aftei the ceremony the friends of the briae and groom were escorted in to the dining room, where the table was laden with delicious refreshments, frifits and flowers. May the new couple enjoy a long life and extended happiness. Metcalfe. Stewards’ Meeting. The Board of Stewards of the Meth odist church will hold their semi monthly meeting to-night in the Pas tors study at 7 o’clock. Struok a Small Boy. The only case tried in the police court yesterday, was Otis Crawford, colored, for striking a small white boy. He was given Ills choice of paying a fine of $10 and costs or work ao days on the street. He chose the latter. Help the barbecue and big dinner on Friday. Every one in town should do something. Every one is glad to seo Charley Peters at his.old home again. Char ley is growing up with tho great west. The full schedule will go into ope ration on next Sunday. A new train will bo put on which will facilitate the travel of northern touriAts. Among the recent arrivals at tho Willows, we notice tho name of Mr. and Mrs. Chase, Mrs. P. Marvin and two children, all of St. Paul, Minn. The many friends of Mrs. T. J. Roberts are pleased to see her in town She is the guest of her sister, Mrs. Harley, on Jackson street. The preliminary trial ot Willie Ervin, charged with assault with in tent to murder, is set for trial at 10 o’clock this morning, before ’Squire Bibb. Mrs. C. T. Stuart has returned from Savannah, where she has been spend ing some time. She was accompan ied by her sister,'Mrs.|L. W. Cessas, of Savannah. Next Friday will bo a big day in Thomosville. The old veterans will be there in large numbers. A re union, a stock show and a barbecue are tho attractions. Go up and spend the day with our clever neighbors.— Quitman Press. The probability is that Cairo will take the prize for the best trotter at the Thomas county Stock Fair on the 15 th. Cairo has some good stock. Bring them out gentlemen and let the world seo what you oan do.— Cairo Record. Come over, gentlemen, wo will give you a lively tussel over the fastest trotter. Messrs. Editors : —We desire, through you, to extend to all ex-fed eral soldiers in our midst, or who may be present on the ijth, a hearty and cordial invitation to join with us in the exercises ot the day, aitd around the bountiful board, prepared by the generous citizens of the community. Robt. G. Mitchell, J. T. Chastain, Joseph Jeroer, Committee for Confederate Veterans. Tho Gun»]ShIppod. L : cut. Love Wilder, of the Guards, informed the reporter yesterday that the guns for the Guards were shipped from Atlanta Friday, but as they have not arrived yet he has sent tracers to hurry them up. He says when they arrive the company will drill every night. First Lieut. J. F. Lewis, of the Val dosta Videttes, has acccpled,an invi tation to be present Friday with a company ot from twenty to twenty- five. and our line ot -AND- On account ot pressing official dnties, Gov. Gordon could not attend the Savannah entertainment this week. But he will doubtless get through in time to come to Thoraas- ville. Thomasville is getting Northern visitors in rapidly. The following are recent arrivals at the Illinois house: Mr. W. E. Bowden and wife, Spring- field, Mo. Miss Georgia Bowden, Springfield, Mo. Miss Irene Cravans, Springfield, Mo. Mr. George R. Clarke, Richmond, Va. Mrs. M. J. McLanc, Fall River, Mass. Mr. W. E. McLane, Fall River, Mass. Mr. Jacob Ruper, York, Pa. Miss Ella B. Myers, ■■ » A Worthy Negro. As shewing what thrift and honesty can accomplish, as well as an exam ple for others to follow, we are pleased to give the experience of a worthy colored man of this connty, who is an honor to his race, and wo are sorry to say, an exception to the general rule. Lewis Clark is an old fashion negro. He is now about 48 years old, was raised as a boy in the house, and gave heed to the teachings of his old mas ter, whom ho has never forgotten. He is a member of the white chnrch, a Hardshell Baptist, because his old master was, and a good democrat for tho same reason. Eighteen years ago he purchased from Maj. Josiah Everett, on credit, a mule, plow, gear, back-band and plow stock; he has that back-band and plow stock yet, and one of the plows that he got with it, also one of the traces, and he says they will be good for a long time yet. Last year he made 11 bales of cotton, averaging 5101bs, this year he made 10 bales, averaging 5201bs. He bought, some years ago, and has paid for, 130 acres of land, and is buying and paying for more each year. As before said, he is an honest, indnstri- ons negro; and is doing what all of his race ought to do, and can do. To Ex-Federal*. Elsewhere will he found a cordial invitation from the committee of ex- Confederates, to all ox-federal soldiers, to participate in tho re union here noxt Friday. .Southern soldiers ap prociate tho true men of the north those who fought for their section and who now, that the war is over, have quit fighting us. While they have no use for the men who are still trying to keep open tho wounds made by war, they have a warm wel come for the men who appreciate the fact that tho war is over. We hope every cx-federal soldier here will turnout next Friday, and seo how big-hearted, liberal and hospitable the old ex-Confederates are. Twenty five years ago they represented the flower of the youth of this sunny land, and to-day they represent its most progressive, loyal citizens. Every northern man will bo welcome around the bountiful board next Friday. He will be made to feel that he is among friends—not among strangers. In this connection wo may add that it is expected and wished by the com mittee, and our citizens generally, that all visitors participate with us on the occasion. Wo will show them an old fashion ed, old time barbecue, marked and distinguished by a hospitality bound ed only by our means. 8erioualy Hurt. Collier Pringle, a negro section hand, was struck and knocked off tho track at the 103$ mile, post, on the Chattahoochee division, three-and- a-half miles from town, yesterday morning, by roadway train No. 39. His leg was broken in one or two places, besides other injuries, which, though serious, are not necessarily fatal. The suffering man was imme diately brought to the city by the roadway train, and was attended by Dr. A. P. Taylor, the railroads sur geon. Medium Eggsaotly. Squire Bullock has left an egg at this office which is something of n curiosity. It wiggles about, when laid on a smooth surface, unless placed in a certain position. In other words it will only lie in one position. Now a great many people will lie in almost any position, but this egg will not. The egg may not bo a good one—investigations have not been made that far—bat it is better than some people, in that it will only lie in one position. Mr. J. M. Mayo has sold bis resi dence in East End to Mrs. S. M. Beverly, of this county. She will oc cupy the cottage shortly. MUST 60! Call and get Prices before buy ing at MYBIDY’S Cost Prices, and we will YOU MONEY Clothiers anduFurnishers, St., Thomaeville, ;<»•; toe m - is