The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 17, 1889, Image 1

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THOMASVILLE, GEOBGJ A, SUNDAT MORNING, NOVEMBER 17. VOL. 1 -NO 160. Ed. Fearn. The following notice of our young friend, Ed Fearn, is taken from the Knoxville (Tenn.) Journal. His numerous friends herd will be glad to know ot his bright prospects in his new home: The attention of the readers of the Journal, is called to the advertise ment of E. P. Fearn & Co., who have recently succeeded Col. J.W. Gaut in the grain, hay and general commis sion business, at 244 Gay street. The active partner of the new firm, Mr. E. P. Fearn is recently from Thomasville, Ga., where he conducted the same line ot business. Failing health induced him to move further north, where n.more desirable climate could be secured. Knoxville, both rom a climatic and business stand point, influenced and determined bfs present location. Already he has ex perienced a marked improvement in health, and is well satisfied with -the business outlook. Mr. Fearn has been bred" to the business he is engaged in, and is a young man of exemplary habits and strict business capacity. He has the business at his fingers ends. Being well posted, he gets the advan tage of the best goods at the lowest prices—an advantage that accrues to his customers. The new firm is highly recommend- edtjy .Col. Gaut and the Knoxvillfc banks, and under his management the stand at 344 Gay street, may be expected to keep up the high reputa- ion it has-hitherto borne. crowd. Much interest was manifest ed. Boston has a crack club, one which has, on two occasions, downed the Thomasville club; hut the Thom asville boys reversed former defeats on this occasion. The last part of the programme was the races. These, coming off late, were not witnessed by the entire crowd, many having left to take the various evening trains going out To sum up: It was a big success. Not less than five thousand people were on the grounds. Many estimat ed the numbers at seven or eight thousand. And it was a ropresenta- tirc crowd of south Georgia farm ers. It reminded one of tho great crowds which once gathered hero at our Thomas county fairs. Many were the expressions in favor of re organizing the fair. And we beliovo Major General of the Confederate army. Tho now gray old veteran was received with a wild buret of ap plause. Hundreds who had followed him through smoke of battle, now saw him for the first time since the close of the struggle. And they gave their old commander a rousing wel come. The speech of the General was listened to with profound atten-. tion. On account of the great throng, it was impossible for him to be heard byalL Hejadvised the ex-confederates, that while being true to every obli gation of citizenship, they should, at die same time, be true to the memo? ries connected with tho war. Ho told them that there was nothing in tho history of the war, of which the Southern soldier should feel ashamed. He paid a glowing and touching trib ute to the dead and living who fought for Dixie. The General held a levee on the stand at the conclusion of his speech, hundreds and hundreds of old soldiers pressing about him, shaking hands with the man who had led them in so many hard fought battles. *The scene was a very affecting ono, the tears starting from tho eyes of many, as they grasped the hand of their old commander. THE DINNER. Tho ladies, God bless them, for without them the nfihir would have been a failure, had the hundreds of feet ef tables loaded down with cata hies. General MoLaivs, escorted by two young ladies, and tho military, marched into the inside enclosure, and faced outwards, and tho thousands gathered aloiigthe long lines of tables; and then the feast began. ‘ And while the demand was great, the sup ply was equal to it. And just here we fail, signally fail, in describing the °ZZ2l' 2, T. 0. Mitchell, scene. They went for the “perwisions .. nndcr i, Jr. c. Beverly. ■iu the bill.” ■ .. - j . “ mare colt 3 and oror, D-. T. M. Alcln- -• -Elsewhere will be found then wards. tosh. These embrace the official reports of Dllt0 > 2 ttnd under 3 > B - A - Bnw - tho various committees.' And by the " 1 n , nd uoder2 ' F ' “' Jonc9 ' way these gentlemen dischargedl their T ’ 3 ^over, j. T. Pltt- diities most faitbinlly and impartially. man THE STOCK DISPLAY. Outs 3. While it is true that the interest of B «*‘ single harness horse, If. W. Hook'es. our people was directed more narticu- “ *“ ddl0 horso ’ D ' w> m,,. u„ ..a xrssjr""**’* ■— casing many who could hoc doao gc .M. SO, to fuil to exhibit their stock; the ^ raised, Green Linton, coL display in point of merit was really Best mulo colt, Ga. or Fla. raised, 3 and un- AN IMMENSE CROWD ! THE WEATHER SIMPLY PERFECT THE OLD VETERANS IN LINE AGAIN. Tho Procession—Glittering Uniforms, Cannons and a Long Line of Old Vetorans—On the Grounds—The Speeches—The Stock Show, The Tournament end the Shooting Matoh—A Big Dinner. The Stock Breeder’s Fair, Confed erate reunion and barbecue, is a thing of the past. But it wlil go down in the history and annals of the county as one of the most successful occa sions ever projected in Thomas coun ty. At an early hour the crowds be gan gathering. They came from, not only all parts of Thomas, but from surrounding counties in Geotgia and in Florida. And they came by the hundreds and thousands. They came with their wives and children, and they found a genuine Thr'inasville welcome. And a Thomasville wel- come means something. The town Still another in voice of choice dress goods just received. Our Ladies’ Broad cloth in all the leading colors is certainly worthy of your attention. We are 50c. per yard under New York retail prices on them. In Carpets and Rug’s we down ev ery in this market, and we invite a comparison of pric es with other and larger markets. In Ladies, Misses and Children’s Wraps we are head quarters, as we are in everything else pertaining to our line. American Independence. Phiaadelphia, Pa., Nov. 14.—The committee appointed at the meeting of the governors of the thirteen origin*) states, held in this cily April 28, 1888, and of which Governor Green, of New Jersey, was chairman, has issued an invitation to the governors of all the states and territories to meet in Wash* ington on the second Wednesday in December next, for the purpose of urging upon congress the appropria tion of a sum sufficient to secure the erection of a suitable monument in Philadelphia commemorative ot tlje declaration of independence, and of the first 100 years ot the constitutional history of the United States. The in vitation concludes as follows: the concluding paragraph. The great importance of this move ment in preserving to all time a record of those glorious events and the actois who have made this nation so strong, influential and rich, has been univer sally conceded by all who have attended the great centennial celebrations bf the past few years. These celebra tions cemented this nation together in a manner hitherto unknown. As in 1892 we celebrate the 400th anniver sary of the discovery of the new world by Christopher Columbus, what more fitting an emblem can be more worthi ly displayed to the people of our otin or other countries than a great monu ment, which would tell in its own lan guage of the great achievement of this nation, which has grown and strength ened on the continent which he dis covered. Trusting that you will be present in person, or by representative, on the second Wednesday in Decemcer, 1889, at the Ebbitt house, Washington, D. C., I beg to remain yours, etc., Robert S. Green, Chirman. Montana’s Muddle. Helena, Mont., Nov. 14,—The election muddle in Silver Bow county is growing worse daily. Tuesday Judge DeWolfe retired from office, and McHatton, dem., who is elected by counting the Tunnel precinct, took the chair. He also recognized as sheriff of the county Sullivan, the dem ocratic candidate, whose case was analagous to his own. Lloyd, the old sheriff, and who was republican candi- outsidc. “Welcome” was written on every face he<e. Siiortlv alter nine o’clock, Col. Wm. D. Mitchell, as chiefniarshall, assisted by the follow ing aides: J. M. Rushin, Boston, Dr. W. I*. Clower, Cairo, S. L. Hayes, Thomasvil'e and Capt. R: P. Doss, Duncanville, formed the procession on Madison street, the right resting on Jefferson street. Headed by the J splendid regimental band of Savannah, the procession was formed in the fol-. lowing order: General McLaws, in a carriage with Hon, Robert G. Mitchell, Mi 1 Joseph Jerger and Capt. John W Tur ner, of Floyd. Thomasville Guards. South Georgia Cadets. Valdosta Videttes. Artillery. Veterans. Moving dp Jefferson to Broad, tjte procession, to the soul stirring music of the band, moved down Broad street, which was lined by thousands watch ing the pageant. Upomhe arrival ttt the grounds the Chatham’s fired a national, salute of forty-two gunti. The deep reverberations pf the loud mouthed cannon brought back, vivid ly, to the old confeds, many a blood stained and smoke enveloped conflict. And they responded to each shot, as it told of one state of the 42, with ringing cheers. The speaker’s stand had been beautifully decorated with bunting and flowers by the ladies. The stand was occupied by General McLaws, Hon. R. G. Mitchell and Mayor Hopkins. Mayor Hopkins briefly but elo quently,in behalf of theStock Breeder's Association, the pitmens qf Thomns- villo and Thomas county, extended a welcome- to the great throng. His remarks were very feljcitjous and ex pressed, iq hnnpy nud appropriate phrases, the welcome whioh old Thom as tendered all those who were pres ent. At the conclusion of Mayor Hopkins remarks, Hon. Robert G. Mitchell rose and addressed the crowd for a few minutes, His - allusion to {ho memories, which cluster about the great events of the war, the sacrifices and heroism of the Southern soldier, apd the men who led them, brought forth riugiug cheers from the throats of thousands, Ilis reference to the stare nod stripes, whioh floated and fluttered in the Southern sunlight, above the speaker's head, were the utterances of a Southern patriot, and elicited hearty applause. Mr. Mitcjp pll concluded by Introducing General McLaws, the Senior Native Georgia When out shop ping, ladies will do weU-io drop in at LOHNSTEIN’S and inspect the va rious lines of new goods, just being opened. They are very handsome and at very attractive prices. We are very busy and havn’t time to say much about them in this issue, hut will he sure to please you if you will give us a call Respectfully, der 3, J. W. Carvoll. DEPARTMENT B—CATTLE—REGIS TERED JERSEYS. Class 1. Best cow, J. T. Chastain. Best bull, under 1, J. T. Chastain. Best heifer calf under 1, J, T. Clins nln. Class 2.—UNREGISTERED OR GRADE JERSEYS. ' Best oiw, J. T. Chastain. Class 3.—GUINEAS. Best bull, H, W. Hopkins. Best cow, J. T. Chastain. Best butt call under 1, J. T. Chastain. Class 4.-C0MM0N STOCK- Best milk cow, J. T. Chastain. SPECIAL PRCM UU3. BY T. C. MITHELL:—For best colt o» horse, any age, of Revoke's get, $25, sward ed to John Si. John, the nml stallion own- efl by Charley Davis. BY S. L. HAYES:—For best colt or horso, any age, or Transfer's get, $5, awarded to Dandy, the chestnut sorrel gelding owned tiy W|II|s,S. Quartcrman. COUMIVTSB OS HOUSES. Capt. T. M, Butner, of Macon; Capt. John W. Turner, of Floyd. coHH'rrn ox cattle. Rev. J. L. Underwood, Col. 1. A. Both and Mr. A. B. Falrcloth, of Mitchell. touixamext. First prize won by T. J. Livingston. Second prise by J. 8. Mallard, Messrs R. R. Evans, W. S. Quartsrman and R, M. Varnndoo iled for third pr ze. shooting match. The shooting match between the Boston and Thomasville gun clubs was won by the Utter, the score being OT to 53. H. W. Do.'iixs, J. T- Csastaix, President. Secretary. exhibition, not that our friends from abroad could have seen what we are doing, but that oar own people might be stift farther interested in this im portant industry. We sincerely trust that the interest now felt in improv ing onr own (took will oontinue to Inorease, and the display at our annu al exhibits continue to swell until we shall be able to show to the world that the wi regress region of Georgia can produce as' good Block as any section on the globe. Let all farmers falio an interest Rnfl aid and abet the Stock breeders' Association in their efforts to improve the stock of the county, It is a laudable undertaking, and should enlM the Interest of a’l olassca pf nur.oitigens, THE OLD SOLDIERS. Hundreds of these registered and will fbrm a permanent organization. This is right. Let it be done prompt ly, and then let the organization meet once a year and renew old associa tions. Every ex-Confederate soldier who served in tho war should enroll himself. THE TOURNAMENT. This part of the day’s programme, though impromptu, was very much enjoyed. Tho gentlemen rode well and bravely. To Dr. J. G. Hopkins and Mr. ,T. M. Lee is due much credit for getting up the tournamont and for J32 BRQ4D ST. Mr. J. C. S. Timberinke and family, of Tululnh Falls, were at the Stuart yesterday, en route to Monticello, Fla. Mr. Timberiake will be the proprietor of Monticello’s handsome now hotel. McHatton, but Lloyd refused to sur render the prisoners to Sullivan, who was directed to produce them in court. Hamilton, the coqtesting judge, open ed another court, and Lloyd brought |ts successful culmination. The shooting match between Boston and Thomasville attracted a large isHHH