The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 21, 1889, Image 1

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TU0MAJ3VILLE, GEORGIA, THURSDAY MOENHSO. NOVEMBER 21 How to be a Model Hostess. understood and explained when adopt* pifte, or some other sort of stick,about three feet long, take the cow where they wish her to feed, and drive the sharp end of that stick in the ground and the cow can'never get tangled in the world, because the rope is'on' the ground). They bring and carry them every day, if they wish. And I tell you, such fine looking cows can’t be found in all this country. Save your timber and time, and money, and keep better stock. And don’t keep cows to turn out every morning and send them to your neigh bor’s corn field after milk and butter for you to eat. ' I will speak at Jerusalem church next Friday morning at 10 o’clock, and at any other place, upon invita tion, in favor of no fence. If I can get my way paid by the colored no fence men I will go through south Thomas and show the people the ad vantages of no fence. Yours truly, J. W. Carter. Thomasville, Nov.19, 1889. THE “NO-FENCE” QUESTION From tlie Ladies’ Homo Journal. A hostess has so very charming si position, if site is amiable, one wonders she should ever peril it by being disk' greeable. She is,in her 1 hour of hostess- ship, perhaps at the acme of a wom an’s ambition. It is her place to seel that a number of persons are well frd and happy. She is the person oi all others to whom every gentle, sweet emotion, to whom every grateful feel- turus. A hostess at a, pretty country? house is very much to be envied, and she can, without much effoft, make everybody happy. A hostess in the city can becomejan enormous "social power, if she has tact and a certain intelligence. She becomes the en- ed by the State in their separate con ventions, where it had breathed into if the breath of life/ Though great changes have occur red in the Union since its compact was formed, the principles then de clared are unaffected, because they rest on the immutable foundation— Truth. On those principles this ap peal is made. Fashions In Diamonds. Paris Letter in the Jewelers’ Weekly. Diamonds—fine diambnds especially —are as fashionable as ever. Jewels composed of clustered diamonds of different sizes are losing ground in general estimation. They are now considered as ineffective at a distance, pretty as they may nppear on close inspection. The new idea is to set the stones in rows so they constitute geometric, or at least con ventfonRl, designs, which exhibit the diamonds to the best advantage, show off from afar as well ns near. The reader need not be told that far more care and careful manipulation is necessary to create a jewel of this description; The stones must be matched in size and color, as the slighest variation is immediately noticeable, whereas id the custered arrangements diamonds of all sorts and shapes may be crowd- ded together With more of less artistic effect. Few designs are more diffi cult to execute than the Greek pat tern, for instance. This style of design is—and will doubtless remain for some firae—one of the most fash ionable. There is also the diamond chain, made of oval links and a great variety of scroll forms and leaves ar ranged in conventional fashion, and Rehaissance arabesques,, in whioh yellow diamonds and pearis are used -t .tanks: THE LEADINGl DISCUSSED BY A WELL POSTED COLORED MAN. The Rev. Jf. W. Carter In the Breioh-He Gives His Race, and Ail Others, Some Good Advice on the No-Fence Question. vied of women and the admired of men. That she should ever use thii power to make herself disagreeable is most amazing. If we had not seen if done, we could hardly* believe it pos4 ble. , A hostess should never reprove! het servants in the presence of her guests, All that worries her must be carefully concealed from them. It is her place to oil the wheels of domestic machine ery, so that nothing will jar. It is quite impossible in America that such a set of trained servants could be ob tained who should make the domestic wheels move without jarring. But the hostess must not appear to notice ii It she is disturbed or flustered or mis erable, who can enjoy anything! This necessity for calmness on the Ex-President Davis on The Tariff. Mr. Davis has written a long and exhaustive article-for Bedford’s Mag azine, on the tariff. It abounds and bristles..with arguments, against tax ing the manyfor the benefit of the few. The question of tariff refrom is growing and it will continue to grow. Still^another in voice of choice dress goods just received. Our Ladies’ Broad cloth in all the leading colors is certainly worthy of your attention. We are 50c. pei^pESr under New York retail prices on them. In Carpets and Rugs we down ev ery in this market, and we invite a comparison of pric es with other and larger markets. In Ladies, Hisses and Children’s Wraps weare head quarters, as we are in everything else pertaining JtoJ our what amount of stock any one * man .shall have. You will be allowed to have just as much stock as you can feed—and that is all any man should wish. They tell you that you won’t be allowed to put your stock in pas tures; that, if you do, you will have to pay extra rent for it; and, if you agree upon a certain amount of rent, it will only refer to the number of stock pat In; bud, If your stock' In creases any, the law gives the increase to tho land bolder. There isn’t a single word of truth or common sense in such doctrine, and those who teach it know it. They have a little timber left on their places, and no care for those who have no timber, nor _ one thought for the future of their coun try. Away with such talk and lets come down to reason. Can we farm cheaper and economize our timber by fencing our stock than by fencing our farms? cheap? How much tira- bjT and time will it'take to fence one square mile of farms? In a square mile there are 21,120 ft; it takes 2 rails to the foot, which is 42,240 rails; at 85 per thousand would cost $215; on each side of this mile there are 1,320 cords of wood, worth in any market $1 per cord; this plus’cost of making rails is 85,493. It will take a 2-horse wagon 640 days to put tho rails at their places around said mile, at 62 per day is $1,280; this plus 85,493 is 86,773, to say nothing more about said mile of fence, which leaves out a great deal, consisting of cost of preparing fence, laying line, putting up rails and completing fence for farming, as every farmer well knows. We have the small sum of six thous and seven hundred and seventy-three dollars worth of time and material gone foreveri the three years use of said fence is absorbed in building and keeping it up, so at the end of three years we have no fence nor money, and worse, no timber to make rails out of. With one-fourth, qf the above expanses we caq put q pasture qn said square mile that will-keep all the stock of those who farpa on said mile, and have 6 hqnffsorap sum left to feed the stock, educate our chil dren and feed cut preachers, I wiU now tell you how the people do in counties where I have been this year, where they have no fence. In the first place they don’t keep any more stock than they can plentifully feed. A great many qf them, when they go to their farm In the morning, they carry their milk cows with them- (They havo a leather bracelet with a ring in it, made to go around tho foot of tho cow—one of thefront feet—and they tie q small ropa in the ring and tie the other end of the rope to a little old fashioned novel, called "Cecil,’’ in which the hero writes to his sister "Learn to be perfectly unmoved at your own table, even if your cook sends up stewed puppy.” And an old poet eulogizes a calm hostess who is—^- •‘Mstrera of herself, though China fall,!’ There is no such utter mistake as ti lose one’s temper, one’s nerve, one’s composure in company. Society may be a false condition of things, but, whatever its faults, it demands oi k woman the very high virtues of . stiff command, gentleness and composure, politeness, coolness and serenity. Good manners are said to be the shadows df virtues/ But they are vir.ues. To be polite is a virtue of the very highest. The Oldest Living Man. The oldest man in the world is probably living in a poor honso at McDonough, Ga. Councilman J. J. Meador has just returned from MoDonougb, and ho stated to a Journal reporter this morning that he visited the McDon ough poor house, and while thert saw Hiram Lestqr, who is thought to be the oldest man In the world. Hiram Lester was born in North Carolina in Decetqher, 1769. This makes him one hundred and twenty years old. Colonel Sloan, of McDonongh, who is over eighty years of age, says when he was a boy, Lester was an old man. Lester’s teeth are perfectly sound, and his eyesight and hearing are good. His skin is wrinkled, and as hard as parchment. He eats add sleeps well, and says he has given up all idea of ever dying. He remembers all about the revo lutionary war, and knew George position that taxes in every form should only be imposed for revenue, striking features of the tariff law of 1883 is that luxuries are found od the free list, and that articles indis pensable to the poorest inhabitant, are taxed, such as woollen clothes, flannels, blankets, cotton goods, and salt absolutely required by man and beast and fowl and birds of the air. Can this be other than class legislation —bounties! to one,’ burdens to the other—sign boards pointing to the condition in which When out shop ping, ladies will do well to drop in at LOHNSTEIN’S and inspect the va rious lilies of new goods, just being opened. They are very handsome and at very attractive prices. We are very busy and havn’t time to say much about them in this issue, but will be sure to please you if you will give us a call. Respectfully, to set off the beauty of purp.'frhTte brilliants. ’ Stan and crescents are no longer in the ascendant, bandeaux and small tiaras taking their places as ornaments for the hair. The best combs and pins are set with plain rows of dia monds. Earrings are ousted entirely by solitaires worn on the lobe of the ear. Jewelled necklets and collars may bo worn with high bodices in the evening, but neokloces are considered rather out of date; rivieres, instead of encircling the throat, are used to decorate the drapery of the bodice. The jeweled epaulet Is* the novelty that carries all before it, as a hand some gem may be placed on one shoulder ouly. I have seen one or two superb ornaments for the bodice, (insisting of two bands of diamond scrolls, meeting at the waist and curv ing outward to the shoulders. “wealth accumu lates and men decay ? The - loss of Roman liberty and Roman virtue has been dated from the time when the people accepted distribution from the public granaries. It matters little that the bounties be indirect: the corrupting tendency is the same, if the source and mode of supply be traceable. Our fore fathers regarded the diffusion of wealth as essential to the preserva tion of republican government, Rnd they therefore abolished primogeni ture; but new means and devices have made it so possible to accumu late colossal fortunes in the life of a single individual that a few men of yesterday are said now to possess the greater part of the wealth of this With legislation favorable A Letter From Cleveland, Louisville, Ky-, Nov. i8.—Last week John H, Page, secretary of the Bandana Club of the twelfth ward of this city, forwarded ex-President Cleve land a letter concerning action taken by the club regarding him, and this morning the following acknowledge ment was received t New York, Nov. to, 1889. lo John Hi Page, Eig., Secretary, etc. My Dear Sir—I am very much flattered by the note which I have just received ffom you conveying the re port of the Bandana Democratic Club oi Louisville, and I accept with thanks the honor conferred by my election as an honorary member of that organ ization. The best compensation for the discharge of public duty is the approval of good people. If I hare gained that, and in addition I hare succeeded in giving the principles of democrat? increased life and activity, I am content, I hope that I shall not appear unappreciative, if I remind you that the work now in hand con sists in atilt further presenting to the people the wisdom and beneficence oi the party’s prtnepies rather than ad vancement of claims by an individual l am glad, however, to see that the jSjinb?. to monopolies and trusts, and with the facilities afforded by railroads and telegraphs for the aggregation of re mote interests, and the spreading far and fhst the golden net wbioh a few billionaires may furnish to invest their tools with governmental powers, does not history warn the people of im pending danger to the liberties which they hold in trust as an inheritance for their posterity 8 If all motive for taxation, other than to furnish revenue, he discarded, the discontent which the tariff legis- latioa lias created would be avoided. By fair distribution the burden of a constitutional tariff should be too light to be oppressive on any, and if hon estly imposed and administered! it would leave to every man, beyond his just contribution to the support of the 132 BROAD ST. Federal Government, thq reward bis toll had won, The existence of a surplus in the Treasury of tho United States proves that the people have been improperly taxed, and is in itself reason why they should order a half, and demand that Federal legislation dunild be made conformable to the letter and spirit of the Constitution . oa it was dub has such warm appreciation of ttw* (rallen? finli? modfl fUttn Kn the gallant fight made in Ohio, by our governor-elect, and of hia services to the cause of democracy. Yours very truly, GROVXR CLEVELAND.