The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 22, 1889, Image 3

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THE DAILY TIMES-ENTERPRISE. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 22, 1882. Passenger for Savannah..........Lv. .. 033 p m Pusonger from Savannah Ar... TOO am Fast mall for Savannah Ar... 12 03 p m •• •• “ “ I//...12 33pm • "from “ ..Ar... 131 pm “ “ from Savannah Lv... 200pro Passenger from Albany Ar... 620pm Passenger for •• Lv...8SO am “ from “ Ar....U20am •• for *• Lv.... 4 60 p m Freight and Acorn, for Albany Lv... 5 46 p m •* “ • from “ Ar... 720am Freight ana aonom. from Wayc..Ar... 460pm *• •• •• for Chatt.Lv... 0 00pm •• '• *• for Wove....Lv... 800am • . from Chatt. Ar... 880am THOMASVILLBAKD MONTICELLO. Freight aeeom. for sfontlceIIo.....Lv...846 a m “ “ from •* ....Ar...8 00pm Knot mail tor “ ....I.v.,.206 p m “ “ from •• ....Ar..l210 p m are daily receiving SIGNAL SEUVIOB BUREAU Dress Goods, Carpets, Clothing. Weather Bulletin for the 24 honrs ending at 7 o’clock P. M., Nov. 21, 1889. TistriBAToaa. 7 a.m : CO 2 p. m 72 7 p. m 63 Maximum for 24 houro.... 72 Minimnm " ' '■ " 67 McBAE BROS. Winter Fair weather, continued nearly stationary tempere- ture. LOWEST PRICES, PUREST DRUGS, FULL ASSORTMENT. All’s quiet in the police circles. Only six days nntil thanksgiving. Yesterday was a summer’s day. The interior of Bass & McKinnon's store is being refitted. Dr. Graher, ot Germany, is regis tered at the Stuart. No. 7 was late again yesterday. ’Twas ever thus, &c. The wind blew considerably just before day yesterday morning. Mr. R. C. Downs, and wife, ol Cali fornia, are guests at the Stuart. Mrs. F Drake, and.children, return, ed yesterday from Bainbridge. Mr. P. H. McGrath, and wife, of Atlanta, were in the city yesterday. We hope to see the aic electrio light blazing on Broad and Jackson streets soon. Messrs. J. .VI. and Bartow Clewis left yesterday for a trip-to Madison, Fla, via Monticelio. The Murray & Murphy company went from here to Jacksonville, Fla., yesterday, via Moniicello. Mrs. John .Martin, of Tallahassee, Fla., who has been visiting in the city, returned home yesterday. Mr. L. W. Huttall, and family, of West Va., are among the recent arri vals at the Whiddon for the winter. Mrs. C. H. Griffin, and children, returned home yesterday from a visit to friends in Brooks county. Will the Georgia Southern or the Augusta & West Florida railroad first occupy the territory north of Thom- asvillc? That is the question. Mr. John T. McKinnon will engage in the fertilizer business. He is a safe, reliable man, and farmers can depend upon him. Water connections are being laid to the Thompson residence in East End. Jt will be the first water pipes laid in that portion of the city. Mr. C. G. Atkinson has been doing some good work about the Piney Woods hotel. He has put .down a very neat plank walk around the building. Already several gunning parties have been made up for Thanksgiving day. .-A lot of powder will be wasted. The birds will not suffer seriously from the invasion of the amateqr shootists, that day. Capt. R. G.Flemmgand other prom* inent officials of the S., F. & W. rail way,who have been making a business tour of the branch roads leading from here, left yesterday In their private car for Savannah. Rev. W,. J. Williams, assisted by Rev. T. A. White, is holding an inter* esiing protracted meeting at the Bap tist church. Go out and hear the sermons; they are able and deeply interesting.* Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Macy, and daughters, Misses Mary and Agnes, arrived yesterday, and will occupy their handsome residence on Remington avenue for the winter. The many southern friends of the family cordially welcome them back to their winter home in the “Sunny South." Currants, Raisins, Citron and candies, JUST RECEIVED, Special drives la Toilet Soaps tbla week- 15 cents to $3,00 per dozens—Bemeraber w are selling by tbe retail a*- wholesale rates. Finest Handkerchief Extracts, per oz....$ .35 Swan Down Face Powder, per box .15 Finest Sachett Powders, per osM........ .35 Hair brashes and all other kinds marked down. Prescription department in charge of n regular Licensed and Bcglatcred Pharmacist who nscs only absolute pure Drugs and Squibb3, Mcrks and such other Chemicals. McRAE BROS. Lovely New Dress Goode, by ex- rees, just received at H. Wolff & Bro.’s. Our Western Connections. We are aware of tho fact, that it is impossible for railroad schedules and sleeping car service to be arranged to suit everybody. We insist, however, that railroad officials should leave nothing undone to supply adequate and satisfactory accommo dations to the traveling public and those who are willing to pay for them. The Plant system has done all it could do to make Thomosville a ter minal point of 6ne or more lines of 'sleepers from the west. To this end an extra train has been put on between this point and Albany to connect with a train over the Central and L. & N. systems via Montgomery. But Thom- asville gets no sleeper this way, nor does it get one via Atlanta. The travel will justify the putting on of sleepers over both these routes, and tbe 8. F. & W. will bring them to Thomasville. Wo appeal, in behalf of Thomasville and in behalf of the traveling public, to Mr. Jos. M. Brown, Mr. W. F. Shellmnn and Mr. C. P. Atmore to put these sleepers on. They would serve not only the large number of visitors who come to Thomasville from the west, but these sleepers would servo the same class of visitors who go to Tallahassee and all middle Flor ida points. Thomasville is tho lead ing winter resort in Georgia, and in attractiveness is the equal of any in the south, and she is entitled, and those who come here are entitled, to every consideration at the hands of the great corporations represented by the gentlemen to whom we appeal. As matters now stand no western sleeper comes nearer than Albany, passing thence into Florida. The travel to Thomasville demands these accommodations. We know some prominent visitors from the west— and the far west, too—who, this sea son, will go to New York and come from there to Thomosville, rather than undertake to come by much shorter and a more natural route. All this on account of the lack of proper facilities for reaching Thomasville from that quarter. Fell in a Ditch. Charley Cooper, who works at the Kentucky stables, and^who Is a son ot Cooper, the barber, had his wrist pain fully sprained Wednesday morning, by being thrown into a ditch by tbe shying of a horse, attached to the vehicle in which he was riding. The horse also fell in the ditch, but was uninjured. A citizen complained to the writer a day or two since, that some boys are making war on the mocking birds. There should be some law to protect these southern songsters Boys, let the mocking birds alone. It is very naughty to be killing them. That is a very handsome front being finished up for Evans & McLean’s carriage, buggy and wagon repository, on Jackson street Messrs Evans & McLean will put the most extensive stock of buggies, wagons, &c., in their new repository ever seen in south Georgia. They will occupy the new building very shortly. Happy Marriage Bells. Wo find the following in the Chat tanooga Times: Thursday’s Times contained only a brief notice of tbe marriage of Mr. George England and Miss Roberta Harrison Bracewell, which took nlace Wednesday evening, Nov. 6th, at the home ot Mr Edward A. Abbott, No. 2, Lindsay street. Miss Bracewell has been the guest of Mrs. Silva and Mrs Abbott since early summer, and has charmed her old fuends and a circle of new ones, with her many accomplishments, not the least araon^ them being a rare voice of fine culti vation. Mr. England, of Galveston, Tex., holdp the responsible position of Audi tor of the Gulf, Colorado & Santa Fe railroad. The bride was dressed in silken mull over white satin, her going-awav dress being terra cotta serge, with leather trimmings. The artistic house was beautifully decorated, mantels, tables and piano being banked with chrysanthemums. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Dumbell, and after an elegant collation, Mr. and Mrs. Eng land left tor their future .home, Gal veston, Tex., whither the best wishes of their many friends follow them. Miss Berta’s Thomasville friends will read with pleasure of her new found happiness. Our IrlohlVlsItoro. . This inimitable mirth provoking play was rendered by the Murray and Murphy troupe, on Wednesday night, to a lair audience. To say that the audience was pleased, is putting it mildly. Mr. Murray, as Col. Gilhoo- ley, and Murphy, as Jerry McGuiness, were simply immense. Humor oozes from every pore of their bodies. And it is of that natural kind, which catches and captivates. Miss Ada Melrose, as Dorothy, was cute and charming to the last degree. The cornet solo, by Miss Addie Boose demonstrated, beyond cavil, that a woman can blow, as well as gossip. Her performance elicited hearty applause. The dude was fairly good, especially in his laughing role. The singing of Miss Lotta Thornton was very fine. She has a flexible, cultivated voice, and The or- The latest in Persian Bilks, for Dress Trimming, just received, by Express, at H. Wolff & Bko.'s. New Carpets—200 rolls in stock— and arriviug daily. Tbe handsomest stock in southern Ga. at H. Wolff & Bro.’s.. Our Clothing stock is attractive,and the cheapest in town. H. Wolff & Bro. New Ginghams, Prints and other Dress Goods just received by H. Wolff & Bro. Ladies and Children’s Clonks and Jackets. The largest stock in tbe city, consequently the lowest prices. - H. Wolfe & Bro. Ladies Underwear in endless varie- H. Wolff & Bro. Nobbiest Neckwear in town. H. Wolff & Bro. Prices before buy ing at LOWER BROAD HAT NOTES. Hardly anything receives less thanks and more abuse than a hat It Is never thanked for tho protection it renders against wind, cold and heat. It is thrown down, Jerked up, and violently handled here, there and everywhere. Its crown crashed, its rim torn in constant and patient servitude. The hat, like sails to a ship or like wings to a bird, permits women to perform her duties and achieve her objects. Let the ship thank its sails, the bird its wings and Cost Prices, and we will —a woman her hat. The best bats—the most stylish and rich ly trimmed—are always to bo had at Lower Broad. Honest, upright dealing is my motto. The mos- work and best goods for tbe least price my rule. My object Is to satisfy the custo mer. I therefore cordially invite inqnirics regarding goods, styles and prices. Am al ways happy to give full information. To tho ladles of Boston, Ochlockonee, Cai ro, Metcalfe and the country: When you visit Thomasville make my store yonr head quarters. Yon can rest and refresh your selves here, if you like. - No charge, and no obligation incurred. Tbe trade of all earnestly sollcited- Mrs. Jennie Carroll, Lower Broad Milliner. Money saved on Every &urchase f no mat ter how large or Small. 75 cents doz. lor sweet corn in a lb cans at Pickett’s, uses it with artistic effect, chestra discoursed some choice music during the evening. It was a good p lay. Every family in Thomasville should take the Daily Times-Enterprise. Support your home paper; It is try ing hard to build up every interest ol Thomasville. Cordele has a cotton factory and Albany will have one soon. Why should not Thomasville have one? There is ample capital here to start such an enterprise. BRICK MASONS WANTED. 5 good brick masons wanted at once. Apply to Y. P. Horrocks. nov21-3t. Thomasville, Ga. It is to the credit of Thomosville that she failed to make up money enough to induce the femalt baso ballists to play here. These female baso ballists ought to be rocking the cradle, or attending to some other domestic duty. Dr. D. C. Montgomery, of Ouide, Fla., who has been spending several days in the city visiting his brother, Mr. John Montgomery, left for home HOUSE FOR RBNT. A seven-roo n, well furnished house, on corner of Crawford and Fletcher streets, for Rent. Apply on premises, or to Dr. T. S. Hopkins. BRING YOUR BILLS. Parties having bill* owainst tho late bar becue and lair, are requested to being them in at once for settlement. A1I bills not pre sented within the week, will he bemd. B.A. Bam, Chairman. leaders of Styles and Low Prices.. ' •* - . ' •' • u . 109 & 111 BROAD ST St. Thomasville, i *3 A New Line for Thomasville ! Jf Sf In Which Every One is Interested. \ $ r. We mean our elegant NEW STOCK of J. S. ? * 8 Turner’s, Jas. A. Banister’s and Stacy Adams & a Co.’s Shoes for Men, and Bennett Sc Barnard’s and m Q • • * E. P. Reed <Sc~ Co.’s Ladies Fine Shoes, of which we f g are 9 fl SOLsB AGHEDSTTlS. K w 1 gf CURTRIGHT & DANIEL, t 3 108 I1ROAT) STREET.