The Daily times-enterprise. (Thomasville, Ga.) 1889-1925, November 24, 1889, Image 1

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THOMASVtLLE % GEORGIA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 24 VOL. 1 -NO 166. LET US BE THANKFUL. Sam Jones Gems. Here are a few gems from sermons recently delivered by Rev. Sam Jones in Mississippi: Christianity is the science of life. With a consecrated good old mother, it Is impossible for our chil dren to be dragged into hell. God pity the child that has a giddy, god less society mother. To be saved means to be put in harmony with God, and to be put in harmony with God TflinktjiYteT day w!U toon bo here, How Uumfcrcl we ehonld be. Wo re nU been spared tnot’ier rear, How thar".'el wo at on'd te. Bnt the re are other Weeing yet. Whore absence mis us with regret, •Which If we coo’d In some way get, How'haokfOl we should be. If women who attend the play. How U’anl-tul we should be, Would put tholr E'Cel ha’ away, How tbakful we should' be. If fate would condescend to choke The Joker w ith bis ancient Joke, And the o.ooker wi n his chronic croak, Bow thnoVu! we shor’d be. " - tout,cos were r’.I ettajhed to bre’ns, Bow vbsn’: i! “Iid^'S were haired t>m ra"way tra's* How thank'".’ 1 we sboui'" be, were tabooed, Bo brave, my soul t Though foes around thoo fighting fast Would drive thee frem the field at last, Be bravo!—tho straggle soon Is past, And then-the promised goal 1 “• My strong! Tbongh great temptations hover near, And hard may seem the crass to bear, There Is a Jewel In each tear, IneTersigb'asongll My soul, be irael Though on tbe shrine of Troth the blsze Sheds In the dark Its dying raysl Keep thou thy TlgUs i In the ways Tbe angel walks with you I My soul, stand fist! A little with halting feet To tread the thorn-paths, scorched with host Whe.e i-mpicu hearts most Meed and beat I AH.tie wb*lc—and then tbe sweet Best of thy Lord at last! -F. L. BTAsrojr. means the dis charge of every Christian duty. ■ Salvation is something that makes a man look at a thing and ask if it is right; and if it is wrong,'he will rather die >han do it. I’d go to the chain gang and stay there beiore I’d ever write roy name, ••Sam P. Jones, agent,” for my wife. God never bestowed a greater blessing on any community than in .1 faCaradfolb’ If gum were not by !ef Us chewed, i dcu.U wor d i.inC'y sieal .he dat'e, How iannkfcl we sbo.*’«. be. But let .is be <o rate rerlgued, Hpwtl'. nkfulwes’io* <‘. be. For proridence Is good and kind, How faintin' we should be. Tiie'.e many things which wo regret, And wish were olhei wlse, and ye If we a nice fat iurkey get, How Ilia'. Id wo shoo'd be. The Purchase of the Slaves. From “Lincoln’s Life,” now ap proaching conclusion in tbe Century, we find the flowing piece of secret history: On the evening of February 5th, giving it. a good game preacher who does not fear man or devil. A consecrated Christian has the tight of way. - He is never molested. Brother Biack there don’t want any more members in his church, lor hall of those he has got ain’t worth killing. I tell you a cross is something to die on. Being baptised amounts to nothing unless it means something. If any one don’t believe what I say, and will tell me so to roy face, I will give him a hat and some dentist a job of replacing his teeth from the wisdom tooth down. I, the biggist fish that swims. The penitent sinner is the man who falls down, jumps up, rubs his shins and goes to running. others,jmd jieing 1865, President Lincoln called his cabinet together and read to them the following draft of a message and proclamation, which he hod wtil.en Wanted to Knew of Angels. From the New Yolk Tilbuic. “Auntie, did the angels carry Mrs. Jones np to heaven T* . ; - ■ “Why, Charlie, T think so. Mrs. Jones was a good woman.” i “She was an awfully fat woman. The angels must 5s strong. : Passengers on the train from Wood lawn turnedato look at the six-year* old boy who was bent on getting in formation. He was a manly little fellow, with a bright, pretty face that showed intelligence beyond his years. His-young aunt seemed to be anxious to stop the flow of questions, but he was bound to know something more about angels then and there. “How do you koow there, are angels, Auntie Y’ “Because we read about them. Wait until you can rend and then you will know more about them.” “But why—why don’t we see the angels? Did you ever see an angel ?” daring the day, and upon which he Invited their opinion and advice: “Fellow citizens of the Senate and House of Representatives: I respect fully recommend that a joint reso lution, substantially os follows, be adopted, as soon as practicable, by your honorable bodies: Resolved, by tbe Senate and House of Representa tives of tbe Uni ted States of America in Congress assembled. That the. President of the United States is hereby empowered in his discretion, to pay four hundred millions of dollars to tbe stat33 of Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Florida. Georgia, We have just re ceived 12 pieces of Dress Goods in all the leading colors. These goods are 36 inches wide,and we offer them at the extremely low price of 26 cts. per pard. At this low price we expect to close them all out this week. 10 new rolls of Carpets, entirely new patterns, just received. Levy When out shop ping, ladies will do well to drop in at LOHNSTEIN’S and inspect the va rious lines of new goods, just being opened. They are very handsome and ait very attractive prices. We are very busy and havn’t time to say much about them in this issue, but will be sure to please you if you will give us a call. Respectfully, unselfish is the best evidence ' of a Christian. The reflex influence of a kind act has more of the power of religion in it than any revival meeting you ever attended. Do not frown upon and condemn the erring, have patience with each others’ faults. We must help each other and work together as brothers. I don’t care whether • people like my illustrations or not, so they come to hear me. The important point is to get them to take the medicine. If 1 was a “Hush I Don’t talk so loud, Char lie. Ofcourso we don’t see them, but we see their pictures. Don’t you re member the angels in that pretty book that Uncle John sent you I” “Yes, but—but where do the angels get their pictures taken, Acntie? Is thero a gallery where they take pictures of angels—only just of .an gels?” “Perhaps so. I don’t know.” “Then why don’t the angels put on more olothes when they have their pictures taken Y' “Oh, Charlie I Please la quiet. You will make auntie’s head aohe f ’ Charlie meditated in silence a few minutes, and remarked: “I don’t know why Mr. Brown said you were his ” “Williamsbridge!” shouted the brakeman, and as the train came lo a standstill, the small hoy got a shaking and a whispered warning that stopped all further talk about angels. The Tar Heel Centennial. Fayetteville/N. C., Nov. at.— Fayetteville, the metropolis of the Cape Fear district of North Carolina, was flooded to its utmost capacity to- day./- This 'was the great day ol the centennial of the ratification of the constitution of the United States by North Carolina. It is estimated that 30,000 people were present. Senator Ransom delivered an address on North Carolina’s position in ratifying the con stitution. The town is alive with military and visitors. The'cadets of the Davis school at La Grange arrived here, to day 180 strong, and other military organizations and bands are also pres ent. A display ot fireworks took place to-night at the fair grounds. A letter from Hon. Jefferson Davis, expressing his inability to be present, and commenting upon North Caroli na's position in ratifying the constitu tion, was read to-day. Senator Vance arrived and will de liver an address to-morrow. The United States marine band gave a concert this evening at the re viewing stand, which was attended by physician, and a fellow came to me with a coated tongue and a billious appearance I would prescribe calomel, and he might say he had no more confidence in it than chalk, but if I could get about ten grains oi it down him, day would break early for him next morning. We want that religion that will make us stick to a brother till the world burns down. What we need is every Christian to work. If you see a drunken man, do not spurn him but take him up, carry him home and just take care of him and try and reform him. The Lord can catch these infidels; the only trouble is He hardly has a hook small enough for them to swal- low. The consciousness of doing good to others is the happiest and most con soling feeling a man can have. I can put a hundred of these little infidels in my vest pocket, and never know they are there except I felt for my toothpick. Selfishness is the bane of life. The Great Leader and Benefactor, 132 BROAD ST. A Dark Day In Chicago. Chicago, November 21.—It was as dork in Chicago at 10 o’clock to-day as it usually is at 10 o’clock at night A heavy fog settled over the city. At noon it is considerably lighter and a drizzling rain is falling. There were time inches in depth of snow on Lookout mountain at Chattanooga, on Tuesday., _1~. « Y | sition to Justice Mark Blanfordr a tremendous crowd.